Fix routing and flows.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-03-10 22:38:07 -05:00
parent 3b7e757518
commit 1c008cd42d
4 changed files with 112 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
;; Presence, Advertisement and Subscription
(struct-out topic)
(struct arrived (who) #:prefab) ;; someone arrived
@ -52,9 +54,9 @@
(struct room (name ch))
(struct room-state (name ch members) #:transparent)
(struct binding (name ;; any
flows-box ;; map from advertised topic to
;; map from flow to set of (cons advertised-co-topic binding)
(struct route (local-topic remote-topic remote-binding) #:transparent)
(struct binding ([topics #:mutable] ;; set of advertised topics
[flows #:mutable] ;; map from flow to set of route
in-ch ;; sync channel
out-ch ;; sync channel
disconnect-box ;; blocking-box
@ -131,11 +133,7 @@
(sync (retract!-evt name)))
(define/public (say-evt who what)
(define cname (upper-case-symbols->canonical who))
(when (not (set-member? names cname))
;; TODO: Overly restrictive. Topics of conversation should be
;; contained by registered topics, not equal to them.
(error 'say "Attempt to speak on unregistered topic ~v" cname))
(define cname (upper-case-symbols->canonical (freshen who))) ;; TODO freshening is a bit weird
(choice-evt the-disconnected-evt
(channel-put-evt out-ch (says cname what))))
@ -205,8 +203,8 @@
(define ((join-message-handler message) state)
(match message
[(join-message in-ch out-ch disconnect-box thread exit-status)
(define b (binding (gensym 'binding)
(box (hash))
(define b (binding (set)
@ -222,91 +220,97 @@
(and es ;; some threads are not standard-threads
(exit-status-exception es)))
(define (co-role r)
(case r
[(publisher) 'subscriber]
[(subscriber) 'publisher]
[else #f]))
(define (co-topic t)
(topic (co-role (topic-role t)) (topic-pattern t)))
(define (refine-topic t new-pattern)
(topic (topic-role t) new-pattern))
(define (roles-intersect? l r)
(eq? l (co-role r)))
;; Both left and right must be canonicalized.
(define (topic-intersection left right)
(and ;; They are matching roles:
(or (and (eq? (topic-role left) 'publisher)
(eq? (topic-role right) 'subscriber))
(and (eq? (topic-role left) 'subscriber)
(eq? (topic-role right) 'publisher)))
;; They unify:
(and (roles-intersect? (topic-role left) (topic-role right))
(mgu-canonical (freshen (topic-pattern left)) (freshen (topic-pattern right)))))
;; Topic must be canonicalized.
(define (binding-has-topic? b topic)
(hash-has-key? (unbox (binding-flows-box b)) topic))
(define (binding-topics b)
(hash-keys (unbox (binding-flows-box b))))
;; Topic must be canonicalized.
(define (binding-flows-for-topic b topic)
(hash-ref (unbox (binding-flows-box b)) topic hash))
;; Topic must be canonicalized.
(define (set-binding-flows-for-topic! b topic flows)
(set-box! (binding-flows-box b)
(hash-set (unbox (binding-flows-box b)) topic flows)))
(set-member? (binding-topics b) topic))
;; Inserts a new flow in the records of b1, and signals b1 if the flow
;; is new to it.
;; Topics and flow must all be canonicalized.
(define (insert-flow! b1 topic1 flow topic2 b2)
b1 topic1
(let ((old-flows (binding-flows-for-topic b1 topic1)))
(when (not (hash-has-key? old-flows flow))
(enqueue-message! b1 (arrived (topic (topic-role topic2) flow))))
(hash-update old-flows
(lambda (old-counterparties)
(set-add old-counterparties (cons topic2 b2)))
(define old-routes (hash-ref (binding-flows b1) flow set))
(when (set-empty? old-routes)
(enqueue-message! b1 (arrived (topic (topic-role topic2) flow))))
(set-binding-flows! b1 (hash-set (binding-flows b1) flow
(set-add old-routes (route topic1 topic2 b2)))))
;; Removes a flow from the records of b1, signalling b1 if the flow
;; ended after the removal.
