# Glossary ## Action [Actions]: #action [Action]: #action In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], an *action* may be performed by an [actor][] during a [turn][]. Actions are quasi-transactional, taking effect only if their containing turn is committed. Four core varieties of action, each with a matching variety of [event][], are offered across all realisations of the [SAM][]: - An *assertion* action publishes an [assertion][] at a [target entity][]. A unique [handle][] names the assertion action so that it may later be retracted. For more detail, [see below on Assertions][assertion]. - A *retraction* action withdraws a previously-published assertion from the target entity. - A *message* action sends a [message][] to a target entity. - A *synchronization* action carries a local [entity reference][] to a target entity. When it eventually reaches the target, the target will (by default) immediately reply with a simple acknowledgement to the entity reference carried in the request. For more detail, [see below on Synchronization][Synchronization]. Beside the core four actions, many individual implementations offer action variants such as the following: - A *spawn* action will, when the containing turn commits, create a new actor running alongside the acting party. In many implementations, spawned actors may optionally be [linked][link] to the spawning actor. - *Replacement* of a previously-established assertion, "altering" the target entity reference and/or [payload][]. This proceeds, conventionally, by establishment of the new assertion followed immediately by retraction of the old. Finally, implementations may offer pseudo-actions whose effects are local to the acting party: - Creation of a new [facet][]. - Creation of a new [entity reference][] associated with the [active facet][] denoting a freshly-created local [entity][]. - Shutdown (stopping) of the [active facet][] or any other [facet][] within the acting party. - Stopping of the current actor, either gracefully or with a simulated crash. - Creation of a new [field/cell/dataflow variable][dataflow variable]. - Creation of a new [dataflow block][dataflow block]. - Creation of a new [linked task][] associated with the [active facet][]. - Scheduling of a new one-off or periodic [alarm][]. ## Active Facet [Active Facet]: #active-facet The [facet][] associated with the [event][] currently being processed in an active [turn][]. ## Actor [Actors]: #actor [Actor]: #actor In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], an *actor* is an isolated thread of execution. An actor repeatedly takes [events][] from its [mailbox][], handling each in a [turn][]. In many implementations of the [SAM][], each actor is internally structured as a tree of [facets][]. ## Alarm [Alarm]: #alarm See [timeout][]. ## Assertion [Assertion]: #assertion [Assertions]: #assertion - *verb.* To *assert* (or to *publish*) a value is to choose a [target entity][] and perform an [action][] conveying an *assertion* to that entity. - *noun.* An *assertion* is a [value][] carried as the payload of an assertion [action][], denoting a relevant portion of a public aspect of the conversational state of the sending party that it has chosen to convey to the recipient entity. The [value][] carried in an assertion may, in some implementations, depend on one or more [dataflow variables][]; in those implementations, when the contents of such a variable changes, the assertion is automatically withdrawn, recomputed, and re-published (with a fresh [handle][]). ## Attenuation [Attenuation]: #attenuation [Attenuated]: #attenuation To *attenuate* a [capability][] (yielding an *attenuated capability*), a sequence of filters is prepended to the possibly-empty list of filters attached to an existing capability. Each filter either discards, rewrites, or accepts unchanged any [payload][] directed at the underlying capability. A special pattern language exists in the [Syndicate network protocol][] for describing filters; many implementations also allow in-memory capabilities to be filtered by the same language. ## Capability [Capability]: #capability [Cap]: #capability (a.k.a. **Cap**) Used roughly interchangeably with "[reference][]", connoting a security-, access-control-, or privacy-relevant aspect. ## Cell [Cell]: #cell See [dataflow variable][]. ## Compositional [Compositional]: #compositional To quote the [Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/compositionality/#Clar), the "principle of compositionality" can be understood to be that > The meaning of a complex expression is determined by its structure and the meanings of its > constituents. People often implicitly intend "... *and nothing else*." For example, when I claim that the [object-capability