Full subtraction. Drastic simplifications all round based on new invariants.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-07-16 19:53:35 -07:00
parent 35ccad13d2
commit d39beee8a1
1 changed files with 235 additions and 287 deletions

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@ -108,6 +108,12 @@
;; If, in a hashtable matcher, a wild key is present, it is intended
;; to catch all and ONLY those keys not otherwise present in the
;; table.
;; INVARIANT: if a key is present in a hashtable, then the
;; corresponding value MUST NOT be equal to the wildcard
;; continuation, bearing in mind that
;; - if the wildcard is absent, it is implicitly #f;
;; - (key-open?) keys imply rwildseq of the wild continuation
;; - (key-close?) keys imply runwildseq of the wild continuation
;; INVARIANT: success only appears right at the end. Never in the middle. Never unbalanced parens. TODO
;; TODO as part of this: figure out whether we can get rid of the seemingly mandatory EOS-success
;; pattern that always shows up
@ -206,24 +212,52 @@
(define (rwildseq r)
(if (matcher-empty? r) r (canonicalize (wildcard-sequence r))))
;; Matcher (U Sigma Wildcard) -> Matcher
;; r must be a hashtable matcher. Retrieves the continuation after
;; accepting key. If key is absent, returns the failing/empty matcher.
(define (rlookup r key)
(hash-ref r key (lambda () #f)))
;; Matcher -> Matcher
;; If r is a wildcard-sequence, return the continuation expected after
;; the wilds and EOS. Otherwise, return the empty/failing matcher.
(define (runwildseq r)
(match r
[(wildcard-sequence k) k]
[_ #f]))
;; (Option (HashTable (U Sigma Wildcard) Matcher)) (U Sigma Wildcard) Matcher -> Matcher
;; Updates (installs or removes) a continuation in the Matcher r. r must
;; be either #f or a hashtable matcher.
(define (rupdate r key k)
;; Matcher (U Sigma Wildcard) Matcher -> Matcher
;; r must be a hashtable matcher. Retrieves the continuation after
;; accepting key. If key is absent, returns wild-edge-value, modified
;; depending on key.
(define (rlookup r key wild-edge-value)
(hash-ref r key (lambda ()
[(key-open? key) (rwildseq wild-edge-value)]
[(key-close? key) (runwildseq wild-edge-value)]
[else wild-edge-value]))))
;; (Option (HashTable (U Sigma Wildcard) Matcher)) Sigma Matcher -> Matcher
;; Updates (installs or removes) a continuation in the Matcher r. r
;; must be either #f or a hashtable matcher. key MUST NOT be ?.
;; Preserves invariant that a key is never added if its continuation
;; is the same as the wildcard's continuation (which is implicitly #f
;; if absent, of course).
(define (rupdate r0 key k)
(when (eq? key ?) (error 'rupdate "Internal error: supplied wildcard as key"))
(define r (or r0 (hash)))
(if (matcher-empty? k)
(hash-remove (or r (hash)) key)
(hash-set (or r (hash)) key k))))
(let ((old-wild (hash-ref r ? (lambda () #f))))
(if (cond [(key-open? key)
(if (wildcard-sequence? k)
(requal? (wildcard-sequence-matcher k) old-wild)
(matcher-empty? k))]
[(key-close? key)
(if (wildcard-sequence? old-wild)
(requal? (wildcard-sequence-matcher old-wild) k)
(matcher-empty? k))]
(requal? k old-wild)])
(hash-remove r key)
(hash-set r key k)))))
;; Hash -> Matcher
;; If the argument is empty, returns the canonical empty matcher;
;; otherwise, returns the argument.
;; otherwise, (canonicalizes and) returns the argument.
(define (empty-hash-guard h)
(and (positive? (hash-count h)) (canonicalize h)))
@ -291,182 +325,90 @@
;; Matcher Matcher -> Matcher
;; Computes the union of the multimaps passed in.
(define matcher-union
(let ()
(define (walk re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) r]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess ((matcher-union-successes) v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w (walk (rlookup h1 ?) (rlookup h2 ?)))
