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Efficient, Imperative Dataspaces for Conversational Concurrency

Tony Garnock-Jones
20 October 2018; revised 21 June 2019 and 4-5 April 2024

Abstract. The dataspace model of Conversational Concurrency [is great], but implementing it efficiently has been difficult until now. Existing approaches use a complex data structure that depends for its efficiency on sophisticated run-time support. This paper presents a new approach to implementation of the dataspace model that gives three benefits. First, it avoids the complexity and run-time support requirements of previous approaches, bringing dataspaces to a wider range of environments. Second, it unlocks new types of conversational interaction among concurrent components. Third, it dramatically improves performance. Key to the new technique is a syntactic treatment of assertions of interest, contrasting with the semantic treatment of assertion sets used by the earlier approach.

Constructing assertions

Imagine a language for constructing data with embedded function calls and variable references. Imagine that it is a fragment of a larger language.

c ∈ assertions  C ::= e | x(c, ...)
v ∈ values      V ::= a | x(v, ...)
e ∈ expressions E ::= a | x | e e ...
x ∈ identifiers X
a ∈ atoms       A = numbers  strings  ...

Here are some examples of assertions in C, along with suggested interpretations:

present("Alice")           Alice is present in the chat room
speak("Alice", "Hello!")   Alice says "Hello!"

Assertions of interest

In the dataspace model, "subscriptions" go hand in hand with assertions of interest in subscribed-to data. The model includes two special constructors for discussing interests. The first, observe, is interpreted as a declaration of interest in assertions matching the pattern given as its sole argument. The second, discard, is interpreted as a "don't care" when part of a pattern within observe.

observe(present(discard()))         Interest in the presence of any user
observe(speak("Alice", discard()))  Interest in every time Alice speaks

We extend the dataspace model with an additional special constructor which allows interested parties to declare the portions of matching assertions that they specifically wish to examine further: capturing positions. The capture constructor signals that the interested party will treat specially the corresponding portion of a matching assertion.1

observe(present(capture()))         Interest in each present user
observe(speak("Alice", capture()))  Interest in the things Alice says

There is an important difference between observe(present(discard())) and observe(present(capture())). The former declares that the interested party cares only about whether any user at all is present, while the latter declares an interest in the identities of the specific users that are present. Similarly, observe(speak("Alice", discard())) declares an interest in receiving a notification each time Alice speaks, but no interest in the content of each utterance, while observe(speak("Alice", capture())) declares interest in learning the things Alice says.

To drive this point home, the following patterns both result in a notification event for each utterance by any user. The first results in notifications carrying the name of the speaker along with the content of their speech. The second results in notifications carrying only the name of the speaker.

observe(speak(capture(), capture()))  Interest in who says what
observe(speak(capture(), discard()))  Interest in who speaks


Imagine now an enriched version of our language that can construct patterns over data, including captures and "don't care" positions.

p ∈ patterns    P ::= v | x(p, ...) | $x | _

Syntactic patterns can be translated into assertions of interest directly. Binding subpatterns $x are translated into capture(), and "don't care" patterns _ into discard().

Indexing assertions and patterns

There are two kinds of change in a running dataspace model program. First, assertions can be added to and removed from the dataspace. When this happens, interested facets must be informed of relevant changes. Second, facets and their event handlers can be added to and removed from the dataspace. When this happens, new handlers must be informed of preexisting matching assertions.

To efficiently respond to these two kinds of change, we maintain a special index. Every time an event handler within a facet is created, we augment the index using a data structure called a skeleton. Each skeleton contains information gleaned from static analysis of the pattern associated with the event handler. The index also records every assertion added to the dataspace, so as to correctly initialize event handlers added later.


A skeleton is comprised of three pieces: a shape, describing the positions of statically-known constructors in matching assertions; a constant map, which places restrictions on fields within constructors; and a capture map, which specifies locations of captured positions.

