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10 Commits
main ... pr/43

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michael Ballantyne 7cdf676ac8 preserve sharing in serializer 2020-09-28 19:22:32 -06:00
Sam Caldwell e63da2679b uncomment flink 2020-09-25 20:36:47 -04:00
Sam Caldwell d53b5041f3
Merge pull request #42 from michaelballantyne/wip-typedefs
fix the serializer
2020-09-25 10:24:23 -04:00
Michael Ballantyne 512783ec0f fix the serializer 2020-09-24 22:07:49 -06:00
Sam Caldwell 8a74f7ffee try out the syntax serializer 2020-09-24 13:18:55 -04:00
Sam Caldwell 721fb1c30f debug state 2020-09-24 11:07:30 -04:00
Sam Caldwell 4e97151cc5 Fix issue keep debugging 2020-09-24 11:05:55 -04:00
Sam Caldwell 0a8e400f63 work towards using typedefs, debugging 2020-09-17 15:11:54 -04:00
Sam Caldwell 8d6a037841 workaround: combine big and little lambda 2020-08-18 17:02:05 -04:00
Sam Caldwell 23616488ce wip on typedefs 2020-08-18 16:58:21 -04:00
6 changed files with 924 additions and 132 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,31 @@
#lang turnstile #lang turnstile
(provide (all-defined-out) (provide (except-out (all-defined-out) Role)
(for-syntax (all-defined-out)) (rename-out [→+ ]
[∀+ ]
[Role+Body Role])
(for-syntax (except-out (all-defined-out) ~→ ~∀ ~Role)
(rename-out [~→+ ~→]
[~∀+ ~∀]
[~Role+Body ~Role]))
(for-meta 2 (all-defined-out))) (for-meta 2 (all-defined-out)))
(require (only-in turnstile (require (only-in turnstile
[define-type-constructor define-type-constructor-])) [define-type-constructor define-type-constructor-]
[type? type?-]
[get-arg-variances get-arg-variances-]))
(require turnstile/typedefs)
;; turnstile/typedefs sets it to #t, which breaks things
(current-use-stop-list? #f))
(require (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/actor-lang)) (require (prefix-in syndicate: syndicate/actor-lang))
(require (for-meta 2 macrotypes/stx-utils racket/list syntax/stx syntax/parse racket/base)) (require (for-meta 2 macrotypes/stx-utils racket/list syntax/stx syntax/parse racket/base))
(require (for-syntax turnstile/examples/util/filter-maximal)) (require (for-syntax turnstile/examples/util/filter-maximal))
(require (for-syntax macrotypes/type-constraints macrotypes/variance-constraints)) (require (for-syntax (prefix-in ttc: turnstile/type-constraints)
(prefix-in mtc: macrotypes/type-constraints)
(prefix-in mvc: macrotypes/variance-constraints)))
#;(require (only-in (for-syntax macrotypes/typecheck-core) get-orig)) #;(require (only-in (for-syntax macrotypes/typecheck-core) get-orig))
(require (for-syntax racket/struct-info (require (for-syntax racket/struct-info
syntax/id-table)) syntax/id-table))
@ -20,6 +35,7 @@
(require (postfix-in - racket/set)) (require (postfix-in - racket/set))
(require (postfix-in - racket/match)) (require (postfix-in - racket/match))
(require (postfix-in - (only-in racket/format ~a))) (require (postfix-in - (only-in racket/format ~a)))
(require (for-syntax "syntax-serializer.rkt"))
(module+ test (module+ test
@ -65,7 +81,10 @@
(define (un- id) (define (un- id)
(define match? (define match?
(regexp-match #px"^(\\S*)-\\S*$" (symbol->string (syntax-e id)))) (regexp-match #px"^(\\S*)-\\S*$" (symbol->string (syntax-e id))))
(string->symbol (second match?))) (if match?
(string->symbol (second match?))
(begin (printf "no match! ~a\n" id)
;; Identifier -> (U #f type-metadata) ;; Identifier -> (U #f type-metadata)
(define (get-type-info ty-cons) (define (get-type-info ty-cons)
@ -141,7 +160,7 @@
#:with mk- (format-id #'Name- "mk-~a-" (syntax-e #'Name-)) #:with mk- (format-id #'Name- "mk-~a-" (syntax-e #'Name-))
(quasisyntax/loc stx (quasisyntax/loc stx
(begin- (begin-
(define-type-constructor- Name- (define-type-constructor Name-
#:arity op arity #:arity op arity
#:arg-variances variances #:arg-variances variances
#,@(if (attribute extra-info) #,@(if (attribute extra-info)
@ -149,16 +168,16 @@
#'())) #'()))
(define-syntax (Name stx) (define-syntax (Name stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ t (... ...)) [(_ . ts)
(syntax/loc stx (syntax/loc stx
(Name- t (... ...)))])) (Name- . ts))]))
(begin-for-syntax (begin-for-syntax
(set-type-info! 'Name '#,(attribute desc.val) mk-) (set-type-info! 'Name '#,(attribute desc.val) mk-)
(define-syntax NamePat (define-syntax NamePat
(pattern-expander (pattern-expander
(syntax-parser (syntax-parser
[(_ p (... ...)) [(_ . p)
#'(NamePat- p (... ...))])))) #'(NamePat- . p)]))))
(define-for-syntax mk mk-)))])) (define-for-syntax mk mk-)))]))
(begin-for-syntax (begin-for-syntax
@ -185,7 +204,7 @@
#'(#:extra-info extra-info) #'(#:extra-info extra-info)
#'())))])) #'())))]))
;; Define a type constructor that acts like a container: ;; Define a type constructor that acts like a product:
;; - covariant ;; - covariant
;; - does not have an empty element (i.e. intersection may be empty) ;; - does not have an empty element (i.e. intersection may be empty)
(define-syntax (define-product-type stx) (define-syntax (define-product-type stx)
@ -201,7 +220,108 @@
#'(#:extra-info extra-info) #'(#:extra-info extra-info)
#'())))])) #'())))]))
(define-binding-type Role #:arity >= 0 #:bvs = 1) (define-type Type : Type)
(define (Type? stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[~Type #t]
[_ #f]))
(define (new-type? t)
(or (type?- t)
(Type? (detach t ':))))
#;(require racket/trace)
#;(trace new-type?)
(current-type? new-type?))
(define-generic-type-method get-arg-variances-data #:default #f)
(define-generic-type-method get-extra-info-data #:default #f)
(define (retrieve/apply meth ty)
(define fn (meth ty))
(and fn
(syntax-parse ty
[(~Any/new τcons τ ...)
(fn #'(τcons τ ...))])))
(define (get-arg-variances/new ty)
(retrieve/apply get-arg-variances-data ty))
(define (get-extra-info/new ty)
(retrieve/apply get-extra-info-data ty))
(define (get-arg-variances ty)
(or (get-arg-variances/new ty)
(get-arg-variances- ty)))
;; ID Nat -> (Listof ID)
(define (make-arity-domain op arity)
(define prefix (make-list arity #'Type))
(syntax-parse op #:datum-literals (>= > =)
(append prefix (list #'Type #'Type #'*))]
(append prefix (list #'Type #'*))]))
;; PatternExpander (Syntax-Listof ID) ID -> Pattern
(define (make-type-recognizer pat dom ty)
(define pats (for/list ([t (in-syntax dom)])
(if (free-identifier=? t #'Type)
#'(... ...))))
#`(syntax-parse ty
[(#,pat #,@pats) #t]
[_ #f])))
(define-syntax (define-type-constructor stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ Name:id #:arity op arity:nat
(~optional (~seq #:arg-variances variances))
(~optional (~seq #:extra-info extra-info)))
#:with mk- (mk-mk (mk-- #'Name))
#:with Name? (mk-? #'Name)
#:with Name-exp (mk-~ #'Name)
#:with dom (make-arity-domain #'op (syntax-e #'arity))
#:do [
(define arg-var-meth #'(~? (get-arg-variances-data variances)
(define extra-info-meth #'(~? (get-extra-info-data extra-info)
(define implements? (if (or (attribute variances) (attribute extra-info))
(define-type Name : #,@#'dom -> Type
(define-for-syntax (mk- args)
((current-type-eval) #`(Name #,@args)))
(define-for-syntax (Name? ty)
#,(make-type-recognizer #'Name-exp #'dom #'ty)))]))
(define-simple-macro (define-base-type Name:id)
(define-type Name : Type))
(define-simple-macro (define-base-types Name:id ...)
(begin- (define-base-type Name) ...))
(define-base-types Discard ★/t)
(define-type FacetName : FacetName)
#;(define-type-constructor? Shares #:arity = 1)
#;(define-binding-type Role #:arity >= 0 #:bvs = 1)
(define-type Role #:with-binders [X : FacetName] : Type -> Type)
(define-type RoleBody : Type * -> Type)
(define-type-constructor Shares #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Shares #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Sends #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Sends #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Realizes #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Realizes #:arity = 1)
@ -211,7 +331,8 @@
(define-type-constructor Know #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Know #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Forget #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Forget #:arity = 1)
(define-product-type Realize #:arity = 1) (define-product-type Realize #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Stop #:arity >= 1) #;(define-type-constructor Stop #:arity >= 1)
(define-type Stop : FacetName Type * -> Type)
(define-type-constructor Field #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Field #:arity = 1)
(define-type-constructor Bind #:arity = 1) (define-type-constructor Bind #:arity = 1)
;; keep track of branches for facet effects ;; keep track of branches for facet effects
@ -232,9 +353,63 @@
(define-container-type Patch #:arity = 2) (define-container-type Patch #:arity = 2)
;; functions and type abstractions ;; functions and type abstractions
(define-binding-type ) #;(define-binding-type )
(define-type #:with-binders [X : Type] : Type -> Type)
(define-type-constructor #:arity > 0) (define-type-constructor #:arity > 0)
(define-simple-macro (→+ in ... out)
( out in ...))
