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#lang turnstile
(provide #%module-begin
(rename-out [typed-quote quote])
module+ module*
;; require & provides
require only-in prefix-in except-in rename-in
provide all-defined-out all-from-out rename-out except-out
for-syntax for-template for-label for-meta struct-out
;; Start dataspace programs
;; Types
Tuple Bind Discard AssertionSet
Role Reacts Shares Asserted Retracted Message OnDataflow Stop OnStart OnStop Sends
Know Forget Realize
Branch Effs
FacetName Field ★/t
Observe Inbound Outbound Actor ActorWithRole U
→fn proc
True False Bool
(all-from-out "sugar.rkt")
;; Statements
let let* if spawn dataspace start-facet set! := begin block stop begin/dataflow #;unsafe-do
when unless send! realize! define during/spawn
with-facets start WithFacets Start
;; Derived Forms
during During
on-start on-stop
;; endpoints
assert know on field
;; expressions
tuple select lambda λ ref ! (struct-out observe) (struct-out message) (struct-out inbound) (struct-out outbound)
Λ inst call/inst
;; making types
define-constructor define-constructor*
;; values
;; patterns
bind discard
;; primitives
(all-from-out "prim.rkt")
;; expressions
(except-out (all-from-out "core-expressions.rkt") mk-tuple tuple-select)
;; lists
(all-from-out "list.rkt")
;; sets
(all-from-out "set.rkt")
;; sequences
(all-from-out "sequence.rkt")
;; hash tables
(all-from-out "hash.rkt")
;; for loops
(all-from-out "for-loops.rkt")
;; utility datatypes
(all-from-out "maybe.rkt")
(all-from-out "either.rkt")
;; DEBUG and utilities
print-type print-role role-strings print-effects
;; Behavioral Roles
export-roles export-type check-simulates check-has-simulating-subgraph lift+define-role
verify-actors verify-actors/fail
;; LTL Syntax
TT FF Always Eventually Until WeakUntil Release Implies And Or Not A M
;; Extensions
match cond
submod for-syntax for-meta only-in except-in
(require "core-types.rkt")
(require "core-expressions.rkt")
(require "list.rkt")
(require "set.rkt")
(require "prim.rkt")
(require "sequence.rkt")
(require "hash.rkt")
(require "for-loops.rkt")
(require "maybe.rkt")
(require "either.rkt")
(require "sugar.rkt")
(require (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/actor-lang))
(require (submod syndicate/actor priorities))
(require (prefix-in syndicate: (submod syndicate/actor for-module-begin)))
(require (for-meta 2 macrotypes/stx-utils racket/list syntax/stx syntax/parse racket/base))
(require macrotypes/postfix-in)
(require (for-syntax turnstile/mode))
(require turnstile/typedefs)
(require (postfix-in - racket/list))
(require (postfix-in - racket/set))
(require (for-syntax (prefix-in proto: "proto.rkt")
(prefix-in proto: "ltl.rkt")
(prefix-in proto: "proto.rkt")
(prefix-in proto: "compile-spin.rkt"))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(require rackunit/turnstile)
(require rackunit)))
;; Creating Communication Types
(define-simple-macro (assertion-struct name:id (~datum :) Name:id (slot:id ...))
(define-constructor* (name : Name slot ...)))
(define-simple-macro (message-struct name:id (~datum :) Name:id (slot:id ...))
(define-constructor* (name : Name slot ...)))
;; Compile-time State
(define current-communication-type (make-parameter #f))
;; Type -> Mode
(define (communication-type-mode ty)
(make-param-mode current-communication-type ty))
(define (elaborate-pattern/with-com-ty pat)
(define τ? (current-communication-type))
(if τ?
(elaborate-pattern/with-type pat τ?)
(elaborate-pattern pat))))
;; Effect Categories
(define (effects-andmap p eff)
(syntax-parse eff
[(~or* (~Effs F ...)
(~Branch F ...))
(stx-andmap (curry effects-andmap p) #'(F ...))]
(p eff)]))
;; Any -> Bool
;; Recognizes effects that are allowed in an endpoint installation context
(define (endpoint-effect? eff)
(or (Shares? eff)
(Know? eff)
(Reacts? eff)
(MakesField? eff)
(ReadsField? eff)
(WritesField? eff)
(VarAssert? eff)
(row-variable? eff)))
;; Any -> Bool
;; Recognizes effects that are allowed in a script context
(define (script-effect? eff)
(or (TypeStartsFacet? eff)
(Stop? eff)
(Sends? eff)
(Realizes? eff)
(AnyActor? eff)
(Start? eff)
(ReadsField? eff)
(WritesField? eff)
(row-variable? eff)))
(define endpoint-effects? (curry effects-andmap endpoint-effect?))
(define script-effects? (curry effects-andmap script-effect?))
;; Core forms
(define-typed-syntax start-facet
[(_ name:id #:implements ~! spec:type ep ...+)
[ (start-facet name ep ...) e- ( ν (~effs impl-ty))]
#:fail-unless (simulating-types? #'impl-ty #'spec.norm)
"facet does not implement specification"
[ e-]]
[(_ name:id #:includes-behavior ~! spec:type ep ...+)
[ (start-facet name ep ...) e- ( ν (~effs impl-ty))]
#:fail-unless (type-has-simulating-subgraphs? #'impl-ty #'spec.norm)
"no subset implements specified behavior"
[ e-]]
[(_ name:id ep ...+)
#:with name- (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (syntax-local-introduce (generate-temporary #'name)))
#:with name+ (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding #'name)
#:with facet-name-ty (type-eval #'FacetName)
#:do [(define ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context))
(define unique (gensym 'start-facet))
(define name-- (add-orig (internal-definition-context-introduce ctx #'name- 'add)
(int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename #'name+ #'name- #'facet-name-ty ctx)
(define-values (ep-... τ... effects) (walk/bind #'(ep ...) ctx unique))
(ensure-all! endpoint-effects? effects "only endpoint effects allowed")
#;(unless (andmap endpoint-effect? effects)
(type-error #:src #'(ep ...) #:msg "only endpoint effects allowed"))]
#:with ((~or (~and τ-a (~Shares _))
(~and τ-k (~Know _))
;; untyped syndicate might allow this - TODO
#;(~and τ-m (~Sends _))
(~and τ-r (~Reacts _ _ ...))
