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true Preserves Schema

Tony Garnock-Jones
February 2023. Version 0.3.1.

This document proposes a Schema language for the Preserves data model.


A Preserves schema connects Preserves Values to host-language data structures. Each definition within a schema can be processed by a compiler to produce

  • a simple host-language type definition;

  • a partial parsing function from Values to instances of the produced type; and

  • a total serialization function from instances of the type to Values.

Every parsed Value retains enough information to always be able to be serialized again, and every instance of a host-language data structure contains, by construction, enough information to be successfully serialized.

Portability. Preserves Schema is broadly portable. Any host-language type system that can represent algebraic types in some way should be suitable as a compilation target.

This includes ML-family languages like Rust and Haskell, object-oriented languages like Java, Python and Smalltalk, and multiparadigm languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Racket, Nim and Erlang.

Example. Sending the schema

version 1 .
Date = <date @year int @month int @day int>.
Person = <person @name string @birthday Date>.

to the TypeScript schema compiler produces types,

type Date = {"year": number, "month": number, "day": number};
type Person = {"name": string, "birthday": Date};


function Date({year, month, day}: {year: number, month: number, day: number}): Date;
function Person({name, birthday}: {name: string, birthday: Date}): Person;

partial parsing functions which throw on parse failure,

function asDate(v: _val): Date;
function asPerson(v: _val): Person;

total parsing functions which yield undefined on parse failure,

function toDate(v: _val): undefined | Date;
function toPerson(v: _val): undefined | Person;

and total serialization functions,

function fromDate(_v: Date): _val;
function fromPerson(_v: Person): _val;


Bundle. A collection of schemas, each named by a module path.

Definition. A named pattern within a schema. When compiled, a definition will usually produce a type (plus associated constructors and predicates), a parser function, and a serializer function.

Metaschema. The Preserves metaschema is a schema describing the abstract syntax of all schema instances (including itself).

Module path. A sequence of symbols, denoting a leaf in a tree with symbol-labelled edges.

Pattern. A pattern describes a collection of Values as well as providing names for the portions of matching Values that should be captured in a host-language data type.

Schema abstract syntax tree (AST). Schema-manipulating tools will usually work with schema AST; that is, with Values conforming to the metaschema or instances of the corresponding host-language datastructures.

Schema domain-specific language (DSL). While human beings can work directly with Preserves documents matching the metaschema, the schema DSL provides an easier-to-read and -write language for working with schemas that can be translated into instances

Schema. A collection of definitions, plus an optional schema-wide reference to a schema describing embedded values.

Identifiers and Capitalization Conventions

Throughout, id is used in the grammar to denote an identifier, which is a symbol that matches the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$. This is a lowest-common-denominator constraint that allows for a reasonable mapping to the identifiers of many programming languages.

Identifiers are case-sensitive. Schemas should be written with an awareness of the fact that some programming languages cannot preserve case differences. Avoid using two identifiers in the same context that differ only in case.

Schemas should be written using the following capitalization conventions:

  • UpperCamelCase for definition names.

  • Either lowerCamelCase or UpperCamelCase for definition-unique names for alternatives within an alternation definition.

  • lowerCamelCase for module names (schema names, package names) and field or variable names.

The Preserves Schema Language

In this section, we use an ABNF-like notation to define a textual syntax that is easy for people to read and write. Most of the examples in this document are written using this syntax. An appendix defines the abstract syntax that this surface syntax translates into.

Schema files and bundles.

Each schema should be placed in a single file. Schema files usually end with extension .prs, and consist of a sequence of Preserves Values1 separated into clauses by the Preserves Symbol ".".

A bundle of schema files is a directory tree containing .prs files.


Clause            = (Version / EmbeddedTypeName / Include / Definition) "."

Version           = "version" "1"
EmbeddedTypeName  = "embeddedType" ("#f" / Ref)
Include           = "include" string

Version specification. Mandatory. Names the version of the schema language used in the file. This version of the specification is referred to in schema files as version 1.

Embedded type name. Optional. If given as #f (the default), it declares that values parsed by the schema do not contain embedded Values of any particular type. If given as a Ref, a reference to a definition in this or a neighbouring schema, it declares that embedded Values must themselves conform to the named definition.

Include. Experimental. Includes the contents of a neighbouring file as if it were textually inserted in place of this clause. The file path may be relative to the current file, or absolute.


