support for dataflow, misc fixes and improvements

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-06-05 16:20:09 -04:00
parent 3ebcf413c9
commit 703a4c9589
1 changed files with 235 additions and 174 deletions

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@ -36,10 +36,12 @@
;; - (¬Know τ), reaction to retraction
;; - StartEvt, reaction to facet startup
;; - StopEvt, reaction to facet shutdown
;; - DataflowEvt, reaction to field updates
(struct Know (ty) #:transparent)
(struct ¬Know (ty) #:transparent)
(define StartEvt 'Start)
(define StopEvt 'Stop)
(define DataflowEvt 'Dataflow)
;; a τ is one of
;; - (U (Listof τ))
@ -324,7 +326,14 @@
;; D -> Bool
;; test if D corresponds to an external event (assertion, message)
(define (external-evt? D)
(or (Know? D) (¬Know? D)))
(match D
[(or (Know _)
(¬Know _))
[(== DataflowEvt)
(module+ test
@ -608,7 +617,6 @@
;; determine the state resulting from some effects, given the currently active
;; facets and a description of possible facet locations and behavior.
(define (apply-effects effs st ft txn#)
#;(printf "apply-effects: ~a\n" effs)
(let loop ([st st]
[effs effs])
(match effs
@ -623,8 +631,9 @@
[(set-empty? start-effs)
(loop st+ rest)]
(for/set ([eff* (in-set start-effs)])
(loop st+ (append rest eff*)))])]
(for*/set ([eff* (in-set start-effs)]
[result (in-set (loop st+ (append rest eff*)))])
[(stop nm)
;; better include nm
(define children (find-children ft nm st))
@ -896,6 +905,10 @@
;; subtyping lifted over event descriptions
(define (D<:? D1 D2)
(match (list D1 D2)
[(list _ (== DataflowEvt))
;; TODO - sketchy, intuition "dataflow can happen at any time", though it
;; might actually take the place of multiple transitions
[(list (Know τ1) (Know τ2))
(<:? τ1 τ2)]
[(list (¬Know τ1) (¬Know τ2))
@ -911,17 +924,33 @@
;; Compute the set of assertions the role contributes (on its own, not
;; considering parent assertions)
(define (role-assertions r)
(for/set ([ep (in-list (Role-eps r))])
(match ep
(for*/set ([ep (in-list (Role-eps r))]
[τ? (in-value (EP-assertion ep))]
#:when τ?)
;; EP -> (U #f τ)
;; the type of assertion and endpoint contributes, otherwise #f for
;; dataflow/start/stop
(define (EP-assertion EP)
(match EP
[(Shares τ)
[(Reacts evt _)
[(Reacts D _)
(match D
[(or (Know τ)
(¬Know τ))
;; TODO - this doesn't put ⋆ in where an underlying pattern uses a capture
(match evt
[(Know τ)
(Observe τ)]
[(¬Know τ)
(Observe τ)])])))
(module+ test
;; make sure the or pattern above works the way I think it does
(check-equal? (EP-assertion (Reacts (Know Int) #f))
(Observe Int))
(check-equal? (EP-assertion (Reacts (¬Know String) #f))
(Observe String)))
;; an Equation is (equiv StateName StateName)
@ -939,34 +968,51 @@
;; matched with an element b of bs, where each b has at least one state
;; matched with it.
(define (make-combinations as bs)
(define combos (make-combinations* as bs))
(define (all-bs? combo)
(define (all-as? xs)
(for/and ([a (in-set as)])
(for/or ([x (in-list xs)])
(match-define (equiv xa _) x)
(equal? a xa))))
(define (all-bs? xs)
(for/and ([b (in-set bs)])
(for/or ([eqn (in-set combo)])
(match-define (equiv _ bb) eqn)
(equal? b bb))))
(for/set ([combo (in-set combos)]
#:when (all-bs? combo))
(for/or ([x (in-list xs)])
(match-define (equiv _ xb) x)
(equal? b xb))))
(define all-matches
(for*/list ([a (in-set as)]
[b (in-set bs)])
(equiv a b)))
(define combo-size (max (set-count as) (set-count bs)))
(for/set ([l-o-m (in-combinations all-matches combo-size)]
#:when (all-as? l-o-m)
#:when (all-bs? l-o-m))
(list->set l-o-m)))
;; (Setof StateName) (Setof StateName) -> (Setof (Setof Equation))
;; Like make-combinations, but don't enforce that each b occurs at
;; least once in each combination
(define (make-combinations* as bs)
[(= (set-count as) 1)
(for*/set ([a (in-value (set-first as))]
[b (in-set bs)])
(set (equiv a b)))]
(for*/fold ([agg (set)])
([a (in-set as)]
[b (in-set bs)])
(define combos (make-combinations* (set-remove as a) bs))
(define combos+
(for/set ([c (in-set combos)])
(set-add c (equiv a b))))
(set-union agg combos+))]))
(module+ test
"potential combinations bug"
;; confirmed bug
(define dests1 (set (set 'A)))
(define dests2 (set (set 'B) (set 'C)))
(check-equal? (make-combinations dests1 dests2)
(set (set (equiv (set 'A) (set 'B))
(equiv (set 'A) (set 'C))))))
"potential combinations bug"
(define dests1 (set (set 'B) (set 'C)))
(define dests2 (set (set 'A)))
(check-equal? (make-combinations dests1 dests2)
(set (set (equiv (set 'B) (set 'A))
(equiv (set 'C) (set 'A))))))
"another combinations bug"
;; returning matches with 3 elements
(define dests1 (set (set 'A) (set 'L)))
(define dests2 (set (set 'A) (set 'L)))
(check-equal? (make-combinations dests1 dests2)
(set (equiv (set 'L) (set 'A)) (equiv (set 'A) (set 'L)))
(set (equiv (set 'L) (set 'L)) (equiv (set 'A) (set 'A)))))))
;; Role Role -> Bool
;; determine if the first role acts suitably like the second role.
