# Architecture > What is an architecture? It's the rules of the platform which are > true on any embodiment of it, not just the one you work on today. > These rules are aimed at programs (what are valid programs) and the > design (its invariants) both. — [Olivier > Giroux](https://twitter.com/__simt__/status/1489790925266059264), > Feb. 2022 The **[Syndicated Actor Model (SAM)](./glossary.md#syndicated-actor-model)** is at the heart of Synit. In turn, the SAM builds upon [E-style actors](./glossary.md#e), replacing message-exchange with eventually-consistent *state replication* as the fundamental building block for interaction. Both E and the SAM are instances of the [Object Capability (ocap) model](./glossary.md#object-capability-model), a [compositional](./glossary.md#compositional) approach to system security. The "feel" of the system is somewhere between Smalltalk-style object-orientation, publish-subscribe programming, E- or Erlang-style actor interaction, Prolog-style logic programming, and Esterel-style reactive dataflow. 1. **Programs are Actors.** Synit *programs* ("[actors](./glossary.md#actor)" in the SAM) interoperate by *[dataspace](./glossary.md#dataspace)*-mediated exchange of *[messages](./glossary.md#message)* and replication of *[conversational state](./glossary.md#conversational-state)* expressed as *[assertions](./glossary.md#assertion)*. 2. **Ocaps for security and privacy.** The ocap model provides the fundamental building blocks for secure composition of programs in the system. Synit extends the core ocap model with [Macaroon](./glossary.md#macaroon)-inspired *attenuation* of capabilities, for both limiting visibility of state and constraining access to behaviour. 3. **Reactivity and homeostasis.** Programs publish relevant aspects of their internal state to peers (usually by placing [assertions](./glossary.md#assertion) in a dataspace). Peers subscribe to those assertions, reacting to changes in state to preserve overall system equilibrium. 3. **Layered architecture.** Programs may or may not be structured internally using SAM principles: the system as a whole is where the architectural principles are applied. However, it often makes good sense to use SAM principles *within* a given Synit program as well as *between* programs. 4. **Language-neutral.** Where possible, programs interoperate via a simple [protocol](./protocol.md) across transports like TCP/IP, WebSockets, and Unix sockets and pipes. Otherwise, they interoperate using traditional Unix techniques. The concrete syntax for the messages and assertions exchanged among programs is the [Preserves](./preserves.md) data language. 5. **Strongly typed.** Preserves [Schemas](./preserves.md#schemas) describe the data exchanged among programs. Schemas compile to type definitions in various programming languages, helping give an ergonomic development experience as well as ensuring safety at runtime.