Definition        = id "=" (OrPattern / AndPattern / Pattern)

Each definition clause connects a pattern over Values with a host-language type name (derived from the supplied id) and set of associated functions.

A definition may be

  • an alternation of patterns, allowing for biased choice among alternatives;
  • an intersection of patterns, allowing for composition and reuse of patterns; or
  • the base case, an ordinary pattern.

Host-language types. Each definition includes bindings that capture information from a parsed Value and expose it to programs in the host language. When more than one binding is present in a definition, a host-language record (product, structure, tuple) will be the result of a parse; otherwise, a simple value will result. When a definition involves alternation, a host-language representation of a sum over the types of each branch of the alternation will result. For example, a compiler targeting an object-oriented host language would produce a base class for each definition, with a field for each binding and a subclass for each variant alternative. A functional host language with algebraic data types would produce a labelled-sum-of-products type.

Alternation definitions.

OrPattern = AltPattern "/" AltPattern *("/" AltPattern)

The right-hand-side of a definition may supply two or more alternatives. When parsing, the alternatives are tried in order; the result of the first successful alternative is the result of the entire parse.

Host-language types. The type corresponding to an OrPattern is an algebraic sum type, a union type, a variant type, or a concrete subclass of an abstract superclass, depending on the host language.

Variant names. Each alternative with an OrPattern must have a definition-unique name. The name is used to uniquely label the alternative's host-language representation (for example, a subclass, or a member of a tagged union type).

A variant name can either be given explicitly as @name (see discussion of NamedPattern below) or inferred. It can only be inferred from the label of a record pattern, from the name of a reference to another definition, or from the text of a "sufficiently identifierlike" literal pattern - one that matches a string, symbol, number or boolean:

AltPattern = "@" id SimplePattern
           / "<" id PatternSequence ">"
           / Ref
           / LiteralPattern  -- with a side condition

A host language will likely use the same ordering of its types as specified by the schema. It is therefore recommended to specify first the alternative best suited as a default initialization value (if there is any).

Intersection definitions.

AndPattern = NamedPattern "&" NamedPattern *("&" NamedPattern)

The right-hand-side of a definition may supply two or more patterns, the intersection of whose denotations is the denotation of the overall definition. When parsing, every pattern is tried: if all succeed, the resulting information is combined into a single type; otherwise, the overall parse fails.

When serializing, the terms resulting from serializing at each pattern are merged together.

Host-language types. Compiling an intersection definition produces a host-language type that is effectively the algebraic product of the types of the parts of the intersection. Practically, this usually means a record (product, structure, tuple) type.



Intersections are an experimental feature. They can be used to express optional dictionary entries:

MyDict = {a: int, b: string} & @c MaybeC .
MaybeC = @present {c: symbol} / @invalid {c: any} / @absent {} .

They can also be used to express something reminiscent of inheritance:

Type        =  @base BaseFields & @detail SubType .
BaseFields  =  {a: int, b: string} .
SubType     =  @base {}
            /  @variantA { x: int }
            /  @mid Mid .
Mid         =  { y: symbol } & @detail SubSubType .
SubSubType  =  @variantB { z: "type-b" }
            /  @variantC { z: "type-c" }

It is not yet clear whether they pull their weight.

From the point of view of the user of the schema language, using intersections to express optional values is cumbersome. Not only is it verbose, requiring auxiliary definitions, but it leaves responsibility for checking for invalid inputs up to the user, rather than handling it completely at the Schema layer. A future Schema version will likely include first-class support for optionality.


Pattern = SimplePattern / CompoundPattern

Patterns come in two kinds:

  • The parsers for simple patterns yield a single host-language value—for example, a string, an array, a number, or a pointer—or even, in the case of LiteralPatterns, no host-language values at all.2

  • The parsers for compound patterns yield zero or more fields which combine into an overall record type associated with a definition.

Simple patterns

SimplePattern = AnyPattern
              / AtomKindPattern
              / EmbeddedPattern
              / LiteralPattern
              / SequenceOfPattern
              / SetOfPattern
              / DictOfPattern
              / Ref

The any pattern matches any input Value:

AnyPattern = "any"

Specifying the name of a kind of Atom matches that kind of atom:

AtomKindPattern = "bool" / "float" / "double" / "int" / "string" / "bytes" / "symbol"

Embedded input Values are matched with embedded patterns. The portion under the #! prefix is the interface schema for the embedded value.3 The result of a match is an instance of the schema-wide embeddedType, if one is supplied.

