first draft on finding simulation counterexamples

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Sam Caldwell 2020-11-30 17:44:02 -05:00
parent db2a8e1cec
commit 7d8b62ff02
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@ -1544,6 +1544,118 @@
))]))) ))])))
(verify (equiv st0-1 st0-2) (set))) (verify (equiv st0-1 st0-2) (set)))
;; a FailingTrace is a (failing-trace (Listof Transition) (Listof Transition) (Listof TraceStep))
(struct failing-trace (impl-path spec-path steps) #:transparent)
;; a TraceStep is one of
;; - (both-step D)
;; - (impl-step D)
;; describing either both the spec and the implementation responding to an
;; event, or only the implementation
(struct both-step (evt) #:transparent)
(struct impl-step (evt) #:transparent)
(define (print-failing-trace trace impl-rg spec-rg)
(match-define (role-graph _ impl-st#) impl-rg)
(match-define (role-graph _ spec-st#) spec-rg)
(match-define (failing-trace impl-path spec-path steps) trace)
(define SEP (make-string 40 #\;))
(define (print-sep)
(println SEP)
(let loop ([steps steps]
[impl-path impl-path]
[spec-path spec-path]
;; because the path might end with a impl-step, remember the last
;; spec state we've seen so we can print its assertions at the right time
[last-spec-state (transition-dest (car spec-path))])
(match steps
[(cons step more-steps)
(define impl-dest (transition-dest (car impl-path)))
(printf "In response to event:\n")
(match step
[(or (both-step D)
(impl-step D))
(pretty-print D)])
(printf "Implementation steps to state:\n")
(pretty-print impl-dest)
(when (empty? more-steps)
(printf "Implementation Assertions:\n")
(pretty-print (state-assertions (hash-ref impl-st# impl-dest))))
(when (both-step? step)
(printf "Specification steps to state:\n")
(pretty-print (transition-dest (car spec-path))))
(when (empty? more-steps)
(printf "Specification Assertions:\n")
(pretty-print (state-assertions (hash-ref spec-st# last-spec-state))))
(loop more-steps
(cdr impl-path)
(if (both-step? step) (cdr spec-path) spec-path)
(if (both-step? step) (transition-dest (car spec-path)) last-spec-state))]
;; RoleGraph RoleGraph -> Trace
;; assuming impl-rg does not simulate spec-rg, find a trace of transitions
;; (event + effects + destination assertions) demonstrating different behaviors
(define (find-simulation-counterexample impl-rg spec-rg)
(match-define (role-graph impl-st0 impl-st#) impl-rg)
(match-define (role-graph spec-st0 spec-st#) spec-rg)
;; inside loop, the each trace field is in reverse
(let loop ([work (list (failing-trace (list (transition '() impl-st0))
(list (transition '() spec-st0))
(list (both-step StartEvt))))]
#;[visited (set)])
(match work
[(cons (failing-trace impl-path/rev spec-path/rev steps/rev) more-work)
(match-define (transition impl-effs impl-dest) (car impl-path/rev))
(match-define (transition spec-effs spec-dest) (car spec-path/rev))
(define last-step (car steps/rev))
[(or (impl-step? last-step)
;; when only the implementation steps, no need to compare effects on transitions
(effects-subsequence? spec-effs impl-effs))
;; cascading conds will help with development and isolating where things go wrong
(match-define (state _ impl-transition# impl-assertions) (hash-ref impl-st# impl-dest))
(match-define (state _ spec-transition# spec-assertions) (hash-ref spec-st# spec-dest))
;; n.b. internal events should be compiled away by now or this wouldn't work
[(assertion-superset? impl-assertions spec-assertions)
;; same effects and same assertions, compare transitions
;; TODO: similarity to `same-on-specified-events?`
(define spec-matching-txns
(for*/list ([(spec-D spec-txns) (in-hash spec-transition#)]
[(impl-D impl-txns) (in-hash impl-transition#)]
#:when (D<:? spec-D impl-D)
[spec-txn (in-set spec-txns)]
[impl-txn (in-set impl-txns)])
(failing-trace (cons impl-txn impl-path/rev)
(cons spec-txn spec-path/rev)
(cons (both-step spec-D) steps/rev))))
;; transitions that the implementation has that the spec doesn't respond to
(define spec-evts (hash-keys spec-transition#))
;; TODO: similarity to `same-on-extra-events?`
(define impl-extra-txns
(for*/list ([(impl-D impl-txns) (in-hash impl-transition#)]
;; TODO - this more or less assumes that *any* event matching impl-D also matches spec-evt, which I'm not sure is quite right
#:unless (for/or ([spec-evt (in-list spec-evts)])
(D<:? spec-evt impl-D))
[impl-txn (in-set impl-txns)])
(failing-trace (cons impl-txn impl-path/rev)
(cons (impl-step impl-D) steps/rev))))
(loop (append more-work spec-matching-txns impl-extra-txns))]
;; states have different assertions
(failing-trace (reverse impl-path/rev) (reverse spec-path/rev) (reverse steps/rev))])]
;; transitions have different effects
(failing-trace (reverse impl-path/rev) (reverse spec-path/rev) (reverse steps/rev))])]
(error "ran out of work")])))
;; (List Role) -> (Hashof RoleName (Setof τ)) ;; (List Role) -> (Hashof RoleName (Setof τ))
;; map each role's name to the assertions it contributes ;; map each role's name to the assertions it contributes
(define (all-roles-assertions roles) (define (all-roles-assertions roles)