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2022-03-11 10:04:16 +00:00
# Configuration files and directories
- On a running system: `/etc/syndicate/`
- Source repository: [[synit]/packaging/packages/synit-config/files/etc/syndicate](
The [root system bus](./ is started with a `--config
/etc/syndicate/boot` command-line argument, which causes it to execute configuration scripts in
that directory. In turn, the `boot` directory contains instructions for loading configuration
from other locations on the filesystem.
This section will examine the layout of the configuration scripts and directories.
## The boot layer
The files in
define the boot layer.
### Console getty
The first thing the boot layer does, in
is start a `getty` on `/dev/console`:
<require-service <daemon console-getty>>
<daemon console-getty "getty 0 /dev/console">
### Ad-hoc execution of programs
Next, in
it installs a handler that responds to messages requesting ad-hoc execution of programs:
?? <exec ?argv ?restartPolicy> [
let ?id = timestamp
let ?facet = facet
let ?d = <temporary-exec $id $argv>
<run-service <daemon $d>>
<daemon $d { argv: $argv, readyOnStart: #f, restart: $restartPolicy }>
? <service-state <daemon $d> complete> [$facet ! stop]
? <service-state <daemon $d> failed> [$facet ! stop]
If the restart policy is not specified, it is defaulted to `on-error`:
?? <exec ?argv> ! <exec $argv on-error>
### "Milestone" pseudo-services
Then, in
it defines how to respond to a request to run a "milestone" pseudo-service:
? <run-service <milestone ?m>> [
<service-state <milestone $m> started>
<service-state <milestone $m> ready>
The definition is trivial—when requested, simply declare success—but useful in that a
"milestone" can be used as a proxy for a configuration state that other services can depend
Concretely, milestones are used in two places at present: a `core` milestone declares that the
core layer of services is ready, and a `network` milestone declares that initial network
configuration is complete.
### Synthesis of service state "up"
The [definition of ServiceState](./ includes
`ready`, for long-running service programs, and `complete`, for successful exit (exit status 0)
of "one-shot" service programs. In
we declare an alias `up` that is asserted in either of these cases:
? <service-state ?x ready> <service-state $x up>
? <service-state ?x complete> <service-state $x up>
### Loading of "core" and "services" layers
The final tasks of the boot layer are to load the "core" and "service" layers, respectively.
Services declared in the "core" layer are automatically marked as dependencies of the
`<milestone core>` pseudo-service, and those declared in the "services" layer are automatically
marked as depending on `<milestone core>`.
+------+ +-----+ +-------+ +----+ +----+ +------------+ +----+
|docker| |modem| |network| |ntpd| |sshd| |userSettings| |wifi|
+---+--+ +--+--+ +---+---+ +--+-+ +--+-+ +------+-----+ +--+-+
| | | | | | |
| depend on milestone core
services layer V
- - - - - - - - - - - -| milestone core |- - - - - - - - - - - - -
core layer | depended on by milestone core
| | |
+-----+ +--------+ +-----------------+
|eudev| |hostname| |machine-dataspace|
+-----+ +--------+ +-----------------+
#### The core layer loader
For the core layer, in
a [configuration watcher](./builtin/ is started, monitoring
`/etc/syndicate/core` for scripts defining services to place into the layer. Instead of passing
an unattenuated reference to `$config` to the configuration watcher, an [attenuation
expression](./ rewrites `require-service` assertions into
`require-core-service` assertions:
let ?sys = <* $config [
<rewrite <require-service ?s> <require-core-service $s>>
<filter _>
<require-service <config-watcher "/etc/syndicate/core" {
config: $sys
gatekeeper: $gatekeeper
log: $log
Then, `require-core-service` is given meaning:
? <require-core-service ?s> [
<depends-on <milestone core> <service-state $s up>>
<require-service $s>
#### The services layer loader
The services layer is treated similarly in
except `require-basic-service` takes the place of `require-core-service`, and the configuration
watcher isn't started until `<milestone core>` is ready. Any `require-basic-service` assertions
are given meaning as follows:
? <require-basic-service ?s> [
<depends-on $s <service-state <milestone core> up>>
<require-service $s>
## The core layer: /etc/syndicate/core
The files in
define the core layer.
