A few days' work redoing syndicate-rs - still WIP

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-07-03 09:03:52 +02:00
parent 3e96fa87d4
commit ede0e29370
15 changed files with 1259 additions and 1308 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

Cargo.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
name = "syndicate-rs"
version = "0.1.0"
version = "0.2.0"
authors = ["Tony Garnock-Jones <tonyg@leastfixedpoint.com>"]
edition = "2018"
preserves = { path = "/home/tonyg/src/preserves/implementations/rust/preserves" }
preserves-schema = { path = "/home/tonyg/src/preserves/implementations/rust/preserves-schema" }
vendored-openssl = ["openssl/vendored"]
@ -17,22 +18,26 @@ lto = true
name = "syndicate"
preserves-schema = "0.2.0"
preserves = "0.13.0"
preserves = "0.15.0"
preserves-schema = "0.2.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive", "rc"] }
serde_bytes = "0.11"
tokio = { version = "0.2.21", features = ["macros", "rt-threaded", "sync", "dns", "tcp", "time", "stream"] }
tokio-util = { version = "0.3.1", features = ["codec"] }
bytes = "0.5.4"
tokio = { version = "1.7.1", features = ["macros", "sync", "net", "rt", "rt-multi-thread", "time"] }
tokio-util = { version = "0.6.7", features = ["codec"] }
bytes = "1.0.1"
futures = "0.3.5"
structopt = "0.3.14"
tungstenite = "0.10.1"
tokio-tungstenite = "0.10.1"
tungstenite = "0.13.0"
tokio-tungstenite = "0.14.0"
tracing = "0.1.14"
tracing-subscriber = "0.2.5"

src/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

src/actor.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
use super::Assertion;
use super::ActorId;
use super::Handle;
use super::schemas::internal_protocol::*;
use super::error::Error;
use preserves::value::Domain;
use preserves::value::IOResult;
use preserves::value::IOValue;
use preserves::value::Map;
use preserves::value::NestedValue;
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap;
use std::future::Future;
use std::future::ready;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use tokio::select;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedSender, UnboundedReceiver};
use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken;
use tracing::{Instrument, trace, error};
pub type ActorResult = Result<(), Error>;
pub type ActorHandle = tokio::task::JoinHandle<ActorResult>;
pub trait Entity {
fn assert(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _a: Assertion, _h: Handle) -> ActorResult {
fn retract(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _h: Handle) -> ActorResult {
fn message(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _m: Assertion) -> ActorResult {
fn sync(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, peer: Arc<Ref>) -> ActorResult {
t.message(peer, Assertion::new(true));
type OutboundAssertions = Map<Handle, Arc<Ref>>;
// This is what other implementations call a "Turn", renamed here to
// avoid conflicts with schemas::internal_protocol::Turn.
pub struct Activation<'activation> {
outbound_assertions: &'activation mut OutboundAssertions,
queues: HashMap<ActorId, Vec<(Arc<Ref>, Event)>>,
enum SystemMessage {
pub struct Mailbox {
pub actor_id: ActorId,
pub mailbox_id: u64,
tx: UnboundedSender<SystemMessage>,
pub queue_depth: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
pub mailbox_count: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
pub struct Actor {
pub template_mailbox: Mailbox,
rx: UnboundedReceiver<SystemMessage>,
pub outbound_assertions: OutboundAssertions,
pub oid_map: Map<Oid, Cell<Box<dyn Entity + Send>>>,
pub next_task_id: u64,
pub linked_tasks: Map<u64, CancellationToken>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Ref {
pub relay: Mailbox,
pub target: Oid,
/* TODO: attenuation */
impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
pub fn for_actor(actor: &'activation mut Actor) -> Self {
Self::for_actor_details(&mut actor.outbound_assertions)
pub fn for_actor_details(outbound_assertions: &'activation mut OutboundAssertions) -> Self {
Activation {
queues: HashMap::new(),
pub fn assert<M>(&mut self, r: Arc<Ref>, a: M) -> Handle where M: Into<Assertion> {
let handle = crate::next_handle();
self.queue_for(&r).push((Arc::clone(&r), Event::Assert(Box::new(
Assert { assertion: Assertion(a.into()), handle: handle.clone() }))));
self.outbound_assertions.insert(handle.clone(), r);
pub fn retract(&mut self, handle: Handle) {
if let Some(r) = self.outbound_assertions.remove(&handle) {
self.retract_known_ref(r, handle)
pub fn retract_known_ref(&mut self, r: Arc<Ref>, handle: Handle) {
self.queue_for(&r).push((r, Event::Retract(Box::new(Retract { handle }))));
pub fn message<M>(&mut self, r: Arc<Ref>, m: M) where M: Into<Assertion> {
self.queue_for(&r).push((r, Event::Message(Box::new(
Message { body: Assertion(m.into()) }))))
fn queue_for(&mut self, r: &Arc<Ref>) -> &mut Vec<(Arc<Ref>, Event)> {
pub fn deliver(&mut self) {
for (_actor_id, turn) in std::mem::take(&mut self.queues).into_iter() {
if turn.len() == 0 { continue; }
let first_ref = Arc::clone(&turn[0].0);
let target = &first_ref.relay;
|(r, e)| TurnEvent { oid: r.target.clone(), event: e }).collect()));
impl<'activation> Drop for Activation<'activation> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl Mailbox {
pub fn send(&self, t: Turn) {
let _ = self.tx.send(SystemMessage::Turn(t));
self.queue_depth.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
impl std::fmt::Debug for Mailbox {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "#<Mailbox {}:{}>", self.actor_id, self.mailbox_id)
impl std::hash::Hash for Mailbox {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl Eq for Mailbox {}
impl PartialEq for Mailbox {
fn eq(&self, other: &Mailbox) -> bool {
self.mailbox_id == other.mailbox_id
impl Ord for Mailbox {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Mailbox) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
return self.mailbox_id.cmp(&other.mailbox_id)
impl PartialOrd for Mailbox {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Mailbox) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
return Some(self.cmp(&other))
impl Clone for Mailbox {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let Mailbox { actor_id, tx, queue_depth, mailbox_count, .. } = self;
mailbox_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
Mailbox {
actor_id: *actor_id,
mailbox_id: crate::next_mailbox_id(),
tx: tx.clone(),
queue_depth: Arc::clone(queue_depth),
mailbox_count: Arc::clone(mailbox_count),
impl Drop for Mailbox {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.mailbox_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) == 1 {
let _ = self.tx.send(SystemMessage::Release);
impl Actor {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel();
Actor {
template_mailbox: Mailbox {
actor_id: crate::next_actor_id(),
mailbox_id: crate::next_mailbox_id(),
queue_depth: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
mailbox_count: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
outbound_assertions: Map::new(),
oid_map: Map::new(),
next_task_id: 0,
linked_tasks: Map::new(),
pub fn id(&self) -> ActorId {
pub fn create<E: Entity + Send + 'static>(&mut self, e: E) -> Arc<Ref> {
let r = Ref {
relay: self.template_mailbox.clone(),
target: crate::next_oid(),
self.oid_map.insert(r.target.clone(), Cell::new(Box::new(e)));
pub fn boot<F: Future<Output = ActorResult> + Send + 'static>(
mut self,
name: tracing::Span,
boot: F,
) -> ActorHandle {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let run_future = self.run(boot);
let result = run_future.await;
match &result {
Ok(()) => trace!("normal stop"),
Err(e) => error!("{}", e),
pub fn start(self, name: tracing::Span) -> ActorHandle {
self.boot(name, ready(Ok(())))
async fn run<F: Future<Output = ActorResult>>(&mut self, boot: F) -> ActorResult {
loop {
match self.rx.recv().await {
None =>
Err(Error {
message: "Unexpected channel close".to_owned(),
detail: _Any::new(false),
Some(m) => {
if self.handle(m)? {
return Ok(());
// We would have a loop calling try_recv until it answers "no more at
// present" here, to avoid decrementing queue_depth for every message
// (instead zeroing it on queue empty - it only needs to be approximate),
// but try_recv has been removed from mpsc at the time of writing. See
// https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/3350 .
self.template_mailbox.queue_depth.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
fn handle(&mut self, m: SystemMessage) -> Result<bool, Error> {
match m {
SystemMessage::Release =>
SystemMessage::ReleaseOid(oid) => {
SystemMessage::Turn(Turn(events)) => {
for TurnEvent { oid, event } in events.into_iter() {
if let Some(e) = self.oid_map.get_mut(&oid) {
let mut t = Activation::for_actor_details(&mut self.outbound_assertions);
let e = e.get_mut();
match event {
Event::Assert(b) => {
let Assert { assertion: Assertion(assertion), handle } = *b;
e.assert(&mut t, assertion, handle)?;
Event::Retract(b) => {
let Retract { handle } = *b;
e.retract(&mut t, handle)?;
Event::Message(b) => {
let Message { body: Assertion(body) } = *b;
e.message(&mut t, body)?;
Event::Sync(b) => {
let Sync { peer } = *b;
e.sync(&mut t, peer)?;
SystemMessage::Crash(e) =>
pub fn linked_task<F: Future<Output = ActorResult> + Send + 'static>(
&mut self,
name: tracing::Span,
boot: F,
) {
let mailbox = self.template_mailbox.clone();
let token = CancellationToken::new();
let task_id = self.next_task_id;
self.next_task_id += 1;
let token = token.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
trace!("linked task start");
select! {
_ = token.cancelled() => (),
result = boot => match result {
Ok(()) => trace!("linked task normal stop"),
Err(e) => {
error!("linked task error: {}", e);
let _ = mailbox.tx.send(SystemMessage::Crash(e));
self.linked_tasks.insert(task_id, token);
impl Drop for Actor {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for (_task_id, token) in std::mem::take(&mut self.linked_tasks).into_iter() {
let to_clear = std::mem::take(&mut self.outbound_assertions);
let mut t = Activation::for_actor(self);
for (handle, r) in to_clear.into_iter() {
t.retract_known_ref(r, handle);
impl Drop for Ref {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.relay.tx.send(SystemMessage::ReleaseOid(self.target.clone()));
impl Domain for Ref {
fn from_preserves(v: IOValue) -> IOResult<Self> {
fn as_preserves(&self) -> IOValue {
impl Domain for super::schemas::sturdy::WireRef {
fn from_preserves(v: IOValue) -> IOResult<Self> {
fn as_preserves(&self) -> IOValue {

