preserves-nim: 20230329 -> 20230504

This commit is contained in:
Emery Hemingway 2023-05-07 09:10:48 +01:00
parent ec9eba6a49
commit c9481a530f
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ let
npeg = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "zevv";
repo = "npeg";
rev = "0.26.0";
hash = "sha256-TONFgg0upLJuhsP9y+z+kYZp+m8/h36NK/VOK2h0Aw0=";
rev = "1.2.1";
hash = "sha256-kN91cp50ZL4INeRWqwrRK6CAkVXUq4rN4YlcN6WL/3Y=";
in buildNimPackage rec {
pname = "preserves";
version = "20230329";
version = "20230504";
src = fetchFromGitea {
domain = "";
owner = "ehmry";
repo = "${pname}-nim";
rev = version;
sha256 = "sha256-X3Yj3jY2h7FXSoDgdQsU07V+SVl+ed93eWzuvTg3TqU=";
sha256 = "sha256-uMdzGjbNSlhcbZN06xPMsi+DyqzeFVtGVfN+umTqgCA=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ compiler npeg ];