(~MakesField _ _ _)
#:with τ (type-eval #`(Role (#,name--) #,@effects)
#;#`(Role (#,name--)
τ-a ...
τ-k ...
;; τ-m ...
τ-r ...
τ-other ...))
[ (syndicate:react (let- ([#,name-- (#%app- syndicate:current-facet-id)])
( : ★/t)
( ν (τ))]])
(define-typed-syntax (during/spawn pat bdy ...+)
#:with pat+ (elaborate-pattern/with-com-ty #'pat)
[ pat+ pat-- ( : τp)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'pat--) "pattern not allowed to have effects"
#:fail-unless (allowed-interest? (pattern-sub-type #'τp)) "overly broad interest, ?̱̱★ and ??★ not allowed"
#:with ([x:id τ:type] ...) (pat-bindings #'pat+)
[[x x- : τ] ... (block bdy ...) bdy-
( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap endpoint-effects? #'(F ...)) "only endpoint effects allowed"
#:with pat- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x ...) (compile-syndicate-pattern #'pat+))
#:with τc:type (current-communication-type)
#:with τ-facet (type-eval #'(Role (_) F ...))
#:with τ-spawn (mk-ActorWithRole- #'(τc.norm τ-facet))
#:with τ-endpoint (type-eval #'(Reacts (Asserted τp) τ-spawn))
[ (syndicate:during/spawn pat- bdy-)
( : ★/t)
( ν (τ-endpoint))])
(define-typed-syntax field
[(_ [x:id (~optional (~datum :)) τ-f:type e:expr] ...)
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap flat-type? #'(τ-f ...)) "keep your uppity data outta my fields"
[ e e- ( : τ-f)] ...
#:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e- ...)) "field initializers not allowed to have effects"
#:with (x- ...) (generate-temporaries #'(x ...))
#:with (τ ...) (stx-map type-eval #'((Field τ-f.norm) ...))
#:with (MF ...) (stx-map mk-MakesField #'(x ...) #'(τ-f.norm ...) (stx-map typeof #'(e- ...)))
[ (erased (field/intermediate [x x- τ e-] ...))
( : ★/t)
( ν (MF ...))]]
[(_ flds ... [x:id e:expr] more-flds ...)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
[ (field flds ... [x τ e-] more-flds ...)]])
(define-typed-syntax (assert e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:fail-unless (allowed-interest? #'τ) "overly broad interest, ?̱̱★ and ??★ not allowed"
#:with τs (mk-Shares- #'(τ))
#:with kont (syntax-parse #'(F ...)
[(~and ((~and RF (~ReadsField _)))
(~parse x:id (get-orig-field-name #'RF))
(~typecheck [ x x- ( : (~Field τ-f))])
(~parse (~and τ-U (~U* _ _)) (find-union #'τ-f)))
#'(type-varying-assert e e- x x- τ-f τ-U)]
[_ #'(just-assert e-)])
[ kont])
(define-typed-syntax (just-assert e-)
#:with τ (detach #'e- ':)
#:with τs (mk-Shares- #'(τ))
[ (syndicate:assert e-)
( : ★/t)
( ν (τs))])
;; need to make sure that the type has exactly one, binary union
(define-typed-syntax (type-varying-assert e e- x x- τ-f τ-U)
;; #:do [(displayln 'A)]
#:with τe (detach #'e- ':)
;; #:do [(displayln 'B)]
#:with (~U* τi ...) #'τ-U
;; #:do [(displayln 'C)]
#:with ((τ-specific τe_i) ...) (for/list ([ti (in-syntax #'(τi ...))])
(define specific (type-subst #'τ-U ti #'τ-f))
(syntax-parse/typecheck null
;; perhaps I should make sure the result is a subtype of the original?
[[x _ : (Field #,specific)] e _ ( : τe_i)]
[ (#,specific τe_i)]]))
;; #:do [(displayln 'D)]
;; [[x ≫ _ : Type] ⊢ x ≫ x--]
;; #:do [(displayln 'E)]
#:with VA (mk-VarAssert #'x #'[--> τ-f τe] #'([--> τ-specific τe_i] ...))
;; #:do [(pretty-display (type->strX #'VA))]
[ (syndicate:assert e-)
( : ★/t)
( ν (VA))])
;; Type -> Type
(define (find-union t)
(syntax-parse t
[(~U* _ ...)
[(~Any/new tycons tsub ...)
(stx-ormap find-union #'(tsub ...))]
;; replace τ1 with τ2 in e
;; TODO - possibly want a version that performs at most one substitution
(define (type-subst τ1 τ2 e)
(syntax-parse e
#:when (type=? e τ1)
#;(transfer-stx-props τ (merge-type-tags (syntax-track-origin τ e e)))
[(~Any/new tycons tsub ...)
#:when (reassemblable? #'tycons)
#:with subs (stx-map (λ (t1) (type-subst τ1 τ2 t1)) #'(tsub ...))
(transfer-stx-props (reassemble-type #'tycons #'subs) e #:ctx e)]
[_ e]))
(module+ test
(define-constructor* (bacon [pieces NonZero] [crispyness Bool]))
(define T (type-eval #'(U Int String)))
(check type=? (find-union T)
(check-false (find-union (type-eval #'Symbol)))
(check type=? (find-union (type-eval #`(Tuple #,T)))
"find-union struct"
(define B (type-eval #'Bacon))
(check type=? (find-union B)
(type-eval #'Bool))
(define I (type-eval #'Int))
(define S (type-eval #'String))
(check type=? (type-subst I S I)
(check type=? (type-subst I S S)
(define T (type-eval #'(Tuple Int String)))
(define TII (type-eval #'(Tuple Int Int)))
(check type=? (type-subst S I T)
(check type=? (type-subst I S T)
(type-eval #'(Tuple String String))))
"type-subst union"
(define B (type-eval #'Bool))
(define TB (type-eval #'(Tuple Bool)))
(define T (type-eval #'True))
(check type=? (type-subst B T B)
(check type=? (type-subst B T TB)
(type-eval #'(Tuple True)))
(define BCN (type-eval #'Bacon))
(define BCT (type-eval #'(BaconT NonZero True)))
(check type=? (type-subst B T BCN)
(define-typed-syntax (know e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:with τs (mk-Know- #'(τ))
[ (syndicate:know e-) ( : ★/t)
( ν (τs))])
(define-typed-syntax (send! e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:with τm (mk-Sends- #'(τ))
[ (#%app- syndicate:send! e-) ( : ★/t)
( ν (τm))])
(define-typed-syntax (realize! e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:with τm (mk-Realizes- #'(τ))
[ (#%app- syndicate:realize! e-)
( : ★/t)
( ν (τm))])
(define-typed-syntax (stop facet-name:id cont ...)