View File

@ -1,133 +1,33 @@
use syndicate::{config, spaces, packets, ConnId};
use syndicate::peer::Peer;
use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc};
use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt};
use tracing::{Level, error, info, trace};
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
use preserves::value::PackedReader;
use preserves::value::PackedWriter;
use preserves::value::Reader;
use preserves::value::Writer;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::future::Ready;
use std::future::ready;
use std::sync::Arc;
use structopt::StructOpt; // for from_args in main
use syndicate::actor::*;
use syndicate::dataspace::*;
use syndicate::error::Error;
use syndicate::error::error;
use syndicate::config;
use syndicate::packets;
use syndicate::peer::Peer;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_util::codec::Framed;
use tracing::{Level, info, trace};
use tungstenite::Message;
use structopt::StructOpt; // for from_args in main
type UnitAsyncResult = Result<(), std::io::Error>;
fn message_error<E: std::fmt::Display>(e: E) -> packets::Error {
fn encode_message(p: packets::S2C) ->
Result<Message, packets::Error>
let mut bs = Vec::with_capacity(128);
preserves::ser::to_writer(&mut preserves::value::PackedWriter::new(&mut bs), &p)?;
fn message_encoder(p: packets::S2C) -> futures::future::Ready<Result<Message, packets::Error>>
async fn message_decoder(r: Result<Message, tungstenite::Error>) -> Option<Result<packets::C2S, packets::Error>>
match r {
Ok(ref m) => match m {
Message::Text(_) =>
Some(Err(preserves::error::syntax_error("Text websocket frames are not accepted"))),
Message::Binary(ref bs) =>
match preserves::de::from_bytes(bs) {
Ok(p) => Some(Ok(p)),
Err(e) => Some(Err(e.into())),
Message::Ping(_) =>
None, // pings are handled by tungstenite before we see them
Message::Pong(_) =>
None, // unsolicited pongs are to be ignored
Message::Close(_) =>
Err(tungstenite::Error::Io(e)) =>
Err(e) =>
async fn run_connection(connid: ConnId,
mut stream: TcpStream,
spaces: Arc<Mutex<spaces::Spaces>>,
addr: std::net::SocketAddr,
config: config::ServerConfigRef) ->
let mut buf = [0; 1]; // peek at the first byte to see what kind of connection to expect
match stream.peek(&mut buf).await? {
1 => match buf[0] {
71 /* ASCII 'G' for "GET" */ => {
info!(protocol = display("websocket"), peer = debug(addr));
let s = tokio_tungstenite::accept_async(stream).await
.map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
let (o, i) = s.split();
let i = i.filter_map(message_decoder);
let o = o.sink_map_err(message_error).with(message_encoder);
let mut p = Peer::new(connid, i, o);
p.run(spaces, &config).await?
_ => {
info!(protocol = display("raw"), peer = debug(addr));
let (o, i) = Framed::new(stream, packets::Codec::new()).split();
let mut p = Peer::new(connid, i, o);
p.run(spaces, &config).await?
0 => return Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof,
"closed before starting")),
_ => unreachable!()
static NEXT_ID: std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64 = std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64::new(1);
async fn run_listener(spaces: Arc<Mutex<spaces::Spaces>>, port: u16, config: config::ServerConfigRef) ->
let mut listener = TcpListener::bind(format!("{}", port)).await?;
loop {
let (stream, addr) = listener.accept().await?;
let id = NEXT_ID.fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
let spaces = Arc::clone(&spaces);
let config = Arc::clone(&config);
if let Some(n) = config.recv_buffer_size { stream.set_recv_buffer_size(n)?; }
if let Some(n) = config.send_buffer_size { stream.set_send_buffer_size(n)?; }
tokio::spawn(async move {
match run_connection(id, stream, spaces, addr, config).await {
Ok(()) => info!("closed"),
Err(e) => info!(error = display(e), "closed"),
}.instrument(tracing::info_span!("connection", id)));
async fn periodic_tasks(spaces: Arc<Mutex<spaces::Spaces>>) -> UnitAsyncResult {
let interval = core::time::Duration::from_secs(10);
let mut delay = tokio::time::interval(interval);
loop {
let mut spaces = spaces.lock().unwrap();
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let filter = tracing_subscriber::filter::EnvFilter::from_default_env()
@ -175,30 +75,112 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let config = Arc::new(config::ServerConfig::from_args());
let spaces = Arc::new(Mutex::new(spaces::Spaces::new()));
let mut daemons = Vec::new();
let spaces = Arc::clone(&spaces);
tokio::spawn(async move {
let ds = {
let ac = Actor::new();
let ds = ac.create(Dataspace::new());
for port in config.ports.clone() {
let spaces = Arc::clone(&spaces);
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
let config = Arc::clone(&config);
daemons.push(tokio::spawn(async move {
info!(port, "listening");
match run_listener(spaces, port, config).await {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(e) => error!("{}", e),
}.instrument(tracing::info_span!("listener", port))));
let ac = Actor::new();
ac.linked_task(tracing::info_span!("listener", port), run_listener(ds, port, config));
fn message_error<E: std::fmt::Display>(e: E) -> Error {
error(&e.to_string(), false)
fn encode_message(p: packets::Packet) -> Result<Message, Error> {
let mut bs = Vec::with_capacity(128);
PackedWriter::new(&mut bs).write(&(&p).into())?;
fn message_encoder(p: packets::Packet) -> Ready<Result<Message, Error>>
fn message_decoder_inner(
r: Result<Message, tungstenite::Error>,
) -> Result<Option<packets::Packet>, Error> {
match r {
Ok(m) => match m {
Message::Text(_) =>
Err("Text websocket frames are not accepted")?,
Message::Binary(bs) => {
let iov = PackedReader::decode_bytes(&bs).demand_next(false)?;
let p = packets::Packet::try_from(&iov)?;
Message::Ping(_) =>
Ok(None), // pings are handled by tungstenite before we see them
Message::Pong(_) =>
Ok(None), // unsolicited pongs are to be ignored
Message::Close(_) =>
Err(e) => Err(message_error(e)),
fn message_decoder(r: Result<Message, tungstenite::Error>) -> Ready<Option<Result<packets::Packet, Error>>> {
async fn run_connection(
mut stream: TcpStream,
ds: Arc<Ref>,
addr: std::net::SocketAddr,
config: Arc<config::ServerConfig>,
) -> ActorResult {
let mut buf = [0; 1]; // peek at the first byte to see what kind of connection to expect
match stream.peek(&mut buf).await? {
1 => match buf[0] {
71 /* ASCII 'G' for "GET" */ => {
info!(protocol = display("websocket"), peer = debug(addr));
let s = tokio_tungstenite::accept_async(stream).await
.map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
let (o, i) = s.split();
let i = i.filter_map(message_decoder);
let o = o.sink_map_err(message_error).with(message_encoder);
let mut p = Peer::new(i, o, ds, config);
_ => {
info!(protocol = display("raw"), peer = debug(addr));
let (o, i) = Framed::new(stream, packets::Codec).split();
let mut p = Peer::new(i, o, ds, config);
0 => Err(error("closed before starting", false))?,
_ => unreachable!()
async fn run_listener(ds: Arc<Ref>, port: u16, config: Arc<config::ServerConfig>) -> ActorResult {
let listener = TcpListener::bind(format!("{}", port)).await?;
loop {
let (stream, addr) = listener.accept().await?;
let mut ac = Actor::new();
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
let config = Arc::clone(&config);
ac.linked_task(tracing::info_span!("connection", id = (ac.id())),
run_connection(stream, ds, addr, config));

