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2021-01-07 22:30:30 +00:00
# Copyright 2021 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import logging
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
2017-05-26 20:08:45 +00:00
import pmb.config
import pmb.helpers.devices
import pmb.parse.version
2017-05-26 20:08:45 +00:00
# sh variable name regex:
# ${foo}
revar = re.compile(r"\${([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)}")
# $foo
revar2 = re.compile(r"\$([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)")
# ${var/foo/bar}, ${var/foo/}, ${var/foo} -- replace foo with bar
revar3 = re.compile(r"\${([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/([^/]+)(?:/([^/]*?))?}")
# ${foo#bar} -- cut off bar from foo from start of string
revar4 = re.compile(r"\${([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)#(.*)}")
def replace_variable(apkbuild, value: str) -> str:
def log_key_not_found(match):
logging.verbose(f"{apkbuild['pkgname']}: key '{}' for"
f" replacing '{}' not found, ignoring")
# ${foo}
for match in revar.finditer(value):
logging.verbose("{}: replace '{}' with '{}'".format(
value = value.replace(, apkbuild[], 1)
except KeyError:
# $foo
for match in revar2.finditer(value):
newvalue = apkbuild[]
logging.verbose("{}: replace '{}' with '{}'".format(
value = value.replace(, newvalue, 1)
except KeyError:
# ${var/foo/bar}, ${var/foo/}, ${var/foo}
for match in revar3.finditer(value):
newvalue = apkbuild[]
search =
replacement =
if replacement is None: # arg 3 is optional
replacement = ""
newvalue = newvalue.replace(search, replacement, 1)
logging.verbose("{}: replace '{}' with '{}'".format(
apkbuild["pkgname"],, newvalue))
value = value.replace(, newvalue, 1)
except KeyError:
# ${foo#bar}
rematch4 = revar4.finditer(value)
for match in rematch4:
newvalue = apkbuild[]
substr =
if newvalue.startswith(substr):
newvalue = newvalue.replace(substr, "", 1)
logging.verbose("{}: replace '{}' with '{}'".format(
apkbuild["pkgname"],, newvalue))
value = value.replace(, newvalue, 1)
except KeyError:
return value
2017-05-26 20:08:45 +00:00
def function_body(path, func):
Get the body of a function in an APKBUILD.
:param path: full path to the APKBUILD
:param func: name of function to get the body of.
:returns: function body in an array of strings.
func_body = []
in_func = False
lines = read_file(path)
for line in lines:
if in_func:
if line.startswith("}"):
in_func = False
if line.startswith(func + "() {"):
in_func = True
return func_body
def read_file(path):
Read an APKBUILD file
:param path: full path to the APKBUILD
:returns: contents of an APKBUILD as a list of strings
with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as handle:
lines = handle.readlines()
if handle.newlines != '\n':
raise RuntimeError(f"Wrong line endings in APKBUILD: {path}")
return lines
def parse_attribute(attribute, lines, i, path):
Parse one attribute from the APKBUILD.
