Reorder alternatives to fail by default #11

ehmry wants to merge 1 commits from ehmry/syndicate-protocols:close-on-fail into main

Order alternatives such that a language runtime that initializes
objects to the first alternative will initialize fresh objects in
a "fail closed" rather than a "fail open" state.

The bundle was generated with a different compiler but it should match the output of the Javascript compiler.

Order alternatives such that a language runtime that initializes objects to the first alternative will initialize fresh objects in a "fail closed" rather than a "fail open" state. --- The bundle was generated with a [different compiler]( but it should match the output of the Javascript compiler.
ehmry added 1 commit 2024-05-22 17:19:37 +00:00
6b39affde1 Reorder alternatives to fail by default
Order alternatives such that a language runtime that initializes
objects to the first alternative will initialize fresh objects in
a "close-on-fail" rather than a "open-on-fail" state.
ehmry force-pushed close-on-fail from 6b39affde1 to 7b3facfb78 2024-05-22 17:20:25 +00:00 Compare
tonyg requested changes 2024-05-23 07:19:18 +00:00
tonyg left a comment

Most of these make sense, but for some, there's no natural notion of a "default" that would make sense. I've put a note on the ones I'm unsure about. (To be clear: this is more a request for discussion than changes per se. The PR is in principle mergeable as it stands I believe.)

Most of these make sense, but for some, there's no natural notion of a "default" that would make sense. I've put a note on the ones I'm unsure about. (To be clear: this is more a request for discussion than changes per se. The PR is in principle mergeable as it stands I believe.)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
version 1 .
Packet = Turn / Error / Extension / Nop .
Packet = Error / Turn / Extension / Nop .

Does it make more sense for the default to be an error (which requires a message! ... the default of which would presumably be the empty string??) or an empty turn with no events? I'd argue the latter.

Does it make more sense for the default to be an error (which requires a message! ... the default of which would presumably be the empty string??) or an empty turn with no events? I'd argue the latter.
ehmry marked this conversation as resolved
@ -29,2 +29,4 @@
# Possible service states.
State =
/ # The service has failed.

This one I'm unsure about. Is the "default" state more likely to be "failed" or "started"? Does "default" even make sense here? ... Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the constraints leading to this pull request!

This one I'm unsure about. Is the "default" state more likely to be "failed" or "started"? Does "default" even make sense here? ... Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the constraints leading to this pull request!
ehmry marked this conversation as resolved
@ -38,3 +38,3 @@
# embodies 1st-party caveats over assertion structure, but nothing else
# can add 3rd-party caveats and richer predicates later
Caveat = Rewrite / Alts / Reject / @unknown any .
Caveat = Reject / Rewrite / Alts / @unknown any .

This one definitely feels like the idea of a "default" or zero value is inappropriate for.

This one definitely feels like the idea of a "default" or zero value is inappropriate for.
ehmry marked this conversation as resolved
@ -3,3 +3,3 @@
SetTimer = <set-timer @label any @seconds double @kind TimerKind>.
TimerExpired = <timer-expired @label any @seconds double>.
TimerKind = =relative / =absolute / =clear .
TimerKind = =clear / =relative / =absolute .

Similarly, there's no obvious default action here. (Though the timer protocol is ripe for wholesale revision anyway... sleeping and delays and timeouts are good candidates for inclusion in a core Turn interface. Clocks still need a protocol.)

Similarly, there's no obvious default action here. (Though the timer protocol is ripe for wholesale revision anyway... sleeping and delays and timeouts are good candidates for inclusion in a core Turn interface. Clocks still need a protocol.)
ehmry marked this conversation as resolved
ehmry force-pushed close-on-fail from 7b3facfb78 to 27c7bbfd27 2024-05-26 11:40:30 +00:00 Compare

The first patch I took it to the max. I force pushed a more conservative patch.

The first patch I took it to the max. I force pushed a more conservative patch.
ehmry force-pushed close-on-fail from 27c7bbfd27 to 464605bb1d 2024-05-26 11:44:27 +00:00 Compare
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Reference: syndicate-lang/syndicate-protocols#11
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