.PHONY: build-image build sign clean veryclean keyfile # If you run: # docker run --rm --name squid adricu/alpine-squid # and set DOCKER_SQUID_CONTAINER=squid # then you can avoid repeated downloads of a lot of alpine packages. # DOCKER_SQUID_CONTAINER?=squid ifeq ($(DOCKER_SQUID_CONTAINER),) DOCKER_SQUID_OPTS= else DOCKER_SQUID_OPTS=--link $(DOCKER_SQUID_CONTAINER):squid -e http_proxy=http://squid:3128/ HTTP_PROXY=http://$(shell docker inspect squid | preserves-tool convert -o unquoted --select '/ . "NetworkSettings" . "IPAddress"'):3128/ endif ARCH?=aarch64 DOCKER_ARCH=$(shell ./map_docker_arch.sh $(ARCH)) KEYFILE?=synit-apk-key UID:=$(shell id -u) GID:=$(shell id -g) BUILD_USER?=build DOCKER_CMD=\ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/distfiles && \ docker run --platform linux/$(DOCKER_ARCH) -it --rm \ $(DOCKER_SQUID_OPTS) \ -v `pwd`:/data \ -v `pwd`/$(KEYFILE):/home/$(BUILD_USER)/.abuild/$(KEYFILE) \ -v $(CURDIR)/distfiles:/var/cache/distfiles \ synit-build:$(ARCH) build: build-image $(DOCKER_CMD) make -f Makefile.internal $@ KEYFILE=$(KEYFILE) sign: build-image $(DOCKER_CMD) make -f Makefile.internal $@ KEYFILE=$(KEYFILE) %.apk: build-image $(DOCKER_CMD) make -f Makefile.internal $@ KEYFILE=$(KEYFILE) %.checksum: build-image $(DOCKER_CMD) make -f Makefile.internal $@ KEYFILE=$(KEYFILE) clean: rm -f .build-image.* -docker rmi synit-build:aarch64 -docker rmi synit-build:x86_64 -docker rmi synit-build:armv7 veryclean: clean rm -rf target build-image: .build-image.$(ARCH) .build-image.$(ARCH): $(KEYFILE) docker buildx build \ --platform=linux/$(DOCKER_ARCH) \ --build-arg http_proxy=$(HTTP_PROXY) \ --build-arg DOCKER_ARCH=$(DOCKER_ARCH) \ --build-arg KEYFILE=$(KEYFILE) \ --build-arg UID=$(UID) \ --build-arg BUILD_USER=$(BUILD_USER) \ -t synit-build:$(ARCH) . touch $@ keyfile: $(KEYFILE) $(KEYFILE): docker run -it --rm \ -v `pwd`:/data \ alpine \ sh -c "apk add abuild && echo /data/$(KEYFILE) | abuild-keygen && chown $(UID):$(GID) /data/$(KEYFILE)*"