@ -976,39 +1022,25 @@
(define (simulates? role1 role2)
(match-define (role-graph st0-1 st#1) (compile role1))
(match-define (role-graph st0-2 st#2) (compile role2))
(define ft1 (make-facet-tree role1))
(define ft2 (make-facet-tree role2))
(define all-roles1 (enumerate-roles role1))
(define all-roles2 (enumerate-roles role2))
(define assertion#1
(for/hash ([role (in-list all-roles1)])
(values (Role-nm role)
(role-assertions role))))
(define assertion#2
(for/hash ([role (in-list all-roles2)])
(values (Role-nm role)
(role-assertions role))))
(define state-assertions1
(for/hash ([sn (in-hash-keys st#1)])
(values sn
(for/fold ([assertions (set)])
([facet-name (in-set sn)])
(set-union assertions (hash-ref assertion#1 facet-name (set)))))))
(define state-assertions2
(for/hash ([sn (in-hash-keys st#2)])
(values sn
(for/fold ([assertions (set)])
([facet-name (in-set sn)])
(set-union assertions (hash-ref assertion#2 facet-name (set)))))))
(define assertion#1 (all-states-assertions (in-hash-keys st#1) role1))
(define assertion#2 (all-states-assertions (in-hash-keys st#2) role2))
;; Goal (Setof Equation) -> Bool
(define not-equiv (mutable-set))
(define (verify goal assumptions)
(let/ec return
(let/ec esc
(define (return ans)
(when (and (equiv? goal)
(not ans))
(set-add! not-equiv goal))
(esc ans))
(match goal
[(equiv sn1 sn2)
(when (set-member? assumptions goal)
(return #t))
(define assertions1 (hash-ref state-assertions1 sn1))
(define assertions2 (hash-ref state-assertions2 sn2))
(when (set-member? not-equiv goal)
(esc #f))
(define assertions1 (hash-ref assertion#1 sn1))
(define assertions2 (hash-ref assertion#2 sn2))
(define superset?
(for/and ([assertion2 (in-set assertions2)])
(for/or ([assertion1 (in-set assertions1)])
@ -1020,13 +1052,18 @@
(define evts1 (hash-keys transitions1))
(define evts2 (hash-keys transitions2))
(define same-on-specified-events?
(for/and ([(D dests2) (in-hash transitions2)])
(for/and ([(D2 dests2) (in-hash transitions2)])
(define dests1
(for/fold ([agg (set)])
([(D1 dests) (in-hash transitions1)]
#:when (D<:? D D1))
#:when (D<:? D2 D1)
;; only consider dataflow events vs. non-dataflow when
;; there is not a dataflow edge in the spec (HACK)
#:unless (and (equal? D1 DataflowEvt)
(not (equal? D2 DataflowEvt))
(hash-has-key? transitions2 D1)))
(set-union agg dests)))
(unless dests1
(when (set-empty? dests1)
(return #f))
(define combos (make-combinations dests1 dests2))
(verify (one-of combos) (set-add assumptions goal))))
@ -1042,7 +1079,7 @@
[dest (in-set (hash-ref transitions1 evt))])
(verify (equiv dest sn2)
(set-add assumptions goal))))
(return same-on-extra-evts?)]