;; because rest types are *trailing*, define a convenience pattern expander for var-arity domain of →
(define-syntax ~→+
[(_ I ... O)
#'(~→ O I ...)]))))
(define-syntax-parser ∀+
[(_ () ty) #'ty]
[(_ (X:id Y ...) ty)
#'( (X : Type) (∀+ (Y ...) ty))])
(define (flatten-∀ ty)
(define-values (body vars)
(let loop ([ty ty]
[vars/rev '()])
(syntax-parse ty
[(~∀ (X : _) τ)
(loop #'τ (cons #'X vars/rev))]
(values #'τ (reverse vars/rev))])))
#`(#,vars #,body))
(define-syntax ~∀+
[(_ vars-pat ty-pat)
#'(~and (~∀ (_ : _) _)
(~parse (vars-pat ty-pat) (flatten-∀ #'TY)))]))))
(define-simple-macro (Role+Body (x:id) ty ...)
(Role (x : FacetName)
(RoleBody ty ...)))
(define-syntax ~Role+Body
[(_ var-pat . ty-pat)
(syntax/loc this-syntax
(~and (~Role (internal-name : _)
(~RoleBody . tys))
(~parse var-pat #'(internal-name))
(~parse ty-pat #'tys)))]))))
;; for describing the RHS ;; for describing the RHS
;; a value and a description of the effects ;; a value and a description of the effects
(define-type-constructor Computation #:arity = 4) (define-type-constructor Computation #:arity = 4)
@ -244,7 +419,6 @@
(define-type-constructor Spawns #:arity >= 0) (define-type-constructor Spawns #:arity >= 0)
(define-base-types Discard ★/t FacetName)
(define-for-syntax (type-eval t) (define-for-syntax (type-eval t)
((current-type-eval) t)) ((current-type-eval) t))
@ -257,15 +431,18 @@
;; (copied from ext-stlc example) ;; (copied from ext-stlc example)
(define-syntax define-type-alias (define-syntax define-type-alias
(syntax-parser (syntax-parser
[(_ alias:id τ) [(_ alias:id τ:type)
;; #:with kind (detach #'τ.norm ':)
#:with serialized-τ (serialize-syntax #'τ.norm)
#'(define-syntax- alias #'(define-syntax- alias
(make-variable-like-transformer #'τ))] (make-variable-like-transformer (deserialize-syntax #'serialized-τ)))]
[(_ (f:id x:id ...) ty) [(_ (f:id x:id ...) ty)
#'(define-syntax- (f stx) #'(define-syntax- (f stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ x ...) [(_ x ...)
#:with τ:any-type #'ty #'ty
#'τ.norm]))])) ;; #:with τ:any-type #'ty
(define-type-alias (U*)) (define-type-alias (U*))
(define-type-alias Unit (Tuple)) (define-type-alias Unit (Tuple))
@ -296,10 +473,10 @@
(syntax/loc stx (U* . tys-)))])) (syntax/loc stx (U* . tys-)))]))
(define-simple-macro (→fn ty-in ... ty-out) (define-simple-macro (→fn ty-in ... ty-out)
( ty-in ... (Computation (Value ty-out) (+ ty-in ... (Computation (Value ty-out)
(Endpoints) (Endpoints)
(Roles) (Roles)
(Spawns)))) (Spawns))))
(begin-for-syntax (begin-for-syntax
(define-syntax ~Base (define-syntax ~Base
@ -313,10 +490,10 @@
(pattern-expander (pattern-expander
(syntax-parser (syntax-parser
[(_ ty-in:id ... ty-out) [(_ ty-in:id ... ty-out)
#'(~→ ty-in ... (~Computation (~Value ty-out) #'(~→+ ty-in ... (~Computation (~Value ty-out)
(~Endpoints) (~Endpoints)
(~Roles) (~Roles)
(~Spawns)))]))) (~Spawns)))])))
;; matching possibly polymorphic types ;; matching possibly polymorphic types
(define-syntax ~?∀ (define-syntax ~?∀
@ -324,8 +501,8 @@
(lambda (stx) (lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx () (syntax-case stx ()
[(?∀ vars-pat body-pat) [(?∀ vars-pat body-pat)
#'(~or (~∀ vars-pat body-pat) #'(~or (~∀+ vars-pat body-pat)
(~and (~not (~∀ _ _)) (~and (~not (~∀+ _ _))
(~parse vars-pat #'()) (~parse vars-pat #'())
body-pat))]))))) body-pat))])))))
@ -342,12 +519,12 @@
#:with spawns (if (attribute s) #'(s ...) #'()) #:with spawns (if (attribute s) #'(s ...) #'())
#:with roles (if (attribute r) #'(r ...) #'()) #:with roles (if (attribute r) #'(r ...) #'())
#:with endpoints (if (attribute e) #'(e ...) #'()) #:with endpoints (if (attribute e) #'(e ...) #'())
#:with body #`( ty-in ... (Computation (Value ty-out) #:with body #`(+ ty-in ... (Computation (Value ty-out)
(Endpoints #,@#'endpoints) (Endpoints #,@#'endpoints)
(Roles #,@#'roles) (Roles #,@#'roles)
(Spawns #,@#'spawns))) (Spawns #,@#'spawns)))
(if (attribute X) (if (attribute X)
#'( (X ...) body) #'(+ (X ...) body)
#'body)]) #'body)])
(begin-for-syntax (begin-for-syntax
@ -365,12 +542,12 @@
#:with spawns (if (attribute s) #'(s) #'()) #:with spawns (if (attribute s) #'(s) #'())
#:with roles (if (attribute r) #'(r) #'()) #:with roles (if (attribute r) #'(r) #'())
#:with endpoints (if (attribute e) #'(e) #'()) #:with endpoints (if (attribute e) #'(e) #'())
#:with body #`(~→ ty-in ... (~Computation (~Value ty-out) #:with body #`(~→+ ty-in ... (~Computation (~Value ty-out)
(~Endpoints #,@#'endpoints) (~Endpoints #,@#'endpoints)
(~Roles #,@#'roles) (~Roles #,@#'roles)
(~Spawns #,@#'spawns))) (~Spawns #,@#'spawns)))
(if (attribute X) (if (attribute X)
#'(~∀ (X ...) body) #'(~∀+ (X ...) body)
#'body)])))) #'body)]))))
;; for looking at the "effects" ;; for looking at the "effects"
@ -430,20 +607,21 @@
(define arity (stx-length #'(slot ...))) (define arity (stx-length #'(slot ...)))
#`(begin- #`(begin-
(struct- StructName (slot ...) #:reflection-name 'Cons #:transparent) (struct- StructName (slot ...) #:reflection-name 'Cons #:transparent)
(define-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx) (define-for-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx)
(syntax-parse stx (list #'type-tag #'MakeTypeCons #'GetTypeParams)
#;(syntax-parse stx
[(_ X (... ...)) #'(#%app- 'type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)])) [(_ X (... ...)) #'(#%app- 'type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)]))
(define-product-type TypeCons (define-product-type TypeCons
#:arity = #,arity #:arity = #,arity
#:extra-info 'TypeConsExtraInfo) #:extra-info TypeConsExtraInfo)
(define-syntax (MakeTypeCons stx) (define-syntax (MakeTypeCons stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ t (... ...)) [(_ . ts)
#:fail-unless (= #,arity (stx-length #'(t (... ...)))) "arity mismatch" #:fail-unless (= #,arity (stx-length #'ts)) "arity mismatch"
#'(TypeCons t (... ...))])) #'(TypeCons . ts)]))
(define-syntax (GetTypeParams stx) (define-syntax (GetTypeParams stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ (TypeConsExpander t (... ...))) [(_ (~Any/new (~literal TypeCons) t (... ...)))
#'(t (... ...))])) #'(t (... ...))]))
(define-syntax Cons (define-syntax Cons
(user-ctor #'Cons- #'StructName 'type-tag)) (user-ctor #'Cons- #'StructName 'type-tag))
@ -486,14 +664,15 @@
(unless (equal? #t sup) (unless (equal? #t sup)
(raise-syntax-error #f "structs with super-type not supported" #'#,stx #'ucons)) (raise-syntax-error #f "structs with super-type not supported" #'#,stx #'ucons))
(define arity (length accs))) (define arity (length accs)))
(define-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx) (define-for-syntax (TypeConsExtraInfo stx)
(syntax-parse stx (list #'type-tag #'MakeTypeCons #'GetTypeParams)
#;(syntax-parse stx
[(_ X (... ...)) #'(#%app- 'type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)])) [(_ X (... ...)) #'(#%app- 'type-tag 'MakeTypeCons 'GetTypeParams)]))
(define-product-type TypeCons (define-product-type TypeCons
;; issue: arity needs to parse as an exact-nonnegative-integer ;; issue: arity needs to parse as an exact-nonnegative-integer
;; fix: check arity in MakeTypeCons ;; fix: check arity in MakeTypeCons
#:arity >= 0 #:arity >= 0
#:extra-info 'TypeConsExtraInfo) #:extra-info TypeConsExtraInfo)
(define-syntax (MakeTypeCons stx) (define-syntax (MakeTypeCons stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ t (... ...)) [(_ t (... ...))
