
653 B

Here are a few example values, written using the text syntax:

Boolean    : #t #f
Float      : 1.0f 10.4e3f -100.6f
Double     : 1.0 10.4e3 -100.6
Integer    : 1 0 -100
String     : "Hello, world!\n"
ByteString : #"bin\x00str\x00" #[YmluAHN0cgA] #x"62696e0073747200"
Symbol     : hello-world |hello world| = ! hello? || ...
Record     : <label field1 field2 ...>
Sequence   : [value1 value2 ...]
Set        : #{value1 value2 ...}
Dictionary : {key1: value1 key2: value2 ...: ...}
Embedded   : #!value

Commas are optional in sequences, sets, and dictionaries.