[ facet-name facet-name- ( : FacetName)]
[ (block #f cont ...) cont- ( ν (F ...))]
#:do [(ensure-all! script-effects? (syntax->list #'(F ...)) "only script effects allowed in stop continuation")]
;; #:fail-unless (stx-andmap script-effects? #'(F ...)) "only script effects allowed"
#:with τ (type-eval #'(Stop facet-name- F ...))
[ (syndicate:stop-facet facet-name- cont-) ( : ★/t)
( ν (τ))])
(define-syntax-class event-cons
#:attributes (syndicate-kw ty-cons)
#:datum-literals (asserted retracted message know forget realize)
(pattern (~or (~and asserted
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:asserted]
[ty-cons #'Asserted]))
(~and retracted
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:retracted]
[ty-cons #'Retracted]))
(~and message
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:message]
[ty-cons #'Message]))
(~and know
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:know]
[ty-cons #'Know]))
(~and forget
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:forget]
[ty-cons #'Forget]))
(~and realize
(~bind [syndicate-kw #'syndicate:realize]
[ty-cons #'Realize])))))
(define-syntax-class priority-level
#:literals (*query-priority-high*
(pattern (~and level
(~or *query-priority-high*
(define-splicing-syntax-class priority
#:attributes (level)
(pattern (~seq #:priority l:priority-level)
#:attr level #'l.level)
(pattern (~seq)
#:attr level #'*normal-priority*))
(define-typed-syntax on
#:datum-literals (start stop)
[(on start s ...+)
[ (block s ...) s- ( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap script-effects? #'(F ...)) "only script effects allowed"
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnStart F ...))
[ (syndicate:on-start s-)
( : ★/t)
( ν (τ-r))]]
[(on stop s ...+)
[ (block s ...) s- ( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap script-effects? #'(F ...)) "only script effects allowed"
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnStop F ...))
[ (syndicate:on-stop s-)
( : ★/t)
( ν (τ-r))]]
[(on (evt:event-cons p)
s ...+)
#:do [(define msg? (free-identifier=? #'syndicate:message (attribute evt.syndicate-kw)))
(define elab
(elaborate-pattern/with-com-ty (if msg? #'(message p) #'p)))]
#:with p/e (if msg? (stx-cadr elab) elab)
[ p/e p-- ( : τp)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'p--) "pattern not allowed to have effects"
#:fail-unless (allowed-interest? (pattern-sub-type #'τp)) "overly broad interest, ?̱̱★ and ??★ not allowed"
#:with ([x:id τ:type] ...) (pat-bindings #'p/e)
[[x x- : τ] ... (block s ...) s-
( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap script-effects? #'(F ...)) "only script effects allowed"
#:with p- (substs #'(x- ...) #'(x ...) (compile-syndicate-pattern #'p/e))
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts (evt.ty-cons τp) F ...))
[ (syndicate:on (evt.syndicate-kw p-)
#:priority priority.level
( : ★/t)
( ν (τ-r))]])
(define-typed-syntax (begin/dataflow s ...+)
[ (block s ...) s-
( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:with τ-r (type-eval #'(Reacts OnDataflow F ...))
[ (syndicate:begin/dataflow s-)
( : ★/t)
( ν (τ-r))])
(define-for-syntax (compile-syndicate-pattern pat)
(compile-pattern pat
(lambda (id) #`($ #,id))
(define-typed-syntax spawn
[(spawn tc s)
;; this setup is to avoid re-expansion of the tc position :<
#:with τ-c:type #'tc
#:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order"
;; TODO: check that each τ-f is a Role
#:mode (communication-type-mode #'τ-c.norm)
[ (block s) s- ( ν (~effs F ...))]
;; TODO: s shouldn't refer to facets or fields!
#:do [(ensure! (lambda (Fs) (= 1 (stx-length Fs))) #'(F ...) "expected exactly one Role for body")
(ensure-all! TypeStartsFacet? (syntax->list #'(F ...)) "only effects that start a facet allowed")]
;;#:fail-unless (and (stx-andmap TypeStartsFacet? #'(F ...))
;;(= 1 (length (syntax->list #'(F ...)))))
;;"expected exactly one Role for body"
#:with (τ-i τ-o τ-i/i τ-o/i τ-a) (analyze-roles #'(F ...))
#:fail-unless (<: #'τ-o #'τ-c.norm)
(format "Outputs ~a not valid in dataspace ~a" (make-output-error-message #'τ-o #'τ-c.norm) (type->strX #'τ-c.norm))
#:with τ-final #;(mk-Actor- #'(τ-c.norm)) (mk-ActorWithRole- #'(τ-c.norm F ...))
#:fail-unless (<: #'τ-a #'τ-final)
"Spawned actors not valid in dataspace"
#:fail-unless (project-safe? ( (strip-? #'τ-o) #'τ-c.norm)
(string-append "Not prepared to handle inputs:\n" (make-actor-error-message #'τ-i #'τ-o #'τ-c.norm))
#:fail-unless (project-safe? ( (strip-? #'τ-o/i) #'τ-o/i) #'τ-i/i)
(string-append "Not prepared to handle internal events:\n" (make-actor-error-message #'τ-i/i #'τ-o/i #'τ-o/i))
[ (syndicate:spawn (syndicate:on-start s-)) ( : ★/t)
( ν (τ-final))]]
[(spawn s)
#:do [(define τc (current-communication-type))]
#:when τc
[ (spawn #,τc s)]]
[(spawn s)
[ (block s) s- ( ν (~effs F ...))]
