incorporate branching!

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-03-22 15:14:49 -04:00
parent 480b67ea51
commit 170e2b28ce
1 changed files with 180 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -5,22 +5,32 @@
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
;; a T is one of
;; - (Role FacetName (Listof EP)), also abbreviated as just Role
;; - (Spawn τ)
;; - (Stop FacetName (Listof T))
(struct Role (nm eps) #:transparent)
(struct Spawn (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Stop (nm tys) #:transparent)
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Role Type Data Definitions
;; a FacetName is a symbol
;; a T is one of
;; - (Role FacetName (Listof EP)), also abbreviated as just Role
;; - (Spawn τ)
;; - (Stop FacetName Body)
(struct Role (nm eps) #:transparent)
(struct Spawn (ty) #:transparent)
(struct Stop (nm body) #:transparent)
;; a EP is one of
;; - (Reacts D (Listof T)), describing an event handler
;; - (Reacts D Body), describing an event handler
;; - (Shares τ), describing an assertion
(struct Reacts (evt body) #:transparent)
(struct Shares (ty) #:transparent)
;; a Body describes actions carried out in response to some event, and
;; is one of
;; - T
;; - (Listof Body)
;; - (Branch (Listof Body))
(struct Branch (arms) #:transparent)
;; a D is one of
;; - (Know τ), reaction to assertion
;; - (¬Know τ), reaction to retraction
@ -65,9 +75,8 @@
(Role 'seller
(Reacts (Know (Observe (Struct 'BookQuoteT (list String ))))
(Role 'fulfill
(list (Shares (Struct 'BookQuoteT (list String Int))))))))))
(list (Shares (Struct 'BookQuoteT (list String Int)))))))))
;; τ τ -> τ
;; short hand for creating a book quote struct type
@ -83,19 +92,15 @@
(Role 'leader
(Reacts (Know (book-quote String Int))
(Role 'poll
;; how to express two possible reactions to the same assertion?
(Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool))
(Stop 'leader
(Role 'announce
(Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month String))))))))
(Reacts (Know (book-interest String String Bool))
(Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month String)))))
(Stop 'poll (list)))))))))))
#;(define-type-alias leader-actual
@ -119,13 +124,12 @@
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Compiling Roles to state machines
;; a State is a (state StateName (Hashof D StateName))
;; a State is a (state StateName (Hashof D (Setof StateName)))
;; a StateName is a (Setof FacetName)
;; let's assume that all FacetNames are unique
;; ok, this is also ignoring Spawn actions for now, would show up in the transitions hash
(struct state (name transitions) #:transparent)
;; a FacetTree is a
;; (facet-tree (Hashof (U #f FacetName) (Listof FacetName))
;; (Hashof FacetName (U #f FacetName)))
@ -150,12 +154,17 @@
(for/fold ([agg (hash)])
([txns (in-list all-txns)])
(hash-union agg txns
#:combine append)))
#:combine combine-effect-sets)))
(define transitions
(for/hash ([(D effs) (in-hash agg-txn)])
(values D (apply-effects effs current ft))))
;; TODO - may want to remove self loops here
(define destinations
(for/set ([eff* (in-set effs)])
(apply-effects eff* current ft)))
(values D destinations)))
(define new-work
(for/list ([st (in-hash-values transitions)]
(for*/list ([st-set (in-hash-values transitions)]
[st (in-set st-set)]
#:unless (hash-has-key? states st))
(loop (append more new-work)
@ -178,7 +187,7 @@
(Observe (Struct 'BookQuoteT (list String ))))
(check-true (hash-has-key? transitions (Know quote-request)))
(check-equal? (hash-ref transitions (Know quote-request))
(set 'seller 'fulfill))))
(set (set 'seller 'fulfill)))))
;; Role -> FacetTree
(define (make-facet-tree role)
@ -203,20 +212,47 @@
(define more-work*
(for/list ([ep (in-list eps)]
#:when (Reacts? ep))
(match-define (Reacts _ acts) ep)
(map ((curry cons) nm) acts)))
(match-define (Reacts _ body) ep)
(map ((curry cons) nm) (Body->actions body))))
(loop (apply append rest more-work*)
[(Stop target ks)
[(Stop target body)
(define new-parent (hash-ref ups target))
(define more-work
(for/list ([k (in-list ks)])
(for/list ([k (in-list (Body->actions body))])
(cons new-parent k)))
(loop (append rest more-work)
;; Body -> (Listof T)
;; extract the list of all Role, Stop, and Spawn types from a Body
(define (Body->actions body)
(match body
[(? list?)
(apply append (map Body->actions body))]
[(Branch arms)
(apply append (map Body->actions arms))]
[T (list T)]))
(module+ test
"Body->actions Branch"
(define body (Branch
(Stop 'leader
(Role 'announce
(Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month String)))))
(Stop 'poll (list)))))
(check-equal? (Body->actions body)
(list (Stop 'leader
(Role 'announce
(Shares (Struct 'book-of-the-month String)))))
(Stop 'poll (list))))))
(module+ test
"manager facet tree (one facet)"
@ -292,8 +328,8 @@
(struct start (nm) #:transparent)
(struct stop (nm) #:transparent)
;; a TransitionDesc is a (Hashof D (Listof RoleEffect)), describing when
;; transitions occur (+/- of an assertion) and how they alter the facet tree.