EmbeddedPattern = "#!" SimplePattern

A literal pattern may be expressed in any of three ways: non-symbol atoms stand for themselves directly; symbols, prefixed with an equal sign, are matched literally; and any Value at all may be quoted by placing it in a <<lit> ... > record:

LiteralPattern = "="symbol / "<<lit>" value ">" / non-symbol-atom

Brackets containing an item pattern and a literal ellipsis match a sequence of items, each matching the nested item pattern. Sets and uniform dictionaries are similar.

SequenceOfPattern = "[" SimplePattern "..." "]"
SetOfPattern = "#{" SimplePattern "}"
DictOfPattern = "{" SimplePattern ":" SimplePattern "...:..." "}"

Finally, a reference to some other definition, in this schema or a neighbouring schema within this bundle, is made by mentioning the possibly-qualified name of the definition as a bare symbol:

Ref = symbol

Periods "." in such symbols are special:

  • Name refers to the definition named Name in the current schema.
  • Mod.Submod.Name refers to definition Name in Mod.Submod, some other schema in the bundle.

Each period-separated portion of a reference name must be an id, an identifier.

Compound patterns

CompoundPattern = RecordPattern
                / TuplePattern
                / VariableTuplePattern
                / DictionaryPattern

A record pattern matches an input record. It may be specified as a record with a literal in the label position, or as a quoted <<rec> ... > record with a pattern for each of the label and field-sequence positions:4

RecordPattern = "<<rec>" NamedPattern NamedPattern ">"
              / "<" value PatternSequence ">"

PatternSequence = *(NamedPattern) [NamedSimplePattern "..."]

A tuple pattern matches a fixed-length sequence with specific patterns in each position. A variable tuple pattern is the same, but with an additional pattern for matching additional elements following the fixed-position patterns.

TuplePattern = "[" *(NamedPattern) "]"
VariableTuplePattern = "[" *(NamedPattern) NamedSimplePattern "..." "]"

A dictionary pattern matches specific literal keys in an input dictionary. If no explicit name is given for a particular NamedSimplePattern, but the key for the pattern is a symbol, then that symbol is used as the name for that dictionary entry.

DictionaryPattern = "{" *(value ":" NamedSimplePattern) "}"

Identifiers and Bindings: NamedPattern and NamedSimplePattern

Compound patterns specifications contain NamedPatterns or NamedSimplePatterns rather than ordinary Patterns:

NamedPattern       = "@" id SimplePattern / Pattern
NamedSimplePattern = "@" id SimplePattern / SimplePattern

Use of an @name prefix generally results in creation of a field with the given name in the overall record type for a definition. The type of value contained in the field will correspond to the Pattern or SimplePattern given.


Having covered concrete syntax, we now give semantics for the schema language in terms of the abstract syntax and of the language of Preserves Values.

Metaschema interpreter

(TODO: this subsection is to define an interpreter for metaschema values applied to Preserves Values.)

Host-language types

The host-language types corresponding to a metaschema instance can themselves be described according to a grammar.

The definitions in this section should be understood as being part of a module named host, in a bundle alongside a module named schema corresponding to the metaschema in the appendix below.

Abstract host language types

Definition = <union @variants [Variant ...]> / Simple .
Variant = [@label symbol @type Simple] .

The host-language type corresponding to a definition will either be a tagged union (side condition: at least two Variants are present in a union) or a simple type.

Simple = Field / Record .
Record = <rec @fields [NamedField ...]> .
NamedField = [@name symbol @type Field] .

A simple type may be either a single, simple value of field type, or a record of multiple named fields, each having a specific field type.

Field = =unit
      / =any
      / =embedded
      / <array @element Field>
      / <set @element Field>
      / <map @key Field @value Field>
      / <ref @name schema.Ref>
      / schema.AtomKind .

A field type is either

  • the language's unit type (the empty tuple, the "void" value),
  • the universal type of all Preserves Values,
  • the type of some host-language embedded value in some context,
  • the type of a uniform array having elements of a specific field type,
  • the type of a set having elements of a specific field type,
  • the type of a dictionary connecting keys of specific type to values of specific type,
  • the type associated with some other named definition in scope in the current Schema bundle, or
  • the type of a specific kind of Preserves Atom.