(if w (walk/wildcard w h1 h2) (walk/no-wildcard h1 h2))]))
(define (walk/wildcard w h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))]
[(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1) (hash-keys h2)) ?))]
(define k (walk (rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc
[(key-open? key) (walk (rwildseq w) k)]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(walk (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k)
[else (walk w k)]))))
(define (walk/no-wildcard h1 h2)
(define-values (walk-fn smaller-h larger-h)
(if (< (hash-count h1) (hash-count h2))
(values walk h1 h2)
(values (flip walk) h2 h1)))
(for/fold [(acc larger-h)] [((key k1) (in-hash smaller-h))]
(rupdate acc key (walk-fn k1 (rlookup larger-h key)))))
(define (matcher-union re1 re2)
(matcher-recurse re1
;; (A B -> C) -> A B -> B A -> C
(define ((flip f) a b) (f b a))
;; Matcher Matcher -> Matcher
;; Computes the intersection of the multimaps passed in.
(define matcher-intersect
(let ()
;; INVARIANT: re1 is a part of the original re1, and likewise for
;; re2. This is so that the first arg to combine-success-values
;; always comes from re1, and the second from re2.
(define (walk re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess ((matcher-intersect-successes) v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
(define w (and w1 w2 (walk w1 w2)))
(define (examine-key acc key)
(rupdate acc
(match* ((rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key))
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f k2) (walk-wild walk w1 key k2)]
[(k1 #f) (walk-wild (flip walk) w2 key k1)]
[(k1 k2) (walk k1 k2)])))
;; If, say, w1 is #f, then we don't need to examine
;; every key in h2. So there are four cases:
;; - both false -> examine the intersection of the key sets
;; (done by enumerating keys in the smaller hash)
;; - one nonfalse -> examine only the keys in the other
;; - both nonfalse -> examine the union of the key sets
;; This is important for avoiding examination of the whole
;; structure when wildcards aren't being used.
(match* (w1 w2)
[(#f #f) (for/fold [(acc #f)] [(key (in-hash-keys (smaller-hash h1 h2)))]
(examine-key acc key))]
[(#f _) (for/fold [(acc #f)] [(key (in-hash-keys h1))] (examine-key acc key))]
[(_ #f) (for/fold [(acc #f)] [(key (in-hash-keys h2))] (examine-key acc key))]
[(_ _) (for/fold [(acc (rwild w))] [(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1)
(hash-keys h2))
(examine-key acc key))])]))
(define (walk-wild walk-fn w key k)
(and w (cond
[(key-open? key) (walk-fn (rwildseq w) k)]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(walk-fn (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k)
[else (walk-fn w k)])))
(lambda (re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) #f]
[(r #f) #f]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))))
(define (matcher-intersect re1 re2)
(matcher-recurse re1
(lambda (r) #f)
(lambda (r) #f)
(lambda (h) #f)
(lambda (h) #f)))
;; Matcher Matcher -> Matcher
;; Removes re2's mappings from re1.
;; The combine-successes function should return #f to signal "no remaining success values".
(define (matcher-subtract original1 original2)
(let ()
(define (cofinite-pattern)
(error 'matcher-subtract "Cofinite pattern required subtracting:\n ~a\nfrom ~a"
(matcher->pretty-string original2 #:indent 5)
(matcher->pretty-string original1 #:indent 5)))
(define (walk r1 r2)
(match* (r1 r2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(r #f) r]
[(#f r) (cofinite-pattern)]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess ((matcher-subtract-successes) v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
(define w (walk w1 w2))
(define (examine-key acc key)
(define updated-k (match* ((rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key))
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f k2) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(k1 #f) (walk-wild key k1 w2)]
[(k1 k2) (walk k1 k2)]))
;; Here we ensure a "minimal" remainder in cases where
;; after an erasure, a particular key's continuation is the
;; same as the wildcard's continuation.