View File

@ -5,15 +5,8 @@ pub struct ServerConfig {
#[structopt(short = "p", long = "port", default_value = "8001")]
pub ports: Vec<u16>,
pub recv_buffer_size: Option<usize>,
pub send_buffer_size: Option<usize>,
#[structopt(long, default_value = "10000")]
pub overload_threshold: usize,
#[structopt(long, default_value = "5")]
pub overload_turn_limit: usize,
pub type ServerConfigRef = std::sync::Arc<ServerConfig>;

View File

@ -1,36 +1,21 @@
use super::V;
use super::ConnId;
use super::packets::{self, Assertion, EndpointName};
use super::Assertion;
use super::Handle;
use super::skeleton;
use super::actor::*;
use super::schemas::dataspace::*;
use preserves::value::{self, Map, NestedValue};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}};
use tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender;
use preserves::value::Map;
pub type DataspaceRef = Arc<RwLock<Dataspace>>;
pub type DataspaceError = (String, V);
struct Actor {
tx: UnboundedSender<packets::S2C>,
queue_depth: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
endpoints: Map<EndpointName, ActorEndpoint>,
struct ActorEndpoint {
analysis_results: Option<skeleton::AnalysisResults>,
assertion: Assertion,
use std::convert::TryFrom;
pub struct Churn {
pub peers_added: usize,
pub peers_removed: usize,
pub assertions_added: usize,
pub assertions_removed: usize,
pub endpoints_added: usize,
pub endpoints_removed: usize,
pub observers_added: usize,
pub observers_removed: usize,
pub messages_injected: usize,
pub messages_delivered: usize,
@ -38,167 +23,38 @@ pub struct Churn {
impl Churn {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
peers_added: 0,
peers_removed: 0,
assertions_added: 0,
assertions_removed: 0,
endpoints_added: 0,
endpoints_removed: 0,
observers_added: 0,
observers_removed: 0,
messages_injected: 0,
messages_delivered: 0,
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.peers_added = 0;
self.peers_removed = 0;
self.assertions_added = 0;
self.assertions_removed = 0;
self.endpoints_added = 0;
self.endpoints_removed = 0;
self.messages_injected = 0;
self.messages_delivered = 0;
*self = Churn::new()
pub struct Dataspace {
name: V,
peers: Map<ConnId, Actor>,
index: skeleton::Index,
pub index: skeleton::Index,
pub handle_map: Map<Handle, (Assertion, Option<Observe>)>,
pub churn: Churn,
impl Dataspace {
pub fn new(name: &V) -> Self {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
name: name.clone(),
peers: Map::new(),
index: skeleton::Index::new(),
handle_map: Map::new(),
churn: Churn::new(),
pub fn new_ref(name: &V) -> DataspaceRef {
pub fn register(&mut self, id: ConnId,
tx: UnboundedSender<packets::S2C>,
queue_depth: Arc<AtomicUsize>)
self.peers.insert(id, Actor {
endpoints: Map::new(),
self.churn.peers_added += 1;
pub fn deregister(&mut self, id: ConnId) {
let ac = self.peers.remove(&id).unwrap();
self.churn.peers_removed += 1;
let mut outbound_turns: Map<ConnId, Vec<packets::Event>> = Map::new();
for (epname, ep) in ac.endpoints {
self.remove_endpoint(&mut outbound_turns, id, &epname, ep);
fn remove_endpoint(&mut self,
mut outbound_turns: &mut Map<ConnId, Vec<packets::Event>>,
id: ConnId,
epname: &EndpointName,
ep: ActorEndpoint)
let ActorEndpoint{ analysis_results, assertion } = ep;
if let Some(ar) = analysis_results {
self.index.remove_endpoint(&ar, skeleton::Endpoint {
connection: id,
name: epname.clone(),
let old_assertions = self.index.assertion_count();
self.index.remove((&assertion).into(), &mut outbound_turns);
self.churn.assertions_removed += old_assertions - self.index.assertion_count();
self.churn.endpoints_removed += 1;
pub fn turn(&mut self, id: ConnId, actions: Vec<packets::Action>) ->
Result<(), DataspaceError>
let mut outbound_turns: Map<ConnId, Vec<packets::Event>> = Map::new();
for a in actions {
tracing::trace!(action = debug(&a), "turn");
match a {
packets::Action::Assert(ref epname, ref assertion) => {
let ac = self.peers.get_mut(&id).unwrap();
if ac.endpoints.contains_key(&epname) {
return Err(("Duplicate endpoint name".to_string(), value::to_value(a)));
let ar =
if let Some(fs) = assertion.value().as_simple_record("observe", Some(1)) {
let ar = skeleton::analyze(&fs[0]);
let events = self.index.add_endpoint(&ar, skeleton::Endpoint {
connection: id,
name: epname.clone(),
} else {
let old_assertions = self.index.assertion_count();
self.index.insert(assertion.into(), &mut outbound_turns);
self.churn.assertions_added += self.index.assertion_count() - old_assertions;
self.churn.endpoints_added += 1;
ac.endpoints.insert(epname.clone(), ActorEndpoint {
analysis_results: ar,
assertion: assertion.clone()
packets::Action::Clear(ref epname) => {
let ac = self.peers.get_mut(&id).unwrap();
match ac.endpoints.remove(epname) {
None => {
return Err(("Nonexistent endpoint name".to_string(), value::to_value(a)));
Some(ep) => {
self.remove_endpoint(&mut outbound_turns, id, epname, ep);
packets::Action::Message(ref assertion) => {
&mut outbound_turns,
&mut self.churn.messages_delivered);
self.churn.messages_injected += 1;
fn deliver_outbound_turns(&mut self, outbound_turns: Map<ConnId, Vec<packets::Event>>) {
for (target, events) in outbound_turns {
let actor = self.peers.get_mut(&target).unwrap();
let _ = actor.tx.send(packets::S2C::Turn(events));
actor.queue_depth.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
pub fn peer_count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn assertion_count(&self) -> usize {
@ -206,4 +62,49 @@ impl Dataspace {
pub fn endpoint_count(&self) -> isize {
pub fn observer_count(&self) -> usize {
impl Entity for Dataspace {
fn assert(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, a: Assertion, h: Handle) -> ActorResult {
tracing::trace!(action = debug(&a), "assert");
let old_assertions = self.index.assertion_count();
self.index.insert(t, &a);
self.churn.assertions_added += self.index.assertion_count() - old_assertions;
self.churn.endpoints_added += 1;
if let Ok(o) = Observe::try_from(&a) {
self.index.add_observer(t, &o.pattern, &o.observer);
self.churn.observers_added += 1;
self.handle_map.insert(h, (a, Some(o)));
} else {
self.handle_map.insert(h, (a, None));
fn retract(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, h: Handle) -> ActorResult {
if let Some((a, maybe_o)) = self.handle_map.remove(&h) {
if let Some(o) = maybe_o {
self.index.remove_observer(o.pattern, &o.observer);
self.churn.observers_removed += 1;
let old_assertions = self.index.assertion_count();
self.index.remove(t, &a);
self.churn.assertions_removed += old_assertions - self.index.assertion_count();
self.churn.endpoints_removed += 1;
fn message(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, m: Assertion) -> ActorResult {
self.index.send(t, &m, &mut self.churn.messages_delivered);
self.churn.messages_injected += 1;

