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module Syndicate.Dataspace.Trie.ESOP2016 where
2016-03-09 13:29:13 +00:00
-- Implementation of dataspace tries, following our ESOP 2016 paper,
-- "Coordinated Concurrent Programming in Syndicate" (Tony
-- Garnock-Jones and Matthias Felleisen).
-- Includes bug fixes wrt the paper:
-- - combine now has parameters leftEmpty and rightEmpty. In the
-- paper, these were missing, and in some cases combine could fail
-- to terminate, since it had missing "br(∅)" checks.
-- - we use the smart constructor `tl` throughout, to avoid
-- constructing `Tl` atop an empty trie. In the paper, this can
-- happen in the definition of `get` when `get(h,★)` is the empty
-- trie, but σ=<< and no mapping for σ exists in h.
-- Also, there are problems with the algorithm as described; it is
-- roughly correct, but does not collapse away as much redundancy as
-- it could. These problems are remedied in ESOP2016v2.hs.
import Prelude hiding (null, seq)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Sigma = Open
| Close
| Wild
| Ch Char
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Trie a = Ok a
| Tl (Trie a)
| Br (Map.Map Sigma (Trie a))
deriving (Eq, Show)
empty = Br Map.empty
null (Br h) = Map.null h
null _ = False
tl r = if null r then empty else Tl r
untl (Tl r) = r
untl _ = empty
route [] (Ok v) f = v
route [] _ f = f
route (_ : _) (Ok v) f = f
route (x : s) (Br h) f = if Map.null h
then f
else route s (get h x) f
route (Close : s) (Tl r) f = route s r f
route (Open : s) (Tl r) f = route s (tl (tl r)) f
route (x : s) (Tl r) f = route s (tl r) f
get h x = case Map.lookup x h of
Just r -> r
Nothing -> case x of
Open -> tl (get h Wild)
Close -> untl (get h Wild)
Wild -> empty
x -> get h Wild
combine r1 r2 f leftEmpty rightEmpty = g r1 r2
where g (Tl r1) (Tl r2) = tl (g r1 r2)
g (Tl r1) r2 = g (expand r1) r2
g r1 (Tl r2) = g r1 (expand r2)
g (Ok v) r2 = f (Ok v) r2
g r1 (Ok v) = f r1 (Ok v)
g r1 r2 | null r1 = dedup $ leftEmpty r2
g r1 r2 | null r2 = dedup $ rightEmpty r1
g (Br h1) (Br h2) = dedup $ Br (foldKeys g h1 h2)
foldKeys g h1 h2 = Set.foldr f Map.empty keys
where f x acc = Map.insert x (g (get h1 x) (get h2 x)) acc
keys = Set.union (Map.keysSet h1) (Map.keysSet h2)
expand r = Br (Map.fromList [(Wild, tl r), (Close, r)])
dedup (Br h) = Br (Map.filterWithKey (distinct h) h)
distinct h Wild r = not (null r)
distinct h Open (Tl r) = r /= get h Wild
distinct h Open r = not (null r)
distinct h Close r = r /= untl (get h Wild)
distinct h x r = r /= get h Wild
union r1 r2 = combine r1 r2 unionCombine id id
unionCombine (Ok vs) (Ok ws) = Ok (Set.union vs ws)
unionCombine r1 r2 | null r1 = r2
unionCombine r1 r2 | null r2 = r1
unions rs = foldr union empty rs