Properly restrict SPKI SEXP display hints to octet strings

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-05-28 14:34:14 +01:00
parent a1c88f74bb
commit 1836cc51e9
4 changed files with 82 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ let make_queue_declare_ok info =
let send_delivery conn consumer_tag body_sexp =
match body_sexp with
| Sexp.Hint {Sexp.hint = Sexp.Str "amqp";
Sexp.body = Sexp.Arr [Sexp.Str exchange;
| Sexp.Arr [Sexp.Hint {Sexp.hint = "amqp"; Sexp.body = ""};
Sexp.Str exchange;
Sexp.Str routing_key;
Sexp.Str body_str]} ->
Sexp.Str body_str] ->
lwt tag = with_conn_mutex conn (fun () ->
let v = conn.delivery_tag in conn.delivery_tag <- v + 1; return v)
@ -344,11 +344,11 @@ let handle_method conn channel m =
(match_lwt' sink
(Sexp.Str name)
(Sexp.Hint {Sexp.hint = Sexp.Str "amqp";
Sexp.body = Sexp.Arr [Sexp.Str exchange;
(Sexp.Arr [Sexp.Hint {Sexp.hint = "amqp"; Sexp.body = ""};
Sexp.Str exchange;
Sexp.Str routing_key;
sexp_of_properties properties;
Sexp.Str body]})
Sexp.Str body])
(Sexp.Str "")
| true -> return ()

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@ -231,11 +231,16 @@ let sexp_of_bit x = if x then Str "1" else Str ""
let sexp_of_timestamp x = Str (Int64.to_string x)
let rec
sexp_of_table x = Hint {hint = Str "table";
body = Arr ( sexp_of_named_field (decoded_table x))}
and sexp_of_named_field (s, f) = Arr [Str s; sexp_of_unnamed_field f]
sexp_of_table x = Arr ((Hint {hint = "table"; body = ""}) ::
( sexp_of_named_field (decoded_table x)))
and sexp_of_named_field (s, f) =
let (t, v) = tag_val f in
Arr [Str s; t; v]
and sexp_of_unnamed_field f =
let h hs v = Hint {hint = Str hs; body = v} in
let (t, v) = tag_val f in
Arr [t; v]
and tag_val f =
let h hs v = (Str hs, v) in
match f with
| Table_bool true -> h "t" (Str "1")
| Table_bool false -> h "t" (Str "")
@ -252,11 +257,11 @@ and sexp_of_unnamed_field f =
| Table_decimal (scale, v) -> h "D" (Arr [Arr [Str "scale"; sexp_of_octet scale];
Arr [Str "value"; sexp_of_long v]])
| Table_short_string v -> h "s" (Str v)
| Table_string v -> Str v
| Table_string v -> h "S" (Str v)
| Table_array vs -> h "A" (Arr ( sexp_of_unnamed_field vs))
| Table_timestamp v -> h "T" (sexp_of_longlong v)
| Table_table t -> sexp_of_table t
| Table_void -> Arr []
| Table_table t -> h "F" (sexp_of_table t)
| Table_void -> h "V" (Arr [])
let table_of_list fs = { table_body = Decoded_table fs }
@ -281,41 +286,40 @@ let timestamp_of_sexp v = match v with Str x -> Int64.of_string x | _ -> reserve
let rec table_of_sexp v =
match v with
| Hint {hint = Str "table"; body = Arr field_sexps} ->
| Arr ((Hint {hint = "table"; body = ""}) :: field_sexps) ->
table_of_list ( named_sexp_field field_sexps)
| _ ->
table_of_list []
and named_sexp_field v =
match v with
| Arr [Str s; f] -> (s, field_of_sexp f)
| Arr [Str s; Str t; f] -> (s, untag_val (t, f))
| _ -> ("", Table_void)
and field_of_sexp v =
match v with
| Hint {hint = Str "t"; body = Str x} ->
Table_bool (x <> "")
| Hint {hint = Str "b"; body = v} ->
Table_signed_byte (unsigned_to_signed (octet_of_sexp v) 256)
| Hint {hint = Str "B"; body = v} ->