It may be written across multiple lines, use a quoting sign and/or have
a comment at the end. Some examples:
options="!check" # ignore this comment
arch='all !armhf'
:param attribute: from the APKBUILD, i.e. "pkgname"
:param lines: \n-terminated list of lines from the APKBUILD
:param i: index of the line we are currently looking at
:param path: full path to the APKBUILD (for error message)
:returns: (found, value, i)
found: True if the attribute was found in line i, False otherwise
value: that was parsed from the line
i: line that was parsed last
# Check for and cut off "attribute="
if not lines[i].startswith(attribute + "="):
return (False, None, i)
value = lines[i][len(attribute + "="):-1]
# Determine end quote sign
end_char = None
for char in ["'", "\""]:
if value.startswith(char):
end_char = char
value = value[1:]
# Single line
if not end_char:
return (True, value, i)
if end_char in value:
value = value.split(end_char, 1)[0]
return (True, value, i)
# Parse lines until reaching end quote
i += 1
while i < len(lines):
line = lines[i]
value += " "
if end_char in line:
value += line.split(end_char, 1)[0].strip()
return (True, value.strip(), i)
value += line.strip()
i += 1
raise RuntimeError(f"Can't find closing quote sign ({end_char}) for"
f" attribute '{attribute}' in: {path}")
def _parse_attributes(path, lines, apkbuild_attributes, ret):
Parse attributes from a list of lines. Variables are replaced with values
from ret (if found) and split into the format configured in
:param lines: the lines to parse
:param apkbuild_attributes: the attributes to parse
:param ret: a dict to update with new parsed variable
for i in range(len(lines)):
for attribute, options in apkbuild_attributes.items():
found, value, i = parse_attribute(attribute, lines, i, path)
if not found:
ret[attribute] = replace_variable(ret, value)
if "subpackages" in apkbuild_attributes:
subpackages = OrderedDict()
for subpkg in ret["subpackages"].split(" "):
if subpkg:
_parse_subpackage(path, lines, ret, subpackages, subpkg)
ret["subpackages"] = subpackages
# Split attributes
for attribute, options in apkbuild_attributes.items():
if options.get("array", False):
# Split up arrays, delete empty strings inside the list
ret[attribute] = list(filter(None, ret[attribute].split(" ")))
if options.get("int", False):
if ret[attribute]:
ret[attribute] = int(ret[attribute])
ret[attribute] = 0
def _parse_subpackage(path, lines, apkbuild, subpackages, subpkg):
Attempt to parse attributes from a subpackage function.
This will attempt to locate the subpackage function in the APKBUILD and
update the given attributes with values set in the subpackage function.
:param path: path to APKBUILD
:param lines: the lines to parse
:param apkbuild: dict of attributes already parsed from APKBUILD
:param subpackages: the subpackages dict to update
:param subpkg: the subpackage to parse
(may contain subpackage function name separated by :)
subpkgparts = subpkg.split(":")
subpkgname = subpkgparts[0]
subpkgsplit = subpkgname[subpkgname.rfind("-") + 1:]
if len(subpkgparts) > 1:
subpkgsplit = subpkgparts[1]
# Find start and end of package function
start = end = 0
prefix = subpkgsplit + "() {"
for i in range(len(lines)):
if lines[i].startswith(prefix):
start = i + 1
elif start and lines[i].startswith("}"):
end = i
if not start:
# Unable to find subpackage function in the APKBUILD.
# The subpackage function could be actually missing, or this is a
# problem in the parser. For now we also don't handle subpackages with
# default functions (e.g. -dev or -doc).
# In the future we may want to specifically handle these, and throw
# an exception here for all other missing subpackage functions.
subpackages[subpkgname] = None
f"{apkbuild['pkgname']}: subpackage function '{subpkgsplit}' for "
f"subpackage '{subpkgname}' not found, ignoring")
if not end:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Could not find end of subpackage function, no line starts with "
f"'}}' after '{prefix}' in {path}")
lines = lines[start:end]
# Strip tabs before lines in function
lines = [line.strip() + "\n" for line in lines]
# Copy variables
apkbuild = apkbuild.copy()
apkbuild["subpkgname"] = subpkgname
# Parse relevant attributes for the subpackage
path, lines, pmb.config.apkbuild_package_attributes, apkbuild)
# Return only properties interesting for subpackages
ret = {}
for key in pmb.config.apkbuild_package_attributes:
ret[key] = apkbuild[key]
subpackages[subpkgname] = ret
