Support hierarchical parent/child relationship between sprites.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2016-09-24 13:23:07 -04:00
parent 8f28ae0e9c
commit 39e46c1cfa
2 changed files with 129 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -69,9 +69,13 @@
;; one active such record at a given time.
(struct scene (prelude postlude) #:transparent)
;; Shared state maintained by program. Z is to be a number, negative
;; A SpriteID is an equal?-comparable dataspace-unique value.
;; Shared state maintained by program. `id` is a SpriteID, and
;; `parent-id` is an (Option SpriteID); #f in `parent-id` means that
;; this sprite is a child of the root. Z is to be a number, negative
;; toward camera. Instructions to be a sealed instruction list.
(struct sprite (z instructions) #:transparent)
(struct sprite (id parent-id z instructions) #:transparent)
;; Message. Requests that the OpenGL loop perform a major
;; garbage-collection while *pausing the simulation's real-time
@ -85,8 +89,8 @@
(patch-seq (retract (outbound* meta-level (scene ? ?)))
(assert (outbound* meta-level (scene (seal prelude) (seal postlude))))))
(define (make-sprite z instructions)
(sprite z (seal instructions)))
(define (make-sprite z instructions #:id [id #f] #:parent [parent-id #f])
(sprite (or id (gensym 'sprite)) parent-id z (seal instructions)))
(define (in-unit-circle? x y)
(<= (+ (sqr (- x 0.5)) (sqr (- y 0.5))) (sqr 0.5)))
@ -96,19 +100,25 @@
(<= 0 y 1)))
(define (simple-sprite z x y w h i
#:parent [parent-id #f]
#:rotation [rotation 0]
#:touchable-id [touchable-id #f]
#:touchable-predicate [touchable-predicate in-unit-square?])
(make-sprite z `((translate ,x ,y)
(make-sprite #:id touchable-id
#:parent parent-id
`((translate ,x ,y)
,@(if (zero? rotation) `() `((rotate ,rotation)))
(scale ,w ,h)
,@(if touchable-id
`((touchable ,touchable-id ,touchable-predicate))
(texture ,i))))
(texture ,i))
(define (update-sprites #:meta-level [meta-level 1] . ss)
(patch-seq* (cons (retract (outbound* meta-level (sprite ? ?)))
(patch-seq* (cons (retract (outbound* meta-level (sprite ? ? ? ?)))
(map (lambda (s) (assert (outbound* meta-level s))) ss))))
@ -138,19 +148,39 @@
;; (touchable Any TransformationMatrix (Number Number -> Boolean))
;; A Touchable is one of
;; - (touchable Any TransformationMatrix (Number Number -> Boolean))
;; Represents a composed device-to-user transformation, plus a
;; predicate on user coordinates, and an ID to use when the predicate
;; answers truthily.
;; predicate on user coordinates, and an ID to use when the
;; predicate answers truthily.
;; - (touchable-map TransformationMatrix)
;; Represents a partial device-to-user transformation used when
;; mapping along parent-child relationship edges in the sprite tree.
(struct touchable (id transformation predicate) #:transparent)
(struct touchable-map (matrix) #:transparent)
;; (compiled-instructions (-> Void) (Listof Touchable) (Listof Resource) TransformationMatrix)
;; A single compiled sprite. The resources aren't in any particular order,
;; but the touchables are: the leftmost touchable is the first to check;
;; that is, it is the *topmost* touchable in this sprite. The overall
;; transformation matrix is the net effect of all the transformations in
;; the instruction sequence.
(struct compiled-instructions (render-thunk touchables resources xform))
;; A Children is a (SplayTree Sprite CompiledInstructions), ordered
;; first by sprite-z, then sprite-id hash code, then
;; sprite-instructions hash-code.
;; A ChildMap is a (Hash SpriteID Children), mapping sprite-id to the
;; children of that sprite.
;; (compiled-instructions (ChildMap SpriteID -> Void)
;; (Listof Touchable)
;; (Listof Resource)
;; (Option TransformationMatrix))
;; A single compiled sprite. The resources aren't in any particular
;; order, but the touchables are: the leftmost touchable is the first
;; to check; that is, it is the *topmost* touchable in this sprite.