@ -501,7 +680,7 @@
#'(TypeCons t (... ...))])) #'(TypeCons t (... ...))]))
(define-syntax (GetTypeParams stx) (define-syntax (GetTypeParams stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ (TypeConsExpander t (... ...))) [(_ (~Any/new (~literal TypeCons) t (... ...)))
#'(t (... ...))])) #'(t (... ...))]))
(define-typed-syntax (Cons- e (... ...)) (define-typed-syntax (Cons- e (... ...))
#:fail-unless (= arity (stx-length #'(e (... ...)))) "arity mismatch" #:fail-unless (= arity (stx-length #'(e (... ...)))) "arity mismatch"
@ -526,7 +705,7 @@
#'(~and it #'(~and it
(~fail #:unless (user-defined-type? #'it)) (~fail #:unless (user-defined-type? #'it))
(~parse tag (get-type-tag #'it)) (~parse tag (get-type-tag #'it))
(~Any _ . rst))]))) (~Any/new _ . rst))])))
(define-syntax ~constructor-exp (define-syntax ~constructor-exp
(pattern-expander (pattern-expander
@ -544,21 +723,31 @@
(equal? (syntax-e t1) (syntax-e t2))) (equal? (syntax-e t1) (syntax-e t2)))
(define (user-defined-type? t) (define (user-defined-type? t)
(get-extra-info (type-eval t))) (get-extra-info/new (type-eval t)))
(define (get-type-tag t) (define (get-type-tag t)
(syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) (match (get-extra-info/new t)
[(list tag _ _) tag])
#;(syntax-parse (get-extra-info t)
[(~constructor-extra-info tag _ _) [(~constructor-extra-info tag _ _)
(syntax-e #'tag)])) (syntax-e #'tag)]))
(define (get-type-args t) (define (get-type-args t)
(syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) (match (get-extra-info/new t)
[(list _ _ get)
(define f (syntax-local-value get))
(syntax->list (f #`(#,get #,t)))])
#;(syntax-parse (get-extra-info t)
[(~constructor-extra-info _ _ get) [(~constructor-extra-info _ _ get)
(define f (syntax-local-value #'get)) (define f (syntax-local-value #'get))
(syntax->list (f #`(get #,t)))])) (syntax->list (f #`(get #,t)))]))
(define (make-cons-type t args) (define (make-cons-type t args)
(syntax-parse (get-extra-info t) (match (get-extra-info/new t)
[(list _ mk _)
(define f (syntax-local-value mk))
(type-eval (f #`(#,mk #,@args)))])
#;(syntax-parse (get-extra-info t)
[(~constructor-extra-info _ mk _) [(~constructor-extra-info _ mk _)
(define f (syntax-local-value #'mk)) (define f (syntax-local-value #'mk))
(type-eval (f #`(mk #,@args)))])) (type-eval (f #`(mk #,@args)))]))
@ -586,11 +775,15 @@
#:datum-literals (:) #:datum-literals (:)
[(_ lib [name:id : ty:type] ...) [(_ lib [name:id : ty:type] ...)
#:with (name- ...) (format-ids "~a-" #'(name ...)) #:with (name- ...) (format-ids "~a-" #'(name ...))
#:with (serialized-ty ...) (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(ty.norm ...))])
(serialize-syntax t))
(syntax/loc stx (syntax/loc stx
(begin- (begin-
(require (only-in lib [name name-] ...)) (require (only-in lib [name name-] ...))
(define-syntax name (define-syntax name
(make-variable-like-transformer (add-orig (assign-type #'name- #'ty #:wrap? #f) #'name))) (make-variable-like-transformer
(add-orig (assign-type #'name- (deserialize-syntax #'serialized-ty)
#:wrap? #f) #'name)))
...))])) ...))]))
;; Format identifiers in the same way ;; Format identifiers in the same way
@ -668,13 +861,14 @@
((current-typecheck-relation) t (mk-U*- '()))) ((current-typecheck-relation) t (mk-U*- '())))
(define-for-syntax bot (define-for-syntax bot
(mk-U*- '())) (mk-U*- '()))
(define-for-syntax (flat-type? τ) (define-for-syntax (flat-type? τ)
(syntax-parse τ (syntax-parse τ
[(~→ τ ...) #f] [(~→+ i ... o) #f]
[(~Actor τ) #f] [(~Actor τ) #f]
[(~Role (_) _ ...) #f] [(~Role+Body (_) _ ...) #f]
[_ #t])) [_ #t]))
(define-for-syntax (strip-? t) (define-for-syntax (strip-? t)
@ -735,7 +929,7 @@
;; Wanted test case, but can't use it bc it uses things defined for-syntax ;; Wanted test case, but can't use it bc it uses things defined for-syntax
#;(module+ test #;(module+ test
(let ([r (type-eval #'(Role (x) (Shares Int)))]) (let ([r (type-eval #'(Role+Body (x) (Shares Int)))])
(syntax-parse (analyze-role-input/output r) (syntax-parse (analyze-role-input/output r)
[(τ-i τ-o) [(τ-i τ-o)
(check-true (type=? #'τ-o (type-eval #'Int)))]))) (check-true (type=? #'τ-o (type-eval #'Int)))])))
@ -757,13 +951,13 @@
(values bot (mk-Message- #'(τ-m)) bot bot bot)] (values bot (mk-Message- #'(τ-m)) bot bot bot)]
[(~Realizes τ-m) [(~Realizes τ-m)
(values bot bot bot (mk-Realize- #'(τ-m)) bot)] (values bot bot bot (mk-Realize- #'(τ-m)) bot)]
[(~Role (name:id) [(~Role+Body (name:id)
(~or (~Shares τ-s) (~or (~Shares τ-s)
(~Know τ-k) (~Know τ-k)
(~Sends τ-m) (~Sends τ-m)
(~Realizes τ-rlz) (~Realizes τ-rlz)
(~Reacts τ-if τ-then ...)) ... (~Reacts τ-if τ-then ...)) ...
(~and (~Role _ ...) sub-role) ...) (~and (~Role+Body _ _ ...) sub-role) ...)
#:with (msg ...) (for/list ([m (in-syntax #'(τ-m ...))]) #:with (msg ...) (for/list ([m (in-syntax #'(τ-m ...))])
(mk-Message- (list m))) (mk-Message- (list m)))
#:with (rlz ...) (for/list ([r (in-syntax #'(τ-rlz ...))]) #:with (rlz ...) (for/list ([r (in-syntax #'(τ-rlz ...))])
@ -829,7 +1023,7 @@
(type-eval #'★/t)] (type-eval #'★/t)]
[(~U* τ ...) [(~U* τ ...)
(mk-U- (stx-map replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'(τ ...)))] (mk-U- (stx-map replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ #'(τ ...)))]
[(~Any/bvs τ-cons () τ ...) [(~Any/new τ-cons τ ...)
#:when (reassemblable? #'τ-cons) #:when (reassemblable? #'τ-cons)
(define subitems (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(τ ...))]) (define subitems (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(τ ...))])
(replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ t))) (replace-bind-and-discard-with-★ t)))
@ -855,6 +1049,18 @@
(paren-join (cons "U" (stx-map type->strX #'(τ ...))))] (paren-join (cons "U" (stx-map type->strX #'(τ ...))))]
[(~Base x) [(~Base x)
(un-gensym #'x)] (un-gensym #'x)]
[(~Role+Body (x:id) τ ...)
(define nm (un-gensym #'x))
(define body (stx-map type->strX #'(τ ...)))
(paren-join (list* "Role" (format "(~a)" nm) body))]
[(~∀+ (X ...) τ)
(define vars
(paren-join (stx-map type->strX #'(X ...))))
(paren-join (list "" vars (type->strX #'τ)))]
[(~Any/new τ-cons τ ...)
(define ctor (un-gensym #'τ-cons))
(define body (stx-map type->strX #'(τ ...)))
(paren-join (cons ctor body))]
[(~Any/bvs τ-cons (X ...) τ ...) [(~Any/bvs τ-cons (X ...) τ ...)
(define ctor (un-gensym #'τ-cons)) (define ctor (un-gensym #'τ-cons))
(define body (stx-map type->strX #'(τ ...))) (define body (stx-map type->strX #'(τ ...)))
@ -879,13 +1085,16 @@
;; subtyping ;; subtyping
(define (<: t1 t2) (define (<: t1 t2)
(when (trace-sub?) (when (trace-sub?)
(printf "~a\n<:\n~a\n" t1 t2)) (unless (syntax-parse t1
[~Type #t]
[_ #f])
(printf "~a\n<:\n~a\n" t1 t2)))
(syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2) (syntax-parse #`(#,t1 #,t2)
[(_ ~★/t) [(_ ~★/t)
(flat-type? t1)] (flat-type? t1)]
[((~U* τ1 ...) _) [((~U* τ1 ...) _)
(stx-andmap (lambda (t) (<: t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))] (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (<: t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))]
[(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) [(_ (~U* τ2 ...))
(stx-ormap (lambda (t) (<: t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))] (stx-ormap (lambda (t) (<: t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))]
[((~Actor τ1) (~Actor τ2)) [((~Actor τ1) (~Actor τ2))
(and (<: #'τ1 #'τ2) (and (<: #'τ1 #'τ2)
@ -908,20 +1117,38 @@
[(~Discard _) [(~Discard _)
#t] #t]
[(X:id Y:id) [(X:id Y:id)
(free-identifier=? #'X #'Y)] (or (free-identifier=? #'X #'Y)
[((~∀ (X:id ...) τ1) (~∀ (Y:id ...) τ2)) #;(let ()
(printf "X:\n")
(pretty-print (syntax-debug-info (values #;syntax-local-introduce #'X)))
(pretty-print (identifier-binding #'X))
(printf ":\n")
(pretty-print (syntax-debug-info (values #;syntax-local-introduce #'Y)))
(pretty-print (identifier-binding #'Y))
[((~∀+ (X:id ...) τ1) (~∀+ (Y:id ...) τ2))
#:when (stx-length=? #'(X ...) #'(Y ...)) #:when (stx-length=? #'(X ...) #'(Y ...))