aportgen: Gracefully handle old aports_upstream (#1291) In order to get cross-compilers, we generate a few aports (e.g. binutils-armhf, gcc-armhf) automatically from Alpine's aports. pmbootstrap was already able to perform a git checkout of Alpine's aports repository. But it needed to be manually updated. Otherwise the `pmbootstrap aportgen` command could actually downgrade the aport instead of updating it to the current version. After thinking about adding a dedicated pmbootstrap command for updating git repositories, I thought it would be better to not open that can of worms (pmbootstrap as general git wrapper? no thanks). The solution implemented here compares the upstream aport version of the git checkout of a certain package (e.g. gcc for gcc-armhf) with the version in Alpine's binary package APKINDEX. When the aport version is lower than the binary package version, it shows the user how to update the git repository with just one command: pmbootstrap chroot --add=git --user -- \ git -C /mnt/pmbootstrap-git/aports_upstream pull Changes: * `pmb.aportgen.core.get_upstream_aport()`: new function, that returns the absolute path to the upstream aport on disk, after checking the version of the aport against the binary package. * Use that new function in pmb.aportgen.gcc and pmb.aportgen.binutils * New function `pmb.helpers.repo.alpine_apkindex_path()`: updates the APKINDEX if necessary and returns the absolute path to the APKINDEX. This code was basically present already, but not as function, so now we have a bit less overhead there. * `pmbootstrap chroot`: new `--user` argument * `pmb.parse.apkbuild`: make pkgname check optional, as it fails with the official gcc APKBUILD before we modify it (the current APKBUILD parser is not meant to be perfect, as this would require a full shell parsing implementation). * Extended `` and enabled it by default in ``. Previously it was disabled due to traffic concerns (cloning the aports repo, but then again we do a full KDE plasma mobile installation in Travis now, so that shouldn't matter too much). * ``: With "test_aport_in_sync_with_git" removed from the disabled-by-default list (left over from timestamp based rebuilds), there were no more test cases disabled by default. I've changed it, so now the qemu_running_processes test case is disabled, and added an `--all` parameter to the script to disable no test cases. Travis runs with the `--all` parameter while it's useful to do a quick local test without `--all` in roughly 2 minutes instead of 10. * `aports/cross/binutils-*`: Fix `_mirror` variable to point to current default Alpine mirror (so the aportgen testcase runs through).
2018-03-11 14:18:21 +00:00
def apkbuild(args, path, check_pkgver=True, check_pkgname=True):
2017-05-26 20:08:45 +00:00
Parse relevant information out of the APKBUILD file. This is not meant
to be perfect and catch every edge case (for that, a full shell parser
would be necessary!). Instead, it should just work with the use-cases
covered by pmbootstrap and not take too long.
2018-11-15 07:36:39 +00:00
Run 'pmbootstrap apkbuild_parse hello-world' for a full output example.
2017-05-26 20:08:45 +00:00
:param path: full path to the APKBUILD
aportgen: Gracefully handle old aports_upstream (#1291) In order to get cross-compilers, we generate a few aports (e.g. binutils-armhf, gcc-armhf) automatically from Alpine's aports. pmbootstrap was already able to perform a git checkout of Alpine's aports repository. But it needed to be manually updated. Otherwise the `pmbootstrap aportgen` command could actually downgrade the aport instead of updating it to the current version. After thinking about adding a dedicated pmbootstrap command for updating git repositories, I thought it would be better to not open that can of worms (pmbootstrap as general git wrapper? no thanks). The solution implemented here compares the upstream aport version of the git checkout of a certain package (e.g. gcc for gcc-armhf) with the version in Alpine's binary package APKINDEX. When the aport version is lower than the binary package version, it shows the user how to update the git repository with just one command: pmbootstrap chroot --add=git --user -- \ git -C /mnt/pmbootstrap-git/aports_upstream pull Changes: * `pmb.aportgen.core.get_upstream_aport()`: new function, that returns the absolute path to the upstream aport on disk, after checking the version of the aport against the binary package. * Use that new function in pmb.aportgen.gcc and pmb.aportgen.binutils * New function `pmb.helpers.repo.alpine_apkindex_path()`: updates the APKINDEX if necessary and returns the absolute path to the APKINDEX. This code was basically present already, but not as function, so now we have a bit less overhead there. * `pmbootstrap chroot`: new `--user` argument * `pmb.parse.apkbuild`: make pkgname check optional, as it fails with the official gcc APKBUILD before we modify it (the current APKBUILD parser is not meant to be perfect, as this would require a full shell parsing implementation). * Extended `` and enabled it by default in ``. Previously it was disabled due to traffic concerns (cloning the aports repo, but then again we do a full KDE plasma mobile installation in Travis now, so that shouldn't matter too much). * ``: With "test_aport_in_sync_with_git" removed from the disabled-by-default list (left over from timestamp based rebuilds), there were no more test cases disabled by default. I've changed it, so now the qemu_running_processes test case is disabled, and added an `--all` parameter to the script to disable no test cases. Travis runs with the `--all` parameter while it's useful to do a quick local test without `--all` in roughly 2 minutes instead of 10. * `aports/cross/binutils-*`: Fix `_mirror` variable to point to current default Alpine mirror (so the aportgen testcase runs through).