script brings in scripts in `/run` and `/usr/local` analogues of the core config directory:
<require-service <config-watcher "/run/etc/syndicate/core" $.>>
<require-service <config-watcher "/usr/local/etc/syndicate/core" $.>>
script runs a `udevd` instance and, once it's ready, starts an initial scan:
<require-service <daemon eudev>>
<daemon eudev ["/sbin/udevd", "--children-max=5"]>
<require-service <daemon eudev-initial-scan>>
<depends-on <daemon eudev-initial-scan> <service-state <daemon eudev> up>>
<daemon eudev-initial-scan <one-shot "
echo '' > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug &&
udevadm trigger --type=subsystems --action=add &&
udevadm trigger --type=devices --action=add &&
udevadm settle --timeout=30
script simply sets the machine hostname:
<require-service <daemon hostname>>
<daemon hostname <one-shot "hostname $(cat /etc/hostname)">>
<span id="machine-dataspace"></span>Finally, the
script declares a fresh, empty dataspace, and asserts a reference to it in a "well-known
location" for use by other services later:
let ?ds = dataspace
<machine-dataspace $ds>
## The services layer: /etc/syndicate/services
The files in
define the services layer.
script brings in `/run` and `/usr/local` service definitions, analogous to the same file in the
core layer:
<require-service <config-watcher "/run/etc/syndicate/services" $.>>
<require-service <config-watcher "/usr/local/etc/syndicate/services" $.>>
### Networking core
defines the `<milestone network>` pseudo-service and starts a number of ancillary services for
generically monitoring and configuring system network interfaces.
First, `<daemon interface-monitor>` is a small Python program, required by `<milestone
network>`, using Netlink sockets to track changes to interfaces and interface state. It speaks
the [Syndicate network protocol](../ on its standard input and output, and
publishes a [service object](./ which expects a reference to the
[machine dataspace defined earlier](#machine-dataspace):
<require-service <daemon interface-monitor>>
<depends-on <milestone network> <service-state <daemon interface-monitor> ready>>
<daemon interface-monitor {
argv: "/usr/lib/synit/interface-monitor"
protocol: application/syndicate
? <machine-dataspace ?machine> [
? <service-object <daemon interface-monitor> ?cap> [
$cap {
machine: $machine
The `interface-monitor` publishes assertions describing interface presence and state to the
machine dataspace. The script responds to these assertions by requesting
configuration of an interface once it reaches a certain state. First, all interfaces are
enabled when they appear and disabled when they disappear:
$machine ? <interface ?ifname _ _ _ _ _ _> [
$config [
! <exec ["ip" "link" "set" $ifname "up"]>
?- ! <exec ["ip" "link" "set" $ifname "down"] never>
Next, a DHCP client is invoked for any "normal" (wired-ethernet-like) interface in "up" state
with a carrier:
$machine ? <interface ?ifname _ normal up up carrier _> [
$config <configure-interface $ifname <dhcp>>
$machine ? <interface ?ifname _ normal up unknown carrier _> [
$config <configure-interface $ifname <dhcp>>
$config ? <configure-interface ?ifname <dhcp>> [
<require-service <daemon <udhcpc $ifname>>>
$config ? <run-service <daemon <udhcpc ?ifname>>> [
<daemon <udhcpc $ifname> ["udhcpc" "-i" $ifname "-fR" "-s" "/usr/lib/synit/udhcpc.script"]>
We use a custom `udhcpc` script which modifies the default script to give mobile-data devices a
sensible routing metric.
The final pieces of are static configuration of the loopback interface:
<configure-interface "lo" <static "">>
? <configure-interface ?ifname <static ?ipaddr>> [
! <exec ["ip" "address" "add" "dev" $ifname $ipaddr]>
?- ! <exec ["ip" "address" "del" "dev" $ifname $ipaddr] never>
and conditional publication of a `default-route` record, allowing services to detect when the
internet is (nominally) available:
$machine ? <route ?addressFamily default _ _ _ _> [
$config <default-route $addressFamily>
### Wifi & Mobile Data
Building atop the networking core,
provide the necessary support for wireless LAN and mobile data interfaces, respectively.
When `interface-monitor` detects presence of a wireless LAN interface, reacts by
starting `wpa_supplicant` for the interface along with a small Python program, `wifi-daemon`,
that acts as a client to `wpa_supplicant`, adding and removing networks and network
configuration according to `selected-wifi-network` assertions in the machine dataspace.