model][] is a compositional approach to system security, I mean that the access conveyed by an assemblage of capabilties can be understood in terms of the access conveyed by each individual capability taken in isolation, *and nothing else*. ## Configuration Scripting Language **Main article: [The Configuration Scripting Language](./operation/scripting.md)** The `syndicate-server` program includes a scripting language, used for configuration of the server and its clients, population of initial dataspaces for the system that the `syndicate-server` instance is part of, and scripting of simple behaviours in reaction to appearance of assertions or transmission of messages. The scripting language is [documented here](./operation/scripting.md). ## Conversational State [Conversational State]: #conversational-state [Conversational Frame]: #conversational-state The collection of facts and knowledge held by a component participating in an ongoing conversation about some task that the component is undertaking: > The conversational state that accumulates as part of a collaboration among components can be > thought of as a collection of facts. First, there are those facts that define the *frame* of > a conversation. These are exactly the facts that identify the task at hand; we label them > “framing knowledge”, and taken together, they are the “conversational frame” for the > conversation whose purpose is completion of a particular shared task. Just as tasks can be > broken down into more finely-focused subtasks, so can conversations be broken down into > sub-conversations. In these cases, part of the conversational state of an overarching > interaction will describe a frame for each sub-conversation, within which corresponding > sub-conversational state exists. The knowledge framing a conversation acts as a bridge > between it and its wider context, defining its “purpose” in the sense of the [Gricean > Cooperative Principle]. [The following figure] schematically depicts these relationships. > > ![Figure 2 from Garnock-Jones 2017](./figures/conversation.svg) > > Some facts define conversational frames, but *every* shared fact is contextualized *within* > some conversational frame. Within a frame, then, some facts will pertain directly to the task > at hand. These, we label “domain knowledge”. Generally, such facts describe global aspects of > the common problem that remain valid as we shift our perspective from participant to > participant. Other facts describe the knowledge or beliefs of particular components. These, > we label “epistemic knowledge”. > > — Excerpt from [Chapter 2 of (Garnock-Jones > 2017)](https://syndicate-lang.org/tonyg-dissertation/html/#x_2_2_0_0_1). The quoted > section continues [here](https://syndicate-lang.org/tonyg-dissertation/html/#x_2_2_0_0_7). In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], there is often a one-to-one correspondence between a [facet][] and a conversational frame, with [fate-sharing][] employed to connect the lifetime of the one with the lifetime of the other. ## Dataflow [Dataflow]: #dataflow A programming model in which changes in stored state automatically cause re-evaluation of computations depending on that state. The results of such re-evaluations are themselves often used to update a store, potentially triggering further re-computation. In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], dataflow appears in two guises: first, at a coarse granularity, among actors and entities in the form of changes in published [assertions][]; and second, at fine granularity, many implementations include [dataflow variables][] and [dataflow blocks][] for *intra*-actor dataflow-based management of [conversational state][] and related computation. ## Dataflow Block [Dataflow block]: #dataflow-block [Dataflow blocks]: #dataflow-block Implementations of the [Syndicated Actor Model][] often include some language feature or library operation for marking a portion of code as participating in [dataflow][], where changes in observed [dataflow variables][] cause re-evaluation of the code block. For example, in [a Smalltalk implementation of the SAM](https://syndicate-lang.org/code/#squeak), ```smalltalk a := Turn active cell: 1. b := Turn active cell: 2. sum := Turn active cell: 0. Turn active dataflow: [sum value: a value + b value]. ``` Later, as `a` and `b` have their values updated, `sum` will automatically be updated by re-evaluation of the block given to the `dataflow:` method. Analogous code can be written in TypeScript: ```typescript field a: number = 1; field b: number = 2; field sum: number = 0; dataflow { sum.value = a.value + b.value; } ``` in Racket: ```racket (define-field a 1) (define-field b 2) (define/dataflow sum (+ (a) (b))) ``` in Python: ```python a = turn.field(1) b = turn.field(2) sum = turn.field(0) @turn.dataflow def maintain_sum(): sum.value = a.value + b.value ``` and in Rust: ```rust,noplayground turn.dataflow(|turn| { let a_value = turn.get(&a); let b_value = turn.get(&b); turn.set(&sum, a_value + b_value); }) ``` ## Dataflow Variable [Dataflow Variable]: #dataflow-variable [Dataflow Variables]: #dataflow-variable (a.k.a. **Field**, **Cell**) A *dataflow variable* is a store for a single value, used with [dataflow blocks][] in [dataflow][] programming. When the value of a dataflow variable is read, the active [dataflow block][] is marked as *depending* on the variable; and when the value of the variable is updated, the variable is marked as *damaged*, leading eventually to re-evaluation of dataflow blocks depending on that variable. ## Dataspace [Dataspaces]: #dataspace [Dataspace]: #dataspace In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], a *dataspace* is a particular class of [entity][] with prescribed behaviour. Its role is to route and replicate published [assertions][] according to the [declared interests][observe] of its peers. See [here](./syndicated-actor-model.md#dataspaces) for a full explanation of dataspaces. ## Dataspace Pattern [Dataspace Pattern]: #dataspace-pattern In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], a *dataspace pattern* is a structured [value][] describing a pattern over other values. The pattern language used in current Dataspace implementations and in the Syndicate protocol is documented [here](protocols/syndicate/dataspacePatterns.md). ## E [E language]: #e [E]: #e The E programming language is an [object-capability model][] Actor language that has strongly influenced the [Syndicated Actor Model][]. Many good sources exist describing the language and its associated philosophy, including: - [The ERights.org website](http://www.erights.org/), the home of E - [E (programming language)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(programming_language)) on Wikipedia - Miller, Mark S. “Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach to Access Control and Concurrency Control.” PhD, Johns Hopkins University, 2006. [[PDF]](http://www.erights.org/talks/thesis/markm-thesis.pdf) - Miller, Mark S., E. Dean Tribble, and Jonathan Shapiro. “Concurrency Among Strangers.” In Proc. Int. Symp. on Trustworthy Global Computing, 195–229. Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005. [[DOI]](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/1986262.1986274) [[PDF]](http://www.erights.org/talks/promises/paper/tgc05.pdf) ## Embedded References [Embedded References]: #embedded-references In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], the [values][] carried by [assertions][] and [messages][] may include [references][] to [entities][]. Because the SAM uses [Preserves][] as its data language, the Preserves concept of an *embedded value* is used in the SAM to reliably mark portions of a datum referring to SAM entities. Concretely, in [Preserves text syntax](https://preserves.dev/preserves.html#textual-syntax), embedded values appear prepended with `#!`. In messages transferred across links using the [Syndicate network protocol][], references might appear as `#![0 123]`, `#![1 555]`, etc. etc. ## Entity [Target Entity]: #entity [Entities]: #entity [Entity]: #entity In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], an *entity* is a stateful programming-language construct, located within an [actor][], that is the target of [events][]. Each entity has its own behaviour, specifying in code how it responds to incoming events. An entity is the SAM analogue of "object" in [E][]-style languages: an addressable construct logically contained within and [fate-sharing][] with an [actor][]. The concept of "entity" differs from "object" in that entities are able to respond to [assertions][], not just [messages][]. In many implementations of the [SAM][], entities [fate-share][] with individual [facets][] within their containing actor rather than with the actor as a whole: when the facet associated with an entity is stopped, the entity becomes unresponsive. ## Erlang [Erlang]: #erlang [Erlang](https://www.erlang.org/) is a process-style Actor language that has strongly influenced the [Syndicated Actor Model][]. In particular, Erlang's approach to failure-handling, involving [supervisors][] arranged in [supervision trees][] and processes (actors) connected via [links and monitors][links], has been influential on the SAM. In the SAM, links and monitors become special cases of [assertions][], and Erlang's approach to process [supervision][] is used directly and is an important aspect of SAM system organisation. ## Event [Event]: #event [Events]: #event In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], an *event* is processed by an [entity][] during a [turn][], and describes the outcome of an [action][] taken by some other [actor][]. Events come in four varieties corresponding to the four core [actions][] in the [SAM][]: - An *assertion* event notifies the recipient entity of an [assertion][] published by some peer. A unique [handle][] names the event so that later retraction of the assertion can be correlated with the assertion event. - A *retraction* event notifies the recipient entity of withdrawal of a previously-published assertion. - A *message* event notifies the recipient entity of a [message][] sent by some peer. - A *synchronization* event, usually not handled explicitly by an entity, carries an [entity reference][]. The recipient should arrange for an acknowledgement to be delivered to the referenced entity once previously-received events that might modify the recipient's state (or the state of a remote entity that it is proxy for) have been completely processed. For more detail, [see below on Synchronization][Synchronization]. ## Facet [Facet]: #facet [Facets]: #facet In many implementations of the [Syndicated Actor Model][], a *facet* is a programming-language construct representing a *conversation* and corresponding to a [conversational frame][]. Facets are similar to the "nested threads" of Martin Sústrik's idea of [Structured Concurrency](https://250bpm.com/blog:71/) (see also [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structured_concurrency)). Every [actor][] is structured as a tree of facets. (Compare and contrast with [the diagram in the entry for Conversational State](#fig:conversation).) Every facet is either "running" or "stopped". Each facet is the logical owner of zero or more [entities][] as well as of zero or more published [assertions][]. A facet's entities and published assertions [share its fate][fate-sharing]. While a facet is running, its associated entities are responsive to incoming events; when it stops, its entities become permanently unresponsive. A stopped facet never starts running again. When a facet is stopped, all its assertions are retracted and all its subfacets are also stopped. Facets may have *stop handlers* associated with them: when a facet is stopped, its stop handlers are executed, one at a time. The stop handlers of each facet are executed before the stop handlers of its parent and before its assertions are withdrawn. Facets may be explicitly stopped by a stop [action][], or implicitly stopped when an actor crashes. When an actor crashes, its stop handlers are not run: stop handlers are for orderly processing of conversation termination. Instead, many implementations allow actors to have associated *crash handlers* which run only in case of an actor crash. In the limit, of course, even crash handlers cannot be guaranteed to run, because the underlying hardware or operating system may suffer some kind of catastrophic failure. ## Fate-sharing [Fate-sharing]: #fate-sharing [Fate-share]: #fate-sharing A design principle from large-scale network engineering, due to David Clark: > The fate-sharing model suggests that it is acceptable to lose the state information > associated with an entity if, at the same time, the entity itself is lost. > > — David D. Clark, “The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols.” ACM SIGCOMM > Computer Communication Review 18, no. 4 (August 1988): 106–14. > [[DOI]](https://doi.org/10.1145/52325.52336) In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], fate-sharing is used in connecting the lifetime of [conversational state][] with the programming language representation of a conversational frame, a [facet][]. ## Field [Field]: #field See [dataflow variable][]. ## Handle [Handle]: #handle In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], every [assertion][] [action][] (and the corresponding [event][]) includes a [scope][]-lifetime-unique *handle* that denotes the specific action/event concerned, for purposes of later correlation with a retraction action. Handles are, in many cases, implemented as unsigned integers, allocated using a simple scope-wide counter. ## Initial OID [Initial OID]: #initial-oid In the [Syndicate network protocol][], the initial OID is a special [OID][] value understood by prior arrangement to denote an [entity][] (specified by the "[initial ref][]") owned by some remote peer across some network medium. The initial OID of a session is used to bootstrap activity within that session. ## Initial Ref [Initial Ref]: #initial-ref In the [Syndicate network protocol][], the initial ref is a special [entity reference][] associated by prior arrangement with an [initial