Presence-supporting conversation rooms; WIP

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-03-10 20:26:02 -05:00
parent 56d549e3df
commit 3b7e757518
10 changed files with 1136 additions and 0 deletions

presence/blocking-box.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#lang racket/base
;; A box whose value can only be set once, that starts life with no
;; value, and that supports an event waiting for a value to arrive.
(provide make-blocking-box
(struct blocking-box (thread set-ch get-ch))
(define (make-blocking-box)
(define set-ch (make-channel))
(define get-ch (make-channel))
(blocking-box (thread/suspend-to-kill (lambda () (manager set-ch get-ch)))
(define (manager s g)
(define v (channel-get s))
(let loop ()
(sync s (channel-put-evt g v)) ;; ignore any future settings, answer all future gettings
(define (blocking-box-evt b)
(lambda ()
;; Ensure the manager is running within our custodian:
(thread-resume (blocking-box-thread b) (current-thread))
(blocking-box-get-ch b))))
(define (blocking-box-value b)
(sync (blocking-box-evt b)))
(define (set-blocking-box! b v)
;; Ensure the manager is running within our custodian:
(thread-resume (blocking-box-thread b) (current-thread))
(channel-put (blocking-box-set-ch b) v))

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/port)
(require racket/class)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/tcp)
(require "conversation.rkt")
(provide (struct-out set-options)
(struct set-options (new-values) #:prefab)
(define (socket-name role s)
(define-values (local-ip local-port remote-ip remote-port)
(tcp-addresses s #t))
(list role local-ip local-port remote-ip remote-port))
(define (option-value options key [missing-value #f])
((assq key options) => cadr)
(else missing-value)))
(define (tcp-server-actor room options . tcp-listener-args)
(define listener (apply tcp-listen tcp-listener-args))
(define name (socket-name 'listener listener))
(thread (lambda ()
(define handle (join-room room name))
(log-info (format "Listening on ~v" name))
(let loop ((owner #f)
(remaining-credit (option-value options 'initial-accept-credit 0)))
(sync (handle-evt (send handle disconnected-evt)
(lambda (reason)
(log-error (format "~v: conversation closed: ~v" name reason))
(tcp-close listener)))
(handle-evt (send handle listen-evt)
((arrived who)
(log-info (format "~v: New owner: ~v" name who))
(loop who remaining-credit))
((departed who why)
(if (equal? owner who)
(begin (log-info (format "~v: Owner departed, closing" name))
(tcp-close listener))
(loop owner remaining-credit)))
((says _ (credit _ amount) _)
(define new-credit (+ remaining-credit amount))
(log-info (format "~v: Credit now ~v" name new-credit))
(loop owner new-credit))
(log-warning (format "~v: Ignoring message: ~v" name unexpected))
(loop owner remaining-credit))))
(if (positive? remaining-credit)
(handle-evt (tcp-accept-evt listener)
((list i o)
(send handle say
(tcp-socket-actor 'inbound-connection options i o)
(loop owner (- remaining-credit 1)))))
(define (tcp-client-actor room options . tcp-connect-args)
(define-values (i o) (apply tcp-connect tcp-connect-args))
(tcp-socket-actor 'outbound-connection options i o))
(define (tcp-socket-actor role options i o [room (make-room)])
(define name (socket-name role i))
(define (close-ports)
(close-input-port i)
(close-output-port o))
(define (compute-terminator options)
;; See read-line-evt and friends.
(option-value options 'line-terminator 'any))
(define (compute-read-evt options)
(define read-mode (option-value options 'read-mode 'bytes))
(case read-mode
((bytes) (values (lambda (credit) (read-bytes-evt credit i))
((lines) (values (lambda (credit) (read-line-evt i (compute-terminator options)))
(lambda (v) 1)))
((bytes-lines) (values (lambda (credit) (read-bytes-line-evt i (compute-terminator options)))
(lambda (v) 1)))
(else (error 'tcp-socket-actor "Illegal read-evt mode ~v" read-mode))))
(thread (lambda ()
(define handle (join-room room name))
(log-info (format "~v: New connection" name))
((exn? (lambda (e)
(raise e))))
(let loop ((options options)
(peer-count 0)
(remaining-credit (option-value options 'initial-read-credit 0)))
;;(write `(connection-loop ,options ,peer-count ,remaining-credit)) (newline)
(sync (handle-evt (send handle disconnected-evt)
(lambda (reason)
(log-error (format "~v: conversation closed: ~v" name reason))))
(handle-evt (send handle listen-evt)
((arrived _)
(loop options (+ peer-count 1) remaining-credit))
((departed _ _)
(if (= peer-count 1)
(log-info (format "~v: Last peer departed" name))
(loop options (- peer-count 1) remaining-credit)))
((says _ (credit _ amount) _)
(loop options peer-count (+ remaining-credit amount)))
((says _ (? eof-object?) _)
(close-output-port o)
(loop options peer-count remaining-credit))
((says _ (? bytes? bs) _)
;; TODO: credit flow the other way?