[(key-open? key)
(if (and (wildcard-sequence? updated-k)
(requal? (wildcard-sequence-matcher updated-k) w))
(rupdate acc key #f)
(rupdate acc key updated-k))]
[(key-close? key)
;; We will check whether this can be removed later, in collapse-wildcard-sequences.
(rupdate acc key updated-k)]
(rupdate acc key (if (requal? updated-k w) #f updated-k))]))
;; We only need to examine all keys of h1 if w2 nonfalse.
(define (matcher-subtract re1 re2)
(matcher-recurse re1
(lambda (r) #f)
(lambda (h) #f)
(define (matcher-recurse re1 re2 f vf left-false right-false right-base left-base)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) (left-false r)]
[(r #f) (right-false r)]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (f r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (f (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (f r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess (vf v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2)) (fold-over-keys h1 h2 f (left-base h1) (right-base h2))]))
(define (fold-over-keys h1 h2 f left-base right-base)
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ? #f))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ? #f))
(if w2
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))] [(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1)
(hash-keys h2))
(examine-key acc key))
(for/fold [(acc h1)] [(key (in-hash-keys h2))]
(examine-key acc key))))]))
(define (walk-wild key k w)
(if w
[(key-open? key) (walk k (rwildseq w))]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(walk k (wildcard-sequence-matcher w))
[else (walk k w)])
(walk original1 original2)))
[(and w1 w2)
(for/fold [(acc (rwild (f w1 w2)))]
[(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1) (hash-keys h2)) ?))]
(rupdate acc key (f (rlookup h1 key w1) (rlookup h2 key w2))))]
(for/fold [(acc left-base)] [(key (in-hash-keys h2))]
(rupdate acc key (f (rlookup h1 key w1) (rlookup h2 key w2))))]
(for/fold [(acc right-base)] [(key (in-hash-keys h1))]
(rupdate acc key (f (rlookup h1 key w1) (rlookup h2 key w2))))]
[(< (hash-count h1) (hash-count h2))
(for/fold [(acc right-base)] [(key (in-hash-keys h1))]
(rupdate acc key (f (rlookup h1 key w1) (rlookup h2 key w2))))]
(for/fold [(acc left-base)] [(key (in-hash-keys h2))]
(rupdate acc key (f (rlookup h1 key w1) (rlookup h2 key w2))))])))
;; Matcher -> Matcher
;; Checks for redundant branches in its argument: when a matcher
;; contains only entries for (EOS -> (wildcard-sequence m')) and
;; (★ -> (wildcard-sequence m')), it is equivalent to
;; (wildcard-sequence m') itself. This is in a way the inverse of
;; When a matcher contains only entries for (EOS -> m') and (★ ->
;; (wildcard-sequence m')), it is equivalent to (wildcard-sequence m')
;; itself. Also, if it's just (★ -> (wildcard-sequence m')), that's
;; equivalent to (wildcard-sequence m'). This is nearly the inverse of
;; expand-wildseq.
(define (collapse-wildcard-sequences m)
(match m
[(? hash? h)
(define w (rlookup h ?))
(if (and (wildcard-sequence? w)
(= (hash-count h) 2))
(match (set->list (set-remove (hash-keys h) ?))
[(list (? key-close? other-key))
(define k (rlookup h other-key))
(if (requal? k (wildcard-sequence-matcher w))
[_ h])
[other other]))
[(hash-table ((== ?) (and w (wildcard-sequence wk)))
((? key-close?) k))
(if (requal? k wk) w m)]
[(hash-table ((== ?) (and w (wildcard-sequence wk))))
[_ m]))
;; Sigma -> Boolean
;; True iff k represents the start of a compound datum.
@ -482,17 +424,9 @@
;; Matcher -> Matcher
;; Unrolls the implicit recursion in a wildcard-sequence.
;; Exploits the fact that (rwildseq r) === (matcher-union (rwild (rwildseq r)) (rseq EOS r)).
(define (expand-wildseq r)
(matcher-union (rwild (rwildseq r))
(rseq EOS r)))
;; Hashtable Hashtable -> Hashtable
;; Returns the smaller of its arguments.