OID][] in a session in order to bootstrap session activity. ## Linked Actor [Links]: #linked-actor [Link]: #linked-actor [Linked Actor]: #linked-actor [Linked Actors]: #linked-actor Many implementations of the [Syndicated Actor Model][] offer a feature whereby an [actor][] can be spawned so that its root [facet][] is *linked* to the spawning facet in the spawning actor, so that when one terminates, so does the other (by default). ```ditaa +-Actor 1---------------------------+ | +----------+ | | |root facet| | | | (1) | | | ++--------++ | | | | | | +----++ ++----------+ | | |sub– | |sub–facet | | | |facet| |(1.3) | | | |(1.2)| +-+--------++ | | +-----+ | | | +-Actor 6------------+ | +-----+--+ ++-------+| presence| +----------+ | | |sub–sub–| |sub–sub–+-------------->|root facet| | | |facet | |facet |<--------------+ (6) | | | |(1.3.4) | |(1.3.5) || presence ++--------++ | | +--------+ +--------+| | | | | | | |+----++ ++----+| +-----------------------------------+ ||sub– | |sub– || ||facet| |facet|| ||(6.7)| |(6.8)|| |+-----+ +-----+| +--------------------+ ``` Links are implemented as a pair of "presence" [assertions][], atomically established at the time of the [spawn action][action], each indicating to a special entity with "stop on retraction" behaviour the presence of its peer. When one of these assertions is withdrawn, the targetted entity stops its associated [facet][], automatically terminating any subfacets and executing any stop handlers. This allows a "parent" actor to react to termination of its child, perhaps releasing associated resources, and the corresponding "child" actor to be automatically terminated when the facet in its parent that spawned the actor terminates. This idea is inspired by [Erlang][], whose "[links](https://www.erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/processes.html#links)" are symmetric, bidirectional, failure-propagating connections among Erlang processes (actors) and whose "[monitors](https://www.erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/processes.html#monitors)" are unidirectional connections similar to the individual "presence" assertions described above. ## Linked Task [Linked Tasks]: #linked-task [Linked Task]: #linked-task Many implementations of the [Syndicated Actor Model][] offer the ability to associate a facet with zero or more native threads, coroutines, objects, or other language-specific representations of asynchronous activities. When such a facet stops (either by explicit [stop action][action] or by crash-termination of the facet's actor), its linked tasks are also terminated. By default, the converse is also the case: a terminating linked task will trigger termination of its associated facet. This allows for resource management patterns similar to those enabled by the related idea of [linked actors][]. ## Macaroon A *macaroon* is an access token for authorization of actions in distributed systems. Macaroons were introduced in the paper: [*“Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the Cloud.”*](https://research.google/pubs/pub41892/), by Arnar Birgisson, Joe Gibbs Politz, Úlfar Erlingsson, Ankur Taly, Michael Vrable, and Mark Lentczner. In Proc. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2014. [[PDF]](https://research.google/pubs/pub41892.pdf) In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], a variation of the macaroon concept is used to represent "sturdyrefs". A [sturdyref](./operation/builtin/gatekeeper.md#sturdyrefs) is a long-lived token authorizing interaction with some entity, which can be upgraded to a live [entity reference][] by presenting it to a [gatekeeper entity](./operation/builtin/gatekeeper.md) across a session of the [Syndicate network protocol][]. (The term "sturdyref" is lifted directly from the [E language][] and associated ecosystem.) ## Mailbox [Mailbox]: #mailbox Every [actor][] notionally has a *mailbox* which receives [events][] resulting from its peers' [actions][]. Each actor spends its existence waiting for an incoming event to appear in its mailbox, removing the event, taking a [turn][] to process it, and repeating the cycle. ## Membrane [Membrane]: #membrane A *membrane* is a structure used in implementations of the [Syndicate network protocol][] to keep track of [wire symbols][]. ## Message [Messages]: #message [Message]: #message In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], a *message* is a [value][] carried as the payload or *body* of a message [action][] (and associated [event][]), conveying transient information from some sending [actor][] to a recipient [entity][]. ## Network [Networks]: #network [Network]: #network A network is a group of peers ([actors][]), plus a medium of communication (a [transport][]), an