(write-bytes bs o)
(flush-output o)
(loop options peer-count remaining-credit))
((says _ (? string? s) _)
;; TODO: credit flow the other way?
(write-string s o)
(flush-output o)
(loop options peer-count remaining-credit))
((says _ (set-options new-values) _)
(loop new-values peer-count remaining-credit))
(log-warning (format "~v: Ignoring message: ~v"
name unexpected))
(loop options peer-count remaining-credit))))
(if (positive? remaining-credit)
(let-values (((e-maker credit-adjuster) (compute-read-evt options)))
(handle-evt (e-maker remaining-credit)
(lambda (v)
(if (eof-object? v)
(begin (send handle say v 'eof)
(loop options peer-count 0))
(begin (send handle say v 'data)
(loop options peer-count
(- remaining-credit
(credit-adjuster v))))))))

presence/conversation.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/class)
(require racket/list)
(require "functional-queue.rkt")
(require "blocking-box.rkt")
(require "standard-thread.rkt")
(require "unify.rkt")
(provide make-room
;; Management and communication
(struct-out arrived)
(struct-out departed)
(struct-out says)
;; Presence, Advertisement and Subscription
(struct-out topic)
(struct arrived (who) #:prefab) ;; someone arrived
(struct departed (who why) #:prefab) ;; someone departed with a reason
(struct says (who what) #:prefab) ;; someone said something
(struct topic (role pattern) #:prefab)
;; A flow is an intersection between topic patterns: a substitution
;; produced by unify, roughly. Flows are signalled embedded in
;; appropriate topic records, since they're a kind of filtered form of
;; an upstream topic advertisement.
;; The variables in an advertised topic are
;; universally-quantified. When we unify two such topics, we're asking
;; for the fewest extra restrictions on those variables that satisfy
;; *both* topic when seen as predicates. The remaining variables are
;; again to be interpreted as universally quantified.
(struct join-message (member-to-room ;; sync channel
room-to-member ;; sync channel
disconnect-box ;; blocking-box
member-thread ;; thread
exit-status) ;; exit-status structure from standard-thread.rkt
(struct leave-message (reason) #:prefab)
(struct room (name ch))
(struct room-state (name ch members) #:transparent)
(struct binding (name ;; any
flows-box ;; map from advertised topic to
;; map from flow to set of (cons advertised-co-topic binding)
in-ch ;; sync channel
out-ch ;; sync channel
disconnect-box ;; blocking-box
queue-box ;; box of functional queue
thread ;; thread
exit-status) ;; maybe exit-status
;; WARNING: do not make this transparent! The equivalence we
;; want for bindings is eq?, not equal?, because (sadly)
;; equal? descends into boxes! If we make this transparent,
;; then set-add (etc) on anything involving a binding will
;; take a long time, leading to exponential (?) behaviour on
;; arrivals.
(define (make-room [name (gensym 'room)])
(define ch (make-channel))
(thread (lambda () (room-main (room-state name ch '()))))
(room name ch))
(define (join-room room)
(make-object membership% (room-ch room)))
(define membership%
(class* object% ()
(init room-init)
(define room room-init)
(define names (set)) ;; set of all our advertised topics
(define flows (set)) ;; set of all current flows
(define in-ch (make-channel))
(define out-ch (make-channel))
(define disconnect-box (make-blocking-box))
(define connected #t)
(define reason #f)
(define the-disconnected-evt (wrap-evt (blocking-box-evt disconnect-box)
(lambda (v)
(set! connected #f)
(set! reason v)
(channel-put room (join-message out-ch in-ch disconnect-box
(define/public (connected?)