[(one-of matchings)
(for/or ([matching (in-set matchings)])
(for/and ([goal (in-set matching)])
@ -1050,6 +1087,24 @@
(verify goal (set-union hypotheses assumptions))))])))
(verify (equiv st0-1 st0-2) (set)))
;; (Sequenceof StateName) Role -> (Hashof StateName (Setof τ))
;; map each state name to its active assertions
(define (all-states-assertions state-seq role)
(define all-roles (enumerate-roles role))
(define assertion# (all-roles-assertions all-roles))
(for/hash ([sn state-seq])
(values sn
(for/fold ([assertions (set)])
([facet-name (in-set sn)])
(set-union assertions (hash-ref assertion# facet-name (set)))))))
;; (List Role) -> (Hashof RoleName (Setof τ))
;; map each role's name to the assertions it contributes
(define (all-roles-assertions roles)
(for/hash ([role (in-list roles)])
(values (Role-nm role)
(role-assertions role))))
(module+ test
"simplest simul"
@ -1171,14 +1226,10 @@
[(== StartEvt)
[(== StopEvt)
[(== DataflowEvt)
;; - (U (Listof τ))
;; - (Struct StructName (Listof τ ...))
;; - (Observe τ)
;; - ⋆
;; - Int
;; - String
;; τ -> String
(define (τ->string τ)
;; (Listof String) -> String
@ -1206,86 +1257,6 @@
(paren-join (cons "U" slots))]))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Flink Examples
(define job-manager-actual
(Shares (JobManagerAlive))
(Bind Symbol)
(Bind (List (Task Int (U (MapWork String) (ReduceWork Int Int)))))))
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int))))))
(Bind (U (Finished (Hash String Int)) Symbol))))
(Effs (Stop this-facet))
(Shares (JobFinished Symbol (Hash String Int)))))
(Know (TaskState Symbol Symbol Int Discard))
(Stop take-slot))))
(Reacts (¬Know (TaskManager Symbol Discard)) (Stop this-facet))))
(Reacts OnStop)
(Reacts OnStart)))
(List (Task Int (U (MapWork String) (ReduceWork Int Int))))))
(Stop during-inner))))
(Reacts (¬Know (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))
(Reacts (Know (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Converting types from the turnstile implementation
@ -1336,7 +1307,9 @@
;; Sexp -> τ
(define (parse-τ ty)
@ -1355,7 +1328,8 @@
(U (map parse-τ t))]
[(list 'Bind t)
;; TODO : questionable
(parse-τ t)]
#;(parse-τ t)]
[(list struct-name tys ...)
@ -1375,20 +1349,18 @@
(check-true (Stop? (parse-T '(Stop poll-members
(Branch (Effs (Stop get-quotes)) (Effs)))))))
"parsed types are the same as my manual conversions"
(check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-seller-ty) seller-actual))
(check-true (simulates? seller-actual (parse-T real-seller-ty)))
"parsed types are (not) the same as my manual conversions"
;; because I parse (Bind τ) as ⋆, whereas my manual conversions use τ
(check-false (simulates? (parse-T real-seller-ty) seller-actual))
(check-false (simulates? seller-actual (parse-T real-seller-ty)))
(check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-member-ty) member-actual))
(check-true (simulates? member-actual (parse-T real-member-ty)))
(check-false (simulates? (parse-T real-member-ty) member-actual))
(check-false (simulates? member-actual (parse-T real-member-ty)))
(check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-leader-ty) leader-actual))
;; interestingly, this doesn't work because leader-actual is less precise
;; than real-leader-ty (I don't remember how leader-actual lost that
;; precision)
#;(check-true (simulates? leader-actual (parse-T real-leader-ty)))
(check-true (simulates? (parse-T real-leader-ty) leader-revised))
(check-true (simulates? leader-revised (parse-T real-leader-ty)))))
(check-false (simulates? (parse-T real-leader-ty) leader-actual))
(check-false (simulates? leader-actual (parse-T real-leader-ty)))
(check-false (simulates? (parse-T real-leader-ty) leader-revised))
(check-false (simulates? leader-revised (parse-T real-leader-ty)))))
(define real-seller-ty
@ -1440,3 +1412,92 @@
(Reacts (Know (BookInterestT String (Bind String) Bool)))))))
(Reacts (¬Know (ClubMemberT (Bind String))))
(Reacts (Know (ClubMemberT (Bind String))))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Flink Examples
(define job-manager-actual
(Shares (JobManagerAlive))
(Bind Symbol)
(Bind (List (Task Int (U (MapWork String) (ReduceWork Int Int)))))))
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int))))))
(Bind (U (Finished (Hash String Int)) Symbol))))
(Effs (Stop assign))
(Shares (JobFinished Symbol (Hash String Int)))))
(Know (TaskState Symbol Symbol Int Discard))
(Stop take-slot))))
(Reacts (¬Know (TaskManager Symbol Discard)) (Stop assign))))
(Reacts OnStop)
(Reacts OnStart)))
(List (Task Int (U (MapWork String) (ReduceWork Int Int))))))
(Stop during-inner))))
(Reacts (¬Know (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))
(Reacts (Know (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))))
(module+ test
"job manager reads and compiles"
(define jmr (parse-T job-manager-actual))
(check-true (Role? jmr))
(define jm (compile jmr))
(check-true (role-graph? jm))
(check-true (simulates? jmr jmr))))