Each time an assertion is added or removed, it is conceptually checked against each handler's skeleton. First, the overall shape is checked. If the assertion passes this check, the constant map is checked. If all the constants match, the capture map is used to prepare an argument vector, and the event handler's callback is invoked.

k ∈ skeletons      K = S × (H ⟼ V+1) × [H]
s ∈ shapes         S = (H ⟼ L)
 ∈ classes        L = X			-- label
h ∈ paths          H = [𝐍]

Shapes retain only statically-known constructors in a pattern:

shape :: P → S
shape p = shape' [] p
    shape' :: H → P → S
    shape h v               = ∅
    shape h x(p₀, ..., pᵢ)  = (h ⟼ x)
                             (shape (h++[0]) p₀)  ...
                             (shape (h++[i]) pᵢ)
    shape h $x              = ∅
    shape h _               = ∅

A constant map filters potential matches by placing constraints on contained fields. The paths H in the map denote positions to be checked; the predicates V+1 denote either a particular value that must exist at that position, or a simple check that the term in question merely has a value in that position.

constantmap :: P → (H ⟼ V+1)
constantmap p  = cmap [] p
    cmap :: H → P → (H ⟼ V+1)
    cmap h v               = (h ⟼ inl v)
    cmap h x(p₀, ..., pᵢ)  = (cmap (h++[0]) p₀)  ...
                            (cmap (h++[i]) pᵢ)
    cmap h $x              = ∅
    cmap h _               = (h ⟼ inr ())

It will be useful to separate value-check operations from existence-check operations.

constantchecks :: (H ⟼ V+1) → (H ⟼ V) × 𝒫(H)
constantchecks m = ( { h ⟼ v | h ⟼ inl v ∈ m },
                     { h       | h ⟼ inr () ∈ m } )

Finally, a capture map extracts all capturing positions in a pattern.

capturemap :: P → [H]
capturemap p  = vmap [] p
    vmap :: H → P → [H]
    vmap h v              = []
    vmap h x(p₀, ..., pᵢ) = (vmap (h++[0]) p₀) ++ ...
                         ++ (vmap (h++[i]) pᵢ)
    vmap h $x             = [h]
    vmap h _              = []

The index

The index incorporates every active event handler and every active assertion in the dataspace.

Overview and structures

An index contains a bag of all currently-asserted assertion-values, as well as the root of a trie-like structure. Information from each indexed event handler's skeleton's shape is laid out along edges connecting trie nodes.

Every node contains a "continuation", which embodies information from a skeleton's constant map and capture map alongside handler callback functions and caches of currently-asserted values.

       Index = Bag(V) × Node
        Node = Continuation × (Move ⟼ L ⟼ Node)
        Move = 𝐍 × H

Continuation = 𝒫(V) × ([H]×𝒫(H) ⟼ [V] ⟼ Leaf)
        Leaf = 𝒫(V) × ([H] ⟼ Handler)

     Handler = Bag([V]) × 𝒫(Callback)

    Callback = EventType → [V] → V
 EventType ::= "+" | "-" | "!"

      Bag(τ) = τ ⟼ 𝐍		-- bag of τ values

To use an index in the context of a single assertion—be it a new addition, a removal, or a message to be delivered—follow a path from the root Node of the index along move- and class-labelled edges, collecting Continuations as you go. This yields a complete set of event handlers that may match the assertion being considered. Further investigating each collected Continuation by analyzing its constant maps yields a set of matching Leafs. Finally, each Leaf specifies a set of captured positions in the assertion to extract and pass to the contained callbacks.

At every Continuation, Leaf and Handler object, the index maintains a set of currently-asserted values that conform to the constraints implied by the object's position in the overall index.

Most of the components in an index are mutable: the Bag(V) and initial class-to-Node map in the root; the assertion-value cache set in each Continuation or Leaf object; the map from move to class to Node within each Node; the map from path list to value-list to Leaf in each Continuation; the map from path list to Handler in each Leaf; and the Bag([V]) in every Handler. This reflects the fact that the index directly reflects the current state of the dataspace it is indexing.