(define/public (disconnect-reason)
(define/public (disconnected-evt)
(define/public (assert!-evt name)
(define cname (upper-case-symbols->canonical name))
(choice-evt the-disconnected-evt
(wrap-evt (channel-put-evt out-ch (arrived cname))
(lambda (v)
(set! names (set-add names cname))))))
(define/public (assert! name)
(sync (assert!-evt name)))
(define/public (retract!-evt name [why #f])
(define cname (upper-case-symbols->canonical name))
(choice-evt the-disconnected-evt
(wrap-evt (channel-put-evt out-ch (departed cname why))
(lambda (v)
(set! names (set-remove names cname))))))
(define/public (retract! name)
(sync (retract!-evt name)))
(define/public (say-evt who what)
(define cname (upper-case-symbols->canonical who))
(when (not (set-member? names cname))
;; TODO: Overly restrictive. Topics of conversation should be
;; contained by registered topics, not equal to them.
(error 'say "Attempt to speak on unregistered topic ~v" cname))
(choice-evt the-disconnected-evt
(channel-put-evt out-ch (says cname what))))
(define/public (say who what)
(sync (say-evt who what)))
(define/public (depart-evt [why #f])
(choice-evt the-disconnected-evt
(wrap-evt (channel-put-evt out-ch (leave-message why))
(lambda (v)
(set! connected #f)
(set! reason why)))))
(define/public (depart [why #f])
(sync (depart-evt why)))
;; Maybe<(or arrived departed says)> -> Maybe<(or arrived departed says)>
;; Identity function with side-effects to update our set of flows as required.
(define (apply-message v)
(match v
((arrived who) (set! flows (set-add flows who)))
((departed who _) (set! flows (set-remove flows who)))
(_ (void)))
(define/public (listen-evt)
;; we wrap this event for two reasons: firstly, because
;; otherwise we leak authority, and secondly, to update our set
;; of flows as arrived/departed events come by.
(wrap-evt in-ch apply-message))
(define/public (try-listen)
(apply-message (channel-try-get in-ch)))
(define/public (listen)
(sync (wrap-evt the-disconnected-evt
(lambda (reason)
(error 'listen "Disconnected with reason ~v while listening" reason)))
(define (room-main state)
;;(write `(room-main ,state)) (newline)
(define handler
(sync (foldl (lambda (b acc)
(choice-evt (let ((qb (binding-queue-box b)))
(if (queue-empty? (unbox qb))
(choice-evt acc
(let-values (((first rest) (dequeue (unbox qb))))
(handle-evt (channel-put-evt (binding-out-ch b)
(lambda (dummy)
(lambda (state)
(set-box! qb rest)
(handle-evt (binding-in-ch b)
(handle-binding-message b))
(handle-evt (thread-dead-evt (binding-thread b))
(handle-binding-death b))))
(handle-evt (room-state-ch state) join-message-handler)
(room-state-members state))))
(room-main (handler state)))
(define (((handle-binding-death b) dummy) state)
(part state b (binding-death-reason b)))
(define ((join-message-handler message) state)
(match message
[(join-message in-ch out-ch disconnect-box thread exit-status)
(define b (binding (gensym 'binding)
(box (hash))
(box (make-queue))
(add-binding state b)]
[unexpected (log-warning (format "room-main: unexpected message ~v" unexpected))
(define (binding-death-reason b)
(define es (binding-exit-status b))
(and es ;; some threads are not standard-threads
(exit-status-exception es)))
;; Both left and right must be canonicalized.
(define (topic-intersection left right)
(and ;; They are matching roles:
(or (and (eq? (topic-role left) 'publisher)
(eq? (topic-role right) 'subscriber))
(and (eq? (topic-role left) 'subscriber)
(eq? (topic-role right) 'publisher)))
;; They unify:
(mgu-canonical (freshen (topic-pattern left)) (freshen (topic-pattern right)))))
;; Topic must be canonicalized.
(define (binding-has-topic? b topic)
(hash-has-key? (unbox (binding-flows-box b)) topic))
(define (binding-topics b)
(hash-keys (unbox (binding-flows-box b))))
;; Topic must be canonicalized.
(define (binding-flows-for-topic b topic)
(hash-ref (unbox (binding-flows-box b)) topic hash))
;; Topic must be canonicalized.
(define (set-binding-flows-for-topic! b topic flows)
(set-box! (binding-flows-box b)
(hash-set (unbox (binding-flows-box b)) topic flows)))
;; Inserts a new flow in the records of b1, and signals b1 if the flow
;; is new to it.
