First steps of syndicate-protocols notes

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2022-06-01 15:41:50 +02:00
parent 268c652f6b
commit a594f28adf
9 changed files with 163 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -49,14 +49,14 @@
- [Preserves schemas](protocols/preserves/
- [Preserves Schema metaschema](protocols/preserves/
- [Preserves Path schema](protocols/preserves/
- [Syndicated Actor Model schemas]()
- ["Observe" assertions]()
- [Patterns over assertions]()
- [Gatekeeper and Sturdy-references]()
- [Wire-protocol]()
- [Service dependencies]()
- [Tracing]()
- [Transport addresses]()
- [Syndicated Actor Model schemas](protocols/syndicate/
- ["Observe" assertions](protocols/syndicate/
- [Patterns over assertions](protocols/syndicate/
- [Gatekeeper and Sturdy-references](protocols/syndicate/
- [Wire-protocol](protocols/syndicate/
- [Service dependencies](protocols/syndicate/
- [Tracing](protocols/syndicate/
- [Transport addresses](protocols/syndicate/
- [Synit schemas]()
- [Audio control]()
- [Telephony (call and SMS) support]()

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# "Observe" assertions
- [`[syndicate-protocols]/schemas/dataspace.prs`](
The protocol for interaction with a [dataspace entity](../../ is very
simple: *any* assertion can be sent to a dataspace. The job of a dataspace is to relay
assertions on to interested peers; they do not generally interpret assertions themselves.
The sole exception is *assertions of interest in other assertions*.
These are called "Observe" assertions, or *subscriptions*:
Observe = <Observe @pattern dataspacePatterns.Pattern @observer #!any>.
An `Observe` assertion contains a [pattern](./ and a reference to an
observer entity. When an `Observe` assertion is published to a dataspace, the dataspace alters
its internal index to make a note of the new expression of interest. It also immediately relays
any of its already-existing assertions that match the pattern to the observer entity. As other
assertions come and go subsequently, the dataspace takes care to inform the observer entity in
the `Observe` record of the arrival or departure of any of the changing assertions that match
the pattern.

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# Patterns over assertions
- [`[syndicate-protocols]/schemas/dataspacePatterns.prs`](
Each [subscription record](./ asserted at a dataspace entity contains a pattern
over [Preserves values](../../guide/
The pattern language is carefully chosen to be reasonably expressive without closing the door
to efficient indexing of dataspace contents.[^efficient-indexing]
## Interpretation of patterns
A pattern is matched against a candidate input value. Matching can either fail or succeed; if
matching succeeds, a sequence of (numbered) bindings is produced. Each binding in the sequence
corresponds to a (possibly-nested) [binding pattern](#binding) in the overall pattern.
## Example
Consider the pattern:
<arr [<lit 1> <bind <arr [<bind <_>> <_>]>> <_>]>
The following values each yield different results:
- `[1 2 3]` fails, because `2` is not an array.
- `[1 [2 3] 4]` succeeds, yielding a binding sequence `[[2 3] 2]`, because the outer `bind`
captures the whole `[2 3]` array, and the inner (nested) `bind` captures the `2`.
- `[1 [2 3 4] 5]` fails, because `[2 3 4]` has more than the expected two elements.
- `[1 [<x> <y>] []]` succeeds, yielding a binding sequence `[[<x> <y>] <x>]`. Each discard
pattern (`<_>`) ignores the specific input it is given.
## Abstract syntax of patterns
A *pattern* may be either a *discard*, a (nested) *binding*, a *literal*, or a *compound*.
Pattern = DDiscard / DBind / DLit / DCompound .
### Discard
A *discard pattern* matches any input value.
DDiscard = <_>.
### Binding
A *binding pattern* speculatively pushes the portion of the input under consideration onto the
end of the binding sequence being built, and then recursively evaluates its subpattern. If the
subpattern succeeds, so does the overall binding pattern (keeping the binding); otherwise, the
speculative addition to the binding sequence is undone, and the overall binding pattern fails.
DBind = <bind @pattern Pattern>.
### Literal
A *literal pattern* matches any **atomic** Preserves value. In order to match a literal
**compound** value, a combination of compound and literal patterns must be used.
DLit = <lit @value AnyAtom>.
AnyAtom =
/ @bool bool
/ @float float
/ @double double
/ @int int
/ @string string
/ @bytes bytes
/ @symbol symbol
/ @embedded #!any
### Compound
Each *compound pattern* first checks the type of its input: a `rec` pattern fails unless it is
given a Record, an `arr` demands a Sequence and a `dict` only matches a Dictionary.
DCompound = <rec @label any @fields [Pattern ...]>
/ <arr @items [Pattern ...]>
/ <dict @entries { any: Pattern ...:... }> .
If the type check fails, the pattern match fails. Otherwise, matching continues:
- `rec` patterns compare the label of the input Record against the `label` field in the
pattern; unless they match literally and exactly, the overall match fails. Otherwise, if the
number of fields in the input does not equal the number expected in the pattern, the match
fails. Otherwise, matching proceeds structurally recursively.
- `arr` patterns fail if the number of subpatterns does not match the number of items in the
input Sequence. Otherwise, matching proceeds structurally recursively.
- `dict` patterns consider each of the key/subpattern pairs in `entries` in turn, according to
the Preserves order of the keys.[^dict-pattern-ordering] If any given key from the pattern
is not present in the input value, matching fails. Otherwise, matching proceeds recursively.
The pattern ignores keys in the input value that are not mentioned in the pattern.
[^efficient-indexing]: Most implementations of Syndicated Actor Model dataspaces use an
efficient index datastructure [described here](
[^dict-pattern-ordering]: The ordering of visiting of keys in a `dict` pattern is important
because bindings are *numbered* in this pattern language, not named. Recall that `<dict {a:
<bind <_>>, b: <bind <_>>}>` is an identical Preserves value to `<dict {b: <<bind <_>>, a:
<bind <_>>}>`, so to guarantee consistent binding results, we must choose some
deterministic order for visiting the subpatterns of the `dict`. (In this example, `a` will
be visited before `b`, because `a` < `b`).

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# Gatekeeper and Sturdy-references

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# Syndicated Actor Model schemas
- Schema definitions: [`[syndicate-protocols]/schemas/`](
The following pages document schemas associated with the [Syndicated Actor
Model](../../ By and large, these schemas are contained in the
[syndicate-protocols Git

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# Wire-protocol

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# Service dependencies

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# Tracing

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# Transport addresses