untyped flink: work on streamlining ids, demonstrating dataflow issue

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Sam Caldwell 2019-10-15 11:16:46 -04:00
parent 2610ceb541
commit 7374c8c506
1 changed files with 36 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(require racket/set)
(require (only-in racket/list
@ -71,17 +72,20 @@ Task Delegation has two roles, TaskAssigner (TA) and TaskPerformer (TP).
A TaskAssigner asserts the association of a Task with a particular TaskPerformer
(task-assignment ID ID Task)
where the first ID identifies the TP and the second identifies the job.
(task-assignment ID Task)
where the ID identifies the TP
(assertion-struct task-assignment (assignee job-id task))
(assertion-struct task-assignment (assignee task))
A Task is a (task ID Work), where Work is one of
A Task is a (task TaskID Work), where Work is one of
- (map-work String)
- (reduce-work (U ID TaskResult) (U ID TaskResult)), referring to either the
ID of the dependent task or its results. A reduce-work is ready to be executed
when it has both results.
A TaskID is a (list ID ID), where the first ID is specific to the individual
task and the second identifies the job it belongs to.
A TaskResult is a (Hashof String Natural), counting the occurrences of words
(struct task (id desc) #:transparent)
@ -91,9 +95,7 @@ A TaskResult is a (Hashof String Natural), counting the occurrences of words
The TaskPerformer responds to a task-assignment by describing its state with respect
to that task,
(task-state ID ID ID TaskStateDesc)
where the first ID is that of the TP, the second is that of the job,
and the third that of the task.
(task-state TaskID TaskStateDesc)
A TaskStateDesc is one of
- ACCEPTED, when the TP has the resources to perform the task. (TODO - not sure if this is ever visible, currently)
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ A TaskStateDesc is one of
- RUNNING, indicating that the task is being performed
- (finished TaskResult), describing the results
(assertion-struct task-state (assignee job-id task-id desc))
(assertion-struct task-state (task-id desc))
(struct finished (data) #:transparent)
(define ACCEPTED 'accepted)
(define RUNNING 'running)
@ -138,30 +140,27 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
;; gonna need some effect polymorphism to type uses of this
(define (task-performer my-id can-accept? perform-task)
(during (task-assignment my-id $job-id $task)
(during (task-assignment my-id $task)
(field [status #f])
(assert (task-state my-id job-id (task-id task) (status)))
(assert (task-state (task-id task) (status)))
(status RUNNING)
(define (on-complete results)
(status (finished results)))
(perform-task task job-id on-complete status)]
(perform-task task on-complete status)]
(status OVERLOAD)]))))
;; Task
;; ID
;; ID
;; (-> Void)
;; (TaskResults -> Void)
;; -> TaskAssigner
(define (task-assigner tsk job-id performer
(define (task-assigner tsk performer on-overload! on-complete!)
(assert (task-assignment performer job-id tsk))
(on (asserted (task-state performer job-id (task-id tsk) $status))
(assert (task-assignment performer tsk))
(on (asserted (task-state (task-id tsk) $status))
(match status
[(or (== ACCEPTED)
@ -173,14 +172,13 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; TaskRunner
;; ID ID -> Spawn
(define (spawn-task-runner id tm-id)
(spawn #:name id
(assert (task-runner id))
(stop-when (retracted (task-manager tm-id _)))
;; Task (TaskStateDesc -> Void) -> Void
(define (perform-task tsk job-id on-complete! update-status!)
(define (perform-task tsk on-complete! update-status!)
(match-define (task tid desc) tsk)
(match desc
[(map-work data)
@ -219,7 +217,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
(list "good" "eve" "ma'am"))
(check-equal? (string->words "please sir. may I have another?")
(list "please" "sir" "may" "I" "have" "another"))
;; TODO - currently fails
;; currently fails, doesn't seem worth fixing
#;(check-equal? (string->words "but wait---there's more")
(list "but" "wait" "there's" "more")))
@ -252,26 +250,30 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
;; Assign incoming tasks
(field [busy-runners (set)])
(define/dataflow idle-runners
(set-count (set-subtract (task-runners) (busy-runners))))
(assert (task-manager id (idle-runners)))
(define (can-accept?)