#:with τ2-X/Y (substs #'(X ...) #'(Y ...) #'τ2) #:with τ2-X/Y (substs #'(X ...) #'(Y ...) #'τ2)
;; #:do [(displayln "∀ <: ∀")
;; (displayln #'τ2-X/Y)]
(<: #'τ1 #'τ2-X/Y)] (<: #'τ1 #'τ2-X/Y)]
[((~Base τ1:id) (~Base τ2:id)) [((~Base τ1:id) (~Base τ2:id))
(free-identifier=? #'τ1 #'τ2)] (or (free-identifier=? #'τ1 #'τ2)
[((~Role (x) _ ...) (~Role (y) _ ...)) (let ()
(printf "τ1:\n")
(pretty-print (syntax-debug-info (values #;syntax-local-introduce #'τ1)))
(pretty-print (identifier-binding #'τ1))
(printf "τ2:\n")
(pretty-print (syntax-debug-info (values #;syntax-local-introduce #'τ2)))
(pretty-print (identifier-binding #'τ2))
[((~Role+Body (x) _ ...) (~Role+Body (y) _ ...))
;; Extremely Coarse subtyping for Role types ;; Extremely Coarse subtyping for Role types
(type=? t1 t2)] (type=? t1 t2)]
;; TODO: clauses for Roles, effectful functions, and so on ;; TODO: clauses for Roles, effectful functions, and so on
[((~Any/bvs τ-cons1 () τ1 ...) (~Any/bvs τ-cons2 () τ2 ...)) [((~Any/new τ-cons1 τ1 ...) (~Any/new τ-cons2 τ2 ...))
#:when (free-identifier=? #'τ-cons1 #'τ-cons2) #:when (free-identifier=? #'τ-cons1 #'τ-cons2)
#:do [(define variances (syntax-property #'τ-cons1 'arg-variances))] #:do [(define variances (get-arg-variances t1))]
#:when variances #:when variances
#:when (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) #:when (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))
(for/and ([ty1 (in-syntax #'(τ1 ...))] (for/and ([ty1 (in-syntax #'(τ1 ...))]
@ -938,7 +1165,7 @@
[(== irrelevant) [(== irrelevant)
#t]))] #t]))]
[_ [_
#f])) (type=? t1 t2)]))
;; shortcuts for mapping ;; shortcuts for mapping
(define ((<:l l) r) (define ((<:l l) r)
@ -952,7 +1179,8 @@
;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(begin-for-syntax (begin-for-syntax
(current-typecheck-relation <:)) (current-typecheck-relation <:)
(current-check-relation <:))
;; Flat-Type Flat-Type -> Type ;; Flat-Type Flat-Type -> Type
;; Intersection ;; Intersection
@ -976,7 +1204,7 @@
[((~Base τ1:id) (~Base τ2:id)) [((~Base τ1:id) (~Base τ2:id))
#:when (free-identifier=? #'τ1 #'τ2) #:when (free-identifier=? #'τ1 #'τ2)
t1] t1]
[((~Any/bvs τ-cons1 () τ1 ...) (~Any/bvs τ-cons2 () τ2 ...)) [((~Any/new τ-cons1 τ1 ...) (~Any/new τ-cons2 τ2 ...))
#:when (free-identifier=? #'τ-cons1 #'τ-cons2) #:when (free-identifier=? #'τ-cons1 #'τ-cons2)
#:when (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) #:when (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))
#:do [(define desc (get-type-isec-desc #'τ-cons1))] #:do [(define desc (get-type-isec-desc #'τ-cons1))]
@ -1009,7 +1237,7 @@
(stx-andmap (lambda (t) (project-safe? t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))] (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (project-safe? t t2)) #'(τ1 ...))]
[(_ (~U* τ2:type ...)) [(_ (~U* τ2:type ...))
(stx-andmap (lambda (t) (project-safe? t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))] (stx-andmap (lambda (t) (project-safe? t1 t)) #'(τ2 ...))]
[((~Any/bvs τ-cons1 () τ1 ...) (~Any/bvs τ-cons2 () τ2 ...)) [((~Any/new τ-cons1 τ1 ...) (~Any/new τ-cons2 τ2 ...))
#:when (free-identifier=? #'τ-cons1 #'τ-cons2) #:when (free-identifier=? #'τ-cons1 #'τ-cons2)
#:when (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...)) #:when (stx-length=? #'(τ1 ...) #'(τ2 ...))
#:do [(define desc (get-type-isec-desc #'τ-cons1))] #:do [(define desc (get-type-isec-desc #'τ-cons1))]
@ -1036,7 +1264,7 @@
[X:id [X:id
#t] #t]
[(~Base _) #t] [(~Base _) #t]
[(~Any/bvs τ-cons (X ...) τ ...) [(~Any/new τ-cons τ ...)
(stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))])) (stx-andmap finite? #'(τ ...))]))
;; PatternType -> Type ;; PatternType -> Type
@ -1048,7 +1276,7 @@
(type-eval #'★/t)] (type-eval #'★/t)]
[(~U* τ ...) [(~U* τ ...)
(mk-U- (stx-map pattern-matching-assertions #'(τ ...)))] (mk-U- (stx-map pattern-matching-assertions #'(τ ...)))]
[(~Any/bvs τ-cons () τ ...) [(~Any/new τ-cons τ ...)
#:when (reassemblable? #'τ-cons) #:when (reassemblable? #'τ-cons)
(define subitems (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(τ ...))]) (define subitems (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(τ ...))])
(pattern-matching-assertions t))) (pattern-matching-assertions t)))
@ -1087,28 +1315,29 @@
( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...)) ( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))] ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
[ (lambda- (x- ...) body-) ( : ( τ ... (Computation (Value τ-e) [ (lambda- (x- ...) body-) ( : (→+ τ ... (Computation (Value τ-e)
(Endpoints τ-ep ...) (Endpoints τ-ep ...)
(Roles τ-f ...) (Roles τ-f ...)
(Spawns τ-s ...))))]) (Spawns τ-s ...))))])
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Type Abstraction ;; Type Abstraction
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define-typed-syntax (Λ (tv:id ...) e) (define-typed-syntax (Λ (tv:id ...) e)
[([tv tv- :: #%type] ...) () e e- τ] [([tv tv- : Type] ...) () e e- τ]
-------- --------
;; can't use internal mk-∀- constructor here ;; can't use internal mk-∀- constructor here
;; - will cause the bound-id=? quirk to show up ;; - will cause the bound-id=? quirk to show up
;; (when subsequent tyvar refs are expanded with `type` stx class) ;; (when subsequent tyvar refs are expanded with `type` stx class)
;; - requires converting type= and subst to use free-id=? ;; - requires converting type= and subst to use free-id=?
;; (which is less performant) ;; (which is less performant)
[ e- ( (tv- ...) τ)]) [ e- (+ (tv- ...) τ)])
(define-typed-syntax inst (define-typed-syntax inst
[(_ e τ:type ...) [(_ e τ:type ...)
#:cut #:cut
[ e e- (~∀ tvs τ_body)] [ e e- (~∀+ tvs τ_body)]
#:fail-unless (stx-andmap instantiable? #'tvs #'(τ.norm ...)) #:fail-unless (stx-andmap instantiable? #'tvs #'(τ.norm ...))
"types must be instantiable" "types must be instantiable"
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure" #:fail-unless (pure? #'e-) "expression must be pure"
@ -1124,6 +1353,10 @@
(and (flat-type? ty) (and (flat-type? ty)
(finite? ty)))) (finite? ty))))
(require racket/trace)
(trace instantiable?))
(begin-for-syntax (begin-for-syntax
;; CONVENTION: Type variables for effects are prefixed with ρ ;; CONVENTION: Type variables for effects are prefixed with ρ
(define (row-variable? x) (define (row-variable? x)
@ -1137,7 +1370,7 @@
;; instantiate row variables with types from procedure arguments ;; instantiate row variables with types from procedure arguments
(define-typed-syntax (call/inst e:expr args:expr ...) (define-typed-syntax (call/inst e:expr args:expr ...)
[ e e- ( : (~∀ (X:row-id ...) τ))] [ e e- ( : (~∀+ (X:row-id ...) τ))]
[ args args- ( : τ-a)] ... [ args args- ( : τ-a)] ...
#:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e- args- ...)) #:fail-unless (all-pure? #'(e- args- ...))
"expressions must be pure" "expressions must be pure"
@ -1165,11 +1398,12 @@
(define-for-syntax (int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename x x- t ctx) (define-for-syntax (int-def-ctx-bind-type-rename x x- t ctx)
(printf "adding to context ~a\n" (syntax-debug-info x))) (printf "adding to context ~a\n" (syntax-debug-info x)))
(define serialized-ty (serialize-syntax t))
(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list x-) #f ctx) (syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list x-) #f ctx)
(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list x) (syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list x)
#`(make-rename-transformer #`(make-rename-transformer
(add-orig (add-orig
(attach #'#,x- ': #'#,t) (attach #'#,x- ': (deserialize-syntax #'#,serialized-ty))
#'#,x) #'#,x)
#;(add-orig (assign-type #'#,x- #'#,t #:wrap? #f) #'#,x)) #;(add-orig (assign-type #'#,x- #'#,t #:wrap? #f) #'#,x))
ctx)) ctx))
@ -1250,20 +1484,23 @@
[(_ [x:id x-:id τ e-] ...) [(_ [x:id x-:id τ e-] ...)