addressing model ([references][]), and an associated [scope][]. ## Object-Capability Model [Object-Capability Model]: #object-capability-model The [Object-capability model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-capability_model) is a compositional means of expressing access control in a distributed system. It has its roots in operating systems research stretching back decades, but was pioneered in a programming language setting by the [E language][] and the Scheme dialect [W7](http://mumble.net/~jar/pubs/secureos/secureos.html). In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], object-capabilities manifest as potentially-[attenuated][] [entity references][]. ## Observe [Observe]: #observe [Observation]: #observe In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], [assertion][] of an `Observe` record at a [dataspace][] declares an *interest* in receiving notifications about matching [assertions][] and [messages][] as they are asserted, retracted and sent through the dataspace. Each `Observe` record contains a [dataspace pattern][] describing a structural predicate over assertion and message [payloads][], plus an [entity reference][] to the [entity][] which should be informed as matching events appear at the dataspace. ## OID [OID]: #oid An *OID* is an "object identifier", a small, session-unique integer acting as an [entity reference][] across a [transport][] link in an instance of the [Syndicate network protocol][]. ## Publishing To *publish* something is to *assert* it; see [assertion][]. ## Preserves [Preserves]: #preserves **Main article: [Preserves](./guide/preserves.md)** Many implementations of the [SAM][] use *Preserves*, a programming-language-independent language for data, as the language defining the possible [values][] that may be exchanged among [entities][] in [assertions][] and [values][]. See the [chapter on Preserves](./guide/preserves.md) in this manual for more information. ## Record The [Preserves][] data language defines the notion of a *record*, a tuple containing a *label* and zero or more numbered *fields*. The [dataspace pattern][] language used by [dataspaces][] allows for patterns over records as well as over other compound data structures. ## Reference [Entity References]: #reference [Entity Reference]: #reference [References]: #reference [Reference]: #reference [Ref]: #reference [Refs]: #reference (a.k.a. **Ref**, **Entity Reference**, **[Capability][]**) A *reference* is a pointer or handle denoting a live, stateful [entity][] running within an [actor][]. The entity accepts [Preserves][]-format [messages][] and/or [assertions][]. The capability may be [attenuated][] to restrict the messages and assertions that may be delivered to the denoted entity by way of this particular reference. ## Retraction [Retraction]: #retraction In the [Syndicated Actor Model][], a *retraction* is an [action][] (and corresponding [event][]) which withdraws a previous [assertion][]. Retractions can be explicitly performed within a [turn][], or implicitly performed during [facet][] shutdown or [actor][] termination (both normal termination and crash stop). The [SAM][] guarantees that an actor's assertions will be retracted when it terminates, no matter whether an orderly shutdown or an exceptional or crashing situation was the cause. ## Relay [Relays]: #relay [Relay]: #relay A *relay* connects [scopes][], allowing [references][] to denote [entities][] resident in remote [networks][], making use of the [Syndicate network protocol][] to do so. See the [Syndicate network protocol][] for more on relays. ## Relay Entity [Relay Entity]: #relay-entity A *relay entity* is a local proxy for an [entity][] at the other side of a [relay][] link. It forwards [events][] delivered to it across its [transport][] to its counterpart at the other end. See the [Syndicate network protocol][] for more on relay entities. ## S6 [S6, "Skarnet's Small Supervision Suite"](https://skarnet.org/software/s6/), is > a small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process [supervision][] (a.k.a service > supervision), in the line of daemontools and runit, as well as various operations on > processes and daemons. > > — [The S6 website](https://skarnet.org/software/s6/) Synit uses [`s6-log`](https://skarnet.org/software/s6/s6-log.html) to capture standard error output from [the root system bus](./operation/system-bus.md#the-root-system-bus). ## Schema [Schema]: #schema A *schema* defines a mapping between [values][] and host-language types in various programming languages. The mapping describes how to parse values into host-language data, as well as how to unparse host-language data, generating equivalent values. Another way of thinking about a schema is as a specification