;; TODO: s shouldn't refer to facets or fields!
#:fail-unless (and (stx-andmap TypeStartsFacet? #'(F ...))
(= 1 (length (syntax->list #'(F ...)))))
"expected exactly one Role for body"
#:with (τ-i τ-o τ-i/i τ-o/i τ-a) (analyze-roles #'(F ...))
#:do [(ensure-inputs! #'τ-i/i #'τ-o/i #'τ-o/i this-syntax)]
;; #:fail-unless (project-safe? (∩ (strip-? #'τ-o/i) #'τ-o/i) #'τ-i/i)
;; (string-append "Not prepared to handle internal events:\n" (make-actor-error-message #'τ-i/i #'τ-o/i #'τ-o/i))
;; if there are Discards in pattern types, this will take more specific instances from other patterns
#:with τ-i/o (replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ (instantiate-pattern-type #'τ-i))
#:with (~U* (~AnyActor τ-c/spawned) ...) #'τ-a
#:with τ-c/this-actor (type-eval #'(U τ-i/o τ-o))
#:with τ-c/final (type-eval #'(U τ-c/this-actor τ-c/spawned ...))
#:do [(ensure-inputs! #'τ-i #'τ-o #'τ-c/final this-syntax)]
;; #:fail-unless (project-safe? (∩ (strip-? #'τ-o) #'τ-c/final)
;; #'τ-i)
;; (string-append "Not prepared to handle inputs:\n" (make-actor-error-message #'τ-i #'τ-o #'τ-c/final))
#:with τ-final (mk-ActorWithRole- #'(τ-c/final F ...))
#:do [(for ([t/spawned (in-syntax #'(τ-c/spawned ...))])
(ensure-actor-sub! t/spawned #'τ-c/final this-syntax))]
;; #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-a #'τ-final)
;; "Spawned actors not valid in dataspace"
[ (syndicate:spawn (syndicate:on-start s-)) ( : ★/t)
( ν (τ-final))]])
(define-for-syntax (ensure-outputs! τ-o τ-c [loc τ-o])
(unless (<: τ-o τ-c)
(define msg (format "Outputs ~a not valid in dataspace ~a"
(make-output-error-message τ-o τ-c)
(type->strX τ-c)))
(type-error #:src loc #:msg msg)))
(define-for-syntax (ensure-inputs! τ-i τ-o τ-c [loc τ-i])
(unless (project-safe? ( (strip-? τ-o) τ-c) τ-i)
(define msg (string-append "Not prepared to handle inputs:\n"
(make-actor-error-message τ-i τ-o τ-c)))
(type-error #:src loc #:msg msg)))
(define-for-syntax (ensure-actor-type! τ-i τ-o τ-c [loc τ-i])
(ensure-outputs! τ-o τ-c loc)
(ensure-inputs! τ-i τ-o τ-c loc))
(define-for-syntax (ensure-actor-sub! τ-a τ-c [loc τ-a])
(ensure-outputs! τ-a τ-c loc)
(unless (<: ( (strip-? τ-a) τ-c) τ-a)
(define mismatches (find-surprising-inputs τ-a τ-a τ-c (lambda (t1 t2) (not (<: t1 t2)))))
(define msg (string-append "Spawned actor not prepared to handle inputs:\n"
(tys->str mismatches)
(type->strX τ-a)))
(type-error #:src loc
#:msg msg)))
;; (Listof Type) -> String
(define-for-syntax (tys->str tys)
(string-join (map type->strX tys) ",\n"))
;; Type Type -> String
(define-for-syntax (make-output-error-message τ-o τ-c)
;; Type -> (Listof Type)
(define (flatten-U τ)
(syntax-parse τ
[(~U* τs ...)
(apply append (stx-map flatten-U #'(τs ...)))]
(list τ)]))
(define offenders
(for/list ([t (in-list (flatten-U τ-o))]
#:unless (<: t τ-c))
(tys->str offenders))
;; Type Type Type -> String
(define-for-syntax (make-actor-error-message τ-i τ-o τ-c)
(define mismatches (find-surprising-inputs τ-i τ-o τ-c
(lambda (t1 t2) (not (project-safe? t1 t2)))))
(tys->str mismatches))
;; Type Type Type -> (Listof Type)
(define-for-syntax (find-surprising-inputs τ-i τ-o τ-c surprising?)
(define incoming ( (strip-? τ-o) τ-c))
;; Type -> (Listof Type)
(let loop ([ty incoming])
(syntax-parse ty
[(~U* τ ...)
(apply append (map loop (syntax->list #'(τ ...))))]
[(surprising? ty τ-i)
(list ty)]
(define-typed-syntax dataspace
[(dataspace τ-c:type s ...)
#:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order"
#:mode (communication-type-mode #'τ-c.norm)
[ s s- ( ν (~effs F ...))] ...
#:with τ-actor (mk-Actor- #'(τ-c.norm))
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap AnyActor? #'(F ... ...)) "only actor spawning effects allowed"
#:do [(define errs (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(F ... ...))]
#:unless (<: t #'τ-actor))
#:fail-unless (empty? errs) (make-dataspace-error-message errs #'τ-c.norm)
;; #:fail-unless (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (<: t #'τ-actor)) #'(τ-s ... ...))
;; "Not all actors conform to communication type"
#:with τ-ds-i (strip-inbound #'τ-c.norm)
#:with τ-ds-o (strip-outbound #'τ-c.norm)
#:with τ-relay (relay-interests #'τ-c.norm)
#:with τ-ds-act (mk-Actor- (list (mk-U- #'(τ-ds-i τ-ds-o τ-relay))))
[ (syndicate:dataspace s- ...) ( : ★/t)
( ν-s (τ-ds-act))]]
[(dataspace s ...)
[ s s- ( ν (~effs F ...))] ...
