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Streams in node.js 10.x → Syndicate

Streams can be in binary or object mode

Desiderata: Like enumerator/observable, it seems like readable/writable should be duals. If they're not, why not, other than historical reasons?




Has a buffer of to-be-accepted elements.


  • close (optional), after all resources have been released. No more events, no more computation, nothing more will happen.

  • drain, when the buffer runs empty, to signal a demand for more input.

  • error

  • finish, exactly equivalent to a callback-function acknowledging the end() call: the "no more input is available" signal has been completely processed and has made its way through to the underlying/backing medium.

  • pipe/unpipe, notifies the Writable of an attached/detached pipe sender.


  • cork/uncork, for batching supplied inputs

  • destroy, abandon the Writable without bothering to try to finish; dual to error, more or less

  • end, does an optional write and then signals the clean end of the input stream. If a callback is supplied, it is attached as a listener to finish.

  • write, delivers a chunk of input. Yields false when the buffer is full at the time the call to write returns; will issue drain later in this case.


  • high water mark, length of buffer in use.


Has a buffer of to-be-relayed elements.


  • close (optional), exactly the same as for Writable.

  • readable, when the buffer becomes nonempty from having been empty, to signal the possibility of more output.

  • error

  • end, when no more data will be produced; analogous to TCP's FIN. Is in-order wrt other data.

  • data, delivers a chunk of output.


  • pipe/unpipe, for attaching a Writable to this Readable. Many of them can be attached! I guess that makes a fan-out? By default, the end method of the Writable is called when the Readable emits its end event, but this can be overridden with an option.

  • isPaused, pause and resume control and interrogate XON/XOFF-style flow control.

  • destroy, abandon the Readable without bothering to try to finish reading from it; not quite dual to error since a Readable is a source, not a sink

  • read, explicitly get a chunk

  • push, internal API for poking a chunk into the "last-in" end of the FIFO to-be-delivered buffer. Returns false when the buffer is (over-)full.

  • unshift, internalish API for poking a chunk into the "first-in" end of the FIFO buffer, like ungetc() etc. There are complications in using this, check the docs.


  • high water mark, length of buffer in use.