(define (smaller-hash h1 h2)
(if (< (hash-count h1) (hash-count h2))
(canonicalize (hash ? (rwildseq r)
EOS r)))
;; Matching single keys into a multimap
@ -512,14 +446,9 @@
;; Matcher, returns the values contained in the success Matcher;
;; otherwise, returns failure-result.
(define (matcher-match-value r v [failure-result (set)])
(if (matcher-empty? r)
(let walk ((vs (list v)) (stack '(())) (r r))
(define (walk-wild vs stack)
(match (rlookup r ?)
[#f failure-result]
[k (walk vs stack k)]))
(match r
[#f failure-result]
[(wildcard-sequence k)
(match stack
['() failure-result]
@ -530,32 +459,33 @@
[(? hash?)
(define (get key) (hash-ref r key (lambda () #f)))
(match vs
(match stack
['() failure-result]
[(cons rest stack1)
(match (rlookup r EOS)
[#f failure-result]
[k (walk rest stack1 k)])])]
(walk rest stack1 (rlookup r EOS (get ?)))])]
[(cons (== ?) rest)
(error 'matcher-match-value "Cannot match wildcard as a value")]
[(cons '() rest)
(match (get SOL)
[#f (walk rest stack (get ?))]
[k (walk '() (cons rest stack) k)])]
[(cons (cons v1 v2) rest)
(match (rlookup r SOL)
[#f (walk-wild rest stack)]
(match (get SOL)
[#f (walk rest stack (get ?))]
[k (walk (cons v1 (transform-list-value v2)) (cons rest stack) k)])]
[(cons (vector vv ...) rest)
(match (rlookup r SOV)
[#f (walk-wild rest stack)]
(match (get SOV)
[#f (walk rest stack (get ?))]
[k (walk vv (cons rest stack) k)])]
[(cons (? non-object-struct? s) rest)
(match (rlookup r (struct->struct-type s))
[#f (walk-wild rest stack)]
(match (get (struct->struct-type s))
[#f (walk rest stack (get ?))]
[k (walk (cdr (vector->list (struct->vector s))) (cons rest stack) k)])]
[(cons v rest)
(match (rlookup r v)
[#f (walk-wild rest stack)]
[k (walk rest stack k)])])]))))
(walk rest stack (rlookup r v (get ?)))])])))
;; Matcher Matcher -> Value
@ -563,47 +493,27 @@
;; accepts a Matcher serving as *multiple* simultaneously-examined
;; keys. Returns the union of all successful values reached by the
;; probe.
(define matcher-match-matcher
(let ()
(define (walk re1 re2 acc)
(define (matcher-match-matcher re1 re2)
(let walk ((re1 re1) (re2 re2) (acc (matcher-match-matcher-unit)))
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f _) acc]
[(_ #f) acc]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 r2 acc)]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2 acc)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2) acc)]
[((success v1) (success v2)) ((matcher-match-matcher-successes) v1 v2 acc)]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
(define r (if (and w1 w2)
(walk w1 w2 acc)
(define (examine-key r key)
(match* ((rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key))
[(#f #f) r]
[(#f k2) (walk-wild walk w1 key k2 r)]
[(k1 #f) (walk-wild (lambda (re2 re1 acc) (walk re1 re2 acc)) w2 key k1 r)]
[(k1 k2) (walk k1 k2 r)]))
;; We optimize as described in matcher-intersect.
(match* (w1 w2)
[(#f #f) (for/fold [(r r)] [(key (in-hash-keys (smaller-hash h1 h2)))] (examine-key r key))]
[(#f _) (for/fold [(r r)] [(key (in-hash-keys h1))] (examine-key r key))]
[(_ #f) (for/fold [(r r)] [(key (in-hash-keys h2))] (examine-key r key))]
[(_ _) (for/fold [(r r)] [(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1) (hash-keys h2)) ?))]