;; The child-xform, if present, is the transformation needed to map
;; between mouse coordinates and child sprite space; if absent, no
;; (render-children) instruction was found in this sprite's render
;; code.
(struct compiled-instructions (render-proc touchables resources))
(define-namespace-anchor ns-anchor)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace ns-anchor))
@ -158,8 +188,10 @@
(define (compile-instructions instrs)
(define-values (code touchables resources xform)
(instruction->racket-code `(begin ,@instrs) identity-transformation))
(define render-thunk (eval `(lambda () ,code) ns))
(compiled-instructions render-thunk touchables resources xform))
(define render-proc (eval `(lambda (CHILDMAP SELF-ID) ,code) ns))
(compiled-instructions render-proc
(define (compiled-instructions-dispose! i)
(when i
@ -209,6 +241,8 @@
[`(begin ,instr ...)
(define-values (code touchables resources new-xform) (instructions->racket-code instr xform))
(values `(begin ,@code (void)) touchables resources new-xform)]
(values `(render-sprites! CHILDMAP SELF-ID) (list (touchable-map xform)) '() xform)]
(error 'instruction->racket-code "unknown render instruction: ~v" other)]))
@ -259,58 +293,87 @@
(define scene-projection (?! (scene ? ?)))
(define sprite-projection (?! (sprite ? ?)))
(define sprite-projection (?! (sprite ? ? ? ?)))
(define sprite-order
(order 'sprite-order
(lambda (a b) (and (= (sprite-z a) (sprite-z b))
(lambda (a b) (and (equal? (sprite-id a) (sprite-id b))
(= (sprite-z a) (sprite-z b))
(eq? (sprite-instructions a)
(sprite-instructions b))))
(lambda (a b) (or (> (sprite-z a) (sprite-z b))
(and (= (sprite-z a) (sprite-z b))
(let ((a-id-code (equal-hash-code (sprite-id a)))
(b-id-code (equal-hash-code (sprite-id b))))
(or (< a-id-code b-id-code)
(and (= a-id-code b-id-code)
(< (eq-hash-code (sprite-instructions a))
(eq-hash-code (sprite-instructions b))))))))
(eq-hash-code (sprite-instructions b)))))))))))
(define (remove-sprite! sprites s)
(define (remove-sprite! childmap s)
(define sprites (hash-ref childmap (sprite-parent-id s) #f))
(when sprites
(compiled-instructions-dispose! (splay-tree-ref sprites s #f))
(splay-tree-remove! sprites s))
(splay-tree-remove! sprites s)
(when (dict-empty? sprites) (hash-remove! childmap (sprite-parent-id s)))))
(define (add-sprite! sprites s)
(define (add-sprite! childmap s)
(define sprites (hash-ref childmap (sprite-parent-id s)
(lambda ()
(define ss (make-splay-tree sprite-order))
(hash-set! childmap (sprite-parent-id s) ss)
(define instrs `((color 1 1 1 1)
(push-matrix ,@(seal-contents (sprite-instructions s)))))
(define i (compile-instructions instrs))
(splay-tree-set! sprites s i))
(define (render-scene! prelude sprites postlude)
((compiled-instructions-render-thunk prelude))
(let loop ((iter (splay-tree-iterate-first sprites)))
(define (render-sprites! childmap self-id)
(define sprites (hash-ref childmap self-id #f))
(let loop ((iter (and sprites (splay-tree-iterate-first sprites))))
(when iter
((compiled-instructions-render-thunk (splay-tree-iterate-value sprites iter)))
(loop (splay-tree-iterate-next sprites iter))))
((compiled-instructions-render-thunk postlude)))
(define s (splay-tree-iterate-key sprites iter))
(define proc (compiled-instructions-render-proc (splay-tree-iterate-value sprites iter)))
(proc childmap (sprite-id s))
(loop (splay-tree-iterate-next sprites iter)))))
(define (detect-touch prelude sprites postlude state)
(define (render-scene! prelude childmap postlude)
((compiled-instructions-render-proc prelude) childmap #f)
(render-sprites! childmap #f)
((compiled-instructions-render-proc postlude) childmap #f))
(define (detect-touch prelude childmap postlude state)
(and state
(let ()
(define x (mouse-state-x state))
(define y (mouse-state-y state))
(or (detect-touch* postlude x y state)
(let loop ((iter (splay-tree-iterate-greatest sprites)))
(and iter
(or (detect-touch* (splay-tree-iterate-value sprites iter) x y state)
(loop (splay-tree-iterate-greatest/<?
