
311 lines
9.8 KiB

import {
Value as PreservesValue,
} from '@syndicate-lang/core';
export type Input = PreservesValue<any>[] | string;
export type Token = number | boolean | string | symbol | Token[];
export type Value<V extends VM<V>> = PreservesValue<Closure<V> | Primitive<V>>;
export type Closure<V extends VM<V>> = { env: EnvironmentChain<V>, code: Token[] };
export type Primitive<V extends VM<V>> = (this: V, ... args: Value<V>[]) => Value<V>[];
export type EnvironmentChain<V extends VM<V>> = null | { rib: Environment<V>, next: EnvironmentChain<V> };
export type Environment<V extends VM<V>> = { [key: string]: Value<V> };
export type Frame<V extends VM<V>> = Closure<V> & { ip: number };
export class FuelCell {
fuel = 10000;
export class RuntimeError extends Error {}
export class FuelExhausted extends RuntimeError {}
export class StackUnderflow extends RuntimeError {}
export class TypeError extends RuntimeError {}
export class SyntaxError extends Error {}
export function asToken(x: PreservesValue<unknown>): Token {
switch (typeof x) {
case 'number':
case 'boolean':
case 'symbol':
case 'string':
return x;
case 'object':
if (Float.isFloat(x)) {
return x.value;
if (Array.isArray(x) && !Record.isRecord(x)) {
/* fall through */
throw new SyntaxError('Invalid program token: ' + stringify(x));
export class VM<Self extends VM<Self>> {
stack: Value<Self>[] = [];
rstack: Frame<Self>[] = [];
fuel = new FuelCell();
debug = false;
static parse(program: string): Token[] {
return new Reader(program).readToEnd().map(asToken);
constructor(program: Input, primitives: Environment<Self> = Primitives) {
const code = typeof program === 'string' ? VM.parse(program) :;
this.invoke({ env: { rib: primitives, next: null }, code });
push(... vs: Value<Self>[]) {
for (const v of vs) {
if (v === void 0 || v === null) {
throw new TypeError("Unexpected null/undefined");
pop(): Value<Self> {
const v = this.stack.pop();
if (v === void 0) throw new StackUnderflow("Stack underflow");
return v;
take(n: number): Value<Self>[] {
if (this.stack.length < n) {
throw new StackUnderflow("Stack underflow: need " +n+", have "+this.stack.length);
return n > 0 ? this.stack.splice(-n) : [];
invoke(c: Closure<Self> | Primitive<Self>) {
if (typeof c === 'function') {
this.push(... as unknown as Self, ... this.take(c.length)));
} else {
this.popToPending(); // tail calls
this.rstack.push({ env: { rib: {}, next: c.env }, code: c.code, ip: 0 });
apply(who: string, v: Value<Self>) {
if (isEmbedded(v)) {
return this.invoke(v.embeddedValue);
} else {
throw new TypeError('Got non-callable in `'+who+'`: ' + stringify(v));
popToPending(): boolean {
while (this.rstack.length > 0) {
if (this.frame.ip < this.frame.code.length) {
return true;
return false;
get frame(): Frame<Self> {
return this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1];
lookup(name: string): Value<Self> {
let env = this.frame.env;
while (env !== null) {
const v = env.rib[name];
if (v !== void 0) return v;
env =;
throw new Error("Unknown operator: " + name);
step(): boolean {
if (!this.popToPending()) return false;
if (this.fuel.fuel <= 0) throw new FuelExhausted("Fuel exhausted");
const op = this.frame.code[this.frame.ip++];
switch (typeof op) {
case 'number':
case 'boolean':
case 'string':
case 'symbol':
const v = this.lookup(op.description!);
if (isEmbedded(v)) {
} else {
case 'object':
this.push(closure(this.frame.env, op));
((_: never) => { throw new Error("Unhandled token: " + _); })(op);
return true;
nextToken<T extends Token>(who: string, f: ((v: Token) => v is T) = ((_v): _v is T => true)): T {
const t = this.frame.code[this.frame.ip++];
if (typeof t === 'undefined') throw new SyntaxError("Missing token after `"+who+"`");
if (!f(t)) throw new SyntaxError("Syntax error after `"+who+"`");
return t;
nextLiteralSymbol(who: string): symbol {
return this.nextToken(who, (v): v is symbol => typeof v === 'symbol');
exec() {
if (this.debug) {
while (this.step()) {
} else {