2018-03-11 14:18:21 +00:00
:param check_pkgver: verify that the pkgver is valid.
:param check_pkgname: the pkgname must match the name of the aport folder
:returns: relevant variables from the APKBUILD. Arrays get returned as
2017-05-26 20:08:45 +00:00
# Try to get a cached result first (we assume that the aports don't change
Properly rebuild/install packages when something changed (Fix #120, #108, #131) (#129) TLDR: Always rebuild/install packages when something changed when executing "pmbootstrap install/initfs/flash", more speed in dependency resolution. --- pmbootstrap has already gotten some support for "timestamp based rebuilds", which modifies the logic for when packages should be rebuilt. It doesn't only consider packages outdated with old pkgver/pkgrel combinations, but also packages, where a source file has a newer timestamp, than the built package has. I've found out, that this can lead to more rebuilds than expected. For example, when you check out the pmbootstrap git repository again into another folder, although you have already built packages. Then all files have the timestamp of the checkout, and the packages will appear to be outdated. While this is not largely a concern now, this will become a problem once we have a binary package repository, because then the packages from the binary repo will always seem to be outdated, if you just freshly checked out the repository. To combat this, git gets asked if the files from the aport we're looking at are in sync with upstream, or not. Only when the files are not in sync with upstream and the timestamps of the sources are newer, a rebuild gets triggered from now on. In case this logic should fail, I've added an option during "pmbootstrap init" where you can enable or disable the "timestamp based rebuilds" option. In addition to that, this commit also works on fixing #120: packages do not get updated in "pmbootstrap install" after they have been rebuilt. For this to work, we specify all packages explicitly for abuild, instead of letting abuild do the resolving. This feature will also work with the "timestamp based rebuilds". This commit also fixes the working_dir argument in, which was simply ignored before. Finally, the performance of the dependency resolution is faster again (when compared to the current version in master), because the parsed apkbuilds and finding the aport by pkgname gets cached during one pmbootstrap call (in args.cache, which also makes it easy to put fake data there in testcases). The new dependency resolution code can output lots of verbose messages for debugging by specifying the `-v` parameter. The meaning of that changed, it used to output the file names where log messages come from, but no one seemed to use that anyway.
2017-07-10 15:23:43 +00:00
# in one pmbootstrap call)
if path in args.cache["apkbuild"]:
return args.cache["apkbuild"][path]
# Read the file and check line endings
lines = read_file(path)
2017-05-26 20:08:45 +00:00
# Parse all attributes from the config
ret = {key: "" for key in pmb.config.apkbuild_attributes.keys()}
_parse_attributes(path, lines, pmb.config.apkbuild_attributes, ret)
# Sanity check: pkgname
suffix = f"/{ret['pkgname']}/APKBUILD"
aportgen: Gracefully handle old aports_upstream (#1291) In order to get cross-compilers, we generate a few aports (e.g. binutils-armhf, gcc-armhf) automatically from Alpine's aports. pmbootstrap was already able to perform a git checkout of Alpine's aports repository. But it needed to be manually updated. Otherwise the `pmbootstrap aportgen` command could actually downgrade the aport instead of updating it to the current version. After thinking about adding a dedicated pmbootstrap command for updating git repositories, I thought it would be better to not open that can of worms (pmbootstrap as general git wrapper? no thanks). The solution implemented here compares the upstream aport version of the git checkout of a certain package (e.g. gcc for gcc-armhf) with the version in Alpine's binary package APKINDEX. When the aport version is lower than the binary package version, it shows the user how to update the git repository with just one command: pmbootstrap chroot --add=git --user -- \ git -C /mnt/pmbootstrap-git/aports_upstream pull Changes: * `pmb.aportgen.core.get_upstream_aport()`: new function, that returns the absolute path to the upstream aport on disk, after checking the version of the aport against the binary package. * Use that new function in pmb.aportgen.gcc and pmb.aportgen.binutils * New function `pmb.helpers.repo.alpine_apkindex_path()`: updates the APKINDEX if necessary and returns the absolute path to the APKINDEX. This code was basically present already, but not as function, so now we have a bit less overhead there. * `pmbootstrap chroot`: new `--user` argument * `pmb.parse.apkbuild`: make pkgname check optional, as it fails with the official gcc APKBUILD before we modify it (the current APKBUILD parser is not meant to be perfect, as this would require a full shell parsing implementation). * Extended `` and enabled it by default in ``. Previously it was disabled due to traffic concerns (cloning the aports repo, but then again we do a full KDE plasma mobile installation in Travis now, so that shouldn't matter too much). * ``: With "test_aport_in_sync_with_git" removed from the disabled-by-default list (left over from timestamp based rebuilds), there were no more test cases disabled by default. I've changed it, so now the qemu_running_processes test case is disabled, and added an `--all` parameter to the script to disable no test cases. Travis runs with the `--all` parameter while it's useful to do a quick local test without `--all` in roughly 2 minutes instead of 10. * `aports/cross/binutils-*`: Fix `_mirror` variable to point to current default Alpine mirror (so the aportgen testcase runs through).