Computing abstract types from a metaschema instance

Given a metaschema definition d : schema.Definition, the function typeof{:.pseudocode} yields a host.Definition.

{:.pseudocode #def:typeof}

typeof : schema.Definitionhost.Definition typeof <or [[n1 p1] ... [nn pn]]> = <union [[n1 (pat p1)] ... [nn (pat pn)]]> typeof <and [f1 ... fn]> = product [f1 ... fn] typeof p = pat p, when pschema.Pattern

{:.pseudocode #def:pat}

pat : schema.Patternhost.Simple pat s = field s, when sschema.SimplePattern pat c = product [c], when cschema.CompoundPattern

{:.pseudocode #def:field}

field : schema.SimplePatternhost.Field field any = any field <atom k> = k field <embedded s> = embedded field <lit v> = unit field <seqof s> = <array (field s)> field <setof s> = <set (field s)> field <dictof sk sv> = <map (field sk) (field sv)> field r = r, when rschema.Ref

The helper function product{:.pseudocode} is where unit-valued fields are omitted from the computed host-language type. If all fields are so omitted, or if there were (recursively) no bindings in the input patterns, product{:.pseudocode} yields unit type itself.

{:.pseudocode #def:product}

product : [schema.NamedPattern ...]host.Simple product [f1 ... fn] = unit, if t = []; <rec t>, otherwise where t = gather f1 ⧺ ⋯ ⧺ gather fn

{:.pseudocode #def:gather}

gather : schema.NamedPattern[host.NamedField ...] gather <named n p> = [], if (field p) = unit; [[n (field p)]], otherwise gather <rec flabel ffields> = gather flabelgather ffields gather <tuple [f1 .. fn]> = gather f1 ⧺ ⋯ ⧺ gather fn gather <tuplePrefix [f1 ... fn] frepeated> = gather f1 ⧺ ⋯ ⧺ gather fngather frepeated gather <dict {v1:f1 ... vn:fn}> = gather f1 ⧺ ⋯ ⧺ gather fn, where (f1 ⋯ fn) are (f1 ⋯ fn) sorted according to Preserves term order.

Appendix: Metaschema

The metaschema defines the structure of the abstract syntax (AST) of schemas, using the concrete DSL syntax described above.

The text below is taken from schema/schema.prs in the source code repository.

A Bundle collects a number of Schemas, each named by a ModulePath:5

Bundle = <bundle @modules Modules>.
Modules = { ModulePath: Schema ...:... }.
ModulePath = [symbol ...].

Schema = <schema {
  version: Version
  embeddedType: EmbeddedTypeName
  definitions: Definitions

A Version names the version of the schema language in use. At present, it must be 1.

; version 1 .
Version = 1 .

An EmbeddedTypeName specifies the type of embedded values within values parsed by a given schema:

EmbeddedTypeName = #f / Ref .
Ref = <ref @module ModulePath @name symbol>.

The Definitions are a named collection of definitions within a schema. Note the special mention of pattern0 and pattern1: these ensure that each or or and record has at least two members.

Definitions = { symbol: Definition ...:... }.

Definition =
  ; Pattern / Pattern / ...
  / <or [@pattern0 NamedAlternative
         @pattern1 NamedAlternative
         @patternN NamedAlternative ...]>

  ; Pattern & Pattern & ...
  / <and [@pattern0 NamedPattern
          @pattern1 NamedPattern
          @patternN NamedPattern ...]>

  ; Pattern
  / Pattern

NamedAlternative = [@variantLabel string @pattern Pattern].

Each Pattern is either a simple or compound pattern:

Pattern = SimplePattern / CompoundPattern .

Simple patterns are as described above:

SimplePattern =
  ; any
  / =any

  ; special builtins: bool, float, double, int, string, bytes, symbol
  / <atom @atomKind AtomKind>

  ; matches an embedded value in the input: #!p
  / <embedded @interface SimplePattern>

  ; =symbol, <<lit> any>, or plain non-symbol atom
  / <lit @value any>

  ; [p ...] ----> <seqof <ref p>>; see also tuplePrefix below.
  / <seqof @pattern SimplePattern>

  ; #{p} ----> <setof <ref p>>
  / <setof @pattern SimplePattern>

  ; {k: v, ...:...} ----> <dictof <ref k> <ref v>>
  / <dictof @key SimplePattern @value SimplePattern>

  ; symbol, symbol.symbol, symbol.symbol.symbol, ...
  / Ref

AtomKind = =Boolean
         / =Float
         / =Double
         / =SignedInteger
         / =String
         / =ByteString
         / =Symbol .

