write-pexpr (not quite right yet)

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2023-11-05 20:43:23 +01:00
parent 6e3950cbc5
commit 782cbd73b2
3 changed files with 110 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide emit
(struct-out vertical-mode)
(struct-out separated)
(struct-out grouped))
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/string string-trim))
(require (only-in racket/pretty pretty-print-columns))
(require (only-in racket/port call-with-output-string))
;; mode ∈ {'never, 'variable, 'always, 'extra-newline}
;; Things that don't know how to write themselves vertically always write horizontally.
;; Otherwise, mode is relevant:
;; - 'never: always horizontally
;; - 'variable: horizontally, unless it doesn't fit, in which case vertically
;; - 'always: always vertically
;; - 'extra-newline: as 'normal, but with extra newlines separating items
(struct vertical-mode (mode item) #:transparent)
(struct separated (items separator terminator) #:transparent)
(struct grouped separated (opener closer) #:transparent)
(struct emitter (port indentation) #:transparent)
(define (emit-seq vs sep ter e indent mode)
(let loop ((vs vs) (need-sep #f))
(match vs
(when need-sep (display ter (emitter-port e)))]
[(cons v vs)
(when need-sep (display sep (emitter-port e)))
(emit* v e indent mode)
(loop vs #t)])))
(define (emit-vertical vs sep ter e indent mode)
(display indent (emitter-port e))
(emit-seq vs (string-append (trim-delimiter sep) indent) (trim-delimiter ter) e indent mode))
(define (trim-delimiter s)
(string-trim #:left? #f s #px"[ \t\f\v]+"))
(define (try-horizontal vs sep ter e indent mode)
(lambda (p)
(emit-seq vs sep ter (emitter p (emitter-indentation e)) indent 'never))))
(define (emit-separated vs sep ter e indent mode)
(match mode
['never (emit-seq vs sep ter e indent mode) #f]
['variable (let ((s (try-horizontal vs sep ter e indent mode)))
(if (> (string-length s) (pretty-print-columns))
(begin (emit-vertical vs sep ter e indent mode) #t)
(begin (display s (emitter-port e)) #f)))]
['always (emit-vertical vs sep ter e indent mode) #t]
['extra-newline (emit-vertical vs (and sep (string-append sep "\n")) ter e indent mode) #t]))
(define (emit* v e indent mode)
(define (w v) (emit* v e indent mode))
(match v
[(? string? s) (display s (emitter-port e))]
[(? list? vs) (map w vs)]
[(grouped vs sep ter op cl)
(display op (emitter-port e))
(when (emit-separated vs sep ter e (string-append indent (emitter-indentation e)) mode)
(display indent (emitter-port e)))
(display cl (emitter-port e))]
[(separated vs sep ter) (emit-separated vs sep ter e indent mode)]
[(vertical-mode new-mode v) (emit* v e indent new-mode)]))
(define (emit v [o (current-output-port)]
#:mode [initial-mode 'variable]
#:indentation [indentation0 " "]
#:initial-indent [initial-indent "\n"])
(define indentation (if (number? indentation0) (make-string indentation0 #\space) indentation0))
(emit* v (emitter o indentation) initial-indent initial-mode))

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@ -227,3 +227,26 @@
[(embedded v) (map-embedded walk v)] [(embedded v) (map-embedded walk v)]
[(annotated as loc v) (annotated (map walk as) loc (walk v))] [(annotated as loc v) (annotated (map walk as) loc (walk v))]
[v v]))) [v v])))
(define (write-pexpr v0 [o (current-output-port)]
#:indent [indent-amount0 4]
#:encode-embedded [encode-embedded0 #f]
#:write-annotations? [write-annotations? #t])
(local-require "block-write.rkt")
(local-require "write-text.rkt")
(define block
(let walk ((v v0))
(match v
[(? list? ps) (grouped (map walk ps) " " "" "[" "]")]
[(RECORD ps ...) (grouped (map walk ps) " " "" "<" ">")]
[(GROUP ps ...) (grouped (map walk ps) " " "" "(" ")")]
[(BLOCK ps ...) (grouped (map walk ps) " " "" "{" "}")]
[(SET ps ...) (grouped (map walk ps) " " "" "#{" "}")]
[(embedded v) (list "#!" (walk (encode-embedded0 v)))]
[(annotated as _loc v)
(if write-annotations?
(separated (append (map (lambda (a) (list "@" (walk a))) as) v) " " "")
(walk v))]
[(strip-annotations (record 'p (list s))) (symbol->string s)]
[v (preserve->string v)])))
(emit block o #:indentation indent-amount0))

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@ -61,10 +61,16 @@ in that uses of `Value` are replaced with `SimpleExpr`.
Annotation = "@" SimpleExpr / "#" [(%x20 / %x09) linecomment] (CR / LF) Annotation = "@" SimpleExpr / "#" [(%x20 / %x09) linecomment] (CR / LF)
linecomment = *<any unicode scalar value except CR or LF> linecomment = *<any unicode scalar value except CR or LF>
P-expression special punctuation marks are comma, semicolon, and sequences of one or more colons. P-expression special punctuation marks are comma, semicolon, and
sequences of one or more colons.[^greedy-colons]
Punct = "," / ";" / 1*":" Punct = "," / ";" / 1*":"
[^greedy-colons]: Colon matching is greedy: when reading, all adjacent
colons are always taken into a single token, and when writing,
adjacent colon-sequence punctuation marks must be written with
whitespace separating them.
Compound expressions are sequences of `Expr`s with optional trailing Compound expressions are sequences of `Expr`s with optional trailing
`Annotation`s, surrounded by various kinds of parentheses. `Annotation`s, surrounded by various kinds of parentheses.