(examine-key r key))])]))
(define (walk-wild walker w key k acc)
(if w
[(key-open? key) (walker (rwildseq w) k acc)]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(walker (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k acc)
[else (walker w k acc)])
(lambda (re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) (matcher-match-matcher-unit)]
[(r #f) (matcher-match-matcher-unit)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2 (matcher-match-matcher-unit))]))))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ? #f))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ? #f))
(define r (walk w1 w2 acc))
(for/fold [(r r)]
[(key (cond
[(and w1 w2) (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1) (hash-keys h2)) ?)]
[w1 (hash-keys h2)]
[w2 (hash-keys h1)]
[(< (hash-count h1) (hash-count h2)) (hash-keys h1)]
[else (hash-keys h2)]))]
(walk (rlookup h1 key w1) (rlookup h2 key w2) r))])))
;; Matcher × (Value → Matcher) → Matcher
;; Since Matchers accept *sequences* of input values, this appends two
@ -617,7 +527,8 @@
[#f #f]
[(success v) (error 'matcher-append "Ill-formed matcher: ~v" m0)]
[(wildcard-sequence m1) (rwildseq (walk m1))]
[(? hash?) (for/fold [(acc #f)] [((k v) (in-hash m))]
[(? hash?) (for/fold [(acc (rwild (walk (rlookup m ? #f))))]
[((k v) (in-hash m)) #:when (not (eq? k ?))]
(if (and (key-close? k) (success? v))
(matcher-union acc (m-tail-fn (success-value v)))
(rupdate acc k (walk v))))])))
@ -630,7 +541,9 @@
[#f #f]
[(success v) (rsuccess (f v))]
[(wildcard-sequence m1) (rwildseq (walk m1))]
[(? hash?) (for/fold [(acc #f)] [((k v) (in-hash m))] (rupdate acc k (walk v)))])))
[(? hash?) (for/fold [(acc (rwild (walk (rlookup m ? #f))))]
[((k v) (in-hash m)) #:when (not (eq? k ?))]
(rupdate acc k (walk v)))])))
;; Projection
@ -711,7 +624,7 @@
(match m
[(wildcard-sequence _) (add-wild (walk m k))]
[(? hash?)
(for/fold [(acc (add-wild (walk (rlookup m ?) k)))] [((key mk) (in-hash m))]
(for/fold [(acc (add-wild (walk (rlookup m ? #f) k)))] [((key mk) (in-hash m))]
(if (eq? key ?)
(add-edge acc key (cond
@ -728,12 +641,7 @@
[(key-open? sigma) (walk (rwildseq m) k)]
[(key-close? sigma) (walk mk k)]
[else (walk m k)])]
[(? hash?)
(matcher-union (walk (rlookup m sigma) k)
[(key-open? sigma) (walk (rwildseq (rlookup m ?)) k)]
[(key-close? sigma) #f]
[else (walk (rlookup m ?) k)]))]
[(? hash?) (walk (rlookup m sigma (rlookup m ? #f)) k)]
[_ (matcher-empty)]))])))
(define (general-balanced add-wildseq add-wild add-edge m k)
@ -741,7 +649,7 @@
(match m
[(wildcard-sequence mk) (add-wildseq (k mk))]
[(? hash?)
(for/fold [(acc (add-wild (walk (rlookup m ?) k)))] [((key mk) (in-hash m))]
(for/fold [(acc (add-wild (walk (rlookup m ? #f) k)))] [((key mk) (in-hash m))]
(if (eq? key ?)
(add-edge acc key (cond
@ -847,7 +755,7 @@
(d "::: no further matches possible")]
[(wildcard-sequence k)
(d " ...>")
(walk (+ i 4) k)]
(walk (+ i 5) k)]
[(success vs)
(d "{")
(d vs)
@ -1076,6 +984,9 @@
(matcher-union (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty) ps)
(pattern->matcher S+ (list 'Z (list ? '- ?)))))