Compound patterns involve optionally-named subpatterns:

CompoundPattern =
  ; <label a b c> ----> <rec <lit label> <tuple [<ref a> <ref b> <ref c>]>>
  ; except for record labels
  ; <<rec> x y> ---> <rec <ref x> <ref y>>
  / <rec @label NamedPattern @fields NamedPattern>

  ; [a b c] ----> <tuple [<ref a> <ref b> <ref c>]>
  / <tuple @patterns [NamedPattern ...]>

  ; [a b c ...] ----> <tuplePrefix [<ref a> <ref b>] <seqof <ref c>>>
  / <tuplePrefix @fixed [NamedPattern ...] @variable NamedSimplePattern>

  ; {a: b, c: d} ----> <dict {a: <ref b>, c: <ref d>}>
  / <dict @entries DictionaryEntries>

DictionaryEntries = { any: NamedSimplePattern ...:... }.

Explicitly-named subpatterns are always SimplePatterns; but, depending on context, if a name is omitted, the pattern may be a Pattern or may be restricted to SimplePattern as well:

NamedSimplePattern = @named Binding / @anonymous SimplePattern .
NamedPattern = @named Binding / @anonymous Pattern .
Binding = <named @name symbol @pattern SimplePattern>.

Appendix: Metaschema instance

The following is a (lightly-reformatted) Preserves document which is the output of DSL-to-AST compilation of the DSL source text of the metaschema.

<schema {
  version: 1,
  embeddedType: #f,
  definitions: {

    Pattern: <or [
      ["SimplePattern", <ref [] SimplePattern>],
      ["CompoundPattern", <ref [] CompoundPattern>]

    CompoundPattern: <or [
      ["rec", <rec <lit rec> <tuple [
          <named label <ref [] NamedPattern>>,
          <named fields <ref [] NamedPattern>>
      ["tuple", <rec <lit tuple> <tuple [<named patterns <seqof <ref [] NamedPattern>>>]>>],
      ["tuplePrefix", <rec <lit tuplePrefix> <tuple [
          <named fixed <seqof <ref [] NamedPattern>>>,
          <named variable <ref [] NamedSimplePattern>>
      ["dict", <rec <lit dict> <tuple [<named entries <ref [] DictionaryEntries>>]>>]

    Modules: <dictof <ref [] ModulePath> <ref [] Schema>>,

    Ref: <rec <lit ref> <tuple [
      <named module <ref [] ModulePath>>,
      <named name <atom Symbol>>

    Bundle: <rec <lit bundle> <tuple [<named modules <ref [] Modules>>]>>,

    Binding: <rec <lit named> <tuple [
      <named name <atom Symbol>>,
      <named pattern <ref [] SimplePattern>>

    Definition: <or [
      ["or", <rec <lit or> <tuple [<tuplePrefix [
          <named pattern0 <ref [] NamedAlternative>>,
          <named pattern1 <ref [] NamedAlternative>>
        ] <named patternN <seqof <ref [] NamedAlternative>>>>]>>],
      ["and", <rec <lit and> <tuple [<tuplePrefix [
          <named pattern0 <ref [] NamedPattern>>,
          <named pattern1 <ref [] NamedPattern>>
        ] <named patternN <seqof <ref [] NamedPattern>>>>]>>],
      ["Pattern", <ref [] Pattern>]

    NamedSimplePattern: <or [
      ["named", <ref [] Binding>],
      ["anonymous", <ref [] SimplePattern>]

    EmbeddedTypeName: <or [
      ["false", <lit #f>],
      ["Ref", <ref [] Ref>]

    ModulePath: <seqof <atom Symbol>>,

    AtomKind: <or [
      ["Boolean", <lit Boolean>],
      ["Float", <lit Float>],
      ["Double", <lit Double>],
      ["SignedInteger", <lit SignedInteger>],
      ["String", <lit String>],
      ["ByteString", <lit ByteString>],
      ["Symbol", <lit Symbol>]

    DictionaryEntries: <dictof any <ref [] NamedSimplePattern>>,

    Version: <lit 1>,

    NamedPattern: <or [
      ["named", <ref [] Binding>],
      ["anonymous", <ref [] Pattern>]

