It actually takes connections again now! Still WIP

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-07-06 20:56:36 +02:00
parent ede0e29370
commit 7fb20c11af
11 changed files with 549 additions and 181 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -878,7 +878,6 @@ checksum = "ac74c624d6b2d21f425f752262f42188365d7b8ff1aff74c82e45136510a4857"
name = "preserves"
version = "0.15.0"
dependencies = [

21 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
use preserves_schema::compiler::*;
use std::io::Error;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let buildroot = std::env::current_dir()?;
let mut gen_dir = buildroot.clone();
let mut c = CompilerConfig::new(gen_dir, "crate::schemas".to_owned());
c.module_aliases.insert(vec!["EntityRef".to_owned()], "crate::actor".to_owned());
let inputs = expand_inputs(&vec!["protocols/schema-bundle.bin".to_owned(),
for i in &inputs {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={:?}", i);

local-protocols/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
all: schema-bundle.bin
rm -f schema-bundle.bin
schema-bundle.bin: schemas/*.prs
preserves-schemac schemas/*.prs > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
´³bundle·µ³ tunnelRelay„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Input´³orµµ±eof´³lit³eof„„µ±packet´³rec´³lit³packet„´³tupleµ´³named³bs´³atom³
ByteString„„„„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Ref„„„„„

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Ref .
Input = =eof / <packet @bs bytes> / <segment @bs bytes>.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
pub use futures::future::BoxFuture;
pub use std::future::ready;
use super::Assertion;
use super::ActorId;
use super::Handle;
@ -5,16 +9,12 @@ use super::schemas::internal_protocol::*;
use super::error::Error;
use preserves::value::Domain;
use preserves::value::IOResult;
use preserves::value::IOValue;
use preserves::value::Map;
use preserves::value::NestedValue;
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap;
use std::future::Future;
use std::future::ready;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use tracing::{Instrument, trace, error};
pub type ActorResult = Result<(), Error>;
pub type ActorHandle = tokio::task::JoinHandle<ActorResult>;
pub trait Entity {
pub trait Entity: Send {
fn assert(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _a: Assertion, _h: Handle) -> ActorResult {
@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ pub trait Entity {
t.message(peer, Assertion::new(true));
fn turn_end(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation) -> ActorResult {
fn exit_hook(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _exit_status: &ActorResult) -> BoxFuture<ActorResult> {
type OutboundAssertions = Map<Handle, Arc<Ref>>;
@ -48,10 +54,12 @@ type OutboundAssertions = Map<Handle, Arc<Ref>>;
// This is what other implementations call a "Turn", renamed here to
// avoid conflicts with schemas::internal_protocol::Turn.
pub struct Activation<'activation> {
outbound_assertions: &'activation mut OutboundAssertions,
pub actor: &'activation mut Actor,
queues: HashMap<ActorId, Vec<(Arc<Ref>, Event)>>,
turn_end_revisit_flag: bool,
enum SystemMessage {
@ -63,17 +71,21 @@ pub struct Mailbox {
pub actor_id: ActorId,
pub mailbox_id: u64,
tx: UnboundedSender<SystemMessage>,
pub queue_depth: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
pub mailbox_count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
queue_depth: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
mailbox_count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
pub struct Actor {
pub template_mailbox: Mailbox,
actor_id: ActorId,
tx: UnboundedSender<SystemMessage>,
rx: UnboundedReceiver<SystemMessage>,
pub outbound_assertions: OutboundAssertions,
pub oid_map: Map<Oid, Cell<Box<dyn Entity + Send>>>,
