7-GUIS port task 3

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-07-10 13:48:58 -04:00
parent 3c65281a2e
commit 064a2e1462
2 changed files with 116 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#lang syndicate
(require "../../widgets.rkt")
;; a flight booker that allows a choice between one-way and return bookings
;; and, depending on the choice, a start date or a start date and an end date.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(require gregor)
;; gregor should not raise an exception when parsing fails, but return #f
(define (to-date d) (with-handlers ([exn? (λ (_) #f)]) (parse-date d "d.M.y")))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define DATE0 "27.03.2014")
(define ONE "one-way flight")
(define RETURN "return flight")
(define CHOICES `(,ONE ,RETURN))
(define RED "red")
(define WHITE "white")
(define (make-field enabled)
(spawn-text-field #:parent frame
#:label ""
#:init-value DATE0
#:enabled enabled))
(define frame (spawn-frame #:label "flight booker"))
(define choice (spawn-choice #:label "" #:parent frame #:choices CHOICES))
(define start-d (make-field #t))
(define return-d (make-field #f))
(define book (spawn-button #:label "Book" #:parent frame))
(field [*kind-flight (list-ref CHOICES 0)] ;; one of the CHOICES
[*start-date (to-date DATE0)] ;; date
[*return-date (to-date DATE0)]) ;; date
(define (field-cb self val date-setter!)
(define date (to-date val))
[date (send! (set-text-field-background self WHITE)) (date-setter! date) (enable-book)]
[else (send! (set-text-field-background self RED)) (enable-book #f #f)]))
(define (enable-book [start-date (*start-date)] [return-date (*return-date)])
(send! (enable book #f))
(when (and start-date (date<=? (today) start-date)
(or (and (string=? ONE (*kind-flight)))
(and return-date (date<=? start-date return-date))))
(send! (enable book #t))))
(define (enable-return-book selection)
(*kind-flight selection)
(send! (enable return-d (string=? RETURN (*kind-flight))))
(on (message (text-field-update start-d $val))
(field-cb start-d val *start-date))
(on (message (text-field-update return-d $val))
(field-cb return-d val *return-date))
(on (message (choice-selection choice $sel))
(enable-return-book sel))
(on (message (button-press book))
(displayln "confirmed"))
(on-start (send! (show-frame frame #t))
(enable-return-book (*kind-flight))))

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
(struct-out frame@)
(struct-out show-frame)
(struct-out horizontal-pane@)
@ -12,7 +13,11 @@
(struct-out button@)
(struct-out button-press)
(struct-out set-text-field-background)
(struct-out text-field-update))
(struct-out text-field-update)
(struct-out choice@)
(struct-out choice-selection)
(struct-out set-selection)
(struct-out enable))
(require (only-in racket/class
@ -22,6 +27,8 @@
;; an ID is a (Sealof Any)
(message-struct enable (id val))
(assertion-struct frame@ (id))
(message-struct show-frame (id value))
@ -35,6 +42,14 @@
(assertion-struct button@ (id))
(message-struct button-press (id))
(assertion-struct choice@ (id selection))
(message-struct choice-selection (id val))
(message-struct set-selection (id idx))
(define (enable/disable-handler self my-id)
(on (message (enable my-id $val))
(send self enable val)))
;; String -> ID
(define (spawn-frame #:label label)
(define frame
@ -63,7 +78,7 @@
#:label label
#:init-value init
#:enabled [enabled? #t]
#:min-width min-width)
#:min-width [min-width 1])
(define parent-component (seal-contents parent))
(define (inject-text-field-update! _ evt)
@ -81,6 +96,7 @@
(field [val (send tf get-value)])
(assert (text-field@ id (val)))
(enable/disable-handler tf id)
(on (message (set-text-field id $value))
(send tf set-value value)
(val value))
@ -107,8 +123,37 @@
(assert (button@ id))
(enable/disable-handler but id)
;; NOTE - this assumes we are one level away from ground
(on (message (inbound (button-press id)))
(send! (button-press id))))
;; ID String (Listof String) -> ID
(define (spawn-choice #:parent parent
#:label label
#:choices choices)
(define (inject-selection! c e)
(send-ground-message (choice-selection id (send ch get-string-selection))))
(define parent-component (seal-contents parent))
(define ch (new choice%
[parent parent-component]
[label label]
[choices choices]
[callback inject-selection!]))
(define id (seal ch))
(field [selection (send ch get-string-selection)])
(assert (choice@ id (selection)))
(enable/disable-handler ch id)
(on (message (inbound (choice-selection id $val)))
(selection val)
(send! (choice-selection id val)))
(on (message (set-selection id $idx))
(send ch set-selection idx)
(selection (send ch get-string-selection))))