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap AnyActor? #'(F ... ...)) "only actor spawning effects allowed"
#:with ((~AnyActor τc/spawned) ...) #'(F ... ...)
#:with τc (type-eval #'(U τc/spawned ...))
[ (dataspace τc s- ...)]])
;; (Listof Type) Type -> String
(define-for-syntax (make-dataspace-error-message errs tc)
(lambda ()
(printf "Not all actors conform to communication type:\n")
(pretty-display (type->strX tc))
(printf "found the following mismatches:\n")
(for ([err (in-list errs)])
(syntax-parse err
[(~AnyActor τ)
(printf "Actor with communication type ~a:\n" (type->strX #'τ))
[(<: #'τ tc)
(define mismatches (find-surprising-inputs #'τ #'τ tc (lambda (t1 t2) (not (<: t1 t2)))))
(define msg (tys->str mismatches))
(printf " unprepared to handle inputs: ~a\n" msg)]
(define msg (make-output-error-message #'τ tc))
(printf " outputs not valid: ~a\n" msg)])
(define-typed-syntax (set! x:id e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν (~effs F ...))]
[ x x- ( : (~Field τ-x:type))]
#:fail-unless (<: #'τ #'τ-x) "Ill-typed field write"
#:with WF (mk-WritesField #'x #'τ)
[ (#%app- x- e-) ( : ★/t) ( ν (WF F ...))])
(define-simple-macro (:= e ...)
(set! e ...))
;; With Facets
(define-for-syntax (walk/with-facets e... [unique (gensym 'walk/with-facets)])
(define-values (rev-e-... effects)
(let loop ([e... (syntax->list e...)]
[rev-e-... '()]
[effects '()])
(match e...
(values rev-e-... effects)]
[(cons e more)
(define e- (local-expand e (list unique) (list #'erased)))
(syntax-parse e-
#:literals (erased)
[(erased impl)
(define effs (syntax->list (get-effect e- EFF-KEY)))
(loop more
(cons #'impl rev-e-...)
(append effs effects))])])))
(values (reverse rev-e-...)
(define-typed-syntax (with-facets ([x:id impl:expr] ...) fst:id)
#:fail-unless (for/or ([y (in-syntax #'(x ...))]) (free-identifier=? #'fst y))
"must select one facet to start"
[[x x- : StartableFacet] ... (with-facets-impls ([x impl] ...) fst) impl- ( ν (~effs wsf-body))]
#:with WSFs (type-eval #'(WithStartableFacets [x- ...] wsf-body))
[ impl- ( : ★/t) ( ν (WSFs))])
(define-typed-syntax (with-facets-impls ([x impl] ...) fst)
#:do [(define-values (bodies FIs) (walk/with-facets #'([facet-impl x impl] ...)))]
[ fst fst-]
[ (let- ()
(#%app- fst-))
( ν ((WSFBody (FacetImpls #,@FIs) fst-)))])
(define-typed-syntax (facet-impl x ((~datum facet) impl ...+))
[ x x-]
[ (start-facet x impl ...) impl- ( ν (~effs (~and R (~Role (x--) Body ...))))]
[ (erased (define- (x-) impl-)) ( ν ((FacetImpl x- R)))])
(define-typed-syntax (start x:id)
[ x x- ( : ~StartableFacet)]
#:with Sx (type-eval #'(Start x))
[ (#%app- x-) ( : ★/t) ( ν (Sx))])
;; Derived Forms
(define-typed-syntax during
#:literals (know)
[(_ (~or (~and k (know p)) p) s ...)
#:with p+ (elaborate-pattern/with-com-ty #'p)
#:with inst-p (instantiate-pattern #'p+)
#:with start-e (if (attribute k) #'know #'asserted)
#:with stop-e (if (attribute k) #'forget #'retracted)
[ (on (start-e p+)
(start-facet during-inner
(on (stop-e inst-p)
(stop during-inner))
s ...))]])
(define-simple-macro (During (~or (~and K ((~literal Know) τ:type)) τ:type)
EP ...)
#:with τ/inst (instantiate-pattern-type #'τ.norm)
#:with start-e (if (attribute K) #'Know #'Asserted)
#:with stop-e (if (attribute K) #'Forget #'Retracted)
(Reacts (start-e τ)
(Role (during-inner)
(Reacts (stop-e τ/inst)
(Stop during-inner))
EP ...)))
;; TODO - reconcile this with `compile-pattern`
(define-for-syntax (instantiate-pattern pat)
(let loop ([pat pat])
(syntax-parse pat
#:datum-literals (tuple discard bind)
[(tuple p ...)
#`(tuple #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
[(bind x:id τ)
;; not sure about this
[(~constructor-exp ctor p ...)
(define/with-syntax uctor (untyped-ctor #'ctor))
#`(ctor #,@(stx-map loop #'(p ...)))]
;; Type -> Type
;; replace occurrences of (Bind τ) with τ in a type, in much the same way
;; instantiate-pattern does for patterns
;; TODO - this is almost exactly the same as replace-bind-and-discard-with-★
(define-for-syntax (instantiate-pattern-type ty)
(syntax-parse ty
[(~Bind τ)
[(~U* τ ...)
(mk-U- (stx-map instantiate-pattern-type #'(τ ...)))]
[(~Any/new τ-cons τ ...)
#:when (reassemblable? #'τ-cons)
(define subitems (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(τ ...))])