$machine ? <interface ?ifname _ wireless _ _ _ _> [
$config [
<require-service <daemon <wpa_supplicant $ifname>>>
<daemon <wifi-daemon $ifname>>
<service-state <daemon <wpa_supplicant $ifname>> up>>
<require-service <daemon <wifi-daemon $ifname>>>
$config ? <run-service <daemon <wifi-daemon ?ifname>>> [
<daemon <wifi-daemon $ifname> {
argv: "/usr/lib/synit/wifi-daemon"
protocol: application/syndicate
? <service-object <daemon <wifi-daemon $ifname>> ?cap> [
$cap {
machine: $machine
ifname: $ifname
$config ? <run-service <daemon <wpa_supplicant ?ifname>>> [
<daemon <wpa_supplicant $ifname> [
"wpa_supplicant" "-Dnl80211,wext" "-C/run/wpa_supplicant" "-i" $ifname
The other tasks performed by are to request DHCP configuration for available wifi interfaces:
$machine ? <interface ?ifname _ wireless up up carrier _> [
$config <configure-interface $ifname <dhcp>>
and to relay `selected-wifi-network` records from [user settings](#user-settings) (described
below) into the machine dataspace, for `wifi-daemon` instances to pick up:
$config ? <user-setting <?s <selected-wifi-network _ _ _>>> [ $machine += $s ]
Turning to, which is currently hard-coded for Pinephone devices, we see two main
blocks of config. The simplest just starts the `eg25-manager` daemon for controlling the
Pinephone's Quectel modem, along with a simple monitoring script for restarting it if and when
`/dev/EG25.AT` disappears:
<daemon eg25-manager "eg25-manager">
<depends-on <daemon eg25-manager> <service-state <daemon eg25-manager-monitor> up>>
<daemon eg25-manager-monitor "/usr/lib/synit/eg25-manager-monitor">
The remainder of handles cellular data, configured via the
[qmicli]( program.
<require-service <qmi-wwan "/dev/cdc-wdm0">>
<depends-on <qmi-wwan "/dev/cdc-wdm0"> <service-state <daemon eg25-manager> up>>
When the [user settings](#user-setting) `mobile-data-enabled` and `mobile-data-apn` are both
present, it responds to `qmi-wwan` service requests by invoking `qmi-wwan-manager`, a small
shell script, for each particular device and APN combination:
? <user-setting <mobile-data-enabled>> [
? <user-setting <mobile-data-apn ?apn>> [
? <run-service <qmi-wwan ?dev>> [
<require-service <daemon <qmi-wwan-manager $dev $apn>>>
? <run-service <daemon <qmi-wwan-manager ?dev ?apn>>> [
<daemon <qmi-wwan-manager $dev $apn> ["/usr/lib/synit/qmi-wwan-manager" $dev $apn]>
(Because qmicli is sometimes not well behaved, there is also [code in](
for restarting it in certain circumstances when it gets into a state where it reports errors
but does not terminate.)
### Simple daemons
A few simple daemons are also started as part of the services layer.
script starts the docker daemon, but only once the network configuration is available:
<require-service <daemon docker>>
<depends-on <daemon docker> <service-state <milestone network> up>>
<daemon docker "/usr/bin/dockerd --experimental 2>/var/log/docker.log">
script starts an NTP daemon, but only when an IPv4 default route exists:
<require-service <daemon ntpd>>
<depends-on <daemon ntpd> <default-route ipv4>>
<daemon ntpd "ntpd -d -n -p">
Finally, the
script starts the OpenSSH server daemon after ensuring both that the network is available and
that SSH host keys exist:
<require-service <daemon sshd>>
<depends-on <daemon sshd> <service-state <milestone network> up>>
<depends-on <daemon sshd> <service-state <daemon ssh-host-keys> complete>>
<daemon sshd "/usr/sbin/sshd -D">
<daemon ssh-host-keys <one-shot "ssh-keygen -A">>
### User settings
A special folder, `/etc/syndicate/user-settings`, acts as a persistent database of assertions
relating to user settings, including such things as wifi network credentials and preferences,
mobile data preferences, and so on. The
script sets up the programs responsible for managing the folder.
The contents of the folder itself are managed by a small Python program,
`user-settings-daemon`, which responds to requests arriving via the `$config` dataspace by
adding and removing files containing assertions in `/etc/syndicate/user-settings`.
let ?settingsDir = "/etc/syndicate/user-settings"
<require-service <daemon user-settings-daemon>>
<daemon user-settings-daemon {
argv: "/usr/lib/synit/user-settings-daemon"
protocol: application/syndicate
? <service-object <daemon user-settings-daemon> ?cap> [
$cap {
config: $config
settingsDir: $settingsDir
Each such file is named after the SHA-1 digest of the [canonical
form](../guide/ of the assertion it contains. For example,
`/etc/syndicate/user-settings/` contains
The files in `/etc/syndicate/user-settings` are brought into the main config dataspace by way
of a rewriting configuration watcher:
let ?settings = <* $config [ <rewrite ?item <user-setting $item>> ]>
<require-service <config-watcher $settingsDir { config: $settings }>>
Every assertion from `/etc/syndicate/user-settings` is wrapped in a `<user-setting ...>` record
before being placed into the main `$config` dataspace.