;; a TransitionDesc is a (Hashof D (Setof (Listof RoleEffect)), describing the
;; possible ways an event (+/- of an assertion) can alter the facet tree
;; (Listof RoleEffect) StateName FacetTree -> StateName determine the state
;; resulting from some effects, given the currently active facets and a
@ -323,7 +359,7 @@
(for*/list ([ep (in-list eps)]
#:when (Reacts? ep)
[body (in-value (Reacts-body ep))]
[act (in-list body)])
[act (in-list (Body->actions body))])
;; need to find references to Roles inside arbitrarily nested Stops
(let search ([acts acts]
@ -335,7 +371,8 @@
(match act
[(Role _ _)
(search acts (cons act more-roles))]
[(Stop _ more-acts)
[(Stop _ body)
(define more-acts (Body->actions body))
(search (append acts more-acts) more-roles)]
(search acts more-roles)])]))]
@ -350,27 +387,29 @@
(for/fold ([txns (hash)])
([ep (in-list eps)]
#:when (Reacts? ep))
(match-define (Reacts evt acts) ep)
(define effects
(let loop ([acts acts]
[effs (list)])
(match acts
[(cons act more)
(match act
[(Role nm2 _)
(loop more (cons (start nm2) effs))]
[(Stop nm2 Ts)
(loop (append more Ts)
(cons (stop nm2) effs))]
(loop more effs)])])))
(match-define (Reacts evt body) ep)
(define effects (Body->effects body))
[(empty? effects)
[(or (set-empty? effects)
(equal? effects (set '())))
(hash-update txns evt ((curry append) effects) '())]))]))
(define (update-effect-set existing)
(combine-effect-sets effects existing))
(hash-update txns evt update-effect-set (set))]))]))
;; (Setof (Listof X)) (Setof (Listof X)) -> (Setof (Listof X))
;; two separately analyzed sets of effects may combine in any way
(define (combine-effect-sets s1 s2)
[(set-empty? s1)
[(set-empty? s2)
(for*/set ([e1* (in-set s1)]
[e2* (in-set s2)])
(append e1* e2*))]))
(module+ test
@ -391,7 +430,23 @@
(Observe (Struct 'BookQuoteT (list String ))))
(check-true (hash-has-key? seller-txns (Know quote-request)))
(check-equal? (hash-ref seller-txns (Know quote-request))
(list (start 'fulfill))))
(set (list (start 'fulfill)))))
"describe-roles bug"
(define role (Role 'poll
(Reacts (Know Int)
(list (Stop 'leader (Role 'announce (list (Shares Int))))
(Stop 'poll (list))))))))
(define desc (describe-roles role))
(check-true (hash? desc))
(check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'poll))
(define txns (hash-ref desc 'poll))
(check-true (hash-has-key? txns (Know Int)))
(check-equal? (hash-ref txns (Know Int))
(set (list (stop 'leader) (start 'announce))
(list (stop 'poll)))))
"leader-spec announce"
(define desc (describe-roles leader-spec))
@ -403,11 +458,76 @@
(define desc (describe-roles leader-spec))
(check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'poll))
(define poll-txns (hash-ref desc 'poll))
(check-true (hash-has-key? poll-txns (Know (book-interest String String Bool))))
;; I'm not sure how this should be represented, but this case is definitely wrong:
(check-false (hash-ref poll-txns (Know (book-interest String String Bool)))
(list (stop 'poll) (start 'announce) (stop 'leader)))
(define evt (Know (book-interest String String Bool)))
(check-true (hash-has-key? poll-txns evt))
(define effs (hash-ref poll-txns evt))
(check-true (set-member? effs (list (stop 'poll))))))
;; Body -> (Setof (Listof RoleEffect))
(define (Body->effects body)
(match body
[(cons b more)
(define fst (Body->effects b))
(define later (Body->effects more))
[(set-empty? fst)
[(set-empty? later)
(for*/set ([f (in-set fst)]
[l (in-set later)])
(append f l))])]
[(Branch (list b ...))
(for/fold ([agg (set)])
([b (in-list b)])
(set-union agg (Body->effects b)))]
[(Role nm _)
(set (list (start nm)))]
[(Stop nm more)
(define effects (Body->effects more))
[(set-empty? effects)
(set (list (stop nm)))]
(for/set ([eff* (in-set effects)])
(cons (stop nm) eff*))])]
[(Spawn _)
(module+ test
(check-equal? (Body->effects '())
(check-equal? (Body->effects (Branch '()))
(check-equal? (Body->effects manager)
(set (list (start 'account-manager))))
(check-equal? (Body->effects (list manager))
(set (list (start 'account-manager))))
(check-equal? (Body->effects (Branch (list manager)))
(set (list (start 'account-manager))))
(check-equal? (Body->effects (list manager client))
(set (list (start 'account-manager)
(start 'client))))
(check-equal? (Body->effects (Branch (list manager client)))
(set (list (start 'account-manager))
(list (start 'client))))
(check-equal? (Body->effects (list manager
(Branch (list client seller))))
(set (list (start 'account-manager) (start 'client))
(list (start 'account-manager) (start 'seller)))))
"Body->effects bug?"
(define body (Branch
(list (Stop 'leader (Role 'announce (list (Shares Int))))
(Stop 'poll (list)))))
(check-equal? (Body->effects body)
(set (list (stop 'leader) (start 'announce))
(list (stop 'poll))))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Visualization
@ -426,7 +546,8 @@
(define dot-name (state-name->dot-name sn))
(define txns (state-transitions st))
(define dot-edges
(for/list ([(D target) (in-hash txns)])
(for*/list ([(D targets) (in-hash txns)]
[target (in-set targets)])
(render-edge dot-name D target)))
(string-join dot-edges "\n")))
(string-join edges