pub next_task_id: u64,
pub linked_tasks: Map<u64, CancellationToken>,
queue_depth: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
mailbox_count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
outbound_assertions: OutboundAssertions,
oid_map: Map<Oid, Box<dyn Entity + Send>>,
next_task_id: u64,
linked_tasks: Map<u64, CancellationToken>,
exit_hooks: Vec<Oid>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
@ -87,13 +99,10 @@ pub struct Ref {
impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
pub fn for_actor(actor: &'activation mut Actor) -> Self {
Self::for_actor_details(&mut actor.outbound_assertions)
pub fn for_actor_details(outbound_assertions: &'activation mut OutboundAssertions) -> Self {
Activation {
queues: HashMap::new(),
turn_end_revisit_flag: false,
@ -101,12 +110,12 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
let handle = crate::next_handle();
self.queue_for(&r).push((Arc::clone(&r), Event::Assert(Box::new(
Assert { assertion: Assertion(a.into()), handle: handle.clone() }))));
self.outbound_assertions.insert(handle.clone(), r);, r);
pub fn retract(&mut self, handle: Handle) {
if let Some(r) = self.outbound_assertions.remove(&handle) {
if let Some(r) = {
self.retract_known_ref(r, handle)
@ -120,11 +129,15 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
Message { body: Assertion(m.into()) }))))
pub fn set_turn_end_flag(&mut self) {
self.turn_end_revisit_flag = true;
fn queue_for(&mut self, r: &Arc<Ref>) -> &mut Vec<(Arc<Ref>, Event)> {
pub fn deliver(&mut self) {
fn deliver(&mut self) {
for (_actor_id, turn) in std::mem::take(&mut self.queues).into_iter() {
if turn.len() == 0 { continue; }
let first_ref = Arc::clone(&turn[0].0);
@ -133,6 +146,24 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
|(r, e)| TurnEvent { oid:, event: e }).collect()));
fn with_oid<R,
Ff: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
Fs: FnOnce(&mut Self, &mut Box<dyn Entity + Send>) -> R>(
&mut self,
oid: &Oid,
kf: Ff,
ks: Fs,
) -> R {
match {
None => kf(self),
Some((k, mut e)) => {
let result = ks(self, &mut e);, e);
impl<'activation> Drop for Activation<'activation> {
@ -182,20 +213,28 @@ impl PartialOrd for Mailbox {
impl Clone for Mailbox {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let Mailbox { actor_id, tx, queue_depth, mailbox_count, .. } = self;
mailbox_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
Mailbox {
let _old_refcount = mailbox_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
let new_mailbox = Mailbox {
actor_id: *actor_id,
mailbox_id: crate::next_mailbox_id(),
tx: tx.clone(),
queue_depth: Arc::clone(queue_depth),
mailbox_count: Arc::clone(mailbox_count),
trace!(old_mailbox = debug(&self),
new_mailbox = debug(&new_mailbox),
new_mailbox_refcount = debug(_old_refcount + 1));
impl Drop for Mailbox {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.mailbox_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) == 1 {
let old_mailbox_refcount = self.mailbox_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
let new_mailbox_refcount = old_mailbox_refcount - 1;
trace!(mailbox = debug(&self),
if new_mailbox_refcount == 0 {
let _ = self.tx.send(SystemMessage::Release);
@ -205,58 +244,99 @@ impl Drop for Mailbox {
impl Actor {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel();
let actor_id = crate::next_actor_id();
trace!(id = actor_id, "Actor::new");
Actor {
template_mailbox: Mailbox {
actor_id: crate::next_actor_id(),
mailbox_id: crate::next_mailbox_id(),
queue_depth: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
mailbox_count: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
queue_depth: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
mailbox_count: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
outbound_assertions: Map::new(),
oid_map: Map::new(),
next_task_id: 0,
linked_tasks: Map::new(),