;; Topic and flow must be canonicalized.
(define (remove-flow! why b1 topic1 flow topic2 b2)
(define old-flows (binding-flows-for-topic b1 topic1))
(define old-counterparties (hash-ref old-flows flow set))
(define new-counterparties (set-remove old-counterparties (cons topic2 b2)))
(define new-flows (if (set-empty? new-counterparties)
(begin (enqueue-message! b1 (departed (topic (topic-role topic2) flow) why))
(hash-remove old-flows flow))
(hash-set old-flows flow new-counterparties)))
(set-binding-flows-for-topic! b1 topic1 new-flows))
(define old-flows (binding-flows b1))
(define old-routes (hash-ref old-flows flow set))
(define new-routes (set-remove old-routes (route topic1 topic2 b2)))
(define new-flows (if (set-empty? new-routes)
(begin (enqueue-message! b1 (departed flow why))
(hash-remove old-flows flow))
(hash-set old-flows flow new-routes)))
(set-binding-flows! b1 new-flows))
(define (depart! b topic why)
(for* ([(flow counterparties) (binding-flows-for-topic b topic)]
[counterparty counterparties])
(define other-topic (car counterparty))
(define other-binding (cdr counterparty))
(remove-flow! why other-binding other-topic flow topic b))
(set-box! (binding-flows-box b) (hash-remove (unbox (binding-flows-box b)) topic)))
;; Topic must be canonicalized.
(define (arrive! b arriving-topic all-bindings)
(when (not (binding-has-topic? b arriving-topic))
(set-binding-topics! b (set-add (binding-topics b) arriving-topic))
(for* ([other-binding all-bindings]
[other-topic (binding-topics other-binding)])
(let ((flow-pattern (topic-intersection arriving-topic other-topic)))
(when flow-pattern
(define flow (refine-topic arriving-topic flow-pattern))
(insert-flow! b arriving-topic (co-topic flow) other-topic other-binding)
(insert-flow! other-binding other-topic flow arriving-topic b))))))
;; Topic must be canonicalized.
(define (depart! b departing-topic why)
(when (binding-has-topic? b departing-topic)
(define co-departing-topic (co-topic departing-topic))
(for* ([(co-flow old-routes) (binding-flows b)]
#:when (specialization? co-flow co-departing-topic)
[r old-routes] #:when (equal? (route-local-topic r) departing-topic))
(match-define (route _ remote-topic remote-binding) r)
(remove-flow! why b departing-topic co-flow remote-topic remote-binding)
(remove-flow! why remote-binding remote-topic (co-topic co-flow) departing-topic b))
(set-binding-topics! b (set-remove (binding-topics b) departing-topic))))
(define (((handle-binding-message b) message) state)
;;(write `(considering ,message from ,(binding-name b))) (newline)
(match message
[(leave-message why) (part state b why)]
[(leave-message why)
(part state b why)]
[(arrived this-topic)
(when (not (binding-has-topic? b this-topic))
(set-binding-flows-for-topic! b this-topic (hash))
(for* ([other-binding (room-state-members state)]
[other-topic (binding-topics other-binding)])
(let ((flow (topic-intersection this-topic other-topic)))
(when flow
(insert-flow! b this-topic flow other-topic other-binding)
(insert-flow! other-binding other-topic flow this-topic b)))))
(arrive! b this-topic (room-state-members state))
[(departed who why)
(depart! b who why)
[(says this-topic what)
(for* ([(flow counterparties) (binding-flows-for-topic b this-topic)]
[counterparty counterparties])
(define other-topic (car counterparty))
(define other-binding (cdr counterparty))
(enqueue-message! other-binding (says (topic (topic-role this-topic) flow) what)))
[(says full-topic what)
(define remote-bindings
(for*/set ([(co-flow routes) (binding-flows b)]
#:when (topic-intersection full-topic co-flow)
[r routes])
(route-remote-binding r)))
(for ([remote-binding remote-bindings])
(enqueue-message! remote-binding (says full-topic what)))
;;(write `(delivering ,full-topic ,what ,remote-bindings)) (newline)
(log-warning (format "handle-binding-message: unexpected message ~v" message))

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
(define name (read-line i))
(if (eof-object? name)
(begin (display "OK, bye then!" o)
(newline o)
(flush-output o))
(let ((handle (join-room r)))
(define talk-topic (topic 'publisher (list name 'Sink 'speech)))
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
[(says (and specific-topic (topic 'publisher _)) _)
(write `(,name acking) o)
(newline o)
(send handle say specific-topic (list name 'ack))]
(send handle say (co-topic specific-topic) (list name 'ack))]
[_ (void)])
(flush-output o)
@ -61,13 +62,19 @@
(lambda (utterance)
(when (equal? utterance "error")
(error 'interaction "Following orders!"))
