Initial hacking on the documentation to make it untyped only.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-08-06 17:20:42 -07:00
parent da7851d451
commit 391243e3cb
5 changed files with 74 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -82,8 +82,9 @@ actions the process wishes to perform. See @secref{Actions} for the
possible actions a process can take.
Note that the result of an event handler function is actually a
@racket[Transition] structure; the actual Typed Racket type of event
handlers is @racket[TrapK], defined in @secref{handler-functions}.
@racket[transition] structure containing a new state and a sequence of
actions, rather than the explicit pair shown in the approximate type
above. See @secref{handler-functions} for more on handler functions.
@section{What is a VM?}

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@ -34,10 +34,9 @@ the subscription at the meta-level as well.
This module is only available for use by untyped Racket processes. It
is included by default in programs using @tt{#lang marketplace}; see
@secref{hashlang-variations} for information on other language
This module is included by default in programs using @tt{#lang
marketplace}; see @secref{hashlang-variations} for information on
other language variants.
@defproc[(tcp-driver) Spawn]{
@ -57,9 +56,9 @@ A pre-made @racket[spawn] action equivalent to @racket[(tcp-driver)].
@subsection{TCP channels}
@defstruct*[tcp-channel ([source TcpAddress]
[destination TcpAddress]
[subpacket TcpSubPacket]) #:prefab]{
@defstruct*[tcp-channel ([source (or/c tcp-address? tcp-handle? tcp-listener?)]
[destination (or/c tcp-address? tcp-handle? tcp-listener?)]
[subpacket (or/c eof-object? bytes?)]) #:prefab]{
A TCP channel represents a section of a unidirectional TCP flow
appearing on our local "subnet" of the full TCP network, complete with
@ -67,10 +66,6 @@ source, destination and subpacket. Each TCP connection has two such
flows: one inbound (remote-to-local) bytestream, and one outbound
(local-to-remote) bytestream.
@deftype[TcpSubPacket (or/c eof-object? bytes?)]{
Packets carried by @racket[tcp-channel] structures are either
end-of-file objects or raw binary data represented as Racket byte
@ -79,8 +74,6 @@ vectors.
@subsection{TCP addresses}
@deftype[TcpAddress (or/c tcp-address? tcp-handle? tcp-listener?)]{
A TCP address describes one end of a TCP connection. It can be either
@ -89,8 +82,6 @@ A TCP address describes one end of a TCP connection. It can be either
@item{a @racket[tcp-listener], representing a local socket on a user-assigned port.}
@defstruct*[tcp-address ([host string?]
[port (integer-in 0 65535)]) #:prefab]{
@ -109,7 +100,7 @@ a local name for whichever underlying port number ends up being used.
The @racket[id] must be chosen carefully: it is scoped to the local
VM, i.e. shared between processes in that VM, so processes must make
sure not to accidentally clash in handle ID selection. They are also
used in TcpChannel to mean a specific @emph{instance} of a TCP
used in @racket[tcp-channel] to mean a specific @emph{instance} of a TCP
connection, so if you are likely to want to reconnect individual
flows, use different values for @racket[id].
@ -203,14 +194,14 @@ where, as for receiving data, the @racket[subpacket] is either
Not yet documented.
@section{timer (typed and untyped)}
For examples of the use of the timer driver, see uses of
@racket[set-timer] and @racket[timer-expired] in
Marketplace-based DNS resolver}.
@section{udp (typed and untyped)}
For examples of the use of the UDP driver, see uses of
@racket[udp-packet] etc. in

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@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ interface} of a Unix-like operating system.
@ -31,28 +29,19 @@ actions spawn application processes and nested VMs, which in turn
subscribe to sources of events from the outside world.
At present, there's just @tt{#lang marketplace}. In future, there will
be a variation for Typed Racket, and languages providing greater
support for flow control, responsibility transfer, and other
networking concepts. For now, Typed Racket programs must be written as
@tt{#lang typed/racket} programs using @racket[(require marketplace)]
and @racket[ground-vm:] explicitly.
be languages providing greater support for flow control,
responsibility transfer, and other networking concepts.