From pattern shapes to tries of moves

Definition. A visit of a tree is a sequence of paths to nodes within the tree. It may be described in two equivalent ways: as a sequence of rooted (absolute) paths, [H], or as a sequence of moves, relative paths, [Move].

w ∈ absolute visits [H]
w̅ ∈ relative visits [Move]

Definition. A move or relative path h̅ ∈ Move consists of zero or more steps rootward from a position in a tree, followed by a path from that position leafward in the tree. We define operators and for applying a move to an existing path and computing a move from one path to another, respectively:

⊕ :: H → Move → H
hₒ ⊕ (n, h) = dropRight n hₒ ++ h

⊖ :: H → H → Move
h ⊖ hₒ = (|hₒ| - |h'|, dropLeft |h'| h)
    h' = longestCommonPrefix hₒ h

The first relative path in a relative visit is interpreted with respect to the root of the tree. Relative and absolute visits are interconvertible:

absToRel :: [H] → [Move]
absToRel hs = rel [] hs
    rel hₒ [] = []
    rel hₒ [h, h₁, ...] = [h ⊖ hₒ] ++ rel h [h₁, ...]

relToAbs :: [Move] → [H]
relToAbs hs = abs [] hs
    abs hₒ [] = []
    abs hₒ [h̅, h̅₁, ...] = [hₒ ⊕ h̅] ++ abs (hₒ ⊕ h̅) [h̅₁, ...]

Definition. The shapeVisit function converts a shape into a sequence of Move × L pairs. The Moves in the sequence are a visit of the nodes in the domain of the input shape.

shapeVisit :: S → [Move × L]
shapeVisit s = zip (absToRel (map fst s')) (map snd s')
    s' = sort lexLt s

The utility sort :: ∀A ∀B . (A → A → 2) → (A ⟼ B) → [(A, B)] produces a sorted sequence from a finite map and a "less-than" predicate, which in this case is lexLt, the lexicographic ordering on paths.

Implementation note. The type S = (H ⟼ L) is an (unordered) map, but could equally well be a sequence of pairs S = [H × L] with the side condition that the Hs must be unique. With that representation, shape can be adjusted to produce output in lexicographically-sorted order, obviating the need for sort in shapeVisit.

Implementation note. In the special case of visiting a shape derived from a pattern, a move (n, h) will always have either |h| = 0 (if it is the first move in the visit) or |h| = 1 (if not). This allows representation of moves in indexes as 𝐍 × (1 + 𝐍) instead of the fully general 𝐍 × H.

Lemma. Every shape produced by shape p for a pattern p includes a mapping for all and only the interior nodes of the tree embodied by p. That is, every non-leaf node in p has a path in the domain of shape p.

Proof. By induction on p and examination of shape. ∎

Lemma. Every relative path contained in a nonempty visit produced by shapeVisit (shape p) has a leafward path of length one, except the first such relative path, which always equals (0, []).

Proof. By properties of the lexicographic ordering of paths and the lemma above. The first path in shapeVisit's result will always be the relative path to the root node, (0, []), since that is the smallest possible path by the ordering. Subsequent paths will always be to an immediate child of the current node or of one of its ancestors. If it were not so, a contradiction would arise: since every interior node is represented, every immediate child with children of its own must appear, and lexicographic ordering requires that such nodes appear before their own children, so "skipping" a generation is not possible. ∎

Adding and removing event handlers

Every event handler is a pair of a skeleton and a callback function.

Adding or removing an event handler proceeds in two stages. First, the index is extended to incorporate a path computed from the skeleton's shape into the Node-based trie. Second, the capture map and callback are installed into or removed from the Continuation within the Node at the end of that path.

Because (statically-known) shapes are finite and not particularly numerous in any given program, the implementation assumes that it is never necessary to remove shapes from the index. Instead, it limits itself to removal of handler functions, capture maps, and constant maps. This assumption will have to be revisited in future broker-like cases where handlers are dynamically installed.