exit_hooks: Vec::new(),
pub fn id(&self) -> ActorId {
fn mailbox(&mut self) -> Mailbox {
let _old_refcount = self.mailbox_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
let new_mailbox = Mailbox {
actor_id: self.actor_id,
mailbox_id: crate::next_mailbox_id(),
tx: self.tx.clone(),
queue_depth: Arc::clone(&self.queue_depth),
mailbox_count: Arc::clone(&self.mailbox_count),
trace!(new_mailbox = debug(&new_mailbox),
new_mailbox_refcount = debug(_old_refcount + 1));
pub fn shutdown(&mut self) {
let _ = self.tx.send(SystemMessage::Release);
pub fn create<E: Entity + Send + 'static>(&mut self, e: E) -> Arc<Ref> {
let r = Ref {
relay: self.template_mailbox.clone(),
relay: self.mailbox(),
target: crate::next_oid(),
self.oid_map.insert(, Cell::new(Box::new(e)));
self.oid_map.insert(, Box::new(e));
pub fn boot<F: Future<Output = ActorResult> + Send + 'static>(
pub fn boot<F: 'static + Send + FnOnce(&mut Self) -> BoxFuture<ActorResult>>(
mut self,
name: tracing::Span,
boot: F,
) -> ActorHandle {
let id =;
tokio::spawn(async move {
let run_future =;
let result = run_future.await;
trace!(id, "start");
let result =;
let mut t = Activation::for_actor(&mut self);
for oid in std::mem::take(&mut {
match {
None => (),
Some((k, mut e)) => {
if let Err(err) = e.exit_hook(&mut t, &result).await {
tracing::warn!(err = debug(err),
oid = debug(oid),
"error in exit hook");
}, e);
match &result {
Ok(()) => trace!("normal stop"),
Err(e) => error!("{}", e),
Ok(()) => trace!(id, "normal stop"),
Err(e) => error!(id, "error stop: {}", e),
pub fn start(self, name: tracing::Span) -> ActorHandle {
self.boot(name, ready(Ok(())))
self.boot(name, |_ac| Box::pin(ready(Ok(()))))
async fn run<F: Future<Output = ActorResult>>(&mut self, boot: F) -> ActorResult {
async fn run<F: 'static + Send + FnOnce(&mut Self) -> BoxFuture<ActorResult>>(
&mut self,
boot: F,
) -> ActorResult {
let id =;
trace!(id, "boot");
trace!(id, "run");
loop {
match self.rx.recv().await {
None =>
@ -265,6 +345,7 @@ impl Actor {
detail: _Any::new(false),
Some(m) => {
trace!(id, m = debug(&m), "system message");
if self.handle(m)? {
return Ok(());
@ -273,12 +354,16 @@ impl Actor {
// (instead zeroing it on queue empty - it only needs to be approximate),
// but try_recv has been removed from mpsc at the time of writing. See
// .
self.template_mailbox.queue_depth.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
self.queue_depth.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
pub fn add_exit_hook(&mut self, oid: &Oid) {
fn handle(&mut self, m: SystemMessage) -> Result<bool, Error> {
match m {
SystemMessage::Release =>
@ -288,30 +373,35 @@ impl Actor {
SystemMessage::Turn(Turn(events)) => {
let mut t = Activation::for_actor(self);
let mut revisit_oids = Vec::new();
for TurnEvent { oid, event } in events.into_iter() {
if let Some(e) = self.oid_map.get_mut(&oid) {
let mut t = Activation::for_actor_details(&mut self.outbound_assertions);
let e = e.get_mut();
match event {
Event::Assert(b) => {
let Assert { assertion: Assertion(assertion), handle } = *b;
e.assert(&mut t, assertion, handle)?;
Event::Retract(b) => {
let Retract { handle } = *b;
e.retract(&mut t, handle)?;
Event::Message(b) => {
let Message { body: Assertion(body) } = *b;
e.message(&mut t, body)?;
Event::Sync(b) => {
let Sync { peer } = *b;
e.sync(&mut t, peer)?;
t.with_oid(&oid, |_| Ok(()), |t, e| match event {
Event::Assert(b) => {
let Assert { assertion: Assertion(assertion), handle } = *b;
e.assert(t, assertion, handle)
Event::Retract(b) => {
let Retract { handle } = *b;
e.retract(t, handle)
Event::Message(b) => {
let Message { body: Assertion(body) } = *b;
e.message(t, body)
Event::Sync(b) => {
let Sync { peer } = *b;
e.sync(t, peer)
if t.turn_end_revisit_flag {
t.turn_end_revisit_flag = false;
for oid in revisit_oids {
t.with_oid(&oid, |_| Ok(()), |t, e| e.turn_end(t))?;