(instantiate-pattern-type t)))
(reassemble-type #'τ-cons subitems)]
[_ ty]))
(define-splicing-syntax-class on-add
#:attributes (expr)
(pattern (~seq #:on-add add-e)
#:attr expr #'add-e)
(pattern (~seq)
#:attr expr #'#f))
(define-splicing-syntax-class on-remove
#:attributes (expr)
(pattern (~seq #:on-remove remove-e)
#:attr expr #'remove-e)
(pattern (~seq)
#:attr expr #'#f)))
(define-typed-syntax (define/query-value (~or* x:id
[x:id (~optional (~datum :)) τ:type])
(~optional add:on-add)
(~optional remove:on-remove))
[ e0 e0- ( : τ0)]
#:do [(when (and (attribute τ)
(not (<: #'τ0 (attribute τ.norm))))
(type-error #:src #'e0
#:msg "initial expression doesn't match given type;\ngot ~a\nexpected ~a"
(type->strX #'τ0)
(type->strX #'τ.norm)))]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e0-) "expression must be pure"
[ (begin (field [x (~? τ.norm) e0-])
(on (asserted p)
#:priority *query-priority*
(set! x e)
(on (retracted p)
#:priority *query-priority-high*
(set! x e0-)
(define-typed-syntax (define/query-set x:id p e
(~optional add:on-add)
(~optional remove:on-remove))
#:with p+ (elaborate-pattern/with-com-ty #'p)
#:with ([y τ] ...) (pat-bindings #'p+)
;; e will be re-expanded :/
[[y y- : τ] ... e e- τ-e]
[ (begin (field [x (Set τ-e) (set)])
(on (asserted p+)
#:priority *query-priority*
(set! x (set-add (ref x) e))
(on (retracted p+)
#:priority *query-priority-high*
(set! x (set-remove (ref x) e))
(define-typed-syntax (define/query-hash x:id p e-key e-value
(~optional add:on-add)
(~optional remove:on-remove))
#:with p+ (elaborate-pattern/with-com-ty #'p)
#:with ([y τ] ...) (pat-bindings #'p+)
;; e-key and e-value will be re-expanded :/
;; but it's the most straightforward way to keep bindings in sync with
;; pattern
[[y y- : τ] ... e-key e-key- τ-key]
[[y y-- : τ] ... e-value e-value- τ-value]
;; TODO - this is gross, is there a better way to do this?
;; #:with e-value-- (substs #'(y- ...) #'(y-- ...) #'e-value- free-identifier=?)
;; I thought I could put e-key- and e-value-(-) in the output below, but that
;; gets their references to pattern variables out of sync with `p`
[ (begin (field [x (Hash τ-key τ-value) (hash)])
(on (asserted p+)
#:priority *query-priority*
(set! x (hash-set (ref x) e-key e-value))
(on (retracted p+)
#:priority *query-priority-high*
(set! x (hash-remove (ref x) e-key))
(define-simple-macro (on-start e ...)
(on start e ...))
(define-simple-macro (on-stop e ...)
(on stop e ...))
(define-typed-syntax define/dataflow
[(define/dataflow x:id τ:type e)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"
;; because the begin/dataflow body is scheduled to run at some later point,
;; the initial value is visible e.g. immediately after the define/dataflow
;; #:with place-holder (attach #'(#%datum- #f) ': #'τ.norm)
[ (begin (field [x τ e-])
(begin/dataflow (set! x e-)))]]
[(define/dataflow x:id e)
[ e e- ( : τ)]
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"
[ (define/dataflow x τ e-)]])
;; Expressions
(define-typed-syntax (ref x:id)
[ x x- (~Field τ)]
#:with RF (mk-ReadsField #'x)
[ (#%app- x-)
( : τ)
( ν (RF))])
(define-simple-macro (! e ...) (ref e ...))
;; Ground Dataspace
;; n.b. this is a blocking operation, so an actor that uses this internally
;; won't necessarily terminate.
(define-typed-syntax run-ground-dataspace
;; TODO : this has the same problem with re-expansion of what's in the τ-c position as spawn
[(run-ground-dataspace τ-c:type s ...)
#:fail-unless (flat-type? #'τ-c.norm) "Communication type must be first-order"
#:mode (communication-type-mode #'τ-c.norm)
[ s s- ( : t1)] ...
[ (dataspace τ-c.norm s- ...) _ ( : t2)]
#:with τ-out (strip-outbound #'τ-c.norm)
[ (#%app- syndicate:run-ground (#%app- syndicate:capture-actor-actions (lambda- () (#%app- list- s- ...))))
( : (AssertionSet τ-out))]]
[(run-ground-dataspace s ...)
[ s s- ( : t1)] ...
[ (dataspace s- ...) _ ( : t2)]
#:with τ-out (strip-outbound #'τ-c.norm)
[ (#%app- syndicate:run-ground (#%app- syndicate:capture-actor-actions (lambda- () (#%app- list- s- ...))))
( : (AssertionSet τ-out))]
;; Utilities
(define-typed-syntax print-type
[(print-type τ:type)
#:do [(pretty-display (type->strX #'τ.norm))]
[ 0 ( : Int)]]
[(print-type e)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:do [(pretty-display (type->strX #'τ))]
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν (F ...))]])
(define-typed-syntax (print-role e)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:do [(for ([r (in-syntax #'(F ...))]
#:when (TypeStartsFacet? r))
(pretty-display (type->strX r)))]
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν (F ...))])
(define-typed-syntax (print-effects e)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:do [(for ([f (in-syntax #'(F ...))])
(pretty-display (type->strX f)))]
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν (F ...))])
;; this is mainly for testing
(define-typed-syntax (role-strings e)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:with (s ...) (for/list ([r (in-syntax #'(F ...))]
#:when (TypeStartsFacet? r))
(type->strX r))
[ (#%app- list- (#%datum- . s) ...) ( : (List String))])
;; LTL Syntax
(define-type LTL : LTL)
(define-for-syntax (LTL? stx)
(syntax-parse (detach stx KIND-TAG)
[~LTL #t]
[_ #f]))
(define-type TT : LTL)
(define-type FF : LTL)
(define-type Always : LTL -> LTL)
(define-type Eventually : LTL -> LTL)
(define-type Until : LTL LTL -> LTL)
(define-type WeakUntil : LTL LTL -> LTL)
(define-type Release : LTL LTL -> LTL)
(define-type Implies : LTL LTL -> LTL)
(define-type And : LTL * -> LTL)
(define-type Or : LTL * -> LTL)
(define-type Not : LTL -> LTL)
(define-type A : Type -> LTL) ;; Assertions
(define-type M : Type -> LTL) ;; Messages
(define-syntax define-ltl
[(_ alias:id ltl)
#:with ltl- (type-eval #'ltl)
#:fail-unless (LTL? #'ltl-) "expected an LTL formula"
#:with serialized (serialize-syntax #'ltl-)
#'(define-syntax- alias
(make-variable-like-transformer (deserialize-syntax #'serialized)))]
[(_ (f:id x:id ...) ltl)
#'(define-syntax- f (mk-type-alias-rewriter #'(x ...) #'ltl))]))
;; Behavioral Analysis
(define ID-PHASE 0)
(define-syntax (build-id-table stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ (~seq key val) ...)