Table_unsigned_byte (octet_of_sexp v)
| Hint {hint = Str "U"; body = v} ->
Table_signed_short (unsigned_to_signed (short_of_sexp v) 65536)
| Hint {hint = Str "u"; body = v} ->
Table_unsigned_short (short_of_sexp v)
| Hint {hint = Str "I"; body = v} -> Table_signed_long (long_of_sexp v)
| Hint {hint = Str "i"; body = v} -> Table_unsigned_long (long_of_sexp v)
| Hint {hint = Str "L"; body = v} -> Table_signed_longlong (longlong_of_sexp v)
| Hint {hint = Str "l"; body = v} -> Table_unsigned_longlong (longlong_of_sexp v)
| Hint {hint = Str "f"; body = (Str v)} -> Table_float v
| Hint {hint = Str "d"; body = (Str v)} -> Table_double v
| Hint {hint = Str "D"; body = (Arr [Arr [Str "scale"; scale];
Arr [Str "value"; v]])} ->
| Arr [Str t; f] -> untag_val (t, f)
| _ -> Table_void
and untag_val (t, v) =
match (t, v) with
| ("t", Str x) -> Table_bool (x <> "")
| ("b", v) -> Table_signed_byte (unsigned_to_signed (octet_of_sexp v) 256)
| ("B", v) -> Table_unsigned_byte (octet_of_sexp v)
| ("U", v) -> Table_signed_short (unsigned_to_signed (short_of_sexp v) 65536)
| ("u", v) -> Table_unsigned_short (short_of_sexp v)
| ("I", v) -> Table_signed_long (long_of_sexp v)
| ("i", v) -> Table_unsigned_long (long_of_sexp v)
| ("L", v) -> Table_signed_longlong (longlong_of_sexp v)
| ("l", v) -> Table_unsigned_longlong (longlong_of_sexp v)
| ("f", Str v) -> Table_float v
| ("d", Str v) -> Table_double v
| ("D", Arr [Arr [Str "scale"; scale];
Arr [Str "value"; v]]) ->
Table_decimal (octet_of_sexp scale, long_of_sexp v)
| Hint {hint = Str "s"; body = (Str v)} -> Table_short_string v
| Str v -> Table_string v
| Hint {hint = Str "A"; body = Arr vs} -> Table_array ( field_of_sexp vs)
| Hint {hint = Str "T"; body = v} -> Table_timestamp (longlong_of_sexp v)
| Hint {hint = Str "table"; body = _} -> Table_table (table_of_sexp v)
| Arr [] -> Table_void
| ("s", Str v) -> Table_short_string v
| ("S", Str v) -> Table_string v
| ("A", Arr vs) -> Table_array ( field_of_sexp vs)
| ("T", v) -> Table_timestamp (longlong_of_sexp v)
| ("F", v) -> Table_table (table_of_sexp v)
| ("V", Arr []) -> Table_void
| _ -> Table_void
let field_lookup k def fs =

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ open Lwt_io
exception Syntax_error of string
type display_hint_t = {hint : t; body : t}
type display_hint_t = {hint : string; body : string}
and t =
| Str of string
| Hint of display_hint_t
@ -46,18 +46,22 @@ let intstr =
loop (n / 10) (i + 1))
in loop n 0
let generic_output_sexp write x =
let rec walk x =
match x with
| Str s ->
let write_simple_string write s =
lwt () = write (intstr (String.length s)) in
lwt () = write ":" in
write s
let generic_output_sexp write x =
let writestr = write_simple_string write in
let rec walk x =
match x with
| Str s ->
writestr s
| Hint {hint = h; body = b} ->
lwt () = write "[" in
lwt () = walk h in
lwt () = writestr h in
lwt () = write "]" in
walk b
writestr b
| Arr xs ->
lwt () = write "(" in
lwt () = Lwt_list.iter_s walk xs in
@ -72,17 +76,20 @@ let write_char_escaped ch c =
then write ch "\\\""
else write_char ch c
let rec output_sexp_human ch x =