SystemMessage::Crash(e) =>
@ -319,33 +409,41 @@ impl Actor {
pub fn linked_task<F: Future<Output = ActorResult> + Send + 'static>(
pub fn linked_task<F: futures::Future<Output = ActorResult> + Send + 'static>(
&mut self,
name: tracing::Span,
boot: F,
) {
let mailbox = self.template_mailbox.clone();
) -> ActorHandle {
let id =;
let mailbox = self.mailbox();
let token = CancellationToken::new();
let task_id = self.next_task_id;
self.next_task_id += 1;
let handle = {
let token = token.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
trace!("linked task start");
trace!(id, task_id, "linked task start");
select! {
_ = token.cancelled() => (),
result = boot => match result {
Ok(()) => trace!("linked task normal stop"),
Err(e) => {
error!("linked task error: {}", e);
let _ = mailbox.tx.send(SystemMessage::Crash(e));
_ = token.cancelled() => {
trace!(id, task_id, "linked task cancelled");
result = boot => {
match &result {
Ok(()) => trace!(id, task_id, "linked task normal stop"),
Err(e) => {
error!(id, task_id, "linked task error: {}", e);
let _ = mailbox.tx.send(SystemMessage::Crash(e.clone()));
self.linked_tasks.insert(task_id, token);
@ -363,6 +461,12 @@ impl Drop for Actor {
impl Ref {
pub fn external_event(&self, event: Event) {
self.relay.send(Turn(vec![TurnEvent { oid:, event }]))
impl Drop for Ref {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.relay.tx.send(SystemMessage::ReleaseOid(;
@ -370,20 +474,17 @@ impl Drop for Ref {
impl Domain for Ref {
fn from_preserves(v: IOValue) -> IOResult<Self> {
fn as_preserves(&self) -> IOValue {
impl Domain for Ref {}
impl std::convert::TryFrom<&IOValue> for Ref {
type Error = preserves_schema::support::ParseError;
fn try_from(_v: &IOValue) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
panic!("Attempted to serialize Ref via IOValue");
impl Domain for super::schemas::sturdy::WireRef {
fn from_preserves(v: IOValue) -> IOResult<Self> {
fn as_preserves(&self) -> IOValue {
impl std::convert::From<&Ref> for IOValue {
fn from(_v: &Ref) -> IOValue {
panic!("Attempted to deserialize Ref via IOValue");

View File

@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt};
use futures::SinkExt;
use futures::StreamExt;
use preserves::value::PackedReader;
use preserves::value::PackedWriter;
use preserves::value::Reader;
use preserves::value::Writer;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::future::Ready;
use std::future::ready;
use std::sync::Arc;
@ -17,12 +11,10 @@ use syndicate::dataspace::*;
use syndicate::error::Error;
use syndicate::error::error;
use syndicate::config;
use syndicate::packets;
use syndicate::peer::Peer;
use syndicate::relay;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_util::codec::Framed;
use tracing::{Level, info, trace};
@ -31,7 +23,7 @@ use tungstenite::Message;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let filter = tracing_subscriber::filter::EnvFilter::from_default_env()
let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber::builder()
@ -80,7 +72,7 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let ds = {
let ac = Actor::new();
let mut ac = Actor::new();
let ds = ac.create(Dataspace::new());
@ -89,8 +81,9 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
for port in config.ports.clone() {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
let config = Arc::clone(&config);
let ac = Actor::new();
ac.linked_task(tracing::info_span!("listener", port), run_listener(ds, port, config));
let mut ac = Actor::new();
ac.linked_task(tracing::info_span!("tcp", port), run_listener(ds, port, config));
daemons.push(ac.start(tracing::info_span!("tcp", port)));
@ -103,29 +96,15 @@ fn message_error<E: std::fmt::Display>(e: E) -> Error {
error(&e.to_string(), false)
fn encode_message(p: packets::Packet) -> Result<Message, Error> {
let mut bs = Vec::with_capacity(128);