@item{@racket[marketplace] is for @emph{untyped} programs, and uses
@item{@racket[marketplace] is for ordinary Racket programs, and uses
the @secref{tcp-bare} TCP driver;}
@item{@racket[marketplace/flow-control] is like
@racket[marketplace], but uses the flow-controlled @secref{tcp}
@item{@racket[marketplace/typed] is like @racket[marketplace], but
for @emph{typed} programs;}
@item{@racket[marketplace/typed/flow-control] is like
@racket[marketplace/flow-control], but for typed programs.}
@ -65,7 +54,7 @@ Instead of using Racket's @tt{#lang} feature, ordinary Racket programs
can use Marketplace features by requiring Marketplace modules
Such programs need to use @racket[ground-vm]/@racket[ground-vm:] to
Such programs need to use @racket[ground-vm] to
start the ground-level VM explicitly. They also need to explicitly
start any drivers they need; for example, the file
@filepath{examples/echo-plain.rkt} uses @racket[ground-vm] along with
@ -78,27 +67,20 @@ start any drivers they need; for example, the file
(on-presence (spawn (echoer from to))))))
@defform[(ground-vm maybe-boot-pid-binding maybe-initial-state initial-action ...)]
@defform[(ground-vm: maybe-boot-pid-binding maybe-typed-initial-state initial-action ...)
@defform[(ground-vm maybe-boot-pid-binding maybe-initial-state initial-action ...)
[(maybe-boot-pid-binding (code:line)
(code:line #:boot-pid id))
(maybe-initial-state (code:line)
(code:line #:initial-state expr))
(maybe-typed-initial-state (code:line)
(code:line #:initial-state expr : type))
(initial-action expr)]]
(initial-action expr)]]{
Starts the ground VM, in untyped and typed programs, respectively. If
@racket[#:boot-pid] is specified, the given identifier is bound within
the form to the PID of the @emph{primordial process} that performs the
initial actions. If @racket[#:initial-state] is specified (with a
type, for @racket[ground-vm:]), it is used as the initial state for
the primordial process; if it is not supplied, the primordial process
is given @racket[(void)] as its initial state (and @racket[Void] as
its state type).
Starts the ground VM. If @racket[#:boot-pid] is specified, the given
identifier is bound within the form to the PID of the @emph{primordial
process} that performs the initial actions. If
@racket[#:initial-state] is specified, it is used as the initial state
for the primordial process; if it is not supplied, the primordial
process is given @racket[(void)] as its initial state.
@ -109,32 +91,24 @@ its state type).
@defform[(transition new-state action-tree ...)]
@defform[(transition: new-state : State action-tree ...)]
@defform[(transition/no-state action-tree ...)]
Each of these forms produces a @racket[Transition] structure. The
first is for untyped code, the second for typed code (where the
mandatory @racket[State] is the type of the transitioning process's
private state), and the third for either.
Each of these forms produces a @racket[transition] structure.
Each @racket[action-tree] must be an @racket[(ActionTree State)].
It's fine to include @emph{no} action-trees, in which case the
Each @racket[action-tree] must be an @tech{action tree}.
It's fine to include @emph{no} action trees, in which case the
transition merely updates the state of the process without taking any
In the case of @racket[transition/no-state], the type @racket[Void]
and value @racket[(void)] is used for the process state.
@racket[transition/no-state] is useful for processes that are
stateless other than the implicit state of their endpoints.
In the case of @racket[transition/no-state], the value @racket[(void)]
is used for the process state. @racket[transition/no-state] is useful
for processes that are stateless other than the implicit state of
their endpoints.
@defstruct*[transition ([state State] [actions (ActionTree State)]) #:transparent]
@deftype[(Transition State) (transition State)]
@defstruct*[transition ([state State] [actions action-tree?]) #:transparent]{
A transition structure. The @racket[transition-state] field is the new
private state the process will have after the transition is applied,
@ -143,16 +117,23 @@ performed by the VM in order to apply the transition.
@deftype[(ActionTree State) (Constreeof (Action State))]
@deftype[(Constreeof X) (Rec CT (U X (Pairof CT CT) False Void Null))]
@defproc[(action-tree? [value any/c]) boolean?]{
An action-tree is a @deftech{cons-tree} of @racket[Action]s. When
performing actions, a VM will traverse an action-tree in left-to-right
Predicate that recognises an @deftech{action tree}. An action tree is
@racket['()], @racket[(void)], and @racket[#f] may also be present in
@item{a pair of action trees; or}
@item{an @tech{action}.}
When performing actions, a VM will traverse an action-tree in
left-to-right order.