match x with
| Str s ->
let write_simple_string_human ch s =
lwt () = write_char ch '\"' in
lwt () = write ch (String.escaped s) in
write_char ch '\"'
let rec output_sexp_human ch x =
match x with
| Str s ->
write_simple_string_human ch s
| Hint {hint = h; body = b} ->
lwt () = write_char ch '[' in
lwt () = output_sexp_human ch h in
lwt () = write_simple_string_human ch h in
lwt () = write_char ch ']' in
output_sexp_human ch b
write_simple_string_human ch b
| Arr xs ->
lwt () = write_char ch '(' in
lwt () =
@ -111,7 +118,7 @@ let syntax_error explanation = raise_lwt (Syntax_error explanation)
let input_sexp_outer input_char input_bytes =
let rec input_simple_string len =
match_lwt input_char () with
| ':' -> lwt bs = input_bytes len in return (Str bs)
| ':' -> lwt bs = input_bytes len in return bs
| b when char_numeric b -> input_simple_string (len * 10 + digit_val b)
| _ -> syntax_error "Bad simple-string length character"
@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ let input_sexp_outer input_char input_bytes =
| ']' -> lwt b = input_simple_string 0 in return (Some (Hint {hint = hint; body = b}))
| _ -> syntax_error "Missing close-bracket in display hint")
| b when char_numeric b ->
lwt s = input_simple_string (digit_val b) in return (Some s)
lwt s = input_simple_string (digit_val b) in return (Some (Str s))
| b when char_whitespace b ->
(* Convenience for testing *)
input_sexp_inner ()

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@ -2,29 +2,29 @@ open Sexp
let rec sexp_of_json j =
match j with
| Json.Num f -> Hint {hint = Str "num"; body = Str (Json.to_string j)}
| Json.Num f -> Hint {hint = "num"; body = Json.to_string j}
| Json.Str s -> Str s
| Json.Arr js -> Arr ( sexp_of_json js)
| Json.Rec kvs -> Hint {hint = Str "obj";
body = Arr ( (fun (k, v) -> Arr [Str k; sexp_of_json v]) kvs)}
| Json.Flg f -> Hint {hint = Str "bool"; body = Str (string_of_bool f)}
| Json.Nil -> Hint {hint = Str "null"; body = Arr []}
| Json.Rec kvs -> Arr ((Hint {hint = "obj"; body = ""}) ::
( (fun (k, v) -> Arr [Str k; sexp_of_json v]) kvs))
| Json.Flg f -> Hint {hint = "bool"; body = string_of_bool f}
| Json.Nil -> Hint {hint = "null"; body = ""}
let json_of_sexp x =
let rec walk x =
match x with
| Hint {hint = Str "num"; body = Str n} -> Json.Num (float_of_string n)
| Hint {hint = "num"; body = n} -> Json.Num (float_of_string n)
| Str s -> Json.Str s
| Arr xs -> Json.Arr ( walk xs)
| Hint {hint = Str "obj"; body = Arr kvs} ->
| Arr ((Hint {hint = "obj"; body = ""}) :: kvs) ->
Json.Rec (
(fun kv ->
(match kv with
| Arr [Str k; v] -> (k, walk v)
| _ -> raise (Syntax_error "Bad JSON-SEXP key-value")))
| Hint {hint = Str "bool"; body = Str bs} -> Json.Flg (bool_of_string bs)
| Hint {hint = Str "null"; body = Arr []} -> Json.Nil
| Hint {hint = h; body = b} -> Json.Rec ["_hint", walk h; "_body", walk b]
| Arr xs -> Json.Arr ( walk xs)
| Hint {hint = "bool"; body = bs} -> Json.Flg (bool_of_string bs)
| Hint {hint = "null"; body = ""} -> Json.Nil
| Hint {hint = h; body = b} -> Json.Rec ["_hint", Json.Str h; "_body", Json.Str b]
Lwt.wrap1 walk x