src/error.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
pub use super::schemas::internal_protocol::_Any;
pub use super::schemas::internal_protocol::_Ptr;
pub use super::schemas::internal_protocol::Error;
use preserves::value::NestedValue;
use preserves::value::Value;
use preserves_schema::support::ParseError;
impl std::error::Error for Error {}
impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "Error: {}; detail: {:?}", self.message, self.detail)
pub fn error<Detail>(message: &str, detail: Detail) -> Error where Value<_Any, _Ptr>: From<Detail> {
Error {
message: message.to_owned(),
detail: _Any::new(detail),
impl From<&str> for Error {
fn from(v: &str) -> Self {
error(v, false)
impl From<std::io::Error> for Error {
fn from(v: std::io::Error) -> Self {
error(&format!("{}", v), false)
impl From<ParseError> for Error {
fn from(v: ParseError) -> Self {
error(&format!("{}", v), false)

View File

@ -1,30 +1,45 @@
pub mod bag;
pub mod config;
pub mod dataspace;
pub mod packets;
pub mod peer;
pub mod skeleton;
pub mod spaces;
pub use preserves::value;
// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
// #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
// pub enum Syndicate {
// Placeholder(usize),
// }
// impl value::Domain for Syndicate {}
// static NEXT_PLACEHOLDER: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
// impl Syndicate {
// pub fn new_placeholder() -> Self {
// Self::Placeholder(NEXT_PLACEHOLDER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst))
// }
// }
pub use schemas::internal_protocol::Handle;
pub use schemas::internal_protocol::Oid;
pub type ConnId = u64;
pub type V = value::IOValue; // value::ArcValue<Syndicate>;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
pub mod actor;
pub mod bag;
pub mod config;
pub mod dataspace;
pub mod error;
pub mod schemas;
pub mod packets;
pub mod pattern;
pub mod peer;
pub mod skeleton;
pub type Assertion = schemas::dataspace::_Any;
pub type ActorId = u64;
static NEXT_ACTOR_ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
pub fn next_actor_id() -> ActorId {
NEXT_ACTOR_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
static NEXT_OID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
pub fn next_oid() -> Oid {
NEXT_OID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) as u128))
static NEXT_HANDLE: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
pub fn next_handle() -> Handle {
NEXT_HANDLE.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) as u128))
static NEXT_MAILBOX_ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
pub fn next_mailbox_id() -> u64 {
NEXT_MAILBOX_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)

View File

@ -1,91 +1,35 @@
use super::V;
pub use crate::schemas::internal_protocol::*;
use bytes::{Buf, buf::BufMutExt, BytesMut};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use bytes::{Buf, BufMut, BytesMut};
use preserves::{
value::{PackedReader, PackedWriter},
use std::convert::TryFrom;
pub type EndpointName = V;
pub type Assertion = V;
pub type Captures = Arc<Vec<Assertion>>;
use preserves::value::PackedReader;
use preserves::value::PackedWriter;
use preserves::value::Reader;
use preserves::value::Writer;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum Action {
Assert(EndpointName, Assertion),
pub struct Codec;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum Event {
Add(EndpointName, Captures),
Del(EndpointName, Captures),
Msg(EndpointName, Captures),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum C2S {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum S2C {
Err(String, V),
pub type Error = error::Error;
pub struct Codec<InT, OutT> {
ph_in: PhantomData<InT>,
ph_out: PhantomData<OutT>,
pub type ServerCodec = Codec<C2S, S2C>;
pub type ClientCodec = Codec<S2C, C2S>;
impl<InT, OutT> Codec<InT, OutT> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Codec { ph_in: PhantomData, ph_out: PhantomData }
impl<InT: serde::de::DeserializeOwned, OutT> tokio_util::codec::Decoder for Codec<InT, OutT> {
type Item = InT;
impl tokio_util::codec::Decoder for Codec {
type Item = Packet;
type Error = Error;
fn decode(&mut self, bs: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
let mut r = PackedReader::decode_bytes(bs);
let mut d = Deserializer::from_reader(&mut r);
match Self::Item::deserialize(&mut d) {
Err(e) if error::is_eof_error(&e) => Ok(None),
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(item) => {
let count = d.read.source.index;
match r.next(false)? {
None => Ok(None),
Some(item) => {
let count = r.source.index;
impl<InT, OutT: serde::Serialize> tokio_util::codec::Encoder<OutT> for Codec<InT, OutT>
impl tokio_util::codec::Encoder<&Packet> for Codec {
type Error = Error;
fn encode(&mut self, item: OutT, bs: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
to_writer(&mut PackedWriter::new(&mut bs.writer()), &item)
fn encode(&mut self, item: &Packet, bs: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
Ok(PackedWriter::new(&mut bs.writer()).write(&item.into())?)

src/pattern.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
use crate::Assertion;
use crate::schemas::dataspace_patterns::*;
use preserves::value::NestedValue;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum PathStep {
pub type Path = Vec<PathStep>;
pub type Paths = Vec<Path>;
struct Analyzer {
pub const_paths: Paths,
pub const_values: Vec<_Any>,
pub capture_paths: Paths,
pub struct PatternAnalysis {
pub const_paths: Paths,
pub const_values: _Any,
pub capture_paths: Paths,
impl PatternAnalysis {
pub fn new(p: &Pattern) -> Self {
let mut analyzer = Analyzer {
const_paths: Vec::new(),
const_values: Vec::new(),
capture_paths: Vec::new(),
analyzer.walk(&mut Vec::new(), p);
PatternAnalysis {
const_paths: analyzer.const_paths,
const_values: _Any::new(analyzer.const_values),
capture_paths: analyzer.capture_paths,
impl Analyzer {
fn walk_step(&mut self, path: &mut Path, s: PathStep, p: &Pattern) {
self.walk(path, p);
fn walk(&mut self, path: &mut Path, p: &Pattern) {
match p {
Pattern::DCompound(b) => match &**b {
DCompound::Rec { members, .. } |
DCompound::Arr { members, .. } => {
for (i, p) in members {
self.walk_step(path, PathStep::Index(usize::try_from(i).unwrap_or(0)), p);
DCompound::Dict { members, .. } => {
for (k, p) in members {
self.walk_step(path, PathStep::Key(k.clone()), p);
Pattern::DBind(b) => {
let DBind { pattern, .. } = &**b;
self.walk(path, pattern)
Pattern::DDiscard(_) =>
Pattern::DLit(b) => {
let DLit { value } = &**b;