PackedWriter::new(&mut bs).write(&(&p).into())?;
fn message_encoder(p: packets::Packet) -> Ready<Result<Message, Error>>
fn message_decoder_inner(
fn extract_binary_packets(
r: Result<Message, tungstenite::Error>,
) -> Result<Option<packets::Packet>, Error> {
) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
match r {
Ok(m) => match m {
Message::Text(_) =>
Err("Text websocket frames are not accepted")?,
Message::Binary(bs) => {
let iov = PackedReader::decode_bytes(&bs).demand_next(false)?;
let p = packets::Packet::try_from(&iov)?;
Message::Binary(bs) =>
Message::Ping(_) =>
Ok(None), // pings are handled by tungstenite before we see them
Message::Pong(_) =>
@ -137,50 +116,46 @@ fn message_decoder_inner(
fn message_decoder(r: Result<Message, tungstenite::Error>) -> Ready<Option<Result<packets::Packet, Error>>> {
async fn run_connection(
mut stream: TcpStream,
ac: &mut Actor,
stream: TcpStream,
ds: Arc<Ref>,
addr: std::net::SocketAddr,
config: Arc<config::ServerConfig>,
) -> ActorResult {
let mut buf = [0; 1]; // peek at the first byte to see what kind of connection to expect
match stream.peek(&mut buf).await? {
let (i, o) = match stream.peek(&mut buf).await? {
1 => match buf[0] {
71 /* ASCII 'G' for "GET" */ => {
info!(protocol = display("websocket"), peer = debug(addr));
let s = tokio_tungstenite::accept_async(stream).await
.map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
let (o, i) = s.split();
let i = i.filter_map(message_decoder);
let o = o.sink_map_err(message_error).with(message_encoder);
let mut p = Peer::new(i, o, ds, config);
let i = i.filter_map(|r| ready(extract_binary_packets(r).transpose()));
let o = o.sink_map_err(message_error).with(|bs| ready(Ok(Message::Binary(bs))));
(relay::Input::Packets(Box::pin(i)), relay::Output::Packets(Box::pin(o)))
_ => {
info!(protocol = display("raw"), peer = debug(addr));
let (o, i) = Framed::new(stream, packets::Codec).split();
let mut p = Peer::new(i, o, ds, config);
let (i, o) = stream.into_split();
(relay::Input::Bytes(Box::pin(i)), relay::Output::Bytes(Box::pin(o)))
0 => Err(error("closed before starting", false))?,
_ => unreachable!()
Ok(relay::TunnelRelay::run(ac, i, o)?)
async fn run_listener(ds: Arc<Ref>, port: u16, config: Arc<config::ServerConfig>) -> ActorResult {
let listener = TcpListener::bind(format!("{}", port)).await?;
loop {
let (stream, addr) = listener.accept().await?;
let mut ac = Actor::new();
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
let config = Arc::clone(&config);
ac.linked_task(tracing::info_span!("connection", id = (,
run_connection(stream, ds, addr, config));
let ac = Actor::new();
let id =;
ac.boot(tracing::info_span!(parent: None, "connection", id),
move |ac| Box::pin(run_connection(ac, stream, ds, addr, config)));

View File

@ -13,10 +13,9 @@ pub mod bag;
pub mod config;
pub mod dataspace;
pub mod error;
pub mod schemas;
pub mod packets;
pub mod pattern;
pub mod peer;
pub mod relay;
pub mod schemas;
pub mod skeleton;
pub type Assertion = schemas::dataspace::_Any;

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
pub use crate::schemas::internal_protocol::*;
use bytes::{Buf, BufMut, BytesMut};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use preserves::value::PackedReader;
use preserves::value::PackedWriter;
use preserves::value::Reader;
use preserves::value::Writer;
pub struct Codec;
impl tokio_util::codec::Decoder for Codec {
type Item = Packet;
type Error = Error;
fn decode(&mut self, bs: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
let mut r = PackedReader::decode_bytes(bs);
match {
None => Ok(None),
Some(item) => {
let count = r.source.index;
impl tokio_util::codec::Encoder<&Packet> for Codec {
type Error = Error;
fn encode(&mut self, item: &Packet, bs: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
Ok(PackedWriter::new(&mut bs.writer()).write(&item.into())?)

