compile internal events, compresses job manager graph by a lot

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-06-26 10:09:00 -04:00
parent 7ba1ecf055
commit 123124acb2
1 changed files with 253 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -57,6 +57,16 @@
(define StopEvt 'Stop)
(define DataflowEvt 'Dataflow)
;; a D+ is a D with StartEvt and StopEvt replaced with variants that name the
;; specified facet,
;; - (StartOf FacetName)
;; - (StopOf FacetName)
(struct StartOf (fn) #:transparent)
(struct StopOf (fn) #:transparent)
;; NOTE: because I'm adding D+ after writing a bunch of code using only D,
;; expect inconsistencies in signatures and names
;; a τ is one of
;; - (U (Listof τ))
;; - (Struct StructName (Listof τ ...))
@ -95,11 +105,25 @@
(Stop facet-name '()))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Testing Utilities
(module+ test
(require racket/engine)
;; (-> A) Real -> (U A Engine)
;; run the given thunk in an engine for 'fuel' milliseconds
;; if the engine completes, returns the result, otherwise the engine itself
(define (run/timeout tnk [fuel 1000])
(define e (engine (lambda (p) (tnk))))
(define r (engine-run fuel e))
(if r (engine-result e) e)))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Compiling Roles to state machines
;; a State is a (state StateName (Hashof D (Setof Transition)))
;; where each D in the hash satisfies external-evt?
;; a State is a (state StateName (Hashof D+ (Setof Transition)))
;; a StateName is a (Setof FacetName)
;; let's assume that all FacetNames are unique
;; a Transition is a (transition (Listof TransitionEffect) StateName)
@ -147,10 +171,12 @@
(equal? (transition-dest txn) current)))
(define transitions
(for/hash ([(D effs) (in-hash agg-txn)]
#:unless (start/stop-evt? D)
[txns (in-value (build-transitions D effs))]
#:unless (set-empty? txns))
(for*/hash ([(D effs) (in-hash agg-txn)]
;; TODO - why was this here?
;; I feel like apply-affects was trying to handle start/stop things
;; #:unless (start/stop-evt? D)
[txns (in-value (build-transitions D effs))]
#:unless (set-empty? txns))
(values D txns)))
(define new-work
(for*/list ([txns (in-hash-values transitions)]
@ -164,7 +190,31 @@
(role-graph (set (Role-nm role)) states)])))
;; RoleGraph Role -> RoleGraph
(module+ test
"facets created in OnStart handled properly"
(define strt
'(Role (x)
(Reacts OnStart
(Role (y)
(Shares (Hi))
(Reacts (Asserted (Bye))
(Stop y))))))
(define r (parse-T strt))
(define rg (run/timeout (thunk (compile r))))
(check-true (role-graph? rg))
(match-define (role-graph st0 st#) rg)
(check-true (hash-has-key? st# (set 'x 'y)))))
;; a DetectedCylce is a (List (Listof StateName) D D D), as in
;; (list path init evt D)
;; where
;; - path represents the sequences of states containing a cycle,
;; - init is the external event that initiated this activity
;; - evt is the last-taken internal event
;; - D is the edge in the graph that matched evt
;; RoleGraph Role -> (U RoleGraph DetectedCycle)
;; "Optimize" the given role graph with respect to internal events.
;; The resulting graph will have transitions of only external events.
(define (compile/internal-events rg role)
@ -172,8 +222,9 @@
;; doing funny business with state (set) here
(define orig-st#+ (hash-set orig-st# (set) (state (set) (hash))))
(define assertion# (all-states-assertions/internal (in-hash-keys orig-st#+) role))
;; a WorkItem is a
;; (work-item StateName (Listof StateName) D (Listof D) (Listof TransitionEffect))
;; (work-item StateName (Listof StateName) D+ (Listof D+) (Listof TransitionEffect))
;; such as (work-item from path/r to by with effs), where
;; - from is the origin state for this chain of events
;; - path/r is the list of states in the path to this point, *after* from, in reverse
@ -182,81 +233,81 @@
;; - by is the external event that kicked off this sequence
;; - with is a list of pending events to be processed
;; - effs are effects emitted on this path
;; NOTE: the initial work item is a hack, setting from and prev to (set) and
;; by to DataflowEvt. The first case in the outer match removes (set) from the
;; states to compensate for this.