#'(syndicate:field [x- e-] ...)])) #'(syndicate:field [x- e-] ...)]))
(define-for-syntax KIND-TAG ':)
(define-syntax (define/intermediate stx) (define-syntax (define/intermediate stx)
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ x:id x-:id τ e) [(_ x:id x-:id τ e)
;; including a syntax binding for x allows for module-top-level references ;; including a syntax binding for x allows for module-top-level references
;; (where walk/bind won't replace further uses) and subsequent provides ;; (where walk/bind won't replace further uses) and subsequent provides
#:with serialized-τ (serialize-syntax #'τ)
#'(begin- #'(begin-
(define-syntax x (define-syntax x
(make-variable-like-transformer (add-orig (attach #'x- ': #'τ) #'x))) (make-variable-like-transformer (add-orig (attach #'x- ': (deserialize-syntax #'serialized-τ)) #'x)))
(define- x- e))])) (define- x- e))]))
;; copied from ext-stlc ;; copied from ext-stlc
(define-typed-syntax define (define-typed-syntax define
[(_ x:id (~datum :) τ:type e:expr) [(_ x:id (~datum :) τ:type e:expr)
[ e e- ( : τ.norm) ( ν-ep (~effs τ-ep ...)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...)) ( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))] [ e e- ( : τ.norm) ( ν-ep (~effs τ-ep ...)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...)) ( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
#:with x- (generate-temporary #'x) #:with x- (generate-temporary #'x)
#:with x+ (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding #'x) #:with x+ (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding #'x)
@ -1274,6 +1511,7 @@
( ν-f (τ-f ...)) ( ν-f (τ-f ...))
( ν-s (τ-s ...))]] ( ν-s (τ-s ...))]]
[(_ x:id e) [(_ x:id e)
;This won't work with mutually recursive definitions ;This won't work with mutually recursive definitions
[ e e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (~effs τ-ep ...)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...)) ( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))] [ e e- ( : τ) ( ν-ep (~effs τ-ep ...)) ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...)) ( ν-s (~effs τ-s ...))]
#:with x- (generate-temporary #'x) #:with x- (generate-temporary #'x)
@ -1287,10 +1525,10 @@
[(_ (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty:type] ... [(_ (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty:type] ...
(~or (~datum ) (~datum ->)) ty_out:type) (~or (~datum ) (~datum ->)) ty_out:type)
e ...+) e ...+)
[ (lambda ([x : ty] ...) (block e ...)) e- ( : (~and fun-ty [ (lambda ([x : ty] ...) (block e ...)) e- ( : (~and fun-ty
(~→ (~not (~Computation _ ...)) ... (~→+ (~not (~Computation _ _ _ _)) ...
(~Computation (~Value τ-v) (~Computation (~Value τ-v) _ _ _))))]
_ ...))))]
#:fail-unless (<: #'τ-v #'ty_out.norm) #:fail-unless (<: #'τ-v #'ty_out.norm)
(format "expected different return type\n got ~a\n expected ~a\n" (format "expected different return type\n got ~a\n expected ~a\n"
#'τ-v #'ty_out #'τ-v #'ty_out
@ -1301,6 +1539,7 @@
[ (erased (define/intermediate f f- fun-ty e-)) ( : ★/t)]] [ (erased (define/intermediate f f- fun-ty e-)) ( : ★/t)]]
[(_ (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty] ...) [(_ (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty] ...)
e ...+) e ...+)
---------------------------- ----------------------------
[ (define (f [x ty] ... -> ★/t) e ...)]] [ (define (f [x ty] ... -> ★/t) e ...)]]
;; Polymorphic definitions ;; Polymorphic definitions
@ -1308,25 +1547,39 @@
(f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty] ... (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty] ...
(~or (~datum ) (~datum ->)) ty_out)) (~or (~datum ) (~datum ->)) ty_out))
e ...+) e ...+)
#:do [(displayln 'A)]
#:with e+ #'(Λ (X ...) #:with e+ #'(Λ (X ...)
(lambda ([x : ty] ...) (lambda ([x : ty] ...)
(block e ...))) (block e ...)))
[[X X- :: #%type] ... e+ e- #:do [(displayln 'B)]
( : (~and res-ty [[X X- : Type] ... e+ e- ( : TTTT)
(~∀ (Y ...) #;( : (~and res-ty
(~→ (~not (~Computation _ ...)) ... (~∀+ (Y ...)
(~Computation (~Value τ-v) (~→ (~not (~Computation _ _ _ _)) ...
_ ...)))))] (~Computation (~Value τ-v) _ _ _)))))]
#:fail-unless (<: (type-eval #'( (Y ...) τ-v)) #:do [(displayln 'C)
(type-eval #'( (X ...) ty_out))) (local-require turnstile/typedefs)
(pretty-print (resugar-type #'TTTT))]
#:with (~and res-ty
(~∀+ (Y ...)
(~→+ (~not (~Computation _ _ _ _)) ...
(~Computation (~Value τ-v) _ _ _)))) #'TTTT
#:do [(displayln 'D)]
#:with ty_out- (substs #'(X- ...) #'(X ...) #'ty_out)
#:with actual (type-eval #'(∀+ (Y ...) τ-v))
#:with expected (type-eval #'(∀+ (X- ...) ty_out-))
#:fail-unless (<: #'actual #'expected)
(format "expected different return type\n got ~a\n expected ~a\n" (format "expected different return type\n got ~a\n expected ~a\n"
#'τ-v #'ty_out) (resugar-type #'actual) (resugar-type #'expected))
#:do [(displayln 'E)]
#:with f- (add-orig (generate-temporary #'f) #'f) #:with f- (add-orig (generate-temporary #'f) #'f)
------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
[ (erased (define/intermediate f f- res-ty e-)) ( : ★/t)]] [ (erased (define/intermediate f f- res-ty e-)) ( : ★/t)]]
[(_ ((~datum ) (X:id ...) [(_ ((~datum ) (X:id ...)
(f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty] ...)) (f [x (~optional (~datum :)) ty] ...))
e ...+) e ...+)
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
[ (define ( (X ...) (f [x ty] ... -> ★/t)) e ...)]]) [ (define ( (X ...) (f [x ty] ... -> ★/t)) e ...)]])
@ -1358,26 +1611,28 @@
(define-typed-syntax #%app (define-typed-syntax #%app
;; Polymorphic, Effectful Function - Perform Simple Matching on Argument Types ;; Polymorphic, Effectful Function - Perform Simple Matching on Argument Types
[(_ e_fn e_arg ...) [(_ e_fn e_arg ...)
[ e_fn e_fn- ( : (~∀ (X:row-id ...+) τ))] [ e_fn e_fn- ( : (~∀+ (X:row-id ...+) τ))]
--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
[ (call/inst e_fn- e_arg ...)]] [ (call/inst e_fn- e_arg ...)]]
;; Polymorphic, Pure Function - Perform Local Inference ;; Polymorphic, Pure Function - Perform Local Inference
[(_ e_fn e_arg ...) [(_ e_fn e_arg ...)
;; compute fn type (ie ∀ and →) ;; compute fn type (ie ∀ and →)
[ e_fn e_fn- (~∀ Xs (~→fn tyX_in ... tyX_out))] [ e_fn e_fn- (~∀+ Xs (~→fn tyX_in ... tyX_out))]
;; successfully matched a polymorphic fn type, don't backtrack ;; successfully matched a polymorphic fn type, don't backtrack
#:cut #:cut
#:do [(printf "A\n")]
#:with tyX_args #'(tyX_in ... tyX_out) #:with tyX_args #'(tyX_in ... tyX_out)
;; solve for type variables Xs ;; solve for type variables Xs
#:with [[e_arg- ...] Xs* cs] (solve #'Xs #'tyX_args this-syntax) #:with [[e_arg- ...] Xs* cs] (solve #'Xs #'tyX_args this-syntax)
;; make sure types are legal ;; make sure types are legal
#:with tyXs (inst-types/cs #'Xs* #'cs #'Xs) #:with tyXs (ttc:inst-types/cs #'Xs* #'cs #'Xs)
#:fail-unless (for/and ([ty (in-syntax #'tyXs)] #:fail-unless (for/and ([ty (in-syntax #'tyXs)]
[x (in-syntax #'Xs)]) [x (in-syntax #'Xs)])
(instantiable? x ty)) (instantiable? x ty))
"type variables must be flat and finite" "type variables must be flat and finite"
;; instantiate polymorphic function type ;; instantiate polymorphic function type
#:with [τ_in ... τ_out] (inst-types/cs #'Xs* #'cs #'tyX_args) #:do [(printf "B\n")]
#:with [τ_in ... τ_out] (ttc:inst-types/cs #'Xs* #'cs #'tyX_args)
#:with (unsolved-X ...) (find-free-Xs #'Xs* #'τ_out) #:with (unsolved-X ...) (find-free-Xs #'Xs* #'τ_out)
;; arity check ;; arity check
#:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...]) #:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...])
@ -1388,6 +1643,7 @@
#:with (τ_arg ...) (stx-map typeof #'(e_arg- ...)) #:with (τ_arg ...) (stx-map typeof #'(e_arg- ...))