#'(make-free-id-table (hash (~@ #'key val) ...) #:phase ID-PHASE)]))
(define (mk-proto:U . args)
(proto:U args))
(define (mk-proto:Branch . args)
(proto:Branch args))
(build-id-table Sends proto:Sends
Realizes proto:Realizes
Shares proto:Shares
Know proto:Know
Branch mk-proto:Branch
Effs list
Asserted proto:Asserted
Retracted proto:Retracted
Message proto:Message
Forget proto:Forget
Realize proto:Realize
U* mk-proto:U
Observe proto:Observe
List proto:List
Set proto:Set
Hash proto:Hash
OnStart proto:StartEvt
OnStop proto:StopEvt
OnDataflow proto:DataflowEvt
;; Type Varying Assertion Stuff
ReadsField (lambda (nm) (list))
--> list
;; LTL
TT #t
FF #f
Always proto:always
Eventually proto:eventually
Until proto:strong-until
WeakUntil proto:weak-until
Release proto:release
Implies proto:ltl-implies
And proto:&&
Or proto:||
Not proto:ltl-not
A proto:atomic
M (compose proto:atomic proto:Message)))
(define (double-check)
(for/first ([id (in-dict-keys TRANSLATION#)]
#:when (false? (identifier-binding id)))
(pretty-print id)
(pretty-print (syntax-debug-info id))))
;; used for communicating field type/internal message types between synd->proto and VarAssertCompiler
(define (synd->proto ty)
;; (Hashof Symbol (Listof (List Type Type)))
;; for each VarAssert field name, keep track of the message type associated with each field type
(define write-field# (make-weak-hash))
(define field-ty0# (make-weak-hash))
(define (lookup field-nm field-ty)
(match (hash-ref write-field# field-nm #f)
[#f #f]
#;(printf "got type#: ~a\n" ty#)
(for/first ([l (in-list ty#)]
#:when (type=? (first l) field-ty))
(second l))]))
(let convert ([ty (resugar-type ty)])
(syntax-parse ty
#:literals (★/t Bind Discard ∀/internal →/internal Role/internal Stop Reacts Actor ActorWithRole
VarAssert WritesField MakesField)
[(ctor:id t ...)
#:when (dict-has-key? TRANSLATION# #'ctor)
(apply (dict-ref TRANSLATION# #'ctor) (stx-map convert #'(t ...)))]
#:when (dict-has-key? TRANSLATION# #'nm)
(dict-ref TRANSLATION# #'nm)]
[(Actor _)
(error "only able to convert actors with roles")]
[(ActorWithRole _ r)
(proto:Spawn (convert #'r))]
[★/t proto:⋆]
[(Bind t)
;; TODO - this is debatable handling
(convert #'t)]
;; TODO - should prob have a Discard type in proto
[(∀/internal (X ...) body)
(error "unimplemented")]
[(→/internal ty-in ... ty-out)
(error "unimplemented")]
[(Role/internal (nm) (~alt (~and MF (MakesField . _))
(~and VA (VarAssert . _))
body) ...)
;; need to do VarAsserts first so they update the hash in time for the WriteFields to see
;; and MakesField before VarAsserts to get the initial type
(proto:Role (syntax-e #'nm) (stx-map convert #'(MF ... VA ... body ...)))]
[(Stop nm body ...)
(proto:Stop (syntax-e #'nm) (stx-map convert #'(body ...)))]
[(Reacts evt body ...)
(define converted-body (stx-map convert #'(body ...)))
(define body+
(if (= 1 (length converted-body))
(first converted-body)
(proto:Reacts (convert #'evt) body+)]
[(MakesField nm t t0)
#;(printf "MakesField: ~a\n" (syntax-e #'nm))
(hash-set! field-ty0# (syntax-e #'nm) #'t0)
[(VarAssert nm t1 . ts)
;; pretty confident that the language forces field declarations to appear before any references
(define t0 (hash-ref field-ty0# (syntax-e #'nm)))
(define VA- (type-eval (quasisyntax/loc ty (VarAssertCompiler nm #,t0 t1 . ts))))
(define type# (syntax-property VA- FIELD-TY#-KEY))
(hash-set! write-field# (syntax-e #'nm) type#)
(convert (resugar-type VA-))]
[(WritesField nm t)
#;(printf "WritesField ~a\n" #'t)
#;(pretty-display write-field#)
(match (lookup (syntax-e #'nm) #'t)
[#f '()]
[msg-nm (proto:Realizes (proto:Base (syntax-e msg-nm)))])]
(proto:Base (syntax-e #'t))]
[(ctor:id args ...)
;; assume it's a struct
(proto:Struct (syntax-e #'ctor) (stx-map convert #'(args ...)))]
[unrecognized (error (format "unrecognized type: ~a" #'unrecognized))]))))
;; need to translate (WritesField x τ) to the appropriate UpdateMsgNm
(define-typed-syntax (VarAssertCompiler nm t0 t1 ts ...)
#:with all-ts #'(t1 ts ...)
;; NB these have been resugared so ~--> won't work, but is in principle the right thing
;; #:do [(displayln 'AA)
;; (printf "nm: ~a\n" #'nm)]
#:with ([_ τf τa] ...) #'all-ts
;; Relying on synd->proto interpreting each UpdateMsg as a Base type
#:with ((UpdateMsgNmi VAi) ...) (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'all-ts)]
[i (in-naturals)])
(list (format-id #f "Update~aMsg~a" #'nm i)
(format-id #f "VA~a~a" #'nm i)))
;; #:do [(displayln 'BB)]
#:with (role-i-starter ...)
(for/list ([stx (in-syntax #'((UpdateMsgNmi VAi) ...))]