;; Topics and flow must all be canonicalized.
(define (insert-flow! b1 topic1 flow topic2 b2)
b1 topic1
(let ((old-flows (binding-flows-for-topic b1 topic1)))
(when (not (hash-has-key? old-flows flow))
(enqueue-message! b1 (arrived (topic (topic-role topic2) flow))))
(hash-update old-flows
(lambda (old-counterparties)
(set-add old-counterparties (cons topic2 b2)))
;; Removes a flow from the records of b1, signalling b1 if the flow
;; ended after the removal.
;; Topic and flow must be canonicalized.
(define (remove-flow! why b1 topic1 flow topic2 b2)
(define old-flows (binding-flows-for-topic b1 topic1))
(define old-counterparties (hash-ref old-flows flow set))
(define new-counterparties (set-remove old-counterparties (cons topic2 b2)))
(define new-flows (if (set-empty? new-counterparties)
(begin (enqueue-message! b1 (departed (topic (topic-role topic2) flow) why))
(hash-remove old-flows flow))
(hash-set old-flows flow new-counterparties)))
(set-binding-flows-for-topic! b1 topic1 new-flows))
(define (depart! b topic why)
(for* ([(flow counterparties) (binding-flows-for-topic b topic)]
[counterparty counterparties])
(define other-topic (car counterparty))
(define other-binding (cdr counterparty))
(remove-flow! why other-binding other-topic flow topic b))
(set-box! (binding-flows-box b) (hash-remove (unbox (binding-flows-box b)) topic)))
(define (((handle-binding-message b) message) state)
;;(write `(considering ,message from ,(binding-name b))) (newline)
(match message
[(leave-message why) (part state b why)]
[(arrived this-topic)
(when (not (binding-has-topic? b this-topic))
(set-binding-flows-for-topic! b this-topic (hash))
(for* ([other-binding (room-state-members state)]
[other-topic (binding-topics other-binding)])
(let ((flow (topic-intersection this-topic other-topic)))
(when flow
(insert-flow! b this-topic flow other-topic other-binding)
(insert-flow! other-binding other-topic flow this-topic b)))))
[(departed who why)
(depart! b who why)
[(says this-topic what)
(for* ([(flow counterparties) (binding-flows-for-topic b this-topic)]
[counterparty counterparties])
(define other-topic (car counterparty))
(define other-binding (cdr counterparty))
(enqueue-message! other-binding (says (topic (topic-role this-topic) flow) what)))
(log-warning (format "handle-binding-message: unexpected message ~v" message))
(define (part state b why)
(set-blocking-box! (binding-disconnect-box b) why)
(for ([topic (binding-topics b)]) (depart! b topic why))
(remove-binding state b))
(define (add-binding state b)
(struct-copy room-state state
[members (cons b (room-state-members state))]))
(define (remove-binding state b)
(struct-copy room-state state
[members (remove b (room-state-members state) eq?)]))
(define (enqueue-message! b message)
(define qb (binding-queue-box b))
;;(write `(enqueued ,message for ,(binding-name b))) (newline)
(set-box! qb (enqueue (unbox qb) message)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide make-queue
(struct queue (head tail) #:transparent)
(define (make-queue)
(queue '() '()))
(define (enqueue q v)
(queue (queue-head q)
(cons v (queue-tail q))))
(define (enqueue-all q v)
(queue (queue-head q)
(append (reverse v) (queue-tail q))))
(define (shuffle q)
(if (null? (queue-head q))
(queue (reverse (queue-tail q)) '())
(define (dequeue q)
(let ((q1 (shuffle q)))
(values (car (queue-head q1))
(queue (cdr (queue-head q1)) (queue-tail q1)))))
(define (list->queue xs)
(queue xs '()))
(define (queue->list q)
(append (queue-head q) (reverse (queue-tail q))))
(define (queue-length q)
(+ (length (queue-head q))
(length (queue-tail q))))
(define (queue-empty? q)
(and (null? (queue-head q))
(null? (queue-tail q))))
(define (queue-append q1 q2)
(queue (append (queue-head q1)
(reverse (queue-tail q1))
(queue-head q2))
(queue-tail q2)))
(define (queue-extract q predicate [default-value #f])
(let search-head ((head (queue-head q))
(rejected-head-rev '()))
((null? head) (let search-tail ((tail (reverse (queue-tail q)))
(rejected-tail-rev '()))
((null? tail) (values default-value q))
((predicate (car tail)) (values (car tail)
(queue (queue-head q)
(append (reverse (cdr tail))
(else (search-tail (cdr tail) (cons (car tail) rejected-tail-rev))))))
((predicate (car head)) (values (car head)
(queue (append (reverse rejected-head-rev)
(cdr head))
(queue-tail q))))
(else (search-head (cdr head) (cons (car head) rejected-head-rev))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Standard Thread
(provide exit-status?