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
use bytes::Buf;
use bytes::BytesMut;
use crate::actor::*;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::schemas::internal_protocol::*;
use crate::schemas::tunnel_relay;
use futures::Sink;
use futures::SinkExt;
use futures::Stream;
use futures::StreamExt;
use preserves::value::BinarySource;
use preserves::value::BytesBinarySource;
use preserves::value::DomainDecode;
use preserves::value::DomainEncode;
use preserves::value::IOValue;
use preserves::value::Map;
use preserves::value::NoEmbeddedDomainCodec;
use preserves::value::PackedReader;
use preserves::value::PackedWriter;
use preserves::value::Reader;
use preserves::value::Writer;
use preserves_schema::support::lazy_static;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::io;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic;
use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::io::AsyncWrite;
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
use tracing;
struct WireSymbol {
oid: Oid,
obj: Arc<Ref>,
ref_count: atomic::AtomicUsize,
struct Membrane {
oid_map: Map<Oid, Arc<WireSymbol>>,
ref_map: Map<Arc<Ref>, Arc<WireSymbol>>,
struct Membranes {
exported: Membrane,
imported: Membrane,
pub enum Input {
Packets(Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<Vec<u8>, Error>> + Send>>),
Bytes(Pin<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send>>),
pub enum Output {
Packets(Pin<Box<dyn Sink<Vec<u8>, Error = Error> + Send>>),
Bytes(Pin<Box<dyn AsyncWrite + Send>>),
// There are other kinds of relay. This one has exactly two participants connected to each other.
pub struct TunnelRelay
input_buffer: BytesMut,
o: Output,
inbound_assertions: Map</* remote */ Handle, (/* local */ Handle, Vec<Arc<WireSymbol>>)>,
outbound_assertions: Map<Handle, Vec<Arc<WireSymbol>>>,
membranes: Membranes,
pending_outbound: Vec<TurnEvent>,
lazy_static! {
static ref INERT_REF: Arc<Ref> = {
struct InertEntity;
impl crate::actor::Entity for InertEntity {}
let mut ac = crate::actor::Actor::new();
impl WireSymbol {
fn acquire(&self) {
self.ref_count.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
fn release(&self) -> bool {
self.ref_count.fetch_sub(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) == 1
impl Membrane {
fn new() -> Self {
Membrane {
oid_map: Map::new(),
ref_map: Map::new(),
fn insert(&mut self, oid: Oid, obj: Arc<Ref>) -> Arc<WireSymbol> {
let ws = Arc::new(WireSymbol {
oid: oid.clone(),
obj: Arc::clone(&obj),
ref_count: atomic::AtomicUsize::new(0),
self.oid_map.insert(oid, Arc::clone(&ws));
self.ref_map.insert(obj, Arc::clone(&ws));
fn release(&mut self, ws: &Arc<WireSymbol>) {
if ws.release() {
impl TunnelRelay {
pub fn run(ac: &mut Actor, i: Input, o: Output) -> ActorResult {
let tr = ac.create(TunnelRelay {
input_buffer: BytesMut::with_capacity(1024),
inbound_assertions: Map::new(),
outbound_assertions: Map::new(),
membranes: Membranes {
exported: Membrane::new(),
imported: Membrane::new(),
pending_outbound: Vec::new(),
ac.linked_task(tracing::info_span!("reader"), input_loop(i, tr));
fn handle_packet(&mut self, p: Packet) -> ActorResult {
match p {
Packet::Error(b) => {
tracing::info!(message = debug(b.message.clone()),
detail = debug(b.detail.clone()),
"received Error from peer");
Packet::Turn(b) => {
let Turn(events) = *b;
for TurnEvent { oid, event } in events {
tracing::info!(oid = debug(oid), event = debug(event))
pub fn send_event(&mut self, oid: Oid, event: Event) -> bool {
let need_flush = self.pending_outbound.is_empty();
self.pending_outbound.push(TurnEvent { oid, event });
pub fn decode_packet(&mut self, bs: &[u8]) -> Result<Packet, Error> {
let mut src = BytesBinarySource::new(bs);
Ok(Packet::try_from(&src.packed::<_, _Any, _>(&mut self.membranes).demand_next(false)?)?)
