# Gatekeeper and Sturdy-references - [`[syndicate-protocols]/schemas/gatekeeper.prs`](https://git.syndicate-lang.org/syndicate-lang/syndicate-protocols/src/branch/main/schemas/gatekeeper.prs) - [`[syndicate-protocols]/schemas/sturdy.prs`](https://git.syndicate-lang.org/syndicate-lang/syndicate-protocols/src/branch/main/schemas/sturdy.prs) ## Gatekeeper protocol The Gatekeeper protocol allows a peer to "upgrade" a (relatively) long-lived certificate to a live reference to an entity. For details of the use of `Resolve` and `Bind` assertions, see the [guide to the built-in gatekeeper entity](../../operation/builtin/gatekeeper.md). **Implementation.** The protocol is implemented within the [`syndicate-server`](../../operation/system-bus.md) program. ``` Resolve = . Bind = . BindObserver = @present #:Bound / @absent #f . Resolved = / Rejected . Bound = / Rejected . Rejected = . Step = < @stepType symbol [@detail any]> . Description = < @stepType symbol [@detail any]> . ``` ## Sturdy-reference structures A "sturdyref" is a long-lived certificate including a cryptographic signature that can be upgraded by a gatekeeper entity to a live reference to the entity named in the sturdyref. For an overview of `SturdyRef`s, see the [guide to the built-in gatekeeper entity](../../operation/builtin/gatekeeper.md#sturdyrefs). ``` SturdyRef = . Parameters = { oid: any, sig: bytes, } & @caveats CaveatsField . CaveatsField = / @present { caveats: [Caveat ...] } / @invalid { caveats: any } / @absent {} . SturdyStepType = =ref . SturdyStepDetail = Parameters . SturdyDescriptionDetail = { oid: any, key: bytes, } . ``` The `sig` in a `Parameters` is an iterated keyed-HMAC construction, starting from an HMAC of the ref's *secret key* and its `oid`, following [macaroons][]. The specific function chosen is [HMAC](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2104) using [BLAKE2s-256](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7693), truncating the output to the first 16 bytes. Let - *f(k,d)* be `HMAC-BLAKE2s-256`*(k,d)*[0..16), - *e(v)* yield the canonical machine-oriented serialization of some preserves value *v*, and - *k* be the original secret key for the ref. In a valid `SturdyRef`, then, the `sig` will be *f(...f(...f(f(k,e(*`oid`*)),...),e(*`Caveat`*)),...)*. For detail of the interpretation of `Caveat`s, `Pattern`s, and `Template`s, see the [Syndicate protocol specification](../../protocol.md#capabilities-on-the-wire). ``` Caveat = Rewrite / Alts / Reject / @unknown any . Rewrite = . Reject = . Alts = . Lit = . Pattern = PDiscard / PAtom / PEmbedded / PBind / PAnd / PNot / Lit / PCompound . PDiscard = <_>. PAtom = =Boolean / =Double / =SignedInteger / =String / =ByteString / =Symbol . PEmbedded = =Embedded . PBind = . PAnd = . PNot = . PCompound = / @rec / @arr / @dict . Template = TAttenuate / TRef / Lit / TCompound . TAttenuate = . TRef = . TCompound = / @rec / @arr / @dict . ``` [Macaroons]: ../../glossary.md#macaroon