
190 lines
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# Copyright 2020 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import logging
import os
import time
import pmb.chroot.apk
import pmb.config
def get_path(args, name_repo):
""" Get the path to the repository, which is either the default one in the
work dir, or a user-specified one in args.
:returns: full path to repository """
if name_repo == "pmaports":
return args.aports
return + "/cache_git/" + name_repo
def clone(args, name_repo, shallow=True):
""" Clone a git repository to $WORK/cache_git/$name_repo (or to the
overridden path set in args, as with pmbootstrap --aports).
:param name_repo: short alias used for the repository name, from
pmb.config.git_repos (e.g. "aports_upstream",
:param shallow: only clone the last revision of the repository, instead
of the entire repository (faster, saves bandwith) """
# Check for repo name in the config
if name_repo not in pmb.config.git_repos:
raise ValueError("No git repository configured for " + name_repo)
path = get_path(args, name_repo)
if not os.path.exists(path):
# Build git command
url = pmb.config.git_repos[name_repo]
command = ["git", "clone"]
if shallow:
command += ["--depth=1"]
command += [url, path]
# Create parent dir and clone"Clone git repository: " + url)
os.makedirs( + "/cache_git", exist_ok=True), command, output="stdout")
# FETCH_HEAD does not exist after initial clone. Create it, so
# is_outdated() can use it.
fetch_head = path + "/.git/FETCH_HEAD"
if not os.path.exists(fetch_head):
open(fetch_head, "w").close()
def rev_parse(args, path, revision="HEAD", extra_args: list = []):
""" Run "git rev-parse" in a specific repository dir.
:param path: to the git repository
:param extra_args: additional arguments for "git rev-parse". Pass
"--abbrev-ref" to get the branch instead of the
commit, if possible.
:returns: commit string like "90cd0ad84d390897efdcf881c0315747a4f3a966"
or (with --abbrev-ref): the branch name, e.g. "master" """
command = ["git", "rev-parse"] + extra_args + [revision]
rev =, command, path, output_return=True)
return rev.rstrip()
def can_fast_forward(args, path, branch_upstream, branch="HEAD"):
command = ["git", "merge-base", "--is-ancestor", branch, branch_upstream]
ret =, command, path, check=False)
if ret == 0:
return True
elif ret == 1:
return False
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected exit code from git: " + str(ret))
def clean_worktree(args, path):
""" Check if there are not any modified files in the git dir. """
command = ["git", "status", "--porcelain"]
return, command, path, output_return=True) == ""
def get_upstream_remote(args, name_repo):
""" Find the remote, which matches the git URL from the config. Usually
"origin", but the user may have set up their git repository
differently. """
url = pmb.config.git_repos[name_repo]
path = get_path(args, name_repo)
command = ["git", "remote", "-v"]
output =, command, path, output_return=True)
for line in output.split("\n"):
if url in line:
return line.split("\t", 1)[0]
raise RuntimeError("{}: could not find remote name for URL '{}' in git"
" repository: {}".format(name_repo, url, path))
def get_branches_official(args, name_repo):
""" Get all branches that point to official release channels.
:returns: list of supported branches, e.g. ["master", "3.11"] """
# More sophisticated logic to figure out the branches will be added soon:
return ["master"]
def pull(args, name_repo):
""" Check if on official branch and essentially try 'git pull --ff-only'.
Instead of really doing 'git pull --ff-only', do it in multiple steps
(fetch, merge --ff-only), so we can display useful messages depending
on which part fails.
:returns: integer, >= 0 on success, < 0 on error """
branches_official = get_branches_official(args, name_repo)
# Skip if repo wasn't cloned
path = get_path(args, name_repo)
if not os.path.exists(path):
logging.debug(name_repo + ": repo was not cloned, skipping pull!")
return 1
# Skip if not on official branch
branch = rev_parse(args, path, extra_args=["--abbrev-ref"])
msg_start = "{} (branch: {}):".format(name_repo, branch)
if branch not in branches_official:
logging.warning("{} not on one of the official branches ({}), skipping"
" pull!"
"".format(msg_start, ", ".join(branches_official)))
return -1
# Skip if workdir is not clean
if not clean_worktree(args, path):
logging.warning(msg_start + " workdir is not clean, skipping pull!")
return -2
# Skip if branch is tracking different remote
branch_upstream = get_upstream_remote(args, name_repo) + "/" + branch
remote_ref = rev_parse(args, path, branch + "@{u}", ["--abbrev-ref"])
if remote_ref != branch_upstream:
logging.warning("{} is tracking unexpected remote branch '{}' instead"
" of '{}'".format(msg_start, remote_ref,
return -3
# Fetch (exception on failure, meaning connection to server broke) + " git pull --ff-only")
if not args.offline:, ["git", "fetch"], path)
# Skip if already up to date
if rev_parse(args, path, branch) == rev_parse(args, path, branch_upstream): + " already up to date")
return 2
# Skip if we can't fast-forward
if not can_fast_forward(args, path, branch_upstream):
logging.warning("{} can't fast-forward to {}, looks like you changed"
" the git history of your local branch. Skipping pull!"
"".format(msg_start, branch_upstream))
return -4
# Fast-forward now (should not fail due to checks above, so it's fine to
# throw an exception on error)
command = ["git", "merge", "--ff-only", branch_upstream], command, path, "stdout")
return 0
def is_outdated(args, path):
# FETCH_HEAD always exists in repositories cloned by pmbootstrap.
# Usually it does not (before first git fetch/pull), but there is no good
# fallback. For exampe, getting the _creation_ date of .git/HEAD is non-
# trivial with python on linux (
# Note that we have to assume here, that the user had fetched the "origin"
# repository. If the user fetched another repository, FETCH_HEAD would also
# get updated, even though "origin" may be outdated. For pmbootstrap status
# it is good enough, because it should help the users that are not doing
# much with pmaports.git to know when it is outdated. People who manually
# fetch other repos should usually know that and how to handle that
# situation.
path_head = path + "/.git/FETCH_HEAD"
date_head = os.path.getmtime(path_head)
date_outdated = time.time() - pmb.config.git_repo_outdated
return date_head <= date_outdated