(struct exit-status (thread
[exception #:mutable]
(define *current-thread-exit-status* (make-parameter #f))
(define (current-thread-exit-status)
(define v (*current-thread-exit-status*))
(if (exit-status? v)
(if (eq? (current-thread) (exit-status-thread v))
(begin (*current-thread-exit-status* #f)
(define (exit-status-evt es)
(wrap-evt (semaphore-peek-evt (exit-status-ready es))
(lambda (dummy) es)))
(define (fill-exit-status! es exn)
(set-exit-status-exception! es exn)
(semaphore-post (exit-status-ready es)))
(define (call-capturing-exit-status thunk)
(define es (exit-status (current-thread) #f (make-semaphore 0)))
(parameterize ((*current-thread-exit-status* es))
((exn? (lambda (e)
(fill-exit-status! es e)
(raise e))))
(define result (thunk))
(fill-exit-status! es #f)
(define (standard-thread thunk)
(thread (lambda ()
(call-capturing-exit-status thunk))))

presence/struct-map.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide current-struct-mappers
;; Parameter<Hash<StructType,Mapper>>
(define current-struct-mappers (make-parameter (hash)))
;; StructType Mapper -> Void
(define (install-struct-mapper! struct-type m)
(current-struct-mappers (hash-set (current-struct-mappers) struct-type m)))
;; (X -> Y) Struct<X> -> Struct<Y>
(define (struct-map f x)
(define-values (result acc)
(struct-map* 'struct-map (lambda (v acc) (values (f v) acc)) (void) x))
;; (X Seed -> Y Seed) Seed Struct<X> -> Struct<Y> Seed
(define (struct-map/accumulator f seed x)
(struct-map* 'struct-map/accumulator f seed x))
(define (struct-map* name f seed x)
(define-values (i skipped) (struct-info x))
(when (not i) (error name "Cannot retrieve struct-info for ~v" x))
(define m (hash-ref (current-struct-mappers)
(lambda ()
(define key (prefab-struct-key x))
(when (not key) (error name "No mapper for ~v" x))
(prefab-struct-mapper key))))
(m f seed x))
(define ((prefab-struct-mapper key) f initial-seed x)
(define-values (new-fields final-seed)
(for/fold ([new-fields '()] [old-seed initial-seed])
([old-field (cdr (vector->list (struct->vector x)))])
(define-values (new-field new-seed) (f old-field old-seed))
(values (cons new-field new-fields) new-seed)))
(values (apply make-prefab-struct key (reverse new-fields)) final-seed))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class)
(require racket/match)
(require "conversation.rkt")
(require "conversation-socket.rkt")
(define pool (make-room 'everybody))
(define (handle-connection sock quit-proc)
(join-room pool)
(define h (join-room sock))
(match (send h listen)
((arrived peer-name)
(let loop ()
(send h say "Ready>> ")
(sync (handle-evt (send h listen-evt)
((says _ _ 'eof)
(send h say "OK, bye\n"))
((says _ "quit" 'data)
(send h say (credit peer-name 1))
(send h say "OK, will quit accepting\n")
((says _ what 'data)
(write what)
(send h say (credit #f 1))
(send h say "Carry on\n")
((departed _ _) (void))
(else (loop))))
(handle-evt (send h disconnected-evt) void))))))
(define (listen port-no)
(define r (make-room))
(tcp-server-actor r
`((initial-accept-credit 1)
(read-mode lines)
(initial-read-credit 1))
(define h (join-room r 'main))
(match (send h listen)
((arrived listener-name)
(let loop ()
(match (send h listen)
((says _ sock 'accepted)
(thread (lambda ()
(handle-connection sock
(lambda ()
(send h depart 'told-to-quit)))))
(send h say (credit listener-name 1)))
(write `(unexpected ,unexpected))
(thread (lambda ()
(join-room pool)
(listen 5001)))
(define (wait-until-pool-empty)
(define h (join-room pool))
(let loop ((count 0))
(match (send h listen)
((arrived _) (loop (+ count 1)))
((departed _ _) (if (= count 1)
(loop (- count 1))))
(_ (loop count)))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/tcp)
(require racket/port)
(require racket/class)
(require racket/match)
(require "conversation.rkt")
(require "standard-thread.rkt")
(define r (make-room))
(lambda ()
(define handle (join-room r))
(send handle assert! (topic 'subscriber 'Any))
(send handle assert! (topic 'publisher 'Any))
(let loop ()
(define m (send handle listen))
;;(write `(robot heard ,m)) (newline)
(match m
[(says _ "die")
(error 'robot "Following orders!")]
