version 1 . ; Definitions for the internal workings of the Hayes modem driver. ; Assertion. Declares presence of a modem. ModemPresent = . ; TODO not yet properly specified InternalProtocol = any . ; Message. Sent when the modem sends us a "URC", an Unsolicited Result Code. UnsolicitedResultCode = . ; Assertion. Asks the modem to execute the given command. ExecuteCommand = . ; Assertion. Describes the result of a command execution. CommandResult = . @> > > > > ]> Result = . MaybeString = @present string / @absent #f . MaybeStrings = @present [string ...] / @absent #f . ; Assertion. Describes an ongoing call. ActiveCall = . CallDirection = =mo / =mt . CallType = =voice / =data / =fax . NumberType = =unknown / =international / =national . CallState = =hold / =original / =connect / =incoming / =waiting / =end / =alerting . ; Message. Triggers call answering. AnswerCall = . ; Message. Triggers call rejection or disconnection. DisconnectCall = .