while (this.step()) {}
_summary(): string {
return `${this.rstack.length}: ${stringify(this.stack)}`;
export function primitiveEnvironment<V extends VM<V>>(
input: { [key: string]: Primitive<V> },
): Environment<V> {
const output: Environment<V> = {};
Object.entries(input).forEach(([k, f]) => {
f.toString = () => `#${k}`;
output[k] = embed(f);
return output;
export const D2R = Math.PI / 180;
export const Primitives: Environment<any> = primitiveEnvironment({
'+'(a, b) { return [(a as number) + (b as number)]; },
'-'(a, b) { return [(a as number) - (b as number)]; },
'*'(a, b) { return [(a as number) * (b as number)]; },
'/'(a, b) { return [(a as number) / (b as number)]; },
'%'(a, b) { return [(a as number) % (b as number)]; },
'neg'(v) { return [-(v as number)]; },
'cos'(n) { return [Math.cos(n as number * D2R)]; },
'sin'(n) { return [Math.sin(n as number * D2R)]; },
'tan'(n) { return [Math.tan(n as number * D2R)]; },
'to'() {
const n_or_ns = this.nextToken('to', (v: any): v is (symbol | symbol[]) => {
return typeof v === 'symbol' ||
(Array.isArray(v) && v.every(w => typeof w === 'symbol'));
const ns = Array.isArray(n_or_ns) ? n_or_ns : [n_or_ns];
const vs = this.take(ns.length);
const env = this.frame.env!;
ns.forEach((n, i) => env.rib[n.description!] = vs[i]);
return [];
'quote'() {
return [this.lookup(this.nextLiteralSymbol('quote').description!)];
'apply'(v) {
this.apply('apply', v);
return [];
'eq'(a, b) { return [is(a, b)]; },
'lt'(a, b) { return [(a as any) < (b as any)]; },
'gt'(a, b) { return [(a as any) > (b as any)]; },
'le'(a, b) { return [(a as any) <= (b as any)]; },
'ge'(a, b) { return [(a as any) >= (b as any)]; },
'swap'(v, w) { return [w, v]; },
'dup'(v) { return [v, v]; },
'over'(v, w) { return [v, w, v]; },
'rot'(v, w, x) { return [w, x, v]; },
'-rot'(v, w, x) { return [x, v, w]; },
'drop'(_v) { return []; },
'take'(n) { return [this.take(n as number)]; },
'++'(vs, ws) {
(vs as Value<any>[]).push(... (ws as Value<any>[]));
return [vs];
'!'(vs, w) {
(vs as Value<any>[]).push(w);
return [vs];
'?'(n, vs) { return [(vs as Value<any>[])[n as number]]; },
'length'(a) { return [(a as Value<any>[]).length]; },
'saveStack'() { return [this.take(this.stack.length)]; },
'restoreStack'(vs) { return (vs as Value<any>[]); },
'untake'(vs) { (vs as Value<any>[]).push((vs as Value<any>[]).length); return (vs as Value<any>[]); },
'not'(v) { return [!v]; },
'if'(v, t) { if (!!v) this.apply('if', t); return []; },
'ifelse'(v, t, f) { if (!!v) this.apply('ifelse', t); else this.apply('ifelse', f); return []; },
'*dump*'() { console.log(this._summary()); return []; },
function closure<V extends VM<V>>(env: EnvironmentChain<V>, code: Token[]): Value<V> {
return embed({ env, code, toString: () => `#<closure ${stringify(code)}>` });
function _code(s: string): Value<any> {
return closure({ rib: Primitives, next: null }, VM.parse(s));
Object.assign(Primitives, {
'prepend': _code('to [vs n] n take vs ++'),
'times': _code('dup 0 le [drop drop] [to [c n] c quote c n 1 - times] ifelse'),
'iota': _code('to [n] 0 [dup 1 +] n times take'),
'map': _code('to [vs f] 0 [dup vs ? f swap 1 + ] vs length times take'),
'flatMap': _code('to [vs f] 0 take 0 [dup vs ? f rot swap ++ swap 1 +] vs length times drop'),
'filter': _code('to [vs f] vs [dup f [1 take] [drop 0 take] ifelse] flatMap'),
// function R(s: string) {
// console.log('\n' + s);
// try {
// const vm = new VM(s);
// vm.exec();
// console.log(s, '-->', vm.stack);
// } catch (e) {
// console.error(s, '-/->', (e as Error).message);
// }
// }
// R('[dup 0 eq [drop] [dup 1 - x] ifelse] to x 5 x')
// R('[dup 0 eq [drop] [dup to v 1 - x v] ifelse] to x 5 x')
// R('[1 - dup 0 lt [drop] [dup x] ifelse] to x 5 x')
// R('[1 - dup 0 lt [drop] [dup to v x v] ifelse] to x 5 x')
// R('[3] 5 times');
// R('2 3 4 saveStack [2 *] map restoreStack');
// R('20 iota [dup 3 % 0 eq [1 take] [drop 0 take] ifelse] flatMap restoreStack');
// R('20 iota [3 % 0 eq] filter restoreStack');