;; typecheck args ;; typecheck args
[τ_arg τ⊑ τ_in #:for e_arg] ... [τ_arg τ⊑ τ_in #:for e_arg] ...
#:do [(printf "C\n")]
#:with τ_out* (if (stx-null? #'(unsolved-X ...)) #:with τ_out* (if (stx-null? #'(unsolved-X ...))
#'τ_out #'τ_out
(syntax-parse #'τ_out (syntax-parse #'τ_out
@ -1400,17 +1656,18 @@
#f #f
(mk-app-poly-infer-error this-syntax #'(τ_in ...) #'(τ_arg ...) #'e_fn) (mk-app-poly-infer-error this-syntax #'(τ_in ...) #'(τ_arg ...) #'e_fn)
this-syntax))) this-syntax)))
(mk-∀- #'(unsolved-X ... Y ...) #'(τ_out))])) (type-eval #'(∀+ (unsolved-X ... Y ...) τ_out))]))
#:do [(printf "D\n")]
-------- --------
[ (#%plain-app- e_fn- e_arg- ...) τ_out*]] [ (#%plain-app- e_fn- e_arg- ...) τ_out*]]
;; All Other Functions ;; All Other Functions
[(_ e_fn e_arg ...) [(_ e_fn e_arg ...)
[ e_fn e_fn- ( : (~→ τ_in ... (~Computation (~Value τ-out)
(~Endpoints τ-ep ...)
(~Roles τ-f ...)
(~Spawns τ-s ...))))]
;; TODO - don't know why this cut is needed for error messages
#:cut #:cut
[ e_fn e_fn- ( : (~→+ τ_in ... (~Computation (~Value τ-out)
(~Endpoints τ-ep ...)
(~Roles τ-f ...)
(~Spawns τ-s ...))))]
;; TODO - don't know why this cut is needed for error messages
#:fail-unless (pure? #'e_fn-) "expression not allowed to have effects" #:fail-unless (pure? #'e_fn-) "expression not allowed to have effects"
#:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...]) #:fail-unless (stx-length=? #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...])
(num-args-fail-msg #'e_fn #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...]) (num-args-fail-msg #'e_fn #'[τ_in ...] #'[e_arg ...])
@ -1439,7 +1696,8 @@
(stx-contains-id? ty X))] (stx-contains-id? ty X))]
[(~Base _) #f] [(~Base _) #f]
[X:id #f] [X:id #f]
[(~Any/bvs _ _ τ ...) [(~or* (~Any/new _ τ ...)
(~Any/bvs _ _ τ ...))
(for/or ([ty2 (in-syntax #'(τ ...))]) (for/or ([ty2 (in-syntax #'(τ ...))])
(tyvar-under-union? Xs ty2))] (tyvar-under-union? Xs ty2))]
[_ [_
@ -1466,7 +1724,7 @@
((current-type-eval) (get-expected-type stx))) ((current-type-eval) (get-expected-type stx)))
(define initial-cs (define initial-cs
(if (and (syntax-e #'expected-ty) (stx-null? #'Vs)) (if (and (syntax-e #'expected-ty) (stx-null? #'Vs))
(add-constraints Xs '() (list (list #'expected-ty #'τ_outX))) (ttc:add-constraints Xs '() (list (list #'expected-ty #'τ_outX)))
'())) '()))
(syntax-parse stx (syntax-parse stx
[(_ e_fn . args) [(_ e_fn . args)
@ -1474,7 +1732,7 @@
(for/fold ([as- null] [cs initial-cs]) (for/fold ([as- null] [cs initial-cs])
([a (in-stx-list #'args)] ([a (in-stx-list #'args)]
[tyXin (in-stx-list #'(τ_inX ...))]) [tyXin (in-stx-list #'(τ_inX ...))])
(define ty_in (inst-type/cs/orig Xs cs tyXin datum=?)) (define ty_in (ttc:inst-type/cs/orig Xs cs tyXin datum=?))
(when (tyvar-under-union? Xs ty_in) (when (tyvar-under-union? Xs ty_in)
(type-error #:src a (type-error #:src a
#:msg (format "can't infer types with unions: ~a\nraw: ~a" #:msg (format "can't infer types with unions: ~a\nraw: ~a"
@ -1489,8 +1747,8 @@
(type->str #'ty_a) #'ty_a))) (type->str #'ty_a) #'ty_a)))
(values (values
(cons #'a- as-) (cons #'a- as-)
(add-constraints Xs cs (list (list ty_in #'ty_a)) (ttc:add-constraints Xs cs (list (list ty_in #'ty_a))
(list (list (inst-type/cs/orig (list (list (ttc:inst-type/cs/orig
Xs cs ty_in Xs cs ty_in
datum=?) datum=?)
#'ty_a)))))) #'ty_a))))))
@ -1540,9 +1798,9 @@
(for/list ([X (in-list Xs)]) (for/list ([X (in-list Xs)])
(cond [(free-identifier=? X #'A) ctxt-variance] (cond [(free-identifier=? X #'A) ctxt-variance]
[else irrelevant]))] [else irrelevant]))]
[(~Any tycons) [(~Any/new tycons)
(stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)] (stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)]
[(~?∀ () (~Any tycons τ ...)) [(~?∀ () (~Any/new tycons τ ...))
#:when (get-arg-variances #'tycons) #:when (get-arg-variances #'tycons)
#:when (stx-length=? #'[τ ...] (get-arg-variances #'tycons)) #:when (stx-length=? #'[τ ...] (get-arg-variances #'tycons))
(define τ-ctxt-variances (define τ-ctxt-variances
@ -1551,7 +1809,7 @@
(for/fold ([acc (stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)]) (for/fold ([acc (stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)])
([τ (in-stx-list #'[τ ...])] ([τ (in-stx-list #'[τ ...])]
[τ-ctxt-variance (in-list τ-ctxt-variances)]) [τ-ctxt-variance (in-list τ-ctxt-variances)])
(map variance-join (map mvc:variance-join
acc acc
(find-variances Xs τ τ-ctxt-variance)))] (find-variances Xs τ τ-ctxt-variance)))]
[ty [ty
@ -1559,3 +1817,18 @@
(stx-contains-id? #'ty X))) (stx-contains-id? #'ty X)))
(stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)] (stx-map (λ _ irrelevant) Xs)]
[_ (stx-map (λ _ invariant) Xs)]))) [_ (stx-map (λ _ invariant) Xs)])))
(define t #'Unit)
(define t- ((current-type-eval) t))
(displayln ((current-type?) t-))
(define tt (syntax-parse (detach t- ':)
[(#%plain-app x) #'x]))
(pretty-print (syntax-debug-info tt)))
(define t #'( Unit Unit))
#;(define t #'(Actor Unit))
(define t- ((current-type-eval) t))
(values #;displayln ((current-type?) t-))
(printf "flat-type? ~a\n" (flat-type? t-)))

View File

@ -19,8 +19,13 @@
(U (Left A) (U (Left A)
(Right B))) (Right B)))
(define ( (X) (f [x : X] -> X))
(define ( (X Y Z) (partition/either [xs : (List X)] (define ( (X Y Z) (partition/either [xs : (List X)]
[pred : (→fn X (Either Y Z))] [pred : (→fn X (U (Left Y)
(Right Z)) #;(Either Y Z))]
-> (Tuple (List Y) (List Z)))) -> (Tuple (List Y) (List Z))))
(for/fold ([acc (Tuple (List Y) (List Z)) (tuple (list) (list))]) (for/fold ([acc (Tuple (List Y) (List Z)) (tuple (list) (list))])
([x xs]) ([x xs])

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Protocol ;; Protocol
#| #|
Conversations in the flink dataspace primarily concern two topics: presence and Conversations in the flink dataspace primarily concern two topics: presence and
task execution. task execution.