[t-a (in-syntax #'(τa ...))])
(with-syntax ([(myUMN myVA) stx]
[my-τ-a t-a])
#'(Reacts (Realize myUMN)
(Role (myVA)
(Shares my-τ-a)
(Reacts (Realize UpdateMsgNmi) (Stop myVA))
;; #:do [(displayln 'CC)]
;; #:do [(displayln #'t0)
;; (displayln #'(τf ...))]
#:with UpdateMsg0 (for/first ([t-a (in-syntax #'(τf ...))]
[msgi (in-syntax #'(UpdateMsgNmi ...))]
#:when (type=? #'t0 t-a))
;; #:do [(printf "UpdateMsg0: ~a\n" (syntax-e #'UpdateMsg0))]
;; #:with (UpdateMsg0 . _) #'(UpdateMsgNmi ...)
[[UpdateMsgNmi UpdateMsgNmi- : Type] ...
(Reacts OnStart
(Role (dispatcher)
role-i-starter ...
(Reacts OnStart (Realizes UpdateMsg0))))
;; #:do [(displayln 'DD)
;; #;(pretty-display (resugar-type #'compiled))]
#:do [(define type# (for/list ([tf (in-syntax #'(τf ...))]
[msg-nm (in-syntax #'(UpdateMsgNmi ...))])
(list tf msg-nm)))]
[ #,(syntax-property #'compiled FIELD-TY#-KEY type#)])
(define-typed-syntax (export-roles dest:string e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν (~effs F ...))]
#:do [(with-output-to-file (syntax-e #'dest)
(thunk (for ([f (in-syntax #'(F ...))]
#:when (TypeStartsFacet? f))
(pretty-write (synd->proto f))))
#:exists 'replace)]
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν (F ...))])
(define-typed-syntax (export-type dest:string τ:type)
#:do [(with-output-to-file (syntax-e #'dest)
(thunk (pretty-write (synd->proto #'τ.norm)))
#:exists 'replace)]
[ (#%app- void-) ( : ★/t)])
(define-typed-syntax (lift+define-role x:id e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν (~effs (~and r (~Role (_) _ ...))))]
;; because turnstile introduces a lot of intdef scopes; ideally, we'd be able to synthesize somethign
;; with the right module scopes
#:with x+ (syntax-local-introduce (datum->syntax #f (syntax-e #'x)))
#:do [(define r- (synd->proto #'r))
(syntax-local-lift-module-end-declaration #`(define- x+ '#,r-))]
[ e- ( : τ) ( ν (r))])
;; Type Type -> Bool
;; (normalized Types)
(define-for-syntax (simulating-types? ty-impl ty-spec)
(define ty-impl- (synd->proto ty-impl))
(define ty-spec- (synd->proto ty-spec))
(proto:simulates?/report-error ty-impl- ty-spec-))
;; Type Type -> Bool
;; (normalized Types)
(define-for-syntax (type-has-simulating-subgraphs? ty-impl ty-spec)
(define ty-impl- (synd->proto ty-impl))
(define ty-spec- (synd->proto ty-spec))
(define ans (proto:find-simulating-subgraph/report-error ty-impl- ty-spec-))
(unless ans
(pretty-print ty-impl-)
(pretty-print ty-spec-))
(define- (ensure-Role! r)
(unless- (#%app- proto:Role? r)
(#%app- error- 'check-simulates "expected a Role type, got ~a" r))
(define-syntax-class type-or-proto
#:attributes (role)
(pattern t:type #:attr role #`(quote- #,(synd->proto #'t.norm)))
(pattern x:id #:attr role #'(#%app- ensure-Role! x))
#;(pattern ((~literal quote-) r)
#:do [(define r- (syntax-e ))]
#:when (proto:Role? r-)
#:attr role r-)))
(require rackunit)
(define-syntax-parser check-simulates
[(_ τ-impl:type-or-proto τ-spec:type-or-proto)
(syntax/loc this-syntax
(check-true (#%app- proto:simulates?/report-error τ-impl.role τ-spec.role)))])
(define-syntax-parser check-has-simulating-subgraph
[(_ τ-impl:type-or-proto τ-spec:type-or-proto)
(syntax/loc this-syntax
(check-not-false (#%app- proto:find-simulating-subgraph/report-error τ-impl.role τ-spec.role)))])
(define-syntax-parser verify-actors
[(_ spec actor-ty:type-or-proto ...)
#:with spec- #`(quote- #,(synd->proto (type-eval #'spec)))
(syntax/loc this-syntax
(check-true (#%app- proto:compile+verify spec- (#%app- list- actor-ty.role ...))))])
(define-syntax-parser verify-actors/fail
[(_ spec actor-ty:type-or-proto ...)
#:with spec- #`(quote- #,(synd->proto (type-eval #'spec)))
(syntax/loc this-syntax
(check-false (#%app- proto:compile+verify spec- (#%app- list- actor-ty.role ...))))])
;; Tests
(module+ test
(spawn (U (Observe (Tuple Int ★/t)))
(start-facet echo
(on (message (tuple 1 $x:Int))
: ★/t)
(check-type (spawn (U (Message (Tuple String Int))
(Observe (Tuple String ★/t)))
(start-facet echo
(on (message (tuple "ping" $x))
(send! (tuple "pong" x)))))
: ★/t)
(typecheck-fail (spawn (U (Message (Tuple String Int))
(Message (Tuple String String))
(Observe (Tuple String ★/t)))
(start-facet echo
(on (message (tuple "ping" (bind x Int)))
(send! (tuple "pong" x)))))))
;; local definitions
#;(module+ test
;; these cause an error in rackunit-typechecking, don't know why :/
#;(check-type (let ()
(define id : Int 1234)
: Int
-> 1234)
#;(check-type (let ()
(define (spawn-cell [initial-value : Int])
(define id 1234)
(typed-app spawn-cell 42))
: Int
-> 1234)
(check-equal? (let ()
(define id : Int 1234)
#;(check-equal? (let ()
(define (spawn-cell [initial-value : Int])
(define id 1234)
(typed-app spawn-cell 42))