[(says (topic 'publisher _) _)
(send handle say (topic 'subscriber 'Any) `(robot hears ,m))]
[else (void)])
(define (interaction i o)
(display "What is your name? > " o)
(flush-output o)
(define name (read-line i))
(if (eof-object? name)
(begin (display "OK, bye then!" o)
(flush-output o))
(let ((handle (join-room r)))
(define talk-topic (topic 'publisher (list name 'Sink 'speech)))
(define listen-topic (topic 'subscriber (list 'Speaker name 'speech)))
(send handle assert! talk-topic)
(send handle assert! listen-topic)
(let loop ()
(display name o)
(display "@ROOM>> " o)
(flush-output o)
(sync (handle-evt (send handle listen-evt)
(lambda (m)
(write `(,name hears ,m) o)
(newline o)
(match m
[(says (topic 'publisher (list (== name) _ _)) _)
(write `(,name not acking own utterance) o)
(newline o)]
[(says (and specific-topic (topic 'publisher _)) _)
(write `(,name acking) o)
(newline o)
(send handle say specific-topic (list name 'ack))]
[_ (void)])
(flush-output o)
(handle-evt (read-line-evt i 'any)
(lambda (utterance)
(when (equal? utterance "error")
(error 'interaction "Following orders!"))
(when (not (eof-object? utterance))
(send handle say talk-topic utterance)
(lambda ()
(interaction (current-input-port) (current-output-port))))
(define port-number 5001)
(display "Listening on port ")
(display port-number)
(let ((s (tcp-listen port-number 4 #t)))
(let accept-loop ()
(define-values (i o) (tcp-accept s))
(lambda ()
(interaction i o)
(close-input-port i)
(close-output-port o)))

presence/test-unify.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#lang racket
(require "unify.rkt")
(require rackunit)
(define (uc->v x)
(define-values (x1 env) (upper-case-symbols->variables x))
(define-syntax-rule (check-match expected pat)
(check-pred (lambda (v) (match v [pat #t] [_ #f])) expected))
(check-equal? (list->set (set-map (variables-in (uc->v '(a b c))) variable-info)) (set))
(check-equal? (list->set (set-map (variables-in (uc->v '(a B B))) variable-info)) (set 'B))
(check-equal? (list->set (set-map (variables-in (uc->v '(a B C))) variable-info)) (set 'B 'C))
(check-equal? (unify/vars '(a B c) '(a b c)) '((B . b)))
(check-equal? (unify/vars '(a B B) '(a b c)) #f)
(check-equal? (unify/vars '(a B B) '(a b B)) '((B . b)))
(check-match (unify/vars '(a b C) '(a b C)) `((C . ,(variable 'C))))
(check-equal? (unify/vars '#(A 2 3) '#(1 2 B)) '((B . 3) (A . 1)))
(check-equal? (unify-match/vars '#(A 2 3) '#(1 2 B)) '((A . 1)))
(check-equal? (unify-match/vars '#(1 2 B) '#(A 2 3)) '((B . 3)))
(check-equal? (unify-match/vars '(a B B) '(a b C)) '((B . b)))
(check-equal? (unify-match/vars '(a b C) '(a B B)) '((C . b)))
(check-equal? (unify-match/vars '(a C C) '(a b c)) #f)
(check-equal? (unify-match/vars '(a b c) '(a C C)) #f)
(check-match (unify-match/vars '(a b C) '(a D B)) `((C . ,(variable 'B))))
(check-match (unify-match/vars '(a C C) '(a D B)) `((C . ,(variable 'D))))
(check-equal? (mgu-canonical (uc->v '(a b C)) (uc->v '(a D B))) `(a b ,(canonical-variable 0)))
(check-equal? (canonicalize (uc->v `(A (B A) D)))
(canonicalize (uc->v `(E (F E) H))))
(check-equal? (upper-case-symbols->canonical '(A (B A) D))
(list (canonical-variable 0)
(list (canonical-variable 1) (canonical-variable 0))
(canonical-variable 2)))
(let* ((left (uc->v `(A (b A) D)))
(right (freshen left)))
(check-true (not (eq? (car left) (car right))))
(check-eq? (variable-info (car left)) (variable-info (car right)))
(check-equal? (canonicalize left) (list (canonical-variable 0)
(list 'b (canonical-variable 0))
(canonical-variable 1)))
(check-equal? (canonicalize left) (canonicalize right)))
(struct x (y) #:transparent)
(let ((A (variable 'A)))
(check-equal? (unify (x A) (x 123)) `((,A . 123))))
(struct x1 (y z) #:prefab)
(check-equal? (unify/vars (x1 'A 'a) (x1 'b 'a)) '((A . b)))
(let ((A (variable 'A)))
(check-equal? (apply-subst `((,A . b)) (x1 A 'a)) (x1 'b 'a)))

presence/unify.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require "struct-map.rkt")
(provide (struct-out variable)
(struct-out canonical-variable)
;; A Subst is a Maybe<AList<Variable,Any>>.
