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true Preserves Cheatsheets

Tony Garnock-Jones
June 2022. Version 0.7.0.

Machine-Oriented Binary Syntax

For a value v, we write «v» for the binary encoding of v.


                      «#f» = [0xA0]
                      «#t» = [0xA1]
       «F» when F ∈ Float  = [0xA2] ++ binary32(F)
       «D» when D ∈ Double = [0xA2] ++ binary64(D)
«x» when x ∈ SignedInteger = [0xA3] ++ intbytes(x)
                       «S» = [0xA4] ++ utf8(S)  if S ∈ String
                             [0xA5] ++ S        if S ∈ ByteString
                             [0xA6] ++ utf8(S)  if S ∈ Symbol

intbytes(x) gives the big-endian two's-complement signed binary representation of x, taking exactly as many whole bytes as needed to unambiguously identify the value and its sign. intbytes(0) is the empty byte sequence.


           «<L F_1...F_m>» = [0xA7] ++ seq(«L», «F_1», ..., «F_m»)
             «[X_1...X_m]» = [0xA8] ++ seq(«X_1», ..., «X_m»)
            «#{E_1...E_m}» = [0xA9] ++ seq(«E_1», ..., «E_m»)
     «{K_1:V_1...K_m:V_m}» = [0xAA] ++ seq(«K_1», «V_1», ..., «K_m», «V_m»)

seq(R_1, ... R_m) = len(R_1) ++ R_1 ++...++ len(R_m) ++ R_m

len(m) = e(m, 128)
       where e(v, d) = [v + d]                           if v < 128
                       e(v / 128, 0) ++ [(v % 128) + d]  if v ≥ 128


                     «#!V» = [0xBF] ++ «V»


To annotate a Repr r (that MUST NOT itself already be annotated) with some sequence of Values [v_1, ..., v_m], surround r as follows:

[0xBE] ++ len(r) ++ r ++ len(v_1) ++ v_1 ++...++ len(v_m) ++ v_m