(struct work-item (from path/r to by with effs) #:transparent)
(let/ec fail
(define (walk work visited st#)
(match work
(define mt-txns (hash-ref (hash-ref st# (set)) StartEvt))
(define new-st0
[(and (= (set-count mt-txns) 1)
(empty? (transition-effs (set-first mt-txns))))
(transition-dest (set-first mt-txns))]
(define states
(for/hash ([(sn txns) (in-hash st#)]
#:unless (set-empty? sn))
#:unless (and (set-empty? sn)
(not (equal? sn new-st0))))
(values sn (state sn txns))))
;; TODO - st0 might have changed
(role-graph st0 states)]
(role-graph new-st0 states)]
[(cons (work-item from path/r to by with effs) more-work)
(define prev (if (empty? path/r) from (first path/r)))
(define txn# (state-transitions (hash-ref orig-st#+ to)))
(define visited+ (set-add visited to))
(define st#+ (if (hash-has-key? st# to) st# (hash-set st# to (hash))))
(define new-events (route-internal (hash-ref assertion# prev)
(hash-ref assertion# to)))
;; -> (Listof WorkItem)
;; when this state is the end of a path, it can be the start of some new paths
(define (new-paths-work)
(for*/list (#:unless (set-member? visited to)
[(D txns) (in-hash txn#)]
#:when (external-evt? D)
#:unless (equal? D DataflowEvt)
[t (in-set txns)])
(match-define (transition es dst) t)
(work-item to '() dst D (effs->internal-events es) es)))
[(and (empty? with)
(set-empty? new-events)
(not (hash-has-key? txn# DataflowEvt)))
(define new-st# (update-path st#+ from to by effs))
(walk (append more-work (new-paths-work)) visited+ new-st#)]
;; TODO - this is saying something about how the implementation schedules handlers;
;; I think it should be something like exploring (append with (permutations new-events))
(define new-events* (set->list new-events))
(define new-events/df (if (hash-has-key? txn# DataflowEvt) (cons DataflowEvt new-events*) new-events*))
(define pending (append with new-events/df))
(define pending/first-relevant
(dropf pending
(lambda (evt)
(for/or ([D (in-hash-keys txn#)])
;; TODO - think I want non-empty intersection instead of subtyping
(D<:? evt D))))))
(match pending/first-relevant
(define new-st# (update-path st#+ from to by effs))
(walk (append more-work (new-paths-work)) visited+ new-st#)]
[(cons evt more-pending)
(define path/r+ (cons to path/r))
(define more-labor
(for*/list ([(D ts) (in-hash txn#)]
#:when (D<:? evt D)
[t (in-set ts)])
(match-define (transition more-effs dest) t)
(when (member dest path/r+)
(fail (list (reverse (cons dest path/r+))
(define internal-effs (effs->internal-events more-effs))
(work-item from
;; TODO - this is saying something about how the implementation schedules handlers;
;; I think it should be something like exploring (append with (permutations new-events))
(define started (for/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract to prev))]) (StartOf fn)))
(define stopped (for/list ([fn (in-set (set-subtract prev to))]) (StopOf fn)))
(define new-events* (cons DataflowEvt (append started stopped (set->list new-events))))
(define pending (append with new-events*))
(define pending/first-relevant
(dropf pending
(lambda (evt)
(for/or ([D (in-hash-keys txn#)])
;; TODO - think I want non-empty intersection instead of subtyping
(D<:? evt D))))))
(match pending/first-relevant
(define new-paths-work
(for*/list (#:unless (set-member? visited to)
[(D txns) (in-hash txn#)]
#:when (external-evt? D)
#:unless (equal? D DataflowEvt)
[t (in-set txns)])
(match-define (transition es dst) t)
(work-item to '() dst D (effs->internal-events es) es)))
(define new-st# (update-path st# from to by effs))
(walk (append more-work new-paths-work) visited+ new-st#)]
[(cons evt more-pending)
(define path/r+ (cons to path/r))
(define more-labor
(for*/list ([(D ts) (in-hash txn#)]
#:when (D<:? evt D)
[t (in-set ts)])
(match-define (transition more-effs dest) t)
(when (and (member dest path/r+)
;; TODO - cycles involving Start/Stop are tricky. Punt for now
(not (start/stop-evt? evt)))
(fail (list (cons from (reverse (cons dest path/r+)))
(append more-pending internal-effs)
(append effs more-effs))))
(walk (append more-work more-labor) visited+ st#+)])])]))
(walk (list (work-item (set) (list (set)) st0 StartEvt '() '()))
(define internal-effs (effs->internal-events more-effs))
(work-item from
(append more-pending internal-effs)