2018-03-11 14:18:21 +00:00
if check_pkgname:
if not os.path.realpath(path).endswith(suffix):"Folder: '{os.path.dirname(path)}'")"Pkgname: '{ret['pkgname']}'")
aportgen: Gracefully handle old aports_upstream (#1291) In order to get cross-compilers, we generate a few aports (e.g. binutils-armhf, gcc-armhf) automatically from Alpine's aports. pmbootstrap was already able to perform a git checkout of Alpine's aports repository. But it needed to be manually updated. Otherwise the `pmbootstrap aportgen` command could actually downgrade the aport instead of updating it to the current version. After thinking about adding a dedicated pmbootstrap command for updating git repositories, I thought it would be better to not open that can of worms (pmbootstrap as general git wrapper? no thanks). The solution implemented here compares the upstream aport version of the git checkout of a certain package (e.g. gcc for gcc-armhf) with the version in Alpine's binary package APKINDEX. When the aport version is lower than the binary package version, it shows the user how to update the git repository with just one command: pmbootstrap chroot --add=git --user -- \ git -C /mnt/pmbootstrap-git/aports_upstream pull Changes: * `pmb.aportgen.core.get_upstream_aport()`: new function, that returns the absolute path to the upstream aport on disk, after checking the version of the aport against the binary package. * Use that new function in pmb.aportgen.gcc and pmb.aportgen.binutils * New function `pmb.helpers.repo.alpine_apkindex_path()`: updates the APKINDEX if necessary and returns the absolute path to the APKINDEX. This code was basically present already, but not as function, so now we have a bit less overhead there. * `pmbootstrap chroot`: new `--user` argument * `pmb.parse.apkbuild`: make pkgname check optional, as it fails with the official gcc APKBUILD before we modify it (the current APKBUILD parser is not meant to be perfect, as this would require a full shell parsing implementation). * Extended `` and enabled it by default in ``. Previously it was disabled due to traffic concerns (cloning the aports repo, but then again we do a full KDE plasma mobile installation in Travis now, so that shouldn't matter too much). * ``: With "test_aport_in_sync_with_git" removed from the disabled-by-default list (left over from timestamp based rebuilds), there were no more test cases disabled by default. I've changed it, so now the qemu_running_processes test case is disabled, and added an `--all` parameter to the script to disable no test cases. Travis runs with the `--all` parameter while it's useful to do a quick local test without `--all` in roughly 2 minutes instead of 10. * `aports/cross/binutils-*`: Fix `_mirror` variable to point to current default Alpine mirror (so the aportgen testcase runs through).
2018-03-11 14:18:21 +00:00
raise RuntimeError("The pkgname must be equal to the name of"
" the folder that contains the APKBUILD!")
