# Contributor: Tony Garnock-Jones # Maintainer: Tony Garnock-Jones pkgname=squeak-cog-vm pkgver=202112201228 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Squeak Spur Cog (JIT) Virtual Machine" url="https://opensmalltalk.org/" arch="all" license="MIT" depends="" makedepends="git bash linux-headers alsa-lib-dev openssl-dev libevdev-dev mesa-dev" source=" $pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm/archive/refs/tags/$pkgver.tar.gz http://files.squeak.org/sources_files/SqueakV50.sources.gz " builddir="$srcdir/opensmalltalk-vm-$pkgver" options="!check" build() { PATH=$(echo "$PATH" | tr ':' '\n' | grep -v crossdirect | tr '\n' ':') echo 'false' > ./scripts/checkSCCSversion case "$CARCH" in aarch64) cd building/linux64ARMv8 ;; x86_64) cd building/linux64x64 sed -i \ -e 's:^OPT="\(.*\)":OPT="\1 -DMUSL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSEEVDEV":' \ squeak.cog.spur/build/mvm ;; *) echo "Architecture $CARCH not yet supported" exit 1 ;; esac cd squeak.cog.spur/build echo Running initial build (echo y | ./mvm > log.initial-build 2>&1) || true nn=0 echo Checking to see if ./squeak exists and is executable... while [ ! -x ./squeak ] do echo Running subsequent build $nn echo n | ./mvm > log.$nn 2>&1 nn=$((nn+1)) done } package() { case "$CARCH" in aarch64) cd products/sqcogspur64ARMv8linuxht ;; x86_64) cd products/sqcogspur64linuxht ;; *) echo "Architecture $CARCH not yet supported" exit 1 ;; esac ls -laR mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/lib/squeak" cp -rp lib/squeak/*/. "$pkgdir/usr/lib/squeak/." gzip -dc ../../../SqueakV50.sources.gz > "$pkgdir/usr/lib/squeak/SqueakV50.sources" mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/bin" ln -sf /usr/lib/squeak/squeak "$pkgdir/usr/bin/squeak" } sha512sums=" 8f86d47bc0351403d3066d5b41d36d2dd4c9d0969d2dd470c4f392e61b0e0e15008212a40eb467c5010df0874f05eb82348baa1d6e6e05c04aa11dc2613f4423 squeak-cog-vm-202112201228.tar.gz 3571f4c8c11aed1005f885fa0b2eb56cea011eb77c162619e29bd36ecb3161083b7a4808973d08c1271509fc6386d8f5e3b5eabab9193ec56c31c93d1379656e SqueakV50.sources.gz "