(when (not (eof-object? utterance))
(send handle say talk-topic utterance)
(if (eof-object? utterance)
(begin (display "Closing session." o)
(newline o)
(flush-output o)
(send handle depart))
(begin (send handle say talk-topic utterance)
(lambda ()
(interaction (current-input-port) (current-output-port))))
(let loop ()
(interaction (current-input-port) (current-output-port))
(define port-number 5001)
(display "Listening on port ")

View File

@ -60,3 +60,12 @@
(check-equal? (unify/vars (x1 'A 'a) (x1 'b 'a)) '((A . b)))
(let ((A (variable 'A)))
(check-equal? (apply-subst `((,A . b)) (x1 A 'a)) (x1 'b 'a)))
(check-true (specialization? (upper-case-symbols->canonical '(a A))
(upper-case-symbols->canonical '(B C))))
(check-false (specialization? (upper-case-symbols->canonical '(B C))
(upper-case-symbols->canonical '(a A))))
(check-true (specialization? (upper-case-symbols->canonical '(a A))
(upper-case-symbols->canonical '(a A))))
(check-false (specialization? (upper-case-symbols->canonical '(a A))
(upper-case-symbols->canonical '(A a))))

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
(define env (make-hash)) ;; cheeky use of mutation
(let walk ((t t))
[(upper-case-symbol? t)
[(or (upper-case-symbol? t) (variable? t) (canonical-variable? t))
(cond [(hash-ref env t #f)]
[else (define v (canonical-variable (hash-count env))) (hash-set! env t v) v])]
[(pair? t) (cons (walk (car t)) (walk (cdr t)))]
@ -205,8 +206,7 @@
(define (canonicalize t)
(freshen* t
(lambda (var env) (canonical-variable (hash-count env)))
(lambda (var env)
(error 'canonicalize "Canonical variables are forbidden in input to canonicalize"))))
(lambda (var env) (canonical-variable (hash-count env)))))
;; Any Any -> Any
;; If the arguments unify, applies the substitution to one of them,
@ -232,8 +232,23 @@
[(struct? x) (struct-map walk x)]
[else x])))
;; True iff a is a specialization (or instance) of b.
(define (specialization? a b)
(let walk ((a a) (b b))
[(or (variable? b) (canonical-variable? b)) #t]
[(or (variable? a) (canonical-variable? a)) #f]
[(and (pair? a) (pair? b))
(and (walk (car a) (car b)) (walk (cdr a) (cdr b)))]
[(and (vector? a) (vector? b) (= (vector-length a) (vector-length b)))
(for/and ([aa a] [bb b]) (walk aa bb))]
[(and (struct? a) (struct? b))
(walk (struct->vector a #f) (struct->vector b #f))]
[else (equal? a b)])))
(require racket/trace)
(trace ;;unify/env