ARG ALPINE_ARCH ARG DOCKER_ARCH FROM --platform=linux/${DOCKER_ARCH} synit-build:${ALPINE_ARCH} ARG http_proxy RUN http_proxy=${http_proxy} https_proxy=${http_proxy} apk add rustup openssl-dev # Running without proxy for now, to ensure reasonable freshness and consistency: # RUN http_proxy=${http_proxy} https_proxy=${http_proxy} rustup-init -y --default-toolchain nightly # RUN rustup-init -y --default-toolchain nightly ARG BUILD_USER ENV PATH=/home/${BUILD_USER}/.cargo/bin:$PATH # Prime the index RUN cargo search --limit 0 # Hack to workaround ENV CARGO_TARGET_AARCH64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_MUSL_RUSTFLAGS="-Zgcc-ld=lld"