(log "TM ~a idle-runners = ~a" id (idle-runners))
(positive? (idle-runners)))
(define (select-runner)
(define runner (for/first ([r (in-set (task-runners))]
#:unless (set-member? (busy-runners) r))
(unless runner
(log "ERROR: TM ~a failed to select a runner.\nrunners: ~a\nbusy: ~a" id (task-runners) (busy-runners)))
(busy-runners (set-add (busy-runners) runner))
(define (perform-task tsk job-id on-complete! update-status!)
(define (perform-task tsk on-complete! update-status!)
(match-define (task task-id desc) tsk)
(define runner (select-runner))
(log "TM ~a assigns task ~a to runner ~a" id task-id runner)
(on-stop (busy-runners (set-remove (busy-runners) runner)))
(task-assigner tsk job-id runner
(task-assigner tsk runner
(lambda () (update-status! OVERLOAD))
(lambda (results) (on-complete! results)))))
@ -362,9 +364,9 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
;; things didn't work. I think that due to script scheduling, all ready
;; tasks were being assigned to the manager
#;(take-slot! mngr)
(react (stop-when (asserted (task-state mngr job-id this-id _))
(react (stop-when (asserted (task-state this-id _))
(received-answer! mngr)))
(task-assigner t job-id mngr
(task-assigner t mngr
(lambda ()
;; need to find a new task manager
;; don't think we need a release-slot! here, because if we've heard back from a task manager,
@ -373,7 +375,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
(stop-facet this-facet (select-a-task-manager)))
(lambda (results)
(log "JM receives the results of task ~a" this-id)
(stop-facet task-facet (k this-id results)))))))
(stop-facet task-facet (k (first this-id) results)))))))
(on-start (select-a-task-manager))))
@ -443,7 +445,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
(during (job-manager-alive)
(during (task-manager $tm-id _)
(define/query-set requests (task-assignment tm-id _ (task $tid _)) tid)
(define/query-set requests (task-assignment _ (task $tid _)) tid)
(field [high-water-mark 0])
(on (asserted (task-manager tm-id $slots))
(when (> slots (high-water-mark))
@ -500,7 +502,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
;; TaskTree -> (Listof Task)
;; flatten a task tree by assigning job-unique IDs
(define (task-tree->list tt)
(define (task-tree->list tt job-id)
(define-values (tasks _)
;; TaskTree ID -> (Values (Listof Task) ID)
;; the input id is for the current node of the tree
@ -509,7 +511,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
[next-id 0])
(match tt
[(map-work _)
(values (list (task next-id tt))
(values (list (task (list next-id job-id) tt))
(add1 next-id))]
[(reduce-work left right)
(define left-id (add1 next-id))
@ -517,7 +519,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
(loop left left-id))
(define-values (rights next)
(loop right right-id))
(values (cons (task next-id (reduce-work left-id right-id))
(values (cons (task (list next-id job-id) (reduce-work left-id right-id))
(append lefts rights))
@ -526,7 +528,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
(define (create-job in)
(define job-id (gensym 'job))
(define input-lines (sequence->list (in-lines in)))
(define tasks (task-tree->list (create-task-tree input-lines)))
(define tasks (task-tree->list (create-task-tree input-lines) job-id))
(job job-id tasks))
;; String -> Job
@ -556,7 +558,7 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
(task mid2 (map-work data2)))
(check-true (id? left))
(check-true (id? right))
(check-equal? (set left right) (set mid1 mid2))
(check-equal? (set left right) (set (first mid1) (first mid2)))
(check-equal? (set data1 data2)
(set "a b c" "d e f"))]
@ -582,7 +584,8 @@ The JobManager then performs the job and, when finished, asserts (job-finished I
;; expected:
;; #hash((a . 5) (b . 5) (c . 2))
(spawn-client j #;(file->job "lorem.txt"))
(spawn-client j)
(spawn-client (file->job "lorem.txt"))
(spawn-task-manager 2)
(spawn-task-manager 3)