7-GUIS port task 2

This commit is contained in:
Sam Caldwell 2019-07-05 13:33:55 -04:00
parent 997a3099fd
commit 3c65281a2e
2 changed files with 86 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#lang syndicate
(require "../../widgets.rkt")
(require (only-in racket/format ~a ~r))
;; a bi-directional temperature converter (Fahrenheit vs Celsius)
(define ((callback setter) field val)
(define-values (field:num last) (string->number* val))
[(and field:num (rational? field:num))
(define inexact-n (* #i1.0 field:num))
(setter inexact-n)
(render field inexact-n last)]
[else (send! (set-text-field-background field "red"))]))
(define (string->number* str)
(define n (string->number str))
(values n (and n (string-ref str (- (string-length str) 1)))))
(define (flow *from --> *to to-field)
(λ (x)
(*from x)
(*to (--> x))
(render to-field (*to) "")))
(define (render to-field *to last)
(send! (set-text-field-background to-field "white"))
(send! (set-text-field to-field (~a (~r *to #:precision 4) (if (eq? #\. last) "." "")))))
(define frame (spawn-frame #:label "temperature converter"))
(define pane (spawn-horizontal-pane #:parent frame))
(define (make-field v0 lbl)
(spawn-text-field #:parent pane
#:min-width 199
#:label lbl
#:init-value v0))
(define C0 0)
(define F0 32)
(define C-field (make-field (~a C0) "celsius:"))
(define F-field (make-field (~a F0) " = fahrenheit:"))
(field [*C C0]
[*F F0])
(define celsius->fahrenheit (callback (flow *C (λ (c) (+ (* c 9/5) 32)) *F F-field)))
(define fahrenheit->celsius (callback (flow *F (λ (f) (* (- f 32) 5/9)) *C C-field)))
(on (message (text-field-update C-field $val))
(celsius->fahrenheit C-field val))
(on (message (text-field-update F-field $val))
(fahrenheit->celsius F-field val))
(send! (show-frame frame #t))))))

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@ -10,11 +10,14 @@
(struct-out text-field@)
(struct-out set-text-field)
(struct-out button@)
(struct-out button-press))
(struct-out button-press)
(struct-out set-text-field-background)
(struct-out text-field-update))
(require (only-in racket/class
(require racket/gui/base)
;; an ID is a (Sealof Any)
@ -24,8 +27,10 @@
(assertion-struct horizontal-pane@ (id))
(assertion-struct text-field@ (id))
(assertion-struct text-field@ (id value))
(message-struct set-text-field (id value))
(message-struct set-text-field-background (id color))
(message-struct text-field-update (id value))
(assertion-struct button@ (id))
(message-struct button-press (id))
@ -57,21 +62,34 @@
(define (spawn-text-field #:parent parent
#:label label
#:init-value init
#:enabled enabled?
#:enabled [enabled? #t]
#:min-width min-width)
(define parent-component (seal-contents parent))
(define (inject-text-field-update! _ evt)
(send-ground-message (text-field-update id (send tf get-value))))
(define tf (new text-field%
[parent parent-component]
[label label]
[init-value init]
[enabled enabled?]
[min-width min-width]))
[min-width min-width]
[callback inject-text-field-update!]))
(define id (seal tf))
(assert (text-field@ id))
(field [val (send tf get-value)])
(assert (text-field@ id (val)))
(on (message (set-text-field id $value))
(send tf set-value value)))
(send tf set-value value)
(val value))
(on (message (set-text-field-background id $color))
(define c (make-object color% color))
(send tf set-field-background c))
(on (message (inbound (text-field-update id $value)))
(val (send tf get-value))
(send! (text-field-update id (val)))))