View File

@ -1,68 +1,40 @@
use super::V;
use super::ConnId;
use super::dataspace;
use super::packets;
use super::spaces;
use super::config;
use core::time::Duration;
use futures::{Sink, SinkExt, Stream};
use futures::FutureExt;
use futures::StreamExt;
use futures::select;
use preserves::value;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc, atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}};
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedSender, UnboundedReceiver, error::TryRecvError};
use tokio::time::interval;
use futures::{Sink, SinkExt, Stream};
pub type ResultC2S = Result<packets::C2S, packets::Error>;
use preserves::value;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use super::actor::*;
use super::config;
use super::error::Error;
use super::error::error;
use super::packets;
pub struct Peer<I, O>
where I: Stream<Item = ResultC2S> + Send,
O: Sink<packets::S2C, Error = packets::Error>,
where I: Stream<Item = Result<packets::Packet, Error>> + Send,
O: Sink<packets::Packet, Error = Error>,
id: ConnId,
tx: UnboundedSender<packets::S2C>,
rx: UnboundedReceiver<packets::S2C>,
i: Pin<Box<I>>,
o: Pin<Box<O>>,
space: Option<dataspace::DataspaceRef>,
fn err(s: &str, ctx: V) -> packets::S2C {
packets::S2C::Err(s.into(), ctx)
ds: Arc<Ref>,
config: Arc<config::ServerConfig>,
impl<I, O> Peer<I, O>
where I: Stream<Item = ResultC2S> + Send,
O: Sink<packets::S2C, Error = packets::Error>,
where I: Stream<Item = Result<packets::Packet, Error>> + Send,
O: Sink<packets::Packet, Error = Error>,
pub fn new(id: ConnId, i: I, o: O) -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel();
Peer{ id, tx, rx, i: Box::pin(i), o: Box::pin(o), space: None }
pub fn new(i: I, o: O, ds: Arc<Ref>, config: Arc<config::ServerConfig>) -> Self {
Peer{ i: Box::pin(i), o: Box::pin(o), ds, config }
pub async fn run(&mut self, spaces: Arc<Mutex<spaces::Spaces>>, config: &config::ServerConfig) ->
Result<(), packets::Error>
let firstpacket = self.i.next().await;
let dsname = if let Some(Ok(packets::C2S::Connect(dsname))) = firstpacket {
} else {
let e = format!("Expected initial Connect, got {:?}", firstpacket);
self.o.send(err(&e, value::FALSE.clone())).await?;
return Err(preserves::error::syntax_error(&e))
self.space = Some(spaces.lock().unwrap().lookup(&dsname));
pub async fn run(mut self) -> Result<(), packets::Error> {
let queue_depth = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let mut ping_timer = interval(Duration::from_secs(60));
let mut running = true;
let mut overloaded = None;
@ -71,12 +43,11 @@ where I: Stream<Item = ResultC2S> + Send,
let mut to_send = Vec::new();
let queue_depth_sample = queue_depth.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
if queue_depth_sample > config.overload_threshold {
if queue_depth_sample > self.config.overload_threshold {
let n = overloaded.unwrap_or(0);
tracing::warn!(turns=n, queue_depth=queue_depth_sample, "overloaded");
if n == config.overload_turn_limit {
value::Value::from(queue_depth_sample as u64).wrap()));
if n == self.config.overload_turn_limit {
to_send.push(error("Overloaded", queue_depth_sample as u128));
running = false;
} else {
if queue_depth_sample > previous_sample.unwrap_or(0) {
@ -94,50 +65,22 @@ where I: Stream<Item = ResultC2S> + Send,
previous_sample = Some(queue_depth_sample);
select! {
_instant = ping_timer.next().boxed().fuse() => to_send.push(packets::S2C::Ping()),
frame = self.i.next().fuse() => match frame {
Some(res) => match res {
Ok(p) => {
tracing::trace!(packet = debug(&p), "input");
match p {
packets::C2S::Turn(actions) => {
match self.space.as_ref().unwrap().write().unwrap()
.turn(self.id, actions)
Ok(()) => (),
Err((msg, ctx)) => {
to_send.push(err(&msg, ctx));
running = false;
packets::Packet::Turn(b) => {
let packets::Turn(actions) = &*b;
/* ... */
packets::C2S::Ping() =>
packets::C2S::Pong() =>
packets::C2S::Connect(_) => {
to_send.push(err("Unexpected Connect", value::to_value(p)));
running = false;
packets::Packet::Error(b) => {
let e = &*b;
/* ... */
Err(e) if preserves::error::is_eof_error(&e) => {
running = false;
Err(e) if preserves::error::is_syntax_error(&e) => {
to_send.push(err(&e.to_string(), value::FALSE.clone()));
running = false;
Err(e) => {
if preserves::error::is_io_error(&e) {
return Err(e);
} else {
to_send.push(err(&format!("Packet deserialization error: {}", e),
running = false;
Err(e) => return Err(e),
None => {
tracing::trace!("remote has closed");
@ -167,7 +110,7 @@ where I: Stream<Item = ResultC2S> + Send,
if !ok {
/* weird. */
to_send.push(err("Outbound channel closed unexpectedly", value::FALSE.clone()));
to_send.push(error("Outbound channel closed unexpectedly", value::FALSE.clone()));
running = false;
@ -185,14 +128,3 @@ where I: Stream<Item = ResultC2S> + Send,
impl<I, O> Drop for Peer<I, O>
where I: Stream<Item = ResultC2S> + Send,
O: Sink<packets::S2C, Error = packets::Error>,
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(ref s) = self.space {

