import sys import os import socket import threading import atexit import preserves.schema import time import re from syndicate import patterns as P, relay, turn, dataspace, Symbol from import find_loop from syndicate.during import During try: schemas = preserves.schema.load_schema_file('/usr/share/synit/schemas/schema-bundle.prb') except: schemas = preserves.schema.load_schema_file('/home/tonyg/src/syndicate-system/protocols/schema-bundle.bin') network = server_socket_dir = '/run/wpa_supplicant' class WPASupplicantClient: # # # According to the code (!) any response starting with '<' is an event, not a reply. def __init__(self, interface, log): self.interface = interface self.log = log self.server_socket_path = os.path.join(server_socket_dir, interface) self.client_socket_path = f'/tmp/wpa_cli_py_{interface}_{os.getpid()}' self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind(self.client_socket_path) self.sock.connect(self.server_socket_path) self.send('ATTACH') answer = self.recv(timeout_sec=3.0) if answer != 'OK': raise AssertionError(f'wpa_supplicant replied {repr(answer)} to ATTACH') self.cleanup = lambda: self.close() atexit.register(self.cleanup) def close(self): if self.cleanup: atexit.unregister(self.cleanup) self.cleanup = None self.send('DETACH') self.sock.close() os.unlink(self.client_socket_path) def send(self, command): self.sock.send(command.encode('utf-8')) def recv(self, timeout_sec=None): self.sock.settimeout(timeout_sec) try: reply = self.sock.recv(65536)'Raw input: {repr(reply)}') return reply.strip().decode('utf-8') except TimeoutError: return None finally: self.sock.settimeout(None) def gather_events(facet, callback, client, loop): facet.log.debug('Background socket read thread started') try: while True: facet.log.debug('waiting for event...') e = client.recv() # OMG python's incredibly broken mutable-variable-closures bit me AGAIN. I've had # to add a layer of gratuitous rebinding of `e` plus the `lambda:` below to make it # properly close over the current binding of `e`. def handler_for_specific_e(e): return lambda: callback(e) turn.external(facet, handler_for_specific_e(e), loop=loop) except Exception as e: facet.log.debug(e) finally: facet.log.debug('Background socket read thread terminated') @relay.service(name='wifi_daemon', debug=False) @During().add_handler def main(args): machine_ds = args[Symbol('machine')].embeddedValue ifname = args[Symbol('ifname')] client = WPASupplicantClient(ifname, turn.log) commands = [] active_network_id = None def send_next_command(): while len(commands) > 0:'Sending {commands[0][0]}') client.send(commands[0][0]) if commands[0][1] is None: commands.pop(0) continue else: break def send_command(c, handler = lambda reply: None):'Scheduling {c}') commands.append((c, handler)) if len(commands) == 1: send_next_command() def cleanout_networks(nets): for line in nets.split('\n'): if line.startswith('network id'): continue'Cleaning out old network: {repr(line)}') send_command('REMOVE_NETWORK ' + line.split('\t')[0]) send_command('ADD_NETWORK', remember_network_id) def remember_network_id(netid): nonlocal active_network_id active_network_id = netid'Network ID: {active_network_id}') def handle_scan_failure(reply): if reply == 'FAIL': send_command('TERMINATE') send_command('SCAN', handle_scan_failure) send_command('LEVEL 3') send_command('LIST_NETWORKS', cleanout_networks) def handle_event(e): if e[0] == '<': # It's an event m = re.match(r'<(\d+)>(.*)', e) if m: (_level, message) = m.groups() if message == 'CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS': send_command('SCAN_RESULTS')'Level {_level}: {message}') else:'Unusual event: {e}') else: if len(commands) > 0:'REPLY: {e}') commands[0][1](e) commands.pop(0) send_next_command() else: turn.log.warning(f'Unexpected reply: {e}') facet = turn.active_facet() loop = find_loop()'Starting background read thread') threading.Thread( name='background-wpa_supplicant-read-thread', target=lambda: gather_events(facet, handle_event, client, loop)).start()