(append effs more-effs))))
(walk (append more-work more-labor) visited+ st#)])]))
(local-require racket/trace)
#;(trace walk)
(walk (list (work-item (set) '() st0 StartEvt '() '()))
@ -280,12 +331,99 @@
(check-true (role-graph? tmi))
(check-true (simulates?/rg tmi tmr tm tmr))
(check-true (simulates?/rg tm tmr tmi tmr))
(check-equal? tmi tm)))
(check-equal? tmi tm))
"detect a simple internal event cycle"
(define cyclic
'(Role (x)
(Reacts (Realize Int)
(Realizes Int))
(Reacts OnStart
(Realizes Int))))
(define r (parse-T cyclic))
(define rg (compile r))
(define i (run/timeout (thunk (compile/internal-events rg r))))
(check-true (list? i))
(check-equal? (length i) 4)
(match-define (list path kick-off evt edge) i)
;; the first 'x -> 'x cycle is ignored because it's a Start event
(check-equal? path (list (set) (set 'x) (set 'x) (set 'x)))
(check-equal? kick-off StartEvt)
(check-equal? evt (Realize Int))
(check-equal? edge (Realize Int)))
"interesting internal start event"
"facets created in OnStart handled properly"
(define strt
'(Role (x)
(Reacts OnStart
(Role (y)
(Shares (Hi))
(Reacts (Asserted (Bye))
(Stop y))))))
(define r (parse-T strt))
(define rg (run/timeout (thunk (compile r))))
(check-true (role-graph? rg))
(define rgi (run/timeout (thunk (compile/internal-events rg r))))
(check-true (role-graph? rgi))
(match-define (role-graph st0 st#) rgi)
(check-equal? st0 (set 'x 'y))
(check-true (hash-has-key? st# (set 'x 'y)))
(define xy-txns (state-transitions (hash-ref st# (set 'x 'y))))
(check-equal? xy-txns (hash (Asserted (Struct 'Bye '()))
(set (transition '() (set 'x)))))
(check-true (hash-has-key? st# (set 'x)))
(define x-txns (state-transitions (hash-ref st# (set 'x))))
(check-equal? x-txns (hash)))))
;; (Setof τ) (Setof τ) -> (Setof D)
;; Subtyping-based assertion routing (*not* intersection - TODO)
(define (route-internal prev current)
;; note that messages are handled separately, don't need to worry about them
;; here
(define old-interests (interests prev))
(define old-matches (matching-interests old-interests prev))
(define new-interests (interests current))
(define new-matches (matching-interests new-interests current))
(define appeared (label-assertions (assertion-delta new-matches old-matches) Know))
(define disappeared (label-assertions (assertion-delta old-matches new-matches) Forget))
(define appearing-interests (assertion-delta new-interests old-interests))
(define newly-relevant (label-assertions (matching-interests appearing-interests current) Know))
(set-union appeared disappeared newly-relevant))
;; (Setof τ) -> (Setof τ)
;; the type of interests in a set
(define (interests as)
(for/set ([a (in-set as)]
#:when (Observe? a))
(Observe-ty a)))
;; (Setof τ) (Setof τ) -> (Setof τ)
;; The assertions in as that have a matching (supertype) interest in is
(define (matching-interests is as)
(for/set ([a (in-set as)]
#:when (contains-supertype? is a))
;; (Setof τ) τ -> Bool
;; does the set contain a type that is a supertype of a?
(define (contains-supertype? as a)
(for/or ([x (in-set as)])
(<:? a x)))
;; (Setof τ) (Setof τ) -> (Setof τ)
;; Computes as1 - as2, up to suptyping, applying xform to each element
(define (assertion-delta as1 as2)
(for/set ([a1 (in-set as1)]
#:unless (contains-supertype? as2 a1))
;; (Setof τ) (τ -> X) -> (Setof X)
;; apply a procedure to each assertion in a set
(define (label-assertions as f)
(for/set ([a (in-set as)])
(f a)))
;; (Hashof StateName (Hashof D (Setof Transition)))
;; StateName
@ -301,7 +439,9 @@
(define txn (transition effs to))
(hash-update st#
;; make sure to is in the hash
(define st#+to (hash-update st# to values (hash)))
(hash-update st#+to
(lambda (txn#)
(hash-update txn#
@ -332,11 +472,13 @@
;; D -> Bool
;; D+ -> Bool
;; test if D corresponds to Start or Stop event
(define (start/stop-evt? D)
(or (equal? D StartEvt)
(equal? D StopEvt)))
(equal? D StopEvt)
(StartOf? D)
(StopOf? D)))
(module+ test
@ -619,10 +761,10 @@
(struct start (nm) #:transparent)
(struct stop (nm) #:transparent)
;; a TransitionDesc is a (Hashof D (Setof (Listof RoleEffect)), describing the
;; a TransitionDesc is a (Hashof D+ (Setof (Listof RoleEffect)), describing the
;; possible ways an event (+/- of an assertion) can alter the facet tree.