@ -168,9 +169,12 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts
(printf fmt . args) (printf fmt . args)
(printf "\n"))) (printf "\n")))
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; TaskRunner ;; TaskRunner
(define (word-count-increment [h : WordCount] (define (word-count-increment [h : WordCount]
[word : String] [word : String]
-> WordCount) -> WordCount)
@ -214,6 +218,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; TaskManager ;; TaskManager
(define (spawn-task-manager [num-task-runners : Int]) (define (spawn-task-manager [num-task-runners : Int])
(define id (gensym 'task-manager)) (define id (gensym 'task-manager))
(spawn τc (spawn τc
@ -281,23 +286,9 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts
[(finished discard) [(finished discard)
(set! status st)]))))))))) (set! status st)])))))))))
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; JobManager ;; JobManager
;; Task -> Bool
;; Test if the task is ready to run
(define (task-ready? [t : PendingTask] -> (Maybe ConcreteTask))
(match t
[(task $tid (map-work $s))
;; having to re-produce this is directly bc of no occurrence typing
(some (task tid (map-work s)))]
[(task $tid (reduce-work (right $v1)
(right $v2)))
(some (task tid (reduce-work v1 v2)))]
;; Task Int Any -> Task ;; Task Int Any -> Task
;; If the given task is waiting for this data, replace the waiting ID with the data ;; If the given task is waiting for this data, replace the waiting ID with the data
(define (task+data [t : PendingTask] (define (task+data [t : PendingTask]
@ -321,6 +312,20 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts
(define l (split-at/lenient- xs n)) (define l (split-at/lenient- xs n))
(tuple (first l) (second l))) (tuple (first l) (second l)))
;; Task -> Bool
;; Test if the task is ready to run
(define (task-ready? [t : PendingTask] -> (Maybe ConcreteTask))
(match t
[(task $tid (map-work $s))
;; having to re-produce this is directly bc of no occurrence typing
(some (task tid (map-work s)))]
[(task $tid (reduce-work (right $v1)
(right $v2)))
(some (task tid (reduce-work v1 v2)))]
(define (partition-ready-tasks [tasks : (List PendingTask)] (define (partition-ready-tasks [tasks : (List PendingTask)]
-> (Tuple (List PendingTask) -> (Tuple (List PendingTask)
(List ConcreteTask))) (List ConcreteTask)))
@ -333,6 +338,27 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts
[none [none
(left t)])))) (left t)]))))
#;(define (partition-ready-tasks [tasks : (List Int)]
-> (Tuple (List Int)
(List Int)))
(define part (inst partition/either Int Int Int))
(part tasks
(lambda ([t : Int])
(right 0)
#;(match (some 5)
[(some $ct)
(right ct)]
(left 0)]))))
#;(define (debug [tasks : (List Int)] -> (Tuple (List String) (List Int)))
(define part (inst partition/either Int String Int))
(tuple (list) (list))
(part tasks
(lambda ([t : Int])
(left "hi"))))
(define (input->pending-task [t : InputTask] -> PendingTask) (define (input->pending-task [t : InputTask] -> PendingTask)
(match t (match t
[(task $id (map-work $s)) [(task $id (map-work $s))
@ -341,6 +367,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts
[(task $id (reduce-work $l $r)) [(task $id (reduce-work $l $r))
(task id (reduce-work (left l) (left r)))])) (task id (reduce-work (left l) (left r)))]))
(message-struct tasks-finished : TasksFinished (id results)) (message-struct tasks-finished : TasksFinished (id results))
;; assertions used for internal slot-management protocol ;; assertions used for internal slot-management protocol

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
Branch Effs Branch Effs
FacetName Field ★/t FacetName Field ★/t
Observe Inbound Outbound Actor U Observe Inbound Outbound Actor U
Computation Value Endpoints Roles Spawns Computation Value Endpoints Roles Spawns Sends
→fn proc →fn proc
;; Statements ;; Statements
let let* if spawn dataspace start-facet set! begin stop begin/dataflow #;unsafe-do let let* if spawn dataspace start-facet set! begin stop begin/dataflow #;unsafe-do
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
(require (for-meta 2 macrotypes/stx-utils racket/list syntax/stx syntax/parse racket/base)) (require (for-meta 2 macrotypes/stx-utils racket/list syntax/stx syntax/parse racket/base))
(require macrotypes/postfix-in) (require macrotypes/postfix-in)
(require (for-syntax turnstile/mode)) (require (for-syntax turnstile/mode))
(require turnstile/typedefs)
(require (postfix-in - racket/list)) (require (postfix-in - racket/list))
(require (postfix-in - racket/set)) (require (postfix-in - racket/set))
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@
(~and τ-k (~Know _)) (~and τ-k (~Know _))
;; untyped syndicate might allow this - TODO ;; untyped syndicate might allow this - TODO
#;(~and τ-m (~Sends _)) #;(~and τ-m (~Sends _))
(~and τ-r (~Reacts _ ...)) (~and τ-r (~Reacts _ _ ...))
~MakesField) ~MakesField)
...) ...)
ep-effects ep-effects
@ -204,7 +205,7 @@
( ν-ep (~effs)) ( ν-ep (~effs))
( ν-s (~effs)) ( ν-s (~effs))
( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))] ( ν-f (~effs τ-f ...))]
#:with τ (mk-Stop- #`(facet-name- τ-f ...)) #:with τ #'(Stop facet-name- τ-f ...)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ (syndicate:stop-facet facet-name- cont-) ( : ★/t) [ (syndicate:stop-facet facet-name- cont-) ( : ★/t)
( ν-f (τ))]) ( ν-f (τ))])
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@
#'τ] #'τ]
[(~U* τ ...) [(~U* τ ...)
(mk-U- (stx-map instantiate-pattern-type #'(τ ...)))] (mk-U- (stx-map instantiate-pattern-type #'(τ ...)))]
[(~Any/bvs τ-cons () τ ...) [(~Any/new τ-cons τ ...)
#:when (reassemblable? #'τ-cons) #:when (reassemblable? #'τ-cons)
(define subitems (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(τ ...))]) (define subitems (for/list ([t (in-syntax #'(τ ...))])
(instantiate-pattern-type t))) (instantiate-pattern-type t)))
@ -609,6 +610,12 @@
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(module+ test (module+ test
(spawn (U (Observe (Tuple Int ★/t)))
(start-facet echo
(on (message (tuple 1 $x))
: ★/t)
(check-type (spawn (U (Message (Tuple String Int)) (check-type (spawn (U (Message (Tuple String Int))
(Observe (Tuple String ★/t))) (Observe (Tuple String ★/t)))
(start-facet echo (start-facet echo

View File

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide serialize-syntax deserialize-syntax)
(require racket/dict racket/match)
(struct serialized-syntax (unique-tag table contents) #:prefab)
(struct stx-with-props (stx ps) #:prefab)
(struct syntax-val (stx) #:prefab)
(struct datum-val (d) #:prefab)
(struct ref (unique-tag sym) #:prefab)
;(require racket/pretty)
(define (serialize-syntax stx)
(displayln 'serialize)
;(print-syntax-width +inf.0)
;(println stx)
;(pretty-print (syntax->datum stx))
(define unique-tag (gensym))
(define table (hasheq))
(define dedup-table (hasheq))
(define (dedup k f)
(if (hash-has-key? dedup-table k)
(hash-ref dedup-table k)
(let ([res (f)])
(set! dedup-table (hash-set dedup-table k res))
(define (lift! el)
(define tag-sym (gensym))
(set! table (hash-set table tag-sym el))
(ref unique-tag tag-sym))
(define (build-props! orig-s d)
(datum->syntax orig-s d orig-s #f)
(for/list ([k (syntax-property-symbol-keys orig-s)]
#:when (syntax-property-preserved? orig-s k))
(define val (syntax-property orig-s k))
(define serialized-val
(if (syntax? val)
(syntax-val (serialize-element! val))
(datum-val (serialize-element! val #:always-lift? #t))))
(cons k serialized-val))))
(define (serialize-element! el #:always-lift? [always-lift? #f])
(lambda ()
(lambda (tail? d) d)
(lambda (orig-s d)
;(when (and always-lift? (not (ref? (hash-ref dedup-table orig-s)))) ; TODO
;(error 'dedup "lift error"))
(lambda ()
(if (or always-lift?
(ormap (lambda (p) (syntax-property-preserved? orig-s p))
(syntax-property-symbol-keys orig-s)))
(lift! (build-props! orig-s d))
(datum->syntax orig-s d orig-s #f)))))
(define top-s (serialize-element! stx))
(define res (datum->syntax #f (serialized-syntax unique-tag table top-s)))
;(displayln 'serialize-out)
;(println res)
;(pretty-print (syntax->datum res))
(define (deserialize-syntax ser)
(displayln 'deserialize)
;(print-syntax-width +inf.0)
;(println ser)
;(pretty-print (syntax->datum ser))
(match (syntax-e ser)
[(serialized-syntax unique-tag-stx table-stx contents)
(define unique-tag (syntax-e unique-tag-stx))
(define table (syntax-e table-stx))
(define dedup-table (hasheq))
(define (dedup k f)
(if (hash-has-key? dedup-table k)
(hash-ref dedup-table k)
(let ([res (f)])
(set! dedup-table (hash-set dedup-table k res))
(define (maybe-syntax-e v)
(if (syntax? v) (syntax-e v) v))
(define (deserialize-stx-with-props ref-sym)
(match-define (stx-with-props stx ps) (syntax-e (hash-ref table ref-sym)))
(define deserialized-nested-stx (deserialize-element stx))
(for/fold ([stx deserialized-nested-stx])
([stx-pr (syntax->list ps)])
(define pr (syntax-e stx-pr))
(define k (syntax-e (car pr)))
(define v (syntax-e (cdr pr)))
(define prop-val
(match v
[(syntax-val v)
(deserialize-element v)]
[(datum-val v)
(deserialize-element (syntax->datum v))]))
(syntax-property stx k prop-val #t)))
(define (deserialize-element el)
(lambda ()
(lambda (tail? d)
(match d
[(ref tag sym)
#:when (equal? (maybe-syntax-e tag) unique-tag)
(lambda () (deserialize-stx-with-props (maybe-syntax-e sym))))]
[_ d]))
(lambda (orig-s d)
(lambda () (datum->syntax orig-s d orig-s #f))))
(define res (deserialize-element contents))
;(displayln 'deserialize-out)
;(println res)
;(pretty-print (syntax->datum res))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define type
(syntax-property #'Int ':: #'Type #t)
'orig (list #'Int) #t))
(define term (syntax-property #`(1 #,(syntax-property #'2 ': type #t)) ': #'Type #t))
(define s (serialize-syntax term))
(define d (deserialize-syntax s))
(syntax-property d ':)
; syntax with properties inside outer syntax with properties.
(syntax-property (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e d)) ':) '::)
(syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e d)) ':)
(syntax-position term)
(syntax-position d))
(syntax-position (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e term)) ':))
(syntax-position (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e d)) ':)))
(syntax-position (car (syntax-e term)))
(syntax-position (car (syntax-e d))))
; syntax in datum in properties
(car (syntax-property (syntax-property (cadr (syntax-e d)) ':) 'orig))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;; syntax-map and datum-map copied from the expander files
;; syntax/datum-map.rkt
;; syntax/syntax.rkt
(require racket/fixnum racket/prefab)
;; `(datum-map v f)` walks over `v`, traversing objects that
;; `datum->syntax` traverses to convert content to syntax objects.