Example. Let our pattern be

p = x(y(3, 4), $v, z(_, w(), _), _)

The skeleton of the pattern is then

k = (shape p, constantmap p, capturemap p)

shape p = ([] ⟼ x)
         ([0] ⟼ y)
         ([2] ⟼ z)
         ([2, 1] ⟼ w)

constantmap p = ([0, 0] ⟼ inl 3)
               ([0, 1] ⟼ inl 4)
               ([2, 0] ⟼ inr ())
               ([2, 2] ⟼ inr ())
               ([3] ⟼ inr ())

capturemap p = [[1]]

The shape-visit of p is thus

shapeVisit (shape p) = [((0, []), x),
                        ((0, [0]), y),
                        ((1, [2]), z),
                        ((0, [1]), w)]

Definition. The partial project function extracts the subvalue at a given path h from an overall value v.

project :: V → H ⇀ V
project v [] = v
project x(v₀, ..., vᵢ) (n:h) = project vₙ h, if 0 ≤ n ≤ i

Definition. The projectMany partial function projects a sequence of subvalues.

projectMany :: V → [H] ⇀ [V]
projectMany v [h, ...] = [project v h, ...]

Definition. The classof partial function extracts the constructor label x from a record value. It is undefined for non-record values.

classof :: V ⇀ L
classof x(v₀, ..., vᵢ) = x

Definition. The extend procedure augments an index with shape information s, where ∃p . s = shape p, by imperatively updating the index structure. It returns the Continuation associated with the final Node visited in the path described by s.

extend :: Index → S → Continuation
extend (_, root) s = visit [] root (shapeVisit s)
    visit :: H → Node → [Move × L] → Continuation
    visit h (cont, moveTable) [] = cont
    visit h (cont, moveTable) ([(h̅, )] ++ moves) =
      if h̅ not in moveTable then
          moveTable[h̅] := {}
      let classTable = moveTable[h̅]
      if  not in classTable then
          let vs = { v | v ∈ fst cont,
                         classof (project v (h ⊕ h̅)) =  }
          classTable[] := ((vs, {}), {})
      visit (h ⊕ h̅) classTable[] moves

Definition. The addHandler procedure installs into an index an event handler callback f expecting values matching and captured by the given skeleton k. It then invokes f once for each distinct sequence of captured values matching existing assertions in the index.2

addHandler :: Index → K → Callback → 1
addHandler index (s, constantMap, captureMap) f =
  let (cache, table) = extend index s
  let (unsortedConstants, checks) = constantchecks constantMap
  let constants = sort lexLt unsortedConstants
  let constLocs = map fst constants
  let constKey = (constLocs, checks)
  if constKey not in table then
      table[constKey] := {}
      for v in cache
          if ∀h ∈ checks, project v h is defined and
             ∃key . key = projectMany v constLocs then
              if key not in table[constKey] then
                  table[constKey][key] := ({}, {})
              let (leafcache, _leaftable) = table[constKey][key]
              leafcache += v
  let constVals = map snd constants
  if constVals not in table[constKey] then
      table[constKey][constVals] := ({}, {})
  let (leafcache, leaftable) = table[constKey][constVals]
  if captureMap not in leaftable then
      let bag = empty_bag
      for v in leafcache
          if ∃seq . seq = projectMany v captureMap then
              bag[seq] += 1
      leaftable[captureMap] := (bag, {})
  let (bag, f_table) = leaftable[captureMap]
  f_table += f
  for (seq ⟼ _) in bag
      f "+" seq

Definition. The removeHandler procedure removes an event handler from an index.

removeHandler :: Index → K → Callback → 1
removeHandler index (s, constantMap, captureMap) f =
  let (_, table) = extend index s
  let (unsortedConstants, checks) = constantchecks constantMap
  let constants = sort lexLt unsortedConstants
  let constLocs = map fst constants
  let constKey = (constLocs, checks)
  if constKey not in table then
  let constVals = map snd constants
  if constVals not in table[constKey] then
  let (leafcache, leaftable) = table[constKey][constVals]
  if captureMap not in leaftable then
  let (bag, f_table) = leaftable[captureMap]
  if f not in f_table then
  f_table -= f
  if f_table = {} then
      delete leaftable[captureMap]
  if leafcache = {} and leaftable = {} then
      delete table[constKey][constVals]
  if table[constKey] = {} then
      delete table[constKey]

Adding assertions, removing assertions and sending messages

All three operations depend on a single traversal procedure, parameterized with different update procedures.