of the allowable shapes for data to be used in a particular context. Synit, and many programs making use of the [Syndicated Actor Model][], uses [Preserves][]' [schema language](https://preserves.dev/preserves-schema.html) to define schemas for many different applications. For more, see [the section on schemas in the chapter on Preserves](http://zip.kpn:3000/guide/preserves.html#schemas). ## Scope [Scopes]: #scope [Scope]: #scope A *scope* maps [refs][] to the [entities][] they denote. Scopes exist in one-to-one relationship to [networks][]. Because [message bodies][message] and [asserted values][assertion] contain [embedded references][], each message and assertion transmitted via some network is also inseparable from its scope. Most [actors][] will participate in a single scope. However, [relay][] actors participate in two or more scopes, translating refs back and forth as messages and assertions traverse the relay. **Examples.** 1. A process is a scope for in-memory values: in-memory refs contain direct pointers to entities, which cannot be interpreted outside the context of the process's address space. The "network" associated with the process's scope is the intra-process graph of object references. 2. A TCP/IP socket (or serial link, or WebSocket, or Unix socket, etc.) is a scope for values travelling between two connected processes: [refs on the wire][wire symbol] denote entities owned by one or the other of the two participants. The "network" for a socket's scope is exactly the two connected peers (NB. and is *not* the underlying TCP/IP network, HTTP network, or Unix kernel that supports the point-to-point link). 3. An ethernet segment is a scope for values broadcast among stations: the embedded refs are (MAC address, [OID][]) pairs. The network is the set of participating peers. 4. A running web page is a scope for the JavaScript objects it contains: both local and remote entities are represented by JavaScript objects. The "network" is the JavaScript heap. ## Subscription See [observation][]. ## Supervision tree [Supervision trees]: #supervision-tree [Supervision tree]: #supervision-tree A *supervision tree* is a concept borrowed from [Erlang][], where a root [supervisor][] supervises other supervisors, which in turn supervise worker [actors][] engaged in some task. As workers fail, their supervisors restart them; if the failures are too severe or too frequent, their direct supervisors fail in turn, and the supervisors' supervisors take action to recover from the failures. ## Supervisor [Supervisors]: #supervisor [Supervisor]: #supervisor [Supervision]: #supervisor A *supervisor* is an [actor][] or [facet][] whose role is to monitor the state of some service, taking action to ensure its availability to other portions of a complete system. When the service fails, the supervisor is able to restart it. If the failures are too severe or too frequent, the supervisor can take an alternative action, perhaps pausing for some time before retrying the service, or perhaps even terminating itself to give its own supervisor in a [supervision tree][] a chance to get things back on track. Synit uses supervisors extensively to monitor system daemons and other system services. ## Sync Peer Entity The *sync peer entity* is the [entity reference][] carried in a [synchronization][] [action][] or [event][]. ## Synchronization [Synchronization]: #synchronization An [actor][] may *synchronize* with an [entity][] by scheduling a *synchronization* [action][] targeted at that entity. The action will carry a local [entity reference][] acting as a continuation. When the target entity eventually responds, it will transmit an acknowledgement to the continuation entity reference carried in the request. An entity receiving a synchronization [event][] should arrange for an acknowledgement to be delivered to the referenced continuation entity once previously-received events that might modify the recipient's state (or the state of a remote entity that it is proxy for) have been completely processed. Most entities do not explicitly include code for responding to synchronization requests. The default code, which simply replies to the continuation immediately, usually suffices. However, sometimes the default is not appropriate. For example, when [relay entity][] is proxying for some remote entity via a [relay][] across a [transport][], it should react to synchronization events by forwarding them to the remote entity. When the remote entity receives the forwarded request, it will reply to its local proxy for the continuation entity, which will in turn forward the reply back across the transport. ## Syndicate Protocol [Syndicate Network Protocol]: #syndicate-protocol [Syndicate Protocol]: #syndicate-protocol [Protocol]: #syndicate-protocol **Main article: [The Syndicate Protocol](./protocol.md)** The Syndicate Protocol (a.k.a the **Syndicate Network Protocol**) allows [relays][] to proxy entities from remote [scopes][] into the local scope. For more, see [the protocol specification document](./protocol.md). ## Syndicated Actor Model [Syndicated Actor Model]: #syndicated-actor-model [SAM]: #syndicated-actor-model **Main article: [The Syndicated Actor Model](./syndicated-actor-model.md)** The *Syndicated Actor Model* (often abbreviated **SAM**) is the model of concurrency and communication underpinning Synit. The SAM offers a “conversational” metaphor: programs meet and converse in virtual locations, building common understanding of the state of their shared tasks. In the SAM, source [entities][] running within an [actor][] publish [assertions][] and send [messages][] to target entities, possibly in other actors. The essential idea of the SAM is that state replication is more useful than message-passing; message-passing protocols often end up simulating state replication. [A thorough introduction to the Syndicated Actor Model](./syndicated-actor-model.md) is available. ## System Layer The [*system layer*](system-layer.md) is an essential part of an operating system, mediating between user-facing programs and the kernel. It provides the technical foundation for many qualities relevant to system security, resilience, connectivity, maintainability and usability. The concept of a system layer has only been recently recognised—the term itself was [coined by Benno Rice in a 2019 conference presentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_AIw9bGogo)—although many of the ideas it entails have a long history. The hypothesis that the Synit system explores is that the [Syndicated Actor model][] provides a suitable theoretical and practical foundation for a system layer. The system layer demands, and the SAM supplies, well-integrated expression of features such as service naming, presence, discovery and activation; security mechanism and policy; subsystem isolation; and robust handling of partial failure. ## System Dataspace The *system dataspace* in Synit is the primary dataspace entity, owned by an [actor][] running within [the root system bus](./operation/system-bus.md#the-root-system-bus), and (selectively) made available to daemons, system services, and user programs. ## Timeout [Timeout]: #timeout Many implementations of the [Syndicated Actor Model][] offer [actions][] for establishing *timeouts*, i.e. one-off or repeating alarms. Timeouts are frequently implemented as [linked tasks][]. ## Transport [Transport]: #transport A *transport* is the underlying medium connecting one [relay][] to its counterpart(s) in an instance of the [Syndicate network protocol][]. For example, a TLS-on-TCP/IP socket may connect a pair of relays to one another, or a UDP multicast socket may connect an entire group of relays across an ethernet. ## Turn [Turn]: #turn Each time an [event][] arrives at an [actor][]'s [mailbox][], the actor takes a *turn*. A turn is the process of handling the triggering event, from the moment of its withdrawal from the mailbox to the moment of the completion of its interpretation. Relatedly, the programming-language *representation* of a turn is a convenient place to attach the APIs necessary for working with the [Syndicated Actor Model][]. In many implementations, some class named `Turn` or similar exposes methods corresponding to the [actions][] available in the [SAM]. In the [SAM][], a turn comprises - the [event][] that triggered the turn, - the [entity][] addressed by the event, - the [facet][] owning the targeted entity, and - the collection of pending [actions][] produced during execution. If a turn proceeds to completion without an exception or other crash, its pending actions are *committed* (finalised and/or delivered to their target entities). If, on the other hand, the turn is aborted for some reason, its pending actions are *rolled back* (discarded), the actor is terminated, its assertions [retracted][retraction], and all its resources released. ## Value [Values]: #value [Value]: #value [Payloads]: #value [Payload]: #value A [Preserves][] `Value` with embedded data. The embedded data are often [embedded references][] but, in some implementations, may be other kinds of datum. Every [message][] body and every [assertion][] payload is a value. ## Wire Symbol [Wire Symbols]: #wire-symbol [Wire Symbol]: #wire-symbol A *wire symbol* is a structure used in implementations of the [Syndicate network protocol][] to maintain a connection between an in-memory [entity reference][] and the equivalent name for the entity as used in packets sent across the network.