# How to use pmbootstrap Switching devices: pmbootstrap config device e.g. pmbootstrap config device pine64-pinephone pmbootstrap config device samsung-herolte pmbootstrap config device qemu-amd64 Building for Samsung Galaxy S7 (samsung-herolte): pmbootstrap install --android-recovery-zip Building for Pinephone (pine64-pinephone): pmbootstrap install --sdcard BLOCKDEV Building for qemu-amd64: pmbootstrap install pmbootstrap qemu # How to install on Samsung Galaxy S7 (See https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Installation_from_recovery_mode ) Reboot holding power + home + volup to enter the recovery. Choose Advanced, ADB sideload. Then run pmbootstrap flasher --method adb sideload # How to use RNDIS to connect via ssh over USB (See https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/USB_Network ) For pinephone, which *does* get a MAC address for the RNDIS device: sudo ip a del dev usb0 sudo ip a add dev usb0 sudo ip r add dev usb0 SSH_AUTH_SOCK= ssh user@ ... or, huh, just use DHCP to get an address from the phone! It turns out to work. The equivalent for samsung-herolte is similar but requires inventing a MAC address and assigning it at the link layer: sudo ip link set dev eth0 address 12:12:12:12:12:12 sudo ip a add dev eth0 sudo ip r add dev eth0 SSH_AUTH_SOCK= ssh user@ # How to set up WiFi on a running instance (See https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/WiFi) When you pick "none" UI, you get no nmcli *or* wpa_supplicant. Pick "console". Then you get both. sudo nmcli device wifi connect password ifname wlan0