
24 lines
915 B

; Copied from ../syndicate-rs/syndicate-server/protocols/schemas/externalServices.prs
version 1 .
Exec = <exec @argv CommandLine @restartPolicy RestartPolicy> .
CommandLine = @shell string / @full FullCommandLine .
FullCommandLine = [@program string @args string ...] .
RestartPolicy =
/ ; Whether the process terminates normally or abnormally, restart it
; without affecting any peer processes within the service.
/ ; If the process terminates normally, leave everything alone; if it
; terminates abnormally, restart it without affecting peers.
@onError =on-error
/ ; If the process terminates normally, leave everything alone; if it
; terminates abnormally, restart the whole daemon (all processes
; within the daemon).
/ ; Treat both normal and abnormal termination as normal termination; that is, never restart,
; and enter state "complete" even if the process fails.