    SimplePattern: <or [
      ["any", <lit any>],
      ["atom", <rec <lit atom> <tuple [<named atomKind <ref [] AtomKind>>]>>],
      ["embedded", <rec <lit embedded> <tuple [<named interface <ref [] SimplePattern>>]>>],
      ["lit", <rec <lit lit> <tuple [<named value any>]>>],
      ["seqof", <rec <lit seqof> <tuple [<named pattern <ref [] SimplePattern>>]>>],
      ["setof", <rec <lit setof> <tuple [<named pattern <ref [] SimplePattern>>]>>],
      ["dictof", <rec <lit dictof> <tuple [
          <named key <ref [] SimplePattern>>,
          <named value <ref [] SimplePattern>>
      ["Ref", <ref [] Ref>]

    NamedAlternative: <tuple [
      <named variantLabel <atom String>>,
      <named pattern <ref [] Pattern>>

    Definitions: <dictof <atom Symbol> <ref [] Definition>>,

    Schema: <rec <lit schema> <tuple [<dict {
      version: <named version <ref [] Version>>,
      embeddedType: <named embeddedType <ref [] EmbeddedTypeName>>,
      definitions: <named definitions <ref [] Definitions>>

Appendix: Example generated types

The following are the (abridged) TypeScript and Racket generated type definitions for the metaschema.


import * as _ from "@preserves/core";

// ...
export type _embedded = any;
export type _val = _.Value<_embedded>;
// ...

export type Bundle = {"modules": Modules};

export type Modules = _.KeyedDictionary<ModulePath, Schema, _embedded>;

export type Schema = {
    "version": Version,
    "embeddedType": EmbeddedTypeName,
    "definitions": Definitions

export type Version = null;

export type EmbeddedTypeName = ({"_variant": "false"} | {"_variant": "Ref", "value": Ref});

export type Definitions = _.KeyedDictionary<symbol, Definition, _embedded>;

export type Definition = (
        "_variant": "or",
        "pattern0": NamedAlternative,
        "pattern1": NamedAlternative,
        "patternN": Array<NamedAlternative>
    } |
        "_variant": "and",
        "pattern0": NamedPattern,
        "pattern1": NamedPattern,
        "patternN": Array<NamedPattern>
    } |
    {"_variant": "Pattern", "value": Pattern}

export type Pattern = (
    {"_variant": "SimplePattern", "value": SimplePattern} |
    {"_variant": "CompoundPattern", "value": CompoundPattern}

export type SimplePattern = (
    {"_variant": "any"} |
    {"_variant": "atom", "atomKind": AtomKind} |
    {"_variant": "embedded", "interface": SimplePattern} |
    {"_variant": "lit", "value": _val} |
    {"_variant": "seqof", "pattern": SimplePattern} |
    {"_variant": "setof", "pattern": SimplePattern} |
    {"_variant": "dictof", "key": SimplePattern, "value": SimplePattern} |
    {"_variant": "Ref", "value": Ref}

export type CompoundPattern = (
    {"_variant": "rec", "label": NamedPattern, "fields": NamedPattern} |
    {"_variant": "tuple", "patterns": Array<NamedPattern>} |
        "_variant": "tuplePrefix",
        "fixed": Array<NamedPattern>,
        "variable": NamedSimplePattern
    } |
    {"_variant": "dict", "entries": DictionaryEntries}

export type DictionaryEntries = _.KeyedDictionary<_val, NamedSimplePattern, _embedded>;

export type AtomKind = (
    {"_variant": "Boolean"} |
    {"_variant": "Float"} |
    {"_variant": "Double"} |
    {"_variant": "SignedInteger"} |
    {"_variant": "String"} |
    {"_variant": "ByteString"} |
    {"_variant": "Symbol"}

export type NamedAlternative = {"variantLabel": string, "pattern": Pattern};

export type NamedSimplePattern = (
    {"_variant": "named", "value": Binding} |
    {"_variant": "anonymous", "value": SimplePattern}

export type NamedPattern = (
    {"_variant": "named", "value": Binding} |
    {"_variant": "anonymous", "value": Pattern}

export type Binding = {"name": symbol, "pattern": SimplePattern};

export type Ref = {"module": ModulePath, "name": symbol};

export type ModulePath = Array<symbol>;