(splay-tree-iterate-key sprites iter))))))
(detect-touch* prelude x y state)))))
(or (detect-touch* childmap #f postlude x y)
(detect-sprites-touch childmap #f x y)
(detect-touch* childmap #f prelude x y)))))
(define (detect-touch* ci x y state)
(define (detect-sprites-touch childmap self-id x y)
(define sprites (hash-ref childmap self-id #f))
(let loop ((iter (and sprites (splay-tree-iterate-greatest sprites))))
(and iter
(let ((s (splay-tree-iterate-key sprites iter)))
(define ci (splay-tree-iterate-value sprites iter))
(or (detect-touch* childmap (sprite-id s) ci x y)
(loop (splay-tree-iterate-greatest/<? sprites s)))))))
(define (detect-touch* childmap self-id ci x y)
(for/or [(t (in-list (compiled-instructions-touchables ci)))]
(match-define (touchable id xform contains?) t)
(define user-point (untransform-point xform (make-rectangular x y)))
(define ux (real-part user-point))
(define uy (imag-part user-point))
(and (contains? ux uy) (touching id))))
(match t
[(touchable id xform contains?)
(define-values (ux uy) (untransform-point* xform x y))
(and (contains? ux uy) (touching id))]
[(touchable-map xform)
(define-values (ux uy) (untransform-point* xform x y))
(detect-sprites-touch childmap self-id ux uy)])))
(define (untransform-point* xform x y)
(define p (untransform-point xform (make-rectangular x y)))
(values (real-part p) (imag-part p)))
@ -332,7 +395,7 @@
(define far-depth 15) ;; 2.5D
(define prelude empty-instructions)
(define sprites (make-splay-tree sprite-order))
(define childmap (make-hash))
(define postlude empty-instructions)
(define fullscreen? #f)
@ -407,9 +470,8 @@
(define (process-sprite-updates! p)
(define-values (added removed) (patch-project/set/single p sprite-projection))
;; Remove old sprites first, to recycle their texture identifiers (if any)
(for [(s removed)] (remove-sprite! sprites s))
(for [(s added)] (add-sprite! sprites s))
;; (log-info "~a sprites" (splay-tree-count sprites))
(for [(s removed)] (remove-sprite! childmap s))
(for [(s added)] (add-sprite! childmap s))
(when (not (and (set-empty? added) (set-empty? removed)))
@ -459,7 +521,7 @@
(glTranslated 0 0 (- near-depth))
(render-scene! prelude sprites postlude)
(render-scene! prelude childmap postlude)
(queue-callback (lambda () (sleep-and-refresh)) #f))
@ -504,7 +566,7 @@
(define (update-touching!)
(define new-touching (detect-touch prelude sprites postlude current-mouse-state))
(define new-touching (detect-touch prelude childmap postlude current-mouse-state))
(when (not (equal? new-touching current-touching))
(define retract-old (retract current-touching))
(if new-touching

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@ -34,10 +34,11 @@
(define (draggable-shape name orig-x orig-y z plain-image hover-image)
(define (draggable-shape name orig-x orig-y z plain-image hover-image #:parent [parent-id #f])
(actor (field [x orig-x] [y orig-y])
(define/query-value touching? #f (inbound (touching name)) #t)
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite #:touchable-id name
(assert (outbound (simple-sprite #:parent parent-id
#:touchable-id name
#:touchable-predicate in-unit-circle?
z (x) (y) 50 50
(if (touching?)
@ -108,6 +109,10 @@
(circle 50 "solid" "orange")
(circle 50 "solid" "red"))
(draggable-shape 'yellow 10 -10 0 #:parent 'orange
(circle 50 "solid" "yellow")
(circle 50 "solid" "purple"))
(draggable-shape 'green 60 60 -1
(circle 50 "solid" "green")
(circle 50 "solid" "cyan"))