View File

@ -1,118 +1,99 @@
use super::ConnId;
use super::Assertion;
use super::bag;
use super::packets::Assertion;
use super::packets::Captures;
use super::packets::EndpointName;
use super::packets::Event;
use preserves::value::{Map, Set, Value, NestedValue};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::btree_map::Entry;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::actor::Activation;
use crate::actor::Ref;
use crate::schemas::internal_protocol::Handle;
use crate::schemas::dataspace_patterns as ds;
use crate::pattern::{self, PathStep, Path, Paths};
type Bag<A> = bag::BTreeBag<A>;
pub type Path = Vec<usize>;
pub type Paths = Vec<Path>;
pub type Events = Vec<Event>;
pub type TurnMap = Map<ConnId, Events>;
type Captures = Assertion;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct Endpoint {
pub connection: ConnId,
pub name: EndpointName,
pub enum Skeleton {
Guarded(Guard, Vec<Skeleton>)
pub struct AnalysisResults {
pub skeleton: Skeleton,
pub const_paths: Paths,
pub const_vals: Captures,
pub capture_paths: Paths,
pub assertion: Assertion,
pub enum Guard {
Rec(Assertion, usize),
pub struct Index {
all_assertions: Bag<CachedAssertion>,
all_assertions: Bag<Assertion>,
observer_count: usize,
root: Node,
struct Node {
continuation: Continuation,
edges: Map<Selector, Map<Guard, Node>>,
struct Continuation {
cached_assertions: Set<Assertion>,
leaf_map: Map<Paths, Map<Captures, Leaf>>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct Selector {
pop_count: usize,
step: PathStep,
struct Leaf { // aka Topic
cached_assertions: Set<Assertion>,
endpoints_map: Map<Paths, Endpoints>,
struct Endpoints {
cached_captures: Bag<Captures>,
endpoints: Map<Arc<Ref>, Map<Captures, Handle>>,
impl Index {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Index{ all_assertions: Bag::new(), root: Node::new(Continuation::new(Set::new())) }
pub fn add_endpoint(&mut self, analysis_results: &AnalysisResults, endpoint: Endpoint) -> Events
let continuation = self.root.extend(&analysis_results.skeleton);
let continuation_cached_assertions = &continuation.cached_assertions;
let const_val_map =
continuation.leaf_map.entry(analysis_results.const_paths.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
let mut cvm = Map::new();
for a in continuation_cached_assertions {
let key = project_paths(a.unscope(), &analysis_results.const_paths);
let capture_paths = &analysis_results.capture_paths;
let leaf = const_val_map.entry(analysis_results.const_vals.clone()).or_insert_with(Leaf::new);
let leaf_cached_assertions = &leaf.cached_assertions;
let endpoints = leaf.endpoints_map.entry(capture_paths.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
let mut b = Bag::new();
for a in leaf_cached_assertions {
let (restriction_paths, term) = a.unpack();
if is_unrestricted(&capture_paths, restriction_paths) {
let captures = project_paths(term, &capture_paths);
*b.entry(captures).or_insert(0) += 1;
let endpoint_name = endpoint.name.clone();
.map(|(cs,_)| Event::Add(endpoint_name.clone(), cs.clone()))
pub fn remove_endpoint(&mut self, analysis_results: &AnalysisResults, endpoint: Endpoint) {
let continuation = self.root.extend(&analysis_results.skeleton);
if let Entry::Occupied(mut const_val_map_entry)
= continuation.leaf_map.entry(analysis_results.const_paths.clone())
let const_val_map = const_val_map_entry.get_mut();
if let Entry::Occupied(mut leaf_entry)
= const_val_map.entry(analysis_results.const_vals.clone())
let leaf = leaf_entry.get_mut();
if let Entry::Occupied(mut endpoints_entry)
= leaf.endpoints_map.entry(analysis_results.capture_paths.clone())
let endpoints = endpoints_entry.get_mut();
if endpoints.endpoints.is_empty() {
if leaf.is_empty() {
if const_val_map.is_empty() {
Index {
all_assertions: Bag::new(),
observer_count: 0,
root: Node::new(Continuation::new(Set::new())),
pub fn insert(&mut self, outer_value: CachedAssertion, outputs: &mut TurnMap) {
pub fn add_observer(
&mut self,
t: &mut Activation,
pat: &ds::Pattern,
observer: &Arc<Ref>,
) {
let analysis = pattern::PatternAnalysis::new(pat);
self.root.extend(pat).add_observer(t, &analysis, observer);
self.observer_count += 1;
pub fn remove_observer(
&mut self,
pat: ds::Pattern,
observer: &Arc<Ref>,
) {
let analysis = pattern::PatternAnalysis::new(&pat);
self.root.extend(&pat).remove_observer(analysis, observer);
self.observer_count -= 1;
pub fn insert(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, outer_value: &Assertion) {
let net = self.all_assertions.change(outer_value.clone(), 1);
match net {
bag::Net::AbsentToPresent => {
@ -123,9 +104,8 @@ impl Index {
|l, v| { l.cached_assertions.insert(v.clone()); },
|es, cs| {
if es.cached_captures.change(cs.clone(), 1) == bag::Net::AbsentToPresent {
for ep in &es.endpoints {
.push(Event::Add(ep.name.clone(), cs.clone()))
for (observer, capture_map) in &mut es.endpoints {
capture_map.insert(cs.clone(), t.assert(observer.clone(), cs.clone()));
@ -136,7 +116,7 @@ impl Index {
pub fn remove(&mut self, outer_value: CachedAssertion, outputs: &mut TurnMap) {
pub fn remove(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, outer_value: &Assertion) {
let net = self.all_assertions.change(outer_value.clone(), -1);
match net {
bag::Net::PresentToAbsent => {
@ -147,9 +127,10 @@ impl Index {
|l, v| { l.cached_assertions.remove(v); },
|es, cs| {
if es.cached_captures.change(cs.clone(), -1) == bag::Net::PresentToAbsent {
for ep in &es.endpoints {
.push(Event::Del(ep.name.clone(), cs.clone()))
for capture_map in es.endpoints.values_mut() {
if let Some(h) = capture_map.remove(&cs) {
@ -160,11 +141,7 @@ impl Index {
pub fn send(&mut self,
outer_value: CachedAssertion,
outputs: &mut TurnMap,
delivery_count: &mut usize)
pub fn send(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, outer_value: &Assertion, delivery_count: &mut usize) {
@ -172,9 +149,8 @@ impl Index {
|_l, _v| (),
|es, cs| {
*delivery_count += es.endpoints.len();
for ep in &es.endpoints {
.push(Event::Msg(ep.name.clone(), cs.clone()))
for observer in es.endpoints.keys() {
t.message(observer.clone(), cs.clone());
}).perform(&mut self.root);
@ -186,12 +162,10 @@ impl Index {
pub fn endpoint_count(&self) -> isize {
return self.all_assertions.total()
struct Node {
continuation: Continuation,
edges: Map<Selector, Map<Guard, Node>>,
pub fn observer_count(&self) -> usize {
return self.observer_count
impl Node {
@ -199,38 +173,60 @@ impl Node {
Node { continuation, edges: Map::new() }
fn extend(&mut self, skeleton: &Skeleton) -> &mut Continuation {
let (_pop_count, final_node) = self.extend_walk(&mut Vec::new(), 0, 0, skeleton);
fn extend(&mut self, pat: &ds::Pattern) -> &mut Continuation {
let (_pop_count, final_node) = self.extend_walk(&mut Vec::new(), 0, PathStep::Index(0), pat);
&mut final_node.continuation
fn extend_walk(&mut self, path: &mut Path, pop_count: usize, index: usize, skeleton: &Skeleton)
-> (usize, &mut Node) {
match skeleton {
Skeleton::Blank => (pop_count, self),
Skeleton::Guarded(cls, kids) => {
let selector = Selector { pop_count, index };
let continuation = &self.continuation;
let table = self.edges.entry(selector).or_insert_with(Map::new);
let mut next_node = table.entry(cls.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
.filter(|a| {
Some(cls) == class_of(project_path(a.unscope(), path)).as_ref() })
let mut pop_count = 0;
for (index, kid) in kids.iter().enumerate() {
let (pc, nn) = next_node.extend_walk(path, pop_count, index, kid);
pop_count = pc;
next_node = nn;
(pop_count + 1, next_node)
fn extend_walk(
&mut self,
path: &mut Path,
pop_count: usize,
step: PathStep,
pat: &ds::Pattern,
) -> (usize, &mut Node) {
let (guard, members): (Guard, Vec<(PathStep, &ds::Pattern)>) = match pat {
ds::Pattern::DCompound(b) => match &**b {
ds::DCompound::Arr { ctor, members } =>
members.iter().map(|(i, p)| (PathStep::Index(i.try_into().unwrap_or(0)), p)).collect()),
ds::DCompound::Rec { ctor, members } =>
(Guard::Rec(ctor.label.clone(), usize::try_from(&ctor.arity).unwrap_or(0)),
members.iter().map(|(i, p)| (PathStep::Index(i.try_into().unwrap_or(0)), p)).collect()),
ds::DCompound::Dict { members, .. } =>
members.iter().map(|(k, p)| (PathStep::Key(k.clone()), p)).collect()),
ds::Pattern::DBind(b) => {
let ds::DBind { pattern, .. } = &**b;
return self.extend_walk(path, pop_count, step, pattern);
ds::Pattern::DDiscard(_) | ds::Pattern::DLit(_) =>
return (pop_count, self),
let selector = Selector { pop_count, step };
let continuation = &self.continuation;
let table = self.edges.entry(selector).or_insert_with(Map::new);
let mut next_node = table.entry(guard.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
.filter(|a| match project_path(a, path) {
Some(v) => Some(&guard) == class_of(v).as_ref(),
None => false,
let mut pop_count = 0;
for (step, kid) in members.into_iter() {
let (pc, nn) = next_node.extend_walk(path, pop_count, step, kid);
pop_count = pc;
next_node = nn;
(pop_count + 1, next_node)
@ -257,35 +253,31 @@ impl<'a, T> Stack<'a, T> {
struct Modification<'op, FCont, FLeaf, FEndpoints>
where FCont: FnMut(&mut Continuation, &CachedAssertion) -> (),
FLeaf: FnMut(&mut Leaf, &CachedAssertion) -> (),
where FCont: FnMut(&mut Continuation, &Assertion) -> (),
FLeaf: FnMut(&mut Leaf, &Assertion) -> (),
FEndpoints: FnMut(&mut Endpoints, Captures) -> ()
create_leaf_if_absent: bool,
outer_value: &'op CachedAssertion,
restriction_paths: Option<&'op Paths>,
outer_value_term: &'op Assertion,
outer_value: &'op Assertion,
m_cont: FCont,
m_leaf: FLeaf,
m_endpoints: FEndpoints,
impl<'op, FCont, FLeaf, FEndpoints> Modification<'op, FCont, FLeaf, FEndpoints>
where FCont: FnMut(&mut Continuation, &CachedAssertion) -> (),
FLeaf: FnMut(&mut Leaf, &CachedAssertion) -> (),
where FCont: FnMut(&mut Continuation, &Assertion) -> (),
FLeaf: FnMut(&mut Leaf, &Assertion) -> (),
FEndpoints: FnMut(&mut Endpoints, Captures) -> ()
fn new(create_leaf_if_absent: bool,
outer_value: &'op CachedAssertion,
outer_value: &'op Assertion,
m_cont: FCont,
m_leaf: FLeaf,
m_endpoints: FEndpoints) -> Self {
let (restriction_paths, outer_value_term) = outer_value.unpack();
m_endpoints: FEndpoints,
) -> Self {
Modification {
@ -293,7 +285,7 @@ where FCont: FnMut(&mut Continuation, &CachedAssertion) -> (),
fn perform(&mut self, n: &mut Node) {
self.node(n, &Stack::Item(&Value::from(vec![self.outer_value_term.clone()]).wrap(), &Stack::Empty))