(struct AtomKind-Symbol () #:prefab)
(struct AtomKind-ByteString () #:prefab)
(struct AtomKind-String () #:prefab)
(struct AtomKind-SignedInteger () #:prefab)
(struct AtomKind-Double () #:prefab)
(struct AtomKind-Float () #:prefab)
(struct AtomKind-Boolean () #:prefab)

(struct Bundle (modules) #:prefab)

(struct CompoundPattern-dict (entries) #:prefab)
(struct CompoundPattern-tuplePrefix (fixed variable) #:prefab)
(struct CompoundPattern-tuple (patterns) #:prefab)
(struct CompoundPattern-rec (label fields) #:prefab)

(struct Definition-Pattern (value) #:prefab)
(struct Definition-and (pattern0 pattern1 patternN) #:prefab)
(struct Definition-or (pattern0 pattern1 patternN) #:prefab)

(struct EmbeddedTypeName-false () #:prefab)
(struct EmbeddedTypeName-Ref (value) #:prefab)

(struct NamedAlternative (variantLabel pattern) #:prefab)

(struct NamedPattern-anonymous (value) #:prefab)
(struct NamedPattern-named (value) #:prefab)

(struct NamedSimplePattern-anonymous (value) #:prefab)
(struct NamedSimplePattern-named (value) #:prefab)

(struct Binding (name pattern) #:prefab)

(struct Pattern-CompoundPattern (value) #:prefab)
(struct Pattern-SimplePattern (value) #:prefab)

(struct Ref (module name) #:prefab)

(struct Schema (definitions embeddedType version) #:prefab)

(struct SimplePattern-Ref (value) #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-dictof (key value) #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-setof (pattern) #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-seqof (pattern) #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-lit (value) #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-embedded (interface) #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-atom (atomKind) #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-any () #:prefab)

Appendix: Future work

  • There are side conditions on AST instances. It would be nice to eventually be able to express these within the metaschema.

  • It'd be interesting to, Ometa-like, be able to specify the DSL-to-AST translation process as a schema. One challenge in doing so is the way schemas are required to be reversible at present.

  • Should include accept URLs, to be able to retrieve schema from the web?

  • It'd be nice to firm up the interpretation of embedded interface schemas. I have in mind something like the higher-order contracts of Dimoulas. Essentially, a schema is a contract, and embedded pointers-to-behaviour are like closures/channels/objects/etc, which demand higher-order contracts. Future work could pin this down further; also, consideration of dependent schemas (analogous to dependent contracts) could be of interest.

    Example. In the following fragment, #!Session is the handle a connected user uses to interact with a chatroom. In the implementation, Says messages are dropped if their who doesn't match the uid supplied in the Join assertion. It'd be nice to capture that using a dependent schema, passing in the specific uid value to the Session constructor, something like #!(Session uid).

    Join = <joinedUser @uid UserId @handle #!Session>.
    Session = @observeSpeech <Observe =says @observer #!Says> / Says .
    Says = <says @who UserId @what string>.


  1. That is, schema files use Preserves as a kind of S-expression! ↩︎

  2. The case of a LiteralPattern yielding no host-language values is interesting. All the information required to reversibly store the result of a parse is already in the schema, so nothing need be stored at runtime in host-language data type instances. Concretely, a definition consisting only of a LiteralPattern might correspond to a host-language unit type (the empty tuple, the "void" value). Definitions consisting of CompoundPatterns involving LiteralPatterns do not even need to store this much: fields of unit type in a host-language record type can simply be omitted without loss. ↩︎

  3. Embedded patterns are experimental. One interpretation is that an embedded value denotes a reference to some stateful actor in a potentially-distributed system, and that the interface schema associated with an embedded value describes the messages that may be sent to that actor.

    Examples. #!any may denote a reference to an Actor able to receive any value as a message; #!#t, a reference to an Actor expecting only the "true" message; #!Session, a reference to an Actor expecting any message matching a schema defined as Session in this file. ↩︎

  4. Note that <label ps> can be thought of as roughly equivalent to <<rec> <<lit> label> [ps]>. The following two definitions are equivalent:

    D1 =              <foo   @a string @b string @extra any ... >.
    D2 = <<rec> <<lit> foo> [@a string @b string @extra any ...]>.
  5. The semantics of module path references remain to be specified! ↩︎