@racket['()], @racket[(void)], and @racket[#f] may be present in
action-trees: when the VM reaches such a value, it ignores it and
continues with the next leaf in the tree.
@ -194,10 +175,9 @@ at all" in a transition:
@defproc[(sequence-actions [initial-transition (Transition State)]
[item (U (ActionTree State)
(State -> (Transition State)))]
...) (Transition State)]{
@defproc[(sequence-actions [initial-transition transition?]
[item (or/c action-tree? (any/c -> transition?))]
...) transition?]{
Returns a transition formed from the @racket[initial-transition]
extended with new actions, possibly updating its carried state. Each
@ -238,44 +218,30 @@ collection of macros helps streamline endpoint setup.
@defform[(publisher topic handler ...)]
@defform[(publisher: State topic handler ...)]
@defform[(subscriber topic handler ...)]
@defform[(subscriber: State topic handler ...)]
@defform[(observe-subscribers topic handler ...)]
@defform[(observe-subscribers: State topic handler ...)]
@defform[(observe-publishers topic handler ...)]
@defform[(observe-publishers: State topic handler ...)]
@defform[(observe-subscribers/everything topic handler ...)]
@defform[(observe-subscribers/everything: State topic handler ...)]
@defform[(observe-publishers/everything topic handler ...)]
@defform[(observe-publishers/everything: State topic handler ...)]
@defform[(build-endpoint pre-eid role handler ...)]
@defform[(build-endpoint: State pre-eid role handler ...)]
The many variations on the core
@racket[build-endpoint]/@racket[build-endpoint:] form exist to give
@racket[build-endpoint] form exist to give
good control over @racket[InterestType] in the endpoint under
see @secref{participating-vs-observing}.
Almost everything is optional in an endpoint definition. The only
mandatory part is the topic, unless you're using Typed Racket, in
which case the process state type must also be specified.
mandatory part is the topic.
For example, a minimal endpoint subscribing to all messages would be:
@racketblock[(subscriber ?)]
or in Typed Racket, for a process with @racket[Integer] as its process
state type,
@racketblock[(subscriber: Integer ?)]
A minimal publishing endpoint would be:
@racketblock[(publisher ?)
(publisher: Integer ?)]
@racketblock[(publisher ?)]
While topic patterns are ordinary Racket data with embedded @racket[?]
wildcards (see @secref{messages-and-topics}), all the other patterns
@ -313,7 +279,7 @@ the wrapped handlers are expected to return
@seclink["constructing-transitions"]{transition structures}.
If not, however, the handler expressions are expected to return plain
@tech{action tree}s.
This way, simple handlers that do not need to examine the process
state, and simply act in response to whichever event triggered them,
@ -476,9 +442,8 @@ dynamically:
@item{@racket[publisher] and @racket[subscriber] (and typed
variations ending in @tt{:}) are for ordinary @emph{participation} in
@item{@racket[publisher] and @racket[subscriber] are for ordinary
@emph{participation} in conversations;}
@item{@racket[observe-subscribers] and @racket[observe-publishers]
are for @emph{observing} conversations without participating in them; and}
@ -503,7 +468,7 @@ but as an observer, the code should declare the roles being observed.
Endpoint names can be used to @seclink["updating-endpoints"]{update}
or @seclink["deleting-endpoints"]{delete} endpoints.
@defproc[(name-endpoint [id Any] [add-endpoint-action AddEndpoint]) AddEndpoint]{
@defproc[(name-endpoint [id any/c] [add-endpoint-action AddEndpoint]) AddEndpoint]{
Returns a copy of the passed-in @racket[add-endpoint] action
structure, with the @racket[id] field set to the passed-in identifying
@ -565,15 +530,7 @@ Equivalent to @racket[(send-message body 'subscriber)].