self.node(n, &Stack::Item(&Value::from(vec![self.outer_value.clone()]).wrap(), &Stack::Empty))
fn node(&mut self, n: &mut Node, term_stack: &Stack<&Assertion>) {
@ -301,10 +293,11 @@ where FCont: FnMut(&mut Continuation, &CachedAssertion) -> (),
for (selector, table) in &mut n.edges {
let mut next_stack = term_stack;
for _ in 0..selector.pop_count { next_stack = next_stack.pop() }
let next_value = step(next_stack.top(), selector.index);
if let Some(next_class) = class_of(next_value) {
if let Some(next_node) = table.get_mut(&next_class) {
self.node(next_node, &Stack::Item(next_value, next_stack))
if let Some(next_value) = step(next_stack.top(), &selector.step) {
if let Some(next_class) = class_of(next_value) {
if let Some(next_node) = table.get_mut(&next_class) {
self.node(next_node, &Stack::Item(next_value, next_stack))
@ -314,24 +307,24 @@ where FCont: FnMut(&mut Continuation, &CachedAssertion) -> (),
(self.m_cont)(c, self.outer_value);
let mut empty_const_paths = Vec::new();
for (const_paths, const_val_map) in &mut c.leaf_map {
let const_vals = project_paths(self.outer_value_term, const_paths);
let leaf_opt = if self.create_leaf_if_absent {
} else {
if let Some(leaf) = leaf_opt {
(self.m_leaf)(leaf, self.outer_value);
for (capture_paths, endpoints) in &mut leaf.endpoints_map {
if is_unrestricted(&capture_paths, self.restriction_paths) {
project_paths(self.outer_value_term, &capture_paths));
if let Some(const_vals) = project_paths(self.outer_value, const_paths) {
let leaf_opt = if self.create_leaf_if_absent {
} else {
if let Some(leaf) = leaf_opt {
(self.m_leaf)(leaf, self.outer_value);
for (capture_paths, endpoints) in &mut leaf.endpoints_map {
if let Some(cs) = project_paths(self.outer_value, &capture_paths) {
(self.m_endpoints)(endpoints, cs);
if leaf.is_empty() {
if const_val_map.is_empty() {
if leaf.is_empty() {
if const_val_map.is_empty() {
@ -344,71 +337,124 @@ where FCont: FnMut(&mut Continuation, &CachedAssertion) -> (),
fn class_of(v: &Assertion) -> Option<Guard> {
match v.value() {
Value::Sequence(ref vs) => Some(Guard::Seq(vs.len())),
Value::Record(ref r) => Some(Guard::Rec(r.label().clone(), r.arity())),
Value::Sequence(vs) => Some(Guard::Seq(vs.len())),
Value::Record(r) => Some(Guard::Rec(r.label().clone(), r.arity())),
Value::Dictionary(_) => Some(Guard::Map),
_ => None,
fn project_path<'a>(v: &'a Assertion, p: &Path) -> &'a Assertion {
fn project_path<'a>(v: &'a Assertion, p: &Path) -> Option<&'a Assertion> {
let mut v = v;
for i in p {
v = step(v, *i);
match step(v, i) {
Some(w) => v = w,
None => return None,
fn project_paths<'a>(v: &'a Assertion, ps: &Paths) -> Captures {
Arc::new(ps.iter().map(|p| project_path(v, p)).cloned().collect())
fn step(v: &Assertion, i: usize) -> &Assertion {
match v.value() {
Value::Sequence(ref vs) => &vs[i],
Value::Record(ref r) => &r.fields()[i],
_ => panic!("step: non-sequence, non-record {:?}", v)
fn project_paths<'a>(v: &'a Assertion, ps: &Paths) -> Option<Captures> {
let mut vs = Vec::new();
for p in ps {
match project_path(v, p) {
Some(c) => vs.push(c.clone()),
None => return None,
struct Continuation {
cached_assertions: Set<CachedAssertion>,
leaf_map: Map<Paths, Map<Captures, Leaf>>,
fn step<'a>(v: &'a Assertion, s: &PathStep) -> Option<&'a Assertion> {
match (v.value(), s) {
(Value::Sequence(vs), PathStep::Index(i)) =>
if *i < vs.len() { Some(&vs[*i]) } else { None },
(Value::Record(r), PathStep::Index(i)) =>
if *i < r.arity() { Some(&r.fields()[*i]) } else { None },
(Value::Dictionary(m), PathStep::Key(k)) =>
_ =>
impl Continuation {
fn new(cached_assertions: Set<CachedAssertion>) -> Self {
fn new(cached_assertions: Set<Assertion>) -> Self {
Continuation { cached_assertions, leaf_map: Map::new() }
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct Selector {
pop_count: usize,
index: usize,
pub fn add_observer(
&mut self,
t: &mut Activation,
analysis: &pattern::PatternAnalysis,
observer: &Arc<Ref>,
) {
let cached_assertions = &self.cached_assertions;
let const_val_map =
|| {
let mut cvm = Map::new();
for a in cached_assertions {
if let Some(key) = project_paths(a, &analysis.const_paths) {
let leaf = const_val_map.entry(analysis.const_values.clone()).or_insert_with(Leaf::new);
let leaf_cached_assertions = &leaf.cached_assertions;
let endpoints = leaf.endpoints_map.entry(analysis.capture_paths.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
let mut b = Bag::new();
for term in leaf_cached_assertions {
if let Some(captures) = project_paths(term, &analysis.capture_paths) {
*b.entry(captures).or_insert(0) += 1;
Endpoints { cached_captures: b, endpoints: Map::new() }
let mut capture_map = Map::new();
for cs in endpoints.cached_captures.keys() {
capture_map.insert(cs.clone(), t.assert(observer.clone(), cs.clone()));
endpoints.endpoints.insert(observer.clone(), capture_map);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub enum Guard {
Rec(Assertion, usize),
impl Guard {
fn arity(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Guard::Rec(_, s) => *s,
Guard::Seq(s) => *s
pub fn remove_observer(
&mut self,
analysis: pattern::PatternAnalysis,
observer: &Arc<Ref>,
) {
if let Entry::Occupied(mut const_val_map_entry)
= self.leaf_map.entry(analysis.const_paths)
let const_val_map = const_val_map_entry.get_mut();
if let Entry::Occupied(mut leaf_entry)
= const_val_map.entry(analysis.const_values)
let leaf = leaf_entry.get_mut();
if let Entry::Occupied(mut endpoints_entry)
= leaf.endpoints_map.entry(analysis.capture_paths)
let endpoints = endpoints_entry.get_mut();
if endpoints.endpoints.is_empty() {
if leaf.is_empty() {
if const_val_map.is_empty() {
struct Leaf { // aka Topic
cached_assertions: Set<CachedAssertion>,
endpoints_map: Map<Paths, Endpoints>,
impl Leaf {
fn new() -> Self {
Leaf { cached_assertions: Set::new(), endpoints_map: Map::new() }
@ -418,192 +464,3 @@ impl Leaf {
self.cached_assertions.is_empty() && self.endpoints_map.is_empty()
struct Endpoints {
cached_captures: Bag<Captures>,
endpoints: Set<Endpoint>,
impl Endpoints {
fn new(cached_captures: Bag<Captures>) -> Self {
Endpoints { cached_captures, endpoints: Set::new() }
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub enum CachedAssertion {
VisibilityRestricted(Paths, Assertion),
impl From<&Assertion> for CachedAssertion {
fn from(a: &Assertion) -> Self {
impl CachedAssertion {
fn unscope(&self) -> &Assertion {
match self {
CachedAssertion::VisibilityRestricted(_, a) => a,
CachedAssertion::Unrestricted(a) => a,
fn unpack(&self) -> (Option<&Paths>, &Assertion) {
match self {
CachedAssertion::VisibilityRestricted(ps, a) => (Some(ps), a),
CachedAssertion::Unrestricted(a) => (None, a),
fn is_unrestricted(capture_paths: &Paths, restriction_paths: Option<&Paths>) -> bool {
// We are "unrestricted" if Set(capture_paths) ⊆ Set(restriction_paths). Since both
// variables really hold lists, we operate with awareness of the order the lists are
// built here. We know that the lists are built in fringe order; that is, they are
// sorted wrt `pathCmp`.
match restriction_paths {
None => true, // not visibility-restricted in the first place
Some(rpaths) => {
let mut rpi = rpaths.iter();
'outer: for c in capture_paths {
'inner: loop {
match rpi.next() {
None => {
// there's at least one capture_paths entry (`c`) that does
// not appear in restriction_paths, so we are restricted
return false;
Some(r) => match c.cmp(r) {
Ordering::Less => {
// `c` is less than `r`, but restriction_paths is sorted,
// so `c` does not appear in restriction_paths, and we are
// thus restricted.
return false;
Ordering::Equal => {
// `c` is equal to `r`, so we may yet be unrestricted.
// Discard both `c` and `r` and continue.
continue 'outer;
Ordering::Greater => {
// `c` is greater than `r`, but capture_paths and
// restriction_paths are sorted, so while we might yet
// come to an `r` that is equal to `c`, we will never find
// another `c` that is less than this `c`. Discard this
// `r` then, keeping the `c`, and compare against the next
// `r`.
continue 'inner;
// We went all the way through capture_paths without finding any `c` not in
// restriction_paths.
pub struct Analyzer {
const_paths: Paths,
const_vals: Vec<Assertion>,
capture_paths: Paths,
path: Path,
impl Analyzer {
fn walk(&mut self, mut a: &Assertion) -> Skeleton {
while let Some(fields) = a.value().as_simple_record("capture", Some(1)) {
a = &fields[0];
if a.value().is_simple_record("discard", Some(0)) {
} else {
match class_of(a) {
Some(cls) => {
let arity = cls.arity();
(0..arity).map(|i| {
let s = self.walk(step(a, i));
None => {
pub fn analyze(a: &Assertion) -> AnalysisResults {
let mut z = Analyzer {
const_paths: Vec::new(),
const_vals: Vec::new(),
capture_paths: Vec::new(),
path: Vec::new(),
let skeleton = z.walk(a);
AnalysisResults {
const_paths: z.const_paths,
const_vals: Arc::new(z.const_vals),
capture_paths: z.capture_paths,
assertion: a.clone(),
// pub fn instantiate_assertion(a: &Assertion, cs: Captures) -> CachedAssertion {
// let mut capture_paths = Vec::new();
// let mut path = Vec::new();
// let mut vs: Vec<Assertion> = (*cs).clone();
// vs.reverse();
// let instantiated = instantiate_assertion_walk(&mut capture_paths, &mut path, &mut vs, a);
// CachedAssertion::VisibilityRestricted(capture_paths, instantiated)
// }
// fn instantiate_assertion_walk(capture_paths: &mut Paths,
// path: &mut Path,
// vs: &mut Vec<Assertion>,
// a: &Assertion) -> Assertion {
// if let Some(fields) = a.value().as_simple_record("capture", Some(1)) {
// capture_paths.push(path.clone());
// let v = vs.pop().unwrap();
// instantiate_assertion_walk(capture_paths, path, vs, &fields[0]);
// v
// } else if a.value().is_simple_record("discard", Some(0)) {
// Value::Domain(Syndicate::new_placeholder()).wrap()
// } else {
// let f = |(i, aa)| {
// path.push(i);
// let vv = instantiate_assertion_walk(capture_paths,
// path,
// vs,
// aa);
// path.pop();
// vv
// };
// match class_of(a) {
// Some(Guard::Seq(_)) =>
// Value::from(Vec::from_iter(a.value().as_sequence().unwrap()
// .iter().enumerate().map(f)))
// .wrap(),
// Some(Guard::Rec(l, fieldcount)) =>
// Value::record(l, a.value().as_record(Some(fieldcount)).unwrap().1
// .iter().enumerate().map(f).collect())
// .wrap(),
// None =>
// a.clone(),
// }
// }
// }

