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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Syndicate.Dataspace.Trie.Prefix where
-- Alternate representation, where Open has an explicit *arity*
-- attached to it, and matching close-parens are implicitly tracked.
-- Where ESOP2016-style implementations have "<xyz>", this style has
-- "<3xyz".
import Prelude hiding (null, seq)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Trie a = Mt
| Ok a
| Br (Map.Map Integer (Trie a), Trie a, Map.Map Char (Trie a)) -- Opens, Wild, rest
deriving (Eq, Show)
empty = Mt
null Mt = True
null _ = False
makeTail _ r | null r = r
makeTail 0 r = r
makeTail n r = Br (Map.empty, makeTail (n - 1) r, Map.empty)
stripTail _ r | null r = Just r
stripTail 0 r = Just r
stripTail n (Br (os, r, h)) | Map.null os && Map.null h = stripTail (n - 1) r
stripTail _ _ = Nothing
route _ Mt f = f
route [] (Ok v) f = v
route [] _ f = f
route (_ : _) (Ok v) f = f
route ('<' : nc : s) (Br (os, w, _)) f =
let n = (read (nc : []) :: Integer) in
case Map.lookup n os of
Just r -> route s r f
Nothing -> route s (makeTail n w) f
route (x : s) (Br (_, w, h)) f = route s (Map.findWithDefault w x h) f
combine f leftEmpty rightEmpty r1 r2 = g r1 r2
where g (Ok v) r2 = f (Ok v) r2
g r1 (Ok v) = f r1 (Ok v)
g r1 r2 | null r1 = collapse $ leftEmpty r2
g r1 r2 | null r2 = collapse $ rightEmpty r1
g r1 r2 = collapse $ foldKeys g r1 r2
foldKeys g (Br (os1, w1, h1)) (Br (os2, w2, h2)) =
Br (Set.foldr fo Map.empty sizes, w, Set.foldr f Map.empty keys)
where sizes = Set.union (Map.keysSet os1) (Map.keysSet os2)
w = g w1 w2
fo size acc = let o1 = Map.findWithDefault (makeTail size w1) size os1 in
let o2 = Map.findWithDefault (makeTail size w2) size os2 in
let o = g o1 o2 in
if stripTail size o == Just w then acc else Map.insert size o acc
2017-01-18 16:04:28 +00:00
f x acc = update x (g (Map.findWithDefault w1 x h1) (Map.findWithDefault w2 x h2)) w acc
keys = Set.union (Map.keysSet h1) (Map.keysSet h2)
collapse (Br (os, Mt, h)) | Map.null os && Map.null h = empty
collapse r = r
update x k w h = if k == w then Map.delete x h else Map.insert x k h
union :: Ord t => Trie (Set.Set t) -> Trie (Set.Set t) -> Trie (Set.Set t)
union = combine unionCombine id id
unionCombine (Ok vs) (Ok ws) = Ok (Set.union vs ws)
unionCombine r1 r2 | null r1 = r2
unionCombine r1 r2 | null r2 = r1
unions rs = foldr union empty rs
intersection :: Ord t => Trie (Set.Set t) -> Trie (Set.Set t) -> Trie (Set.Set t)
intersection = combine intersectionCombine (const empty) (const empty)
intersectionCombine (Ok vs) (Ok ws) = Ok (Set.union vs ws)
intersectionCombine r1 r2 | null r1 = empty
intersectionCombine r1 r2 | null r2 = empty
difference :: Ord t => Trie (Set.Set t) -> Trie (Set.Set t) -> Trie (Set.Set t)
difference = combine differenceCombine (const empty) id
differenceCombine (Ok vs) (Ok ws) = let xs = Set.difference vs ws in
if Set.null xs then empty else (Ok xs)
differenceCombine r1 r2 | null r1 = empty
differenceCombine r1 r2 | null r2 = r1