# Sanity check: pkgver
if check_pkgver:
if ("-r" in ret["pkgver"] or not
"NOTE: Valid pkgvers are described here: "
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid pkgver '{ret['pkgver']}' in"
f" APKBUILD: {path}")
# Fill cache
Properly rebuild/install packages when something changed (Fix #120, #108, #131) (#129) TLDR: Always rebuild/install packages when something changed when executing "pmbootstrap install/initfs/flash", more speed in dependency resolution. --- pmbootstrap has already gotten some support for "timestamp based rebuilds", which modifies the logic for when packages should be rebuilt. It doesn't only consider packages outdated with old pkgver/pkgrel combinations, but also packages, where a source file has a newer timestamp, than the built package has. I've found out, that this can lead to more rebuilds than expected. For example, when you check out the pmbootstrap git repository again into another folder, although you have already built packages. Then all files have the timestamp of the checkout, and the packages will appear to be outdated. While this is not largely a concern now, this will become a problem once we have a binary package repository, because then the packages from the binary repo will always seem to be outdated, if you just freshly checked out the repository. To combat this, git gets asked if the files from the aport we're looking at are in sync with upstream, or not. Only when the files are not in sync with upstream and the timestamps of the sources are newer, a rebuild gets triggered from now on. In case this logic should fail, I've added an option during "pmbootstrap init" where you can enable or disable the "timestamp based rebuilds" option. In addition to that, this commit also works on fixing #120: packages do not get updated in "pmbootstrap install" after they have been rebuilt. For this to work, we specify all packages explicitly for abuild, instead of letting abuild do the resolving. This feature will also work with the "timestamp based rebuilds". This commit also fixes the working_dir argument in, which was simply ignored before. Finally, the performance of the dependency resolution is faster again (when compared to the current version in master), because the parsed apkbuilds and finding the aport by pkgname gets cached during one pmbootstrap call (in args.cache, which also makes it easy to put fake data there in testcases). The new dependency resolution code can output lots of verbose messages for debugging by specifying the `-v` parameter. The meaning of that changed, it used to output the file names where log messages come from, but no one seemed to use that anyway.
2017-07-10 15:23:43 +00:00
args.cache["apkbuild"][path] = ret
2017-05-26 20:08:45 +00:00
return ret
Make proprietary drivers optional (1/2): pmbootstrap changes (#1254) Here are the changes necessary in pmbootstrap to make proprietary software installed onto the device (firmware and userspace drivers) optional (#756). To full close the issue, we need to apply this concept to all device packages we already have in a follow-up PR. Changes: * New config file options nonfree_firmware and nonfree_userland, which we ask for during "pmbootstrap init" if there are non-free components for the selected device. * We find that out by checking the APKBUILD's subpakages: The non-free packages are called $pkgname-nonfree-firmware and $pkgname-nonfree-userland. * During "pmbootstrap init" we also show the pkgdesc of these subpackages. Parsing that is implemented in pmb.parse._apkbuild.subpkgdesc(). It was not implemented as part of the regular APKBUILD parsing, as this would need a change in the output format, and it is a lot *less* code if done like in this commit. * pmb/parse/ was renamed to, and pmb/install/ to needed to call the function in the usual way (e.g. pmb.parse.apkbuild()) but still being able to test the individual functions from these files in the test suite. We did the same thing for pmb/build/ already. * Install: New function get_nonfree_packages() returns the non-free packages that will be installed, based on the user's choice in "pmbootstrap init" and on the subpackages the device has. * Added test cases and test data (APKBUILDs) for all new code, refactored test/ to have multiple functions for testing the various questions / question types from "pmbootstrap init" instead of having it all in one big function. This allows to use another aport folder for testing the new non-free related questions in init.
2018-02-24 21:49:10 +00:00
pmbootstrap init: kernel selection / remove linux-pmos-lts (#1363) * As discussed in IRC/matrix, we're removing `linux-postmarketos-lts` for now. The kernel isn't used right now, and we save lots of maintenance effort with not updating it every week or so. * new config option `"kernel"` with possible values: `"downstream", "mainline", "stable"` (downstream is always `linux-$devicename`) * ask for the kernel during `pmbootstrap init` if the device package has kernel subpackages and install it in `` * postmarketos-mkinitfs: display note instead of exit with error when the `deviceinfo_dtb` file is missing (because we expect it to be missing for downstream kernels) * device-sony-amami: * add kernel subpackages for downstream, mainline * set `deviceinfo_dtb` * device-qemu-amd64: add kernel subpackages for stable, lts, mainline * test cases and test data for new functions * test case that checks all aports for right usage of the feature: * don't mix specifying kernels in depends *and* subpackages * 1 kernel in depends is maximum * kernel subpackages must have a valid name * Test if devices packages reference at least one kernel * Remove `_build_device_depends_note()` which informs the user that `--ignore-depends` can be used with device packages to avoid building the kernel. The idea was to make the transition easier after a change we did months ago, and now the kernel doesn't always get built before building the device package so it's not relevant anymore. * pmb/chroot/ * Add autoinstall=True to kernel_flavors_installed(). When the flag is set, the function makes sure that at least one kernel for the device is installed. * Remove kernel_flavor_autodetect() function, wherever it was used, it has been replaced with kernel_flavors_installed()[0]. * remove code to install at least one kernel, kernel_flavors_installed() takes care of that now.
