Redo using clap derive instead of builder

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2022-10-26 13:44:31 +02:00
parent 4ce2093e52
commit 181523d05c
1 changed files with 72 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1,71 +1,92 @@
use std::io;
use std::str::FromStr;
use clap::arg;
use clap::value_parser;
use clap::ArgGroup;
use clap::Command;
use clap::Id;
use clap::CommandFactory;
use clap::Parser;
use clap::Subcommand;
use clap::arg;
use clap_complete::{generate, Shell};
use preserves::hex::HexParser;
use preserves::value::BytesBinarySource;
use preserves::value::NestedValue;
use preserves::value::NoEmbeddedDomainCodec;
use preserves::value::Reader;
use preserves::value::TextReader;
use preserves::value::ViaCodec;
use preserves::value::TextWriter;
use syndicate::language;
use syndicate::preserves_schema::Codec;
use syndicate::preserves_schema::ParseError;
use syndicate::sturdy::_Any;
fn cli() -> Command {
.about("Mint a fresh macaroon")
.arg(arg!(--oid <value> "Preserves value to use as SturdyRef OID").required(true))
.arg(arg!(--phrase <text> "Key phrase"))
.arg(arg!(--hex <hex> "Key bytes, encoded as hex"))
.args(["phrase", "hex"])
.about("Generate shell completions for this command")
.arg(arg!(<shell> "Shell dialect to generate").value_parser(value_parser!(Shell))))
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Preserves<N: NestedValue>(N);
#[derive(Subcommand, Debug)]
enum Action {
/// Generate a fresh SturdyRef from an OID value and a key
Mint {
#[arg(long, value_name="VALUE")]
/// Preserves value to use as SturdyRef OID
oid: Preserves<_Any>,
#[arg(long, group="key")]
/// Key phrase
phrase: Option<String>,
#[arg(long, group="key")]
/// Key bytes, encoded as hex
hex: Option<String>,
/// Emit shell completion code
Completions {
/// Shell dialect to generate
shell: Shell,
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
struct Cli {
action: Action,
impl<N: NestedValue> FromStr for Preserves<N> {
type Err = ParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
Ok(Preserves(TextReader::new(&mut BytesBinarySource::new(s.as_bytes()),
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let args = cli().get_matches();
let args = <Cli as Parser>::parse();
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("completions") {
let shell = args.get_one::<Shell>("shell").unwrap().clone();
let mut cmd = cli();
match args.action {
Action::Completions { shell } => {
let mut cmd = <Cli as CommandFactory>::command();
let name = cmd.get_name().to_string();
generate(shell, &mut cmd, name, &mut io::stdout());
if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("mint") {
let oid_str = args.get_one::<String>("oid").unwrap();
let oid = match preserves::value::text::from_str(&oid_str, ViaCodec::new(NoEmbeddedDomainCodec)) {
Ok(oid) => oid,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Could not parse oid: {}", e);
Action::Mint { oid, phrase, hex } => {
let key =
if let Some(hex) = hex {
HexParser::Liberal.decode(&hex).expect("hex encoded sturdyref")
} else if let Some(phrase) = phrase {
} else {
let key = match args.get_one::<Id>("key").unwrap().as_str() {
"hex" => {
let hex = args.get_one::<String>("hex").unwrap();
HexParser::Liberal.decode(hex).expect("hex encoded sturdyref")
"phrase" => {
let text = args.get_one::<String>("phrase").unwrap();
&_ => unreachable!(),
let m = syndicate::sturdy::SturdyRef::mint(oid, &key);
let m = syndicate::sturdy::SturdyRef::mint(oid.0, &key);
println!("{}", TextWriter::encode(&mut NoEmbeddedDomainCodec,