@defform[(spawn maybe-pid-binding boot-expr)]
@defform[(spawn/continue maybe-pid-binding
#:parent parent-state-pattern k-expr
#:child boot-expr)]
@defform[#:literals (:)
(spawn: maybe-pid-binding
#:parent : ParentStateType
#:child : ChildStateType boot-expr)]
@defform[#:literals (:)
(spawn/continue: maybe-pid-binding
#:parent parent-state-pattern : ParentStateType k-expr
#:child : ChildStateType boot-expr)
#:child boot-expr)
[(maybe-pid-binding (code:line)
(code:line #:pid identifier))
@ -589,15 +546,11 @@ If @racket[#:pid] is supplied, the associated identifier is bound to
the child process's PID in both @racket[boot-expr] and the parent's
The @racket[spawn/continue] and @racket[spawn/continue:] variations
include a @racket[k-expr], which will run in the parent process after
the child process has been created. Note that @racket[k-expr] must
return a @racket[Transition], since @racket[parent-state-pattern] is
always supplied for these variations.
In Typed Racket, for type system reasons, @racket[spawn:] and
@racket[spawn/continue:] require @racket[ParentStateType] to be
supplied as well as @racket[ChildStateType].
The @racket[spawn/continue] variation includes a @racket[k-expr],
which will run in the parent process after the child process has been
created. Note that @racket[k-expr] must return a @racket[transition],
since @racket[parent-state-pattern] is always supplied for these
@ -634,11 +587,7 @@ itself.
@section{Cooperative scheduling}
@defform[(yield state-pattern k-expr)]
@defform[#:literals (:)
(yield: state-pattern : State k-expr)]
@defform[(yield state-pattern k-expr)]{
Lets other processes in the system run for a step, returning to
evaluate @racket[k-expr] only after doing a complete round of the
@ -646,22 +595,15 @@ scheduler.
The state of the yielding process will be matched against
@racket[state-pattern] when the process is resumed, and
@racket[k-expr] must evaluate to a @racket[Transition].
@racket[k-expr] must evaluate to a @racket[transition].
@section{Creating nested VMs}
@defform[(spawn-vm maybe-vm-pid-binding maybe-boot-pid-binding
boot-action-expr ...)]
@defform[#:literals (:)
(spawn-vm: : ParentStateType
maybe-vm-pid-binding maybe-boot-pid-binding
boot-action-expr ...)
[(maybe-vm-pid-binding (code:line)
@ -670,12 +612,9 @@ The state of the yielding process will be matched against
(code:line #:boot-pid identifier))
(maybe-initial-state (code:line)
(code:line #:initial-state expr))
(maybe-typed-initial-state (code:line)
(code:line #:initial-state expr : StateType))
(maybe-debug-name (code:line)
(code:line #:debug-name expr))
(boot-action-expr expr)]]
(boot-action-expr expr)]]{
Results in a @racket[spawn] action that starts a nested VM. The
primordial process in the new VM executes the boot-actions with the
@ -692,10 +631,7 @@ primordial process in the new VM.
@section{Relaying across layers}
@defform[(at-meta-level: StateType preaction ...)]
@defproc[(at-meta-level [preaction (PreAction State)] ...) (Action StateType)]
@defproc[(at-meta-level [preaction (PreAction State)] ...) (Action StateType)]{
Each VM gives its processes access to two distinct IPC facilities: the
@emph{internal} one, provided for the VM's processes to talk amongst
@ -704,9 +640,9 @@ itself is a process within.
Marketplace's actions can apply to either of those two networks. By
default, actions apply to the VM of the acting process directly, but
using @racket[at-meta-level] (or @racket[at-meta-level:] in typed
code) to wrap an action @emph{level-shifts} the action to make it
apply at the level of the acting process's VM's container instead.
using @racket[at-meta-level] to wrap an action @emph{level-shifts} the
action to make it apply at the level of the acting process's VM's
container instead.
For example, wrapping an @racket[endpoint] in @racket[at-meta-level]
adds a subscription to the VM's container's network. Instead of

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ interface} of a Unix-like operating system.
Each @deftech{handler function} is always associated with a particular
@tech{endpoint}, registered with the VM via
@racket[endpoint]/@racket[endpoint:]/@racket[add-endpoint]. A handler
@racket[endpoint]/@racket[add-endpoint]. A handler
function for a given process with state type @racket[State] has type:
@racketblock[(EndpointEvent -> State -> (Transition State))]

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@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ each @racket['publisher] message sent to the VM's network.
@section[#:tag "logging"]{logging (MARKETPLACE_LOG)}
@defform[#:kind "environment variable" #:id MARKETPLACE_LOG MARKETPLACE_LOG]{