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
use super::V;
use super::dataspace;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tracing::{info, debug};
use preserves::value::Map;
pub struct Spaces {
index: Map<V, dataspace::DataspaceRef>,
impl Spaces {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { index: Map::new() }
pub fn lookup(&mut self, name: &V) -> dataspace::DataspaceRef {
let (is_new, space) = match self.index.get(name) {
Some(s) => (false, s.clone()),
None => {
let s = dataspace::Dataspace::new_ref(name);
self.index.insert(name.clone(), s.clone());
(true, s)
debug!(name = debug(name),
action = display(if is_new { "created" } else { "accessed" }));
pub fn cleanup(&mut self) {
self.index = self.index.iter()
.filter(|s| s.1.read().unwrap().peer_count() > 0)
.map(|(k,v)| (k.clone(), Arc::clone(v)))
pub fn dump_stats(&self, delta: core::time::Duration) {
for (dsname, dsref) in &self.index {
let mut ds = dsref.write().unwrap();
info!(name = debug(dsname),
connections = display(format!("{} (+{}/-{})", ds.peer_count(), ds.churn.peers_added, ds.churn.peers_removed)),
assertions = display(format!("{} (+{}/-{})", ds.assertion_count(), ds.churn.assertions_added, ds.churn.assertions_removed)),
endpoints = display(format!("{} (+{}/-{})", ds.endpoint_count(), ds.churn.endpoints_added, ds.churn.endpoints_removed)),
msg_in_rate = display(ds.churn.messages_injected as f32 / delta.as_secs() as f32),
msg_out_rate = display(ds.churn.messages_delivered as f32 / delta.as_secs() as f32));