Definition. The modify procedure traverses an index trie, following the structure of v and updating cached assertion sets according to the given update procedures. The update procedures act by side-effect; in particular, the m_handler procedure may choose to invoke the callback passed to it.

Operation = { AddAssertion, RemoveAssertion, SendMessage }

modify :: Index →
          Operation →
          V →
          (Continuation → V → 1) →
          (Leaf → V → 1) →
          (Handler → [V] → 1) →
modify (_, root) operation v m_cont m_leaf m_handler =
    visit root [v]
    visit :: Node → [V] → 1
    visit (cont, moveTable) vs =
      visit-cont cont
      for ((n, h) ⟼ classTable) in moveTable
        let (v' : vs') = dropLeft vs n in
          if ∃v . v = project v' h and
             ∃ℓ .  = classof v and
             ∃next . ( ⟼ next) ∈ classTable then
            visit next (v : v' : vs')

    visit-cont :: Continuation → 1
    visit-cont cont@(_, table) =
      m_cont cont v
      for ((constLocs, checks) ⟼ constVals) in table
        if ∀h ∈ checks, project v h is defined and
           ∃consts . consts = projectMany v constLocs then
            if operation = AddAssertion and consts not in constVals then
                constVals[consts] := ({}, {})
            if consts in constVals then
                let leaf@(leafcache, leaftable) = constVals[consts]
                m_leaf leaf v
                for (captureMap ⟼ handler) in leaftable
                    if ∃vs . vs = projectMany v captureMap then
                        m_handler handler vs
                if operation = RemoveAssertion and leafcache = {} and leaftable = {} then
                    delete constVals[consts]
                    if constVals = {} then
                        delete table[(constLocs, checks)]

Definition. The procedure adjustAssertion updates the copy-count associated with v in the given index, invoking callbacks as a side-effect if this changes the observable contents of the dataspace.

adjustAssertion :: Index → V → 𝐍 → 1
adjustAssertion index@(cache, root) v delta =
    let was_present = v in cache
    cache[v] += delta
    let is_present = v in cache
    if not was_present and is_present then
        modify index AddAssertion v add_cont add_leaf add_handler
    if was_present and not is_present then
        modify index RemoveAssertion v del_cont del_leaf del_handler
    add_cont (cache, _) v = cache += v
    add_leaf (leafcache, _) v = leafcache += v
    add_handler (bag, f_table) vs =
      let was_present = vs in bag
      bag[vs] += 1
      if not was_present then
          for f in f_table
              f "+" vs

    del_cont (cache, _) v = cache -= v
    del_leaf (leafcache, _) v = leafcache -= v
    del_handler (bag, f_table) vs =
      bag[vs] -= 1
      if vs not in bag then
          for f in f_table
              f "-" vs

Definition. The procedures addAssertion and removeAssertion install and remove an assertion v into the given index, respectively.

addAssertion :: Index → V → 1
addAssertion index v = adjustAssertion index v 1

removeAssertion :: Index → V → 1
removeAssertion index v = adjustAssertion index v -1

Care must be taken when applying entire patches to ensure that added assertions are processed before removed assertions; otherwise, actors will observe glitching in certain cases. For example, consider an endpoint with a wildcard subscription [_] and a separate endpoint asserting [3]. If a patch atomically replaces [3] with [4], then if the removal is processed first, it will briefly appear to the [_] endpoint as if no assertions remain, whereas if the addition is processed first, no glitch will be detected.