(printf "Plain bigdemo\n")
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (bigdemo)))
@ -1088,7 +999,6 @@
(list 'Z 'x) "Z"
(list 'Z (list)) "Z"
(list 'Z (list '-)) "Z"
(list 'Z (list '-)) "Z"
(list 'Z (list '- '-)) "Z"
(list 'Z (list '- '- '-)) "Z+"
(list 'Z (list '- '- '- '-)) "Z"
@ -1106,9 +1016,15 @@
;; (list 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'a) ""
;; 3 "")
(printf "bigdemo with matcher-intersect 'a -> SA | 'b -> SB\n")
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'b)))))
(printf "various unions and intersections\n")
(let ((r1 (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list ? 'b))
(pattern->matcher SA (list ? 'c))))
(r2 (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SB (list 'a ?))
@ -1121,7 +1037,18 @@
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect r2 r2))
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'm 'n)))))
(printf "bigdemo with matcher-intersect ('m 'n) -> SX\n")
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'm 'n))))
(list 'm '-) ""
(list 'm 'n) "mX"
(list 'x '-) ""
(list 'x 'n) "")
(printf "bigdemo with matcher-intersect ('Z ?) -> SX\n")
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'Z ?))))
@ -1134,7 +1061,6 @@
(list 'Z 'x) "XZ"
(list 'Z (list)) "XZ"
(list 'Z (list '-)) "XZ"
(list 'Z (list '-)) "XZ"
(list 'Z (list '- '-)) "XZ"
(list 'Z (list '- '- '-)) "XZ+"
(list 'Z (list '- '- '- '-)) "XZ"
@ -1142,6 +1068,9 @@
(list 'Z '((()) - -)) "XZ+"
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(printf "bigdemo with matcher-intersect ('Z ?) -> SX and changed success function\n")
(pretty-print-matcher* (parameterize ((matcher-intersect-successes (lambda (a b) b)))
(matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'Z ?)))))
@ -1154,7 +1083,6 @@
(list 'Z 'x) "X"
(list 'Z (list)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '-)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '-)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '- '-)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '- '- '-)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '- '- '- '-)) "X"
@ -1162,6 +1090,9 @@
(list 'Z '((()) - -)) "X"
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(printf "bigdemo with matcher-intersect ? -> SX and changed success function\n")
(pretty-print-matcher* (parameterize ((matcher-intersect-successes (lambda (a b) b)))
(matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX ?))))
@ -1174,7 +1105,6 @@
(list 'Z 'x) "X"
(list 'Z (list)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '-)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '-)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '- '-)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '- '- '-)) "X"
(list 'Z (list '- '- '- '-)) "X"
@ -1182,6 +1112,9 @@
(list 'Z '((()) - -)) "X"
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(printf "subtraction basics\n")
(let* ((r1 (pattern->matcher SA (list ? 'b)))
(r2 (pattern->matcher SB (list 'a ?)))
(r12 (matcher-union r1 r2)))
@ -1201,6 +1134,7 @@
(pretty-print-matcher* r12)
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-subtract r12 r1))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-subtract r12 r2))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-subtract r12 (pattern->matcher SA ?)))
@ -1221,7 +1155,7 @@
[(list r) r]
[(cons e xs1) (rseq e (walk xs1))])))
(define (check-requal? actual expected)
(define-syntax-rule (check-requal? actual expected)
(check-eq? actual expected))
(check-requal? (intersect ? ?) (rwild EAB))
@ -1456,6 +1390,9 @@
(module+ test
(printf "Checking that subtraction from union is identity-like\n")
(let ((A (pattern->matcher SA ?))
(B (pattern->matcher SB (list (list (list (list 'foo)))))))
(check-requal? (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-subtract (matcher-union A B) B))
@ -1501,3 +1438,14 @@
(list (embedded-matcher (pattern->matcher SB (list 1 2)))
(embedded-matcher (pattern->matcher SC (list 3 4))))))
(pattern->matcher SA (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4)))))
(module+ test
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-union (rwild (rsuccess SA))
(rseq-multi ? (rsuccess SB)
3 (rsuccess SC))))))
(module+ test
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA ?)
(pattern->matcher SB (list ? '- ?))))))