;; `(f tail? d)` is called on each datum `d`, where `tail?`
;; indicates that the value is a pair/null in a `cdr` --- so that it
;; doesn't need to be wrapped for `datum->syntax`, for example;
;; the `tail?` argument is actually #f or a fixnum for a lower bound
;; on `cdr`s that have been taken
;; `gf` is like `f`, but `gf` is used when the argument might be
;; syntax; if `gf` is provided, `f` can assume that its argument
;; is not syntax
;; If a `seen` argument is provided, then it should be an `eq?`-based
;; hash table, and cycle checking is enabled; when a cycle is
;; discovered, the procedure attached to 'cycle-fail in the initial
;; table is called
;; If a `known-pairs` argument is provided, then it should be an
;; `eq?`-based hash table to map pairs that can be returned as-is
;; in a `tail?` position
;; The inline version uses `f` only in an application position to
;; help avoid allocating a closure. It also covers only the most common
;; cases, defering to the general (not inlined) function for other cases.
(define (datum-map s f [gf f] [seen #f] [known-pairs #f])
(let loop ([tail? #f] [s s] [prev-depth 0])
(define depth (fx+ 1 prev-depth)) ; avoid cycle-checking overhead for shallow cases
[(and seen (depth . fx> . 32))
(datum-map-slow tail? s (lambda (tail? s) (gf tail? s)) seen known-pairs)]
[(null? s) (f tail? s)]
[(pair? s)
(f tail? (cons (loop #f (car s) depth)
(loop 1 (cdr s) depth)))]
[(symbol? s) (f #f s)]
[(boolean? s) (f #f s)]
[(number? s) (f #f s)]
[(or (vector? s) (box? s) (prefab-struct-key s) (hash? s))
(datum-map-slow tail? s (lambda (tail? s) (gf tail? s)) seen known-pairs)]
[else (gf #f s)])))
(define (datum-map-slow tail? s f seen known-pairs)
(let loop ([tail? tail?] [s s] [prev-seen seen])
(define seen
[(and prev-seen (datum-has-elements? s))
[(hash-ref prev-seen s #f)
((hash-ref prev-seen 'cycle-fail) s)]
[else (hash-set prev-seen s #t)])]
[else prev-seen]))
[(null? s) (f tail? s)]
[(pair? s)
[(and known-pairs
(hash-ref known-pairs s #f))
(f tail? (cons (loop #f (car s) seen)
(loop (if tail? (fx+ 1 tail?) 1) (cdr s) seen)))])]
[(or (symbol? s) (boolean? s) (number? s))
(f #f s)]
[(vector? s)
(f #f (vector->immutable-vector
(for/vector #:length (vector-length s) ([e (in-vector s)])
(loop #f e seen))))]
[(box? s)
(f #f (box-immutable (loop #f (unbox s) seen)))]
[(immutable-prefab-struct-key s)
=> (lambda (key)
(f #f
(apply make-prefab-struct
(for/list ([e (in-vector (struct->vector s) 1)])
(loop #f e seen)))))]
[(and (hash? s) (immutable? s))
[(hash-eq? s)
(f #f
(for/hasheq ([(k v) (in-hash s)])
(values k (loop #f v seen))))]
[(hash-eqv? s)
(f #f
(for/hasheqv ([(k v) (in-hash s)])
(values k (loop #f v seen))))]
(f #f
(for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash s)])
(values k (loop #f v seen))))])]
[else (f #f s)])))
(define (datum-has-elements? d)
(or (pair? d)
(vector? d)
(box? d)
(immutable-prefab-struct-key d)
(and (hash? d) (immutable? d) (positive? (hash-count d)))))
;; `(syntax-map s f d->s)` walks over `s`:
;; * `(f tail? d)` is called to each datum `d`, where `tail?`
;; indicates that the value is a pair/null in a `cdr` --- so that it
;; doesn't need to be wrapped for `datum->syntax`, for example
;; * `(d->s orig-s d)` is called for each syntax object,
;; and the second argument is result of traversing its datum
;; * the `s-e` function extracts content of a syntax object
;; The optional `seen` argument is an `eq?`-based immutable hash table
;; to detect and reject cycles. See `datum-map`.
(define (syntax-map s f d->s s-e [seen #f])
(let loop ([s s])
(datum-map s
(lambda (tail? v)
[(syntax? v) (d->s v (loop (s-e v)))]
[else (f tail? v)]))

racket/typed/tmp.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
#lang typed/syndicate/roles
#;(require "core-types.rkt")
#;(require "core-expressions.rkt")
#;(require "prim.rkt")
#;(require "for-loops.rkt")
#;(require "list.rkt")
#;(require "roles.rkt")
#;(require "maybe.rkt")
#;(require macro-debugger/stepper)
;; (define-type-alias ID Symbol)
;; (require-struct task #:as Task #:from "examples/roles/flink-support.rkt")
;; (require-struct map-work #:as MapWork #:from "examples/roles/flink-support.rkt")
;; (require-struct reduce-work #:as ReduceWork #:from "examples/roles/flink-support.rkt")
;; (define-type-alias TaskID (Tuple Int ID))
;; (define-type-alias WordCount (Hash String Int))
;; (define-type-alias TaskResult WordCount)
;; (define-type-alias Reduce
;; (ReduceWork (Either Int TaskResult)
;; (Either Int TaskResult)))
;; (define-type-alias Work
;; (U Reduce (MapWork String)))
;; (define-type-alias ConcreteWork
;; (U (ReduceWork TaskResult TaskResult)
;; (MapWork String)))
;; (define-type-alias PendingTask
;; (Task TaskID Work))
;; (define-type-alias ConcreteTask
;; (Task TaskID ConcreteWork))
#;(define (task-ready? [t : PendingTask] -> (Maybe ConcreteTask))
(match t
#;[(tuple $tid)
;; having to re-produce this is directly bc of no occurrence typing
(some (task tid (map-work s)))]
#;[(task $tid (reduce-work (right $v1)
(right $v2)))
(some (task tid (reduce-work v1 v2)))]
#;(cons (lambda () 0) (ann (list) (List (→fn Int))))
#;(Λ (X) (lambda ([x (Maybe X)]) (match x [none #f])))
#;(lambda ([x Int]) (match x [none #f]))
#;(match 1 [none #f])
#;(if #t 1 none)
#;(define ( (X) (unwrap! [x : (Maybe X)] -> Bool))
#;(error "")
(match x
#;[(some (bind v X))
#;(error "none")]))
#;(lambda ([tasks : (List (Maybe Int))])
(define part (inst partition/either (Maybe Int) Int Int))
(part tasks
(lambda ([t : (Maybe Int)])
(left 0)
#;(match t
[(some $ct)
(right ct)]
(left 0)]))))
#;(define (debug [tasks : (List Int)] -> (Tuple (List String) (List Int)))
(define part (inst partition/either Int String Int))
(part tasks
(lambda ([t : Int])
(left "hi"))))
(define (partition-ready-tasks [tasks : (List Int)]
-> (Tuple (List Int)
(List Int)))
(define part (inst partition/either Int Int Int))
(part tasks
(lambda ([t : Int])
(right 0)
#;(match (some 5)
[(some $ct)
(right ct)]
(left 0)]))))
#;(define id : ( (X) (→fn X (List X) (List X)))
(Λ (X) (lambda ([x X] [y (List X)]) (list x))))
#;(spawn (U)
(start-facet echo
(on (message (tuple 1 1))
#;(for/fold ([acc Int 0])
([x (list 1)])
#;(define-constructor* (left : Left v))
#;(define (f [x (Left Int)] -> Int)
(define y x)
(match y
[(left (bind z Int))
#;(#%app- expand/step #'(lambda ([x : Int])
(define y x)
#;(lambda ([x : Int])
(define y x)
(define t #'(Maybe Unit))
(define t- ((current-type-eval) t))
(values #;displayln ((current-type?) t-))
(define tt (syntax-parse (detach t- ':)
[(#%plain-app x) #'x]))
(pretty-print (syntax-debug-info tt)))
(define t #'PendingTask)
(define t- ((current-type-eval) t))
(displayln ((current-type?) t-))
#;(define t1 '( (Computation (Value ★/t)
(Roles (Branch (Effs (Realizes (TasksFinished- Symbol (Hash- String Int))))
(Effs (Branch (Effs (Realizes (TaskIsReady- Symbol (Task- (Tuple- Int Symbol) (U* (MapWork- String) (ReduceWork- (Hash- String Int) (Hash- String Int)))))))
(Tuple- Int Symbol)
(Hash- String Int)))
#;(define t2 '( (Computation (Value ★/t)
(Roles (Branch (Effs (Realizes (TasksFinished- Symbol (Hash- String Int))))
(Effs (Branch (Effs (Realizes (TaskIsReady- Symbol (Task- (Tuple- Int Symbol) (U* (MapWork- String) (ReduceWork- (Hash- String Int) (Hash- String Int)))))))
(Tuple- Int Symbol)
(Hash- String Int)))
#;(lambda ()
(start-facet x
(define (push-results)
[(zero? 0)
(start-facet done (assert #t))]
(define ( (ρ) (perform-task [k : (proc -> ★/t #:roles (ρ))]))
(start-facet perform
(on start (stop perform (k)))))
(on start (call/inst perform-task push-results)))))