;; TODO: semantics
;; Compared by eq?, not equal?. In particular, info is not involved in
;; equivalence.
(struct variable (info)
#:property prop:custom-write
(lambda (v port mode)
(display "?" port)
(write (variable-info v) port)))
;; Compared by equal?, not eq?. The number is a part of the
;; appropriate equivalence relation for canonical-variables.
(struct canonical-variable (index) #:transparent
#:property prop:custom-write
(lambda (v port mode)
(display "?!" port)
(write (canonical-variable-index v) port)))
;; Any -> Set<Variable>
(define (variables-in x)
(let walk ((x x) (acc (set)))
[(variable? x) (set-add acc x)]
[(pair? x) (walk (car x) (walk (cdr x) acc))]
[(vector? x) (foldl walk acc (vector->list x))]
[(struct? x) (walk (struct->vector x #f) acc)]
[else acc])))
;; Variable Any -> Boolean
(define (occurs? var val)
(let walk ((x val))
[(eq? var x) #t]
[(pair? x) (or (walk (car x)) (walk (cdr x)))]
[(vector? x) (ormap walk (vector->list x))]
[(struct? x) (walk (struct->vector x #f))]
[else #f])))
;; Variable Any Subst -> Subst
(define (extend-subst var val env)
[(eq? var val)
;; Avoid trivial tautologies. Less trivial ones are not detected,
;; but are harmless.
[(occurs? var val)
;; Occurs check.
(cons (cons var val) env)]))
;; Any Subst Set<Variable> -> Any
(define (chase x env seen)
(if (variable? x)
(cond [(set-member? seen x) x]
[(assq x env) => (lambda (cell) (chase (cdr cell) env (set-add seen x)))]
[else x])
;; Any Any -> Subst
(define (unify a b)
(unify/env a b '()))
;; Any Any Subst -> Subst
(define (unify/env a0 b0 env)
(let walk ((a0 a0) (b0 b0) (env env))
(and env
(let ((a (chase a0 env (set)))
(b (chase b0 env (set))))
[(variable? a) (extend-subst a b env)]
[(variable? b) (extend-subst b a env)]
[(and (pair? a) (pair? b))
(walk (car a) (car b) (walk (cdr a) (cdr b) env))]
[(and (vector? a) (vector? b) (= (vector-length a) (vector-length b)))
(for/fold ([env env]) ([ea a] [eb b]) (walk ea eb env))]
[(and (struct? a) (struct? b))
(walk (struct->vector a #f) (struct->vector b #f) env)]
[else (and (equal? a b) env)])))))
;; Any -> (values Any AList<Symbol,Variable>)
;; Converts upper-case symbols to variables, making sure that
;; eq? symbols map to eq? variables.