fn encode_packet(&mut self, p: Packet) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
Ok(PackedWriter::encode::<_, _Any, _>(&mut self.membranes, &_Any::from(&p))?)
pub async fn send_packet(&mut self, p: Packet) -> ActorResult {
let bs = self.encode_packet(p)?;
match &mut self.o {
Output::Packets(sink) => Ok(sink.send(bs).await?),
Output::Bytes(w) => Ok(w.write_all(&bs).await?),
impl DomainDecode<_Ptr> for Membranes {
fn decode_embedded<'de, 'src, S: BinarySource<'de>>(
&mut self,
src: &'src mut S,
_read_annotations: bool,
) -> io::Result<_Ptr> {
let v: IOValue = PackedReader::new(src, NoEmbeddedDomainCodec).demand_next(false)?;
impl DomainEncode<_Ptr> for Membranes {
fn encode_embedded<W: Writer>(
&mut self,
w: &mut W,
d: &_Ptr,
) -> io::Result<()> {
w.write(&mut NoEmbeddedDomainCodec, &IOValue::from(d.as_ref()))
pub async fn input_loop(
i: Input,
relay: Arc<Ref>,
) -> ActorResult {
fn s<M: Into<_Any>>(relay: &Arc<Ref>, m: M) {
relay.external_event(Event::Message(Box::new(Message { body: Assertion(m.into()) })))
match i {
Input::Packets(mut src) => {
loop {
match {
None => {
s(&relay, &tunnel_relay::Input::Eof);
return Ok(());
Some(bs) => s(&relay, &tunnel_relay::Input::Packet { bs: bs? }),
Input::Bytes(mut r) => {
let mut buf = BytesMut::with_capacity(1024);
loop {
let n = r.read_buf(&mut buf).await?;
match n {
0 => {
s(&relay, &tunnel_relay::Input::Eof);
return Ok(());
_ => {
while buf.has_remaining() {
let bs = buf.chunk();
let n = bs.len();
s(&relay, &tunnel_relay::Input::Segment { bs: bs.to_vec() });
impl Entity for TunnelRelay {
fn message(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, m: _Any) -> ActorResult {
if let Ok(m) = tunnel_relay::Input::try_from(&m) {
match m {
tunnel_relay::Input::Eof => {
tunnel_relay::Input::Packet { bs } => {
let p = self.decode_packet(&bs)?;
tunnel_relay::Input::Segment { bs } => {
loop {
let (e, count) = {
let mut src = BytesBinarySource::new(&self.input_buffer);
let mut r = src.packed::<_, _Any, _>(&mut self.membranes);
let e =;
(e, r.source.index)
match e {
None => break,
Some(item) => {
fn exit_hook(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, exit_status: &ActorResult) -> BoxFuture<ActorResult> {
if let Err(e) = exit_status {
let e = e.clone();
} else {