;; It always includes the keys StartEvt and StopEvt.
(define txn-desc0 (hash StartEvt (set) StopEvt (set)))
;; It always includes the keys (StartOf FacetName) and (StopOf FacetName).
(define (txn-desc0 fn) (hash (StartOf fn) (set) (StopOf fn) (set)))
;; (Listof RoleEffect)
;; StateName
@ -644,7 +786,7 @@
(set (transition (list eff) st))]
[(start nm)
(define st+ (set-add st nm))
(define start-effs (hash-ref (hash-ref txn# nm) StartEvt))
(define start-effs (hash-ref (hash-ref txn# nm) (StartOf nm)))
[(set-empty? start-effs)
(loop st+ rest)]
@ -660,7 +802,7 @@
(set-remove st c)))
(for/fold ([txns (set (transition '() st-))])
([f-name (in-list children)])
(define stop-effs (hash-ref (hash-ref txn# f-name) StopEvt))
(define stop-effs (hash-ref (hash-ref txn# f-name) (StopOf f-name)))
(define stop-effs+ (if (set-empty? stop-effs)
(set '())
@ -721,7 +863,7 @@
(define (describe-role role)
(match role
[(Role nm eps)
(for/fold ([txns txn-desc0])
(for/fold ([txns (txn-desc0 nm)])
([ep (in-list eps)]
#:when (Reacts? ep))
(match-define (Reacts evt body) ep)
@ -741,9 +883,17 @@
(equal? effects (set '())))
(define evt+
(match evt
[(== StartEvt)
(StartOf nm)]
[(== StopEvt)
(StopOf nm)]
(define (update-effect-set existing)
(combine-effect-sets effects existing))
(hash-update txns evt update-effect-set (set))]))]))
(hash-update txns evt+ update-effect-set (set))]))]))
;; (Setof (Listof X)) (Setof (Listof X)) -> (Setof (Listof X))
;; two separately analyzed sets of effects may combine in any way
@ -764,14 +914,14 @@
(define desc (describe-roles manager))
(check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'account-manager))
(check-equal? (hash-ref desc 'account-manager)
(txn-desc0 'account-manager)))
"describe nested role"
(define desc (describe-roles seller))
(check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'seller))
(check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'fulfill))
(check-equal? (hash-ref desc 'fulfill)
(txn-desc0 'fulfill))
(define seller-txns (hash-ref desc 'seller))
(define quote-request
(Observe (book-quote String )))
@ -799,7 +949,7 @@
(define desc (describe-roles leader-spec))
(check-true (hash-has-key? desc 'announce))
(check-equal? (hash-ref desc 'announce)
(txn-desc0 'announce)))
"leader-spec transitions from {leader,poll} to {leader}"
(define desc (describe-roles leader-spec))
@ -945,6 +1095,10 @@
(<:? τ1 τ2)]
[(list (Realize τ1) (Realize τ2))
(<:? τ1 τ2)]
[(list (StartOf fn1) (StartOf fn2))
(equal? fn1 fn2)]
[(list (StopOf fn1) (StopOf fn2))
(equal? fn1 fn2)]
[(list (== StartEvt) (== StartEvt))
[(list (== StopEvt) (== StopEvt))
@ -1561,6 +1715,10 @@
(string-append "~-" (τ->string τ))]
[(Realize τ)
(string-append "~!" (τ->string τ))]
[(StartOf fn)
(format "(Started ~a)" fn)]
[(StopOf fn)
(format "(Stopped ~a)" fn)]
[(== StartEvt)
[(== StopEvt)
@ -2399,6 +2557,18 @@
(Reacts (Retracted (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))
(Reacts (Asserted (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))))
(module+ test
"job manager v3 basic functionality"
(define jmr (parse-T job-manager-v3))
(check-true (Role? jmr))
(define jmrg (run/timeout (thunk (compile jmr))))
(check-true (role-graph? jmrg))
(check-true (run/timeout (thunk (simulates? jmr jmr))))
(define jmrgi (run/timeout (thunk (compile/internal-events jmrg jmr))))
(check-true (role-graph? jmrgi))
(check-true (run/timeout (thunk (simulates?/rg jmrgi jmr jmrgi jmr))))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Message Examples/Tests