2018-04-03 23:50:09 +00:00
def kernels(args, device):
Get the possible kernels from a device-* APKBUILD.
:param device: the device name, e.g. "lg-mako"
:returns: None when the kernel is hardcoded in depends
:returns: kernel types and their description (as read from the subpackages)
possible types: "downstream", "stable", "mainline"
example: {"mainline": "Mainline description",
"downstream": "Downstream description"}
# Read the APKBUILD
apkbuild_path = pmb.helpers.devices.find_path(args, device, 'APKBUILD')
if apkbuild_path is None:
pmbootstrap init: kernel selection / remove linux-pmos-lts (#1363) * As discussed in IRC/matrix, we're removing `linux-postmarketos-lts` for now. The kernel isn't used right now, and we save lots of maintenance effort with not updating it every week or so. * new config option `"kernel"` with possible values: `"downstream", "mainline", "stable"` (downstream is always `linux-$devicename`) * ask for the kernel during `pmbootstrap init` if the device package has kernel subpackages and install it in `` * postmarketos-mkinitfs: display note instead of exit with error when the `deviceinfo_dtb` file is missing (because we expect it to be missing for downstream kernels) * device-sony-amami: * add kernel subpackages for downstream, mainline * set `deviceinfo_dtb` * device-qemu-amd64: add kernel subpackages for stable, lts, mainline * test cases and test data for new functions * test case that checks all aports for right usage of the feature: * don't mix specifying kernels in depends *and* subpackages * 1 kernel in depends is maximum * kernel subpackages must have a valid name * Test if devices packages reference at least one kernel * Remove `_build_device_depends_note()` which informs the user that `--ignore-depends` can be used with device packages to avoid building the kernel. The idea was to make the transition easier after a change we did months ago, and now the kernel doesn't always get built before building the device package so it's not relevant anymore. * pmb/chroot/ * Add autoinstall=True to kernel_flavors_installed(). When the flag is set, the function makes sure that at least one kernel for the device is installed. * Remove kernel_flavor_autodetect() function, wherever it was used, it has been replaced with kernel_flavors_installed()[0]. * remove code to install at least one kernel, kernel_flavors_installed() takes care of that now.
2018-04-03 23:50:09 +00:00
return None
subpackages = apkbuild(args, apkbuild_path)["subpackages"]
# Read kernels from subpackages
ret = {}
subpackage_prefix = f"device-{device}-kernel-"
for subpkgname, subpkg in subpackages.items():
if not subpkgname.startswith(subpackage_prefix):
pmbootstrap init: kernel selection / remove linux-pmos-lts (#1363) * As discussed in IRC/matrix, we're removing `linux-postmarketos-lts` for now. The kernel isn't used right now, and we save lots of maintenance effort with not updating it every week or so. * new config option `"kernel"` with possible values: `"downstream", "mainline", "stable"` (downstream is always `linux-$devicename`) * ask for the kernel during `pmbootstrap init` if the device package has kernel subpackages and install it in `` * postmarketos-mkinitfs: display note instead of exit with error when the `deviceinfo_dtb` file is missing (because we expect it to be missing for downstream kernels) * device-sony-amami: * add kernel subpackages for downstream, mainline * set `deviceinfo_dtb` * device-qemu-amd64: add kernel subpackages for stable, lts, mainline * test cases and test data for new functions * test case that checks all aports for right usage of the feature: * don't mix specifying kernels in depends *and* subpackages * 1 kernel in depends is maximum * kernel subpackages must have a valid name * Test if devices packages reference at least one kernel * Remove `_build_device_depends_note()` which informs the user that `--ignore-depends` can be used with device packages to avoid building the kernel. The idea was to make the transition easier after a change we did months ago, and now the kernel doesn't always get built before building the device package so it's not relevant anymore. * pmb/chroot/ * Add autoinstall=True to kernel_flavors_installed(). When the flag is set, the function makes sure that at least one kernel for the device is installed. * Remove kernel_flavor_autodetect() function, wherever it was used, it has been replaced with kernel_flavors_installed()[0]. * remove code to install at least one kernel, kernel_flavors_installed() takes care of that now.