(define (upper-case-symbols->variables x)
(let walk ((x x) (env '()))
[(upper-case-symbol? x)
(cond [(assq x env) => (lambda (cell) (values (cdr cell) env))]
[else (let ((v (variable x))) (values v (cons (cons x v) env)))])]
[(pair? x)
(define-values (a env1) (walk (car x) env))
(define-values (d env2) (walk (cdr x) env1))
(values (cons a d) env2)]
[(vector? x)
(define result (make-vector (vector-length x)))
(values result (for/fold ([env env]) ([i (vector-length x)])
(define-values (val env1) (walk (vector-ref x i) env))
(vector-set! result i val)
[(struct? x) (struct-map/accumulator walk env x)]
[else (values x env)])))
;; Any -> Any
(define (upper-case-symbols->canonical t)
(define env (make-hash)) ;; cheeky use of mutation
(let walk ((t t))
[(upper-case-symbol? t)
(cond [(hash-ref env t #f)]
[else (define v (canonical-variable (hash-count env))) (hash-set! env t v) v])]
[(pair? t) (cons (walk (car t)) (walk (cdr t)))]
[(vector? t) (list->vector (map walk (vector->list t)))]
[(struct? t) (struct-map walk t)]
[else t])))
;; Any -> Boolean
(define (upper-case-symbol? x)
(and (symbol? x)
(let ((name (symbol->string x)))
(and (positive? (string-length name))
(char-upper-case? (string-ref name 0))))))
;; AList<A,B> -> AList<B,A>
(define (flip-env env)
(map (lambda (x) (cons (cdr x) (car x))) env))
;; Any Any -> Subst
;; Like unify after upper-case-symbols->variables on both arguments.
(define (unify/vars a b)
(define-values (processed env) (upper-case-symbols->variables (cons a b)))
(define s (unify (car processed) (cdr processed)))
(and s (apply-subst s env)))
;; Any Any -> Subst
;; Like unify-match after upper-case-symbols->variables on both
;; arguments, extracting bindings only from the first argument.
(define (unify-match/vars a b)
(define-values (pa a-env) (upper-case-symbols->variables a))
(define-values (pb b-env) (upper-case-symbols->variables b))
(define s (unify pa pb))
(and s (apply-subst s a-env)))
;; Utility used by freshen and canonicalize below.
(define (freshen* t var-handler canon-handler)
(define env (make-hash)) ;; cheeky use of mutation
(let walk ((t t))
[(or (variable? t) (canonical-variable? t))
(cond [(hash-ref env t #f)]
[else (define v ((if (canonical-variable? t) canon-handler var-handler) t env))
(hash-set! env t v)
[(pair? t) (cons (walk (car t)) (walk (cdr t)))]
[(vector? t) (list->vector (map walk (vector->list t)))]
[(struct? t) (struct-map walk t)]
[else t])))
;; Any -> Any
;; Freshens a term by substituting out variables in the term with
;; fresh variables to produce an arbitrary member of the term's
;; alpha-equivalence-class that shares no variables with the original.
;; Treats canonical-variables just like regular ones, freshening them
;; with new ordinary (non-canonical) variables.
(define (freshen t)
(freshen* t
(lambda (var env) (variable (variable-info var)))
(lambda (var env) (variable (canonical-variable-index var)))))
;; Any -> Any
;; Canonicalizes a term by substituting out variables in the term with
;; canonical-variables to produce a canonical member of the term's
;; alpha-equivalence-class.
;; Canonical variables are used in a structurally-determined order
;; related to print order: generally, all unseen variables to the left
;; of a term's print representation are given canonical equivalents
;; before those to the right.
;; Canonical-variables may not appear in the input term.
(define (canonicalize t)
(freshen* t
(lambda (var env) (canonical-variable (hash-count env)))
(lambda (var env)
(error 'canonicalize "Canonical variables are forbidden in input to canonicalize"))))
;; Any Any -> Any
;; If the arguments unify, applies the substitution to one of them,
;; yielding a most general unifier, and then freshens the result.
(define (mgu-freshen a b)
(define sub (unify a b))
(and sub (freshen (apply-subst sub a))))
;; Any Any -> Any
;; If the arguments unify, applies the substitution to one of them,
;; yielding a most general unifier, and then canonicalizes the result.
(define (mgu-canonical a b)
(define sub (unify a b))
(and sub (canonicalize (apply-subst sub a))))
;; Subst Any -> Any
(define (apply-subst env x)
(let walk ((x0 x))
(define x (chase x0 env (set)))
[(pair? x) (cons (walk (car x)) (walk (cdr x)))]
[(vector? x) (list->vector (map walk (vector->list x)))]
[(struct? x) (struct-map walk x)]
[else x])))
(require racket/trace)
(trace ;;unify/env