remove self loops, things working better

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-06-21 16:48:49 -04:00
parent 5a19594fa1
commit 7ba1ecf055
1 changed files with 135 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -139,14 +139,18 @@
([nm (in-set current)])
(define txns (hash-ref roles# nm))
(hash-union agg txns #:combine combine-effect-sets)))
(define (build-transitions D effs)
(for*/set ([eff* (in-set effs)]
[txn (in-set (apply-effects eff* current ft roles#))]
;; filter effect-free self-loops
#:unless (and (empty? (transition-effs txn))
(equal? (transition-dest txn) current)))
(define transitions
(for/hash ([(D effs) (in-hash agg-txn)]
#:when (external-evt? D))
;; TODO - may want to remove self loops here
(define txns
(for*/set ([eff* (in-set effs)]
[txn (in-set (apply-effects eff* current ft roles#))])
#:unless (start/stop-evt? D)
[txns (in-value (build-transitions D effs))]
#:unless (set-empty? txns))
(values D txns)))
(define new-work
(for*/list ([txns (in-hash-values transitions)]
@ -172,7 +176,8 @@
;; (work-item StateName (Listof StateName) D (Listof D) (Listof TransitionEffect))
;; such as (work-item from path/r to by with effs), where
;; - from is the origin state for this chain of events
;; - path/r is the list of states in the path to this point, in reverse
;; - path/r is the list of states in the path to this point, *after* from, in reverse
;; (meaning that all of these transitions are due to *internal* events)
;; - to is the current state that has been reached
;; - by is the external event that kicked off this sequence
;; - with is a list of pending events to be processed
@ -192,26 +197,28 @@
;; TODO - st0 might have changed
(role-graph st0 states)]
[(cons (work-item from path/r to by with effs) more-work)
(define prev (first path/r))
(define prev (if (empty? path/r) from (first path/r)))
(define txn# (state-transitions (hash-ref orig-st#+ to)))
(define visited+ (set-add visited to))
(define st#+ (if (hash-has-key? st# to) st# (hash-set st# to (hash))))
(define new-paths-work
(define new-events (route-internal (hash-ref assertion# prev)
(hash-ref assertion# to)))
;; -> (Listof WorkItem)
;; when this state is the end of a path, it can be the start of some new paths
(define (new-paths-work)
(for*/list (#:unless (set-member? visited to)
[(D txns) (in-hash txn#)]
#:when (external-evt? D)
#:unless (equal? D DataflowEvt)
[t (in-set txns)])
(match-define (transition es dst) t)
(work-item to (list to) dst D (effs->internal-events es) es)))
(define new-events (route-internal (hash-ref assertion# prev)
(hash-ref assertion# to)))
(work-item to '() dst D (effs->internal-events es) es)))
[(and (empty? with)
(set-empty? new-events)
(not (hash-has-key? txn# DataflowEvt)))
(define new-st# (update-path st#+ from to by effs))
(walk (append more-work new-paths-work) visited+ new-st#)]
(walk (append more-work (new-paths-work)) visited+ new-st#)]
;; TODO - this is saying something about how the implementation schedules handlers;
;; I think it should be something like exploring (append with (permutations new-events))
@ -228,7 +235,7 @@
(match pending/first-relevant
(define new-st# (update-path st#+ from to by effs))
(walk (append more-work new-paths-work) visited+ new-st#)]
(walk (append more-work (new-paths-work)) visited+ new-st#)]
[(cons evt more-pending)
(define path/r+ (cons to path/r))
(define more-labor
@ -248,7 +255,7 @@
(append more-pending internal-effs)
(append effs more-effs))))
(walk (append more-work more-labor new-paths-work) visited+ st#+)])])]))
(walk (append more-work more-labor) visited+ st#+)])])]))
(walk (list (work-item (set) (list (set)) st0 StartEvt '() '()))
@ -288,16 +295,21 @@
;; -> (Hashof StateName (Hashof D (Setof Transition)))
;; record an edge between from and to based on the given event and emitting some effects
(define (update-path st# from to by effs)
(define txn (transition effs to))
(hash-update st#
(lambda (txn#)
(hash-update txn#
(lambda (txns)
(set-add txns txn))
[(and (equal? from to)
(empty? effs))
(define txn (transition effs to))
(hash-update st#
(lambda (txn#)
(hash-update txn#
(lambda (txns)
(set-add txns txn))
;; (Listof (TransitionEffect)) -> (Listof D)
(define (effs->internal-events effs)
@ -320,6 +332,12 @@
;; D -> Bool
;; test if D corresponds to Start or Stop event
(define (start/stop-evt? D)
(or (equal? D StartEvt)
(equal? D StopEvt)))
(module+ test
"compile seller"
@ -1333,12 +1351,10 @@
(define tpr (parse-T task-performer-spec))
(define tmr (parse-T task-manager-ty))
(define ans (simulating-subgraphs tmr tpr))
(check-equal? (length ans) 4)
(check-equal? (length ans) 2)
(define tprg (compile tpr))
(check-true (simulates?/rg (first ans) tmr tprg tpr))
(check-true (simulates?/rg (second ans) tmr tprg tpr))
(check-true (simulates?/rg (third ans) tmr tprg tpr))
(check-true (simulates?/rg (fourth ans) tmr tprg tpr))))
(check-true (simulates?/rg (second ans) tmr tprg tpr))))
;; RoleGraph (Setof τ) -> (Sequenceof RoleGraph)
;; generate non-empty subgraphs, where at least the given assertions are enabled
@ -2189,6 +2205,7 @@
(check-false (simulates? tm (parse-T task-assigner-spec)))
(check-false (simulates? tm (parse-T task-performer-spec)))))
;; has a bug with done facet dying too soon
(define job-manager-v2
@ -2293,6 +2310,95 @@
(check-true (list? ans))
(check-false (empty? ans))))
;; fixed above bug
(define job-manager-v3
(Shares (JobManagerAlive))
(Bind Symbol)
(Bind (List (Task Int (U (MapWork String) (ReduceWork Int Int)))))))
(Reacts (Forget (SelectedTM (Bind Symbol))))
(MapWork String)
(ReduceWork (Hash String Int) (Hash String Int))))))
(Know (SelectedTM Symbol))
(Bind (U (Finished (Hash String Int)) Symbol))))
(Effs (Stop assign))
(Realizes (TasksFinished Symbol (Hash String Int))))
(Asserted (TaskState Symbol Symbol Int Discard))
(Stop take-slot))))
(Retracted (TaskManager Symbol Discard))
(Stop assign))))
(Reacts OnStop)
(Reacts OnStart)))
(Realize (TasksFinished Symbol (Bind (Hash String Int))))
(Role (done) (Shares (JobFinished Symbol (Hash String Int))))))))
(List (Task Int (U (MapWork String) (ReduceWork Int Int))))))
(Stop during-inner))))
(Reacts (Retracted (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))
(Reacts (Asserted (TaskManager (Bind Symbol) (Bind Int))))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Message Examples/Tests