2018-04-03 23:50:09 +00:00
if subpkg is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Cannot find subpackage function for: {subpkgname}")
name = subpkgname[len(subpackage_prefix):]
ret[name] = subpkg["pkgdesc"]
pmbootstrap init: kernel selection / remove linux-pmos-lts (#1363) * As discussed in IRC/matrix, we're removing `linux-postmarketos-lts` for now. The kernel isn't used right now, and we save lots of maintenance effort with not updating it every week or so. * new config option `"kernel"` with possible values: `"downstream", "mainline", "stable"` (downstream is always `linux-$devicename`) * ask for the kernel during `pmbootstrap init` if the device package has kernel subpackages and install it in `` * postmarketos-mkinitfs: display note instead of exit with error when the `deviceinfo_dtb` file is missing (because we expect it to be missing for downstream kernels) * device-sony-amami: * add kernel subpackages for downstream, mainline * set `deviceinfo_dtb` * device-qemu-amd64: add kernel subpackages for stable, lts, mainline * test cases and test data for new functions * test case that checks all aports for right usage of the feature: * don't mix specifying kernels in depends *and* subpackages * 1 kernel in depends is maximum * kernel subpackages must have a valid name * Test if devices packages reference at least one kernel * Remove `_build_device_depends_note()` which informs the user that `--ignore-depends` can be used with device packages to avoid building the kernel. The idea was to make the transition easier after a change we did months ago, and now the kernel doesn't always get built before building the device package so it's not relevant anymore. * pmb/chroot/ * Add autoinstall=True to kernel_flavors_installed(). When the flag is set, the function makes sure that at least one kernel for the device is installed. * Remove kernel_flavor_autodetect() function, wherever it was used, it has been replaced with kernel_flavors_installed()[0]. * remove code to install at least one kernel, kernel_flavors_installed() takes care of that now.
2018-04-03 23:50:09 +00:00
# Return
if ret:
return ret
return None
def _parse_comment_tags(lines, tag):
Parse tags defined as comments in a APKBUILD file. This can be used to
parse e.g. the maintainers of a package (defined using # Maintainer:).
:param lines: lines of the APKBUILD
:param tag: the tag to parse, e.g. Maintainer
:returns: array of values of the tag, one per line
prefix = f'# {tag}:'
ret = []
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(prefix):
return ret
def maintainers(path):
Parse maintainers of an APKBUILD file. They should be defined using
# Maintainer: (first maintainer) and # Co-Maintainer: (additional
:param path: full path to the APKBUILD
:returns: array of (at least one) maintainer, or None
lines = read_file(path)
maintainers = _parse_comment_tags(lines, 'Maintainer')
if not maintainers:
return None
# An APKBUILD should only have one Maintainer:,
# in pmaports others should be defined using Co-Maintainer:
if len(maintainers) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Multiple Maintainer: lines in APKBUILD")
maintainers += _parse_comment_tags(lines, 'Co-Maintainer')
if '' in maintainers:
raise RuntimeError("Empty (Co-)Maintainer: tag")
return maintainers
def unmaintained(path):
Return if (and why) an APKBUILD might be unmaintained. This should be
defined using a # Unmaintained: <reason> tag in the APKBUILD.
:param path: full path to the APKBUILD
:returns: reason why APKBUILD is unmaintained, or None
unmaintained = _parse_comment_tags(read_file(path), 'Unmaintained')
if not unmaintained:
return None
return '\n'.join(unmaintained)