Definition. The procedure sendMessage delivers a message v to event handlers in the given index.

sendMessage :: Index → V → 1
sendMessage (_, root) v =
    modify root SendMessage v send_cont send_leaf send_handler
    send_cont _ _ = ()
    send_leaf _ _ = ()
    send (_, f_table) vs =
      for f in f_table
          f "!" vs


Exact arity matching

The initial version of this design had

k ∈ skeletons   K   = S × (H ⟼ V) × [H]
 ∈ classes     L   = X × 𝐍		-- label and arity

which provided for exact arity matching instead of extensible "at-least" arity matching. Constant maps contained V rather than V+1 because the arity check as part of the class obviated the need to check a position for mere existence.

Matching atom classes

Skeleton constant map predicates V+1 can be changed to include any other kind of predicate besides equal-to-expected-value V and simple existence 1, such as string?/int?/etc.

Potential future optimizations

JIT compilation of shapes, constant checks, captures


Static analysis of messages and assertions

Static analysis of expressions under (send! ...) and (assert ...) could cut out even more structural overhead.

For example, given interests

observe(message("actor1", capture()))
observe(message("actor2", capture()))

and a message

:: message(x, y)

static analysis could directly connect the sending site to a hash-table lookup with x as the key, and invocation of the resulting handlers with y as the argument. There would be no need to perform a lookup based on the message constructor at runtime.

Similarly, given an interest


and an assertion


static analysis could directly invoke handlers with user as the argument, without needing to at runtime find the set of handlers interested in the present constructor.


  • describe the cleanup function associated with a handler in the real implementation

    • relay.rkt uses it. When an inner actor asserts interest in an inbound assertion-set, the relay process pivots into the outer dataspace's context, and adds a new endpoint that relays events to the inner dataspace. The cleanup function attached to that endpoint retracts (from the inner dataspace) any matching assertions left over at the time the endpoint is removed.
    • that appears to be it! Nowhere else in the code is a skeleton-interest constructed with a non-#f cleanup function.
  • figure out and describe scoped assertions / visibility-restrictions

    • (partial/sketchy answer:) It's to deal with the fact that multiple endpoints may overlap. Within a single dataspace, an assertion matching both endpoints will trigger each of them. When relaying, the relay maintains an endpoint in the outer space for each in the inner space. When both outer endpoints are triggered, if they were to naively relay the matching assertion, the problem isn't so much that they'd double up (because dataspaces deduplicate!), the problem is that they don't have enough information to reconstruct the triggering outer assertion perfectly! So a visibility-restriction causes an assertion to only trigger inner endpoints that capture at most the captures of the outer endpoint. One of the outer endpoints will trigger its "matching" inner endpoint, but not the inner endpoint of the other endpoint, even though you might expect the relayed assertion to do so.
    • There's also a need for (opaque-placeholder)s to frustrate constant-matching against literal (discard) in cases of visibility restriction. See commit 937bb7a and test case test/core/nesting-confusion-2.rkt.
    • HOWEVER see notes from 2019-06-18 in the googledoc Journal as well as in my notebook. See also commit 5923bdd from imperative-syndicate and e806f4b from syndicate-js. The opaque-placeholders make the distributed (= non-zero-latency) case of visibility-restriction handling problematic in general, though relaxing the constraint from exact match of captured positions to at-most-match of captured positions allows at least the during special case to work in a programmer-unsurprising way.
  • there's more to say about the implementation of the dataspace itself, not just the index structures. For example, the care that must be taken regarding cleanup-changes and abandoning work during exception handling.

  1. The implemented system affords a single argument to capture that restricts matches according to the nested subpattern. What is written here as capture() corresponds to capture(discard()) in the full implementation. The pattern language syntax is analogously extended. ↩︎

  2. Because we store sets of function values, we rely on the general availability of a closure equivalence relation. Pointer-equality of closures (eq?) suffices. ↩︎