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# Copyright 2020 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Functions that work only on pmaports. See also:
- pmb/helpers/ (only work on binary package repos)
- pmb/helpers/ (work on both)
import glob
import logging
import os
import pmb.parse
def get_list(args):
""" :returns: list of all pmaport pkgnames (["hello-world", ...]) """
ret = []
for apkbuild in glob.glob(args.aports + "/*/*/APKBUILD"):
return ret
def guess_main_dev(args, subpkgname):
Check if a package without "-dev" at the end exists in pmaports or not, and
log the appropriate message. Don't call this function directly, use
guess_main() instead.
:param subpkgname: subpackage name, must end in "-dev"
:returns: full path to the pmaport or None
pkgname = subpkgname[:-4]
paths = glob.glob(args.aports + "/*/" + pkgname)
if paths:
logging.debug(subpkgname + ": guessed to be a subpackage of " +
pkgname + " (just removed '-dev')")
return paths[0]
logging.debug(subpkgname + ": guessed to be a subpackage of " + pkgname +
", which we can't find in pmaports, so it's probably in"
" Alpine")
return None
def guess_main(args, subpkgname):
Find the main package by assuming it is a prefix of the subpkgname.
We do that, because in some APKBUILDs the subpkgname="" variable gets
filled with a shell loop and the APKBUILD parser in pmbootstrap can't
parse this right. (Intentionally, we don't want to implement a full shell
:param subpkgname: subpackage name (e.g. "u-boot-some-device")
:returns: * full path to the aport, e.g.:
* None when we couldn't find a main package
# Packages ending in -dev: just assume that the originating aport has the
# same pkgname, except for the -dev at the end. If we use the other method
# below on subpackages, we may end up with the wrong package. For example,
# if something depends on plasma-framework-dev, and plasma-framework is in
# Alpine, but plasma is in pmaports, then the cutting algorithm below would
# pick plasma instead of plasma-framework.
if subpkgname.endswith("-dev"):
return guess_main_dev(args, subpkgname)
# Iterate until the cut up subpkgname is gone
words = subpkgname.split("-")
while len(words) > 1:
# Remove one dash-separated word at a time ("a-b-c" -> "a-b")
pkgname = "-".join(words)
# Look in pmaports
paths = glob.glob(args.aports + "/*/" + pkgname)
if paths:
logging.debug(subpkgname + ": guessed to be a subpackage of " +
return paths[0]
def find(args, package, must_exist=True):
Find the aport path, that provides a certain subpackage.
If you want the parsed APKBUILD instead, use pmb.helpers.pmaports.get().
:param must_exist: Raise an exception, when not found
:returns: the full path to the aport folder
# Try to get a cached result first (we assume, that the aports don't change
# in one pmbootstrap call)
ret = None
if package in args.cache["find_aport"]:
ret = args.cache["find_aport"][package]
# Sanity check
if "*" in package:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid pkgname: " + package)
# Search in packages
paths = glob.glob(args.aports + "/*/" + package)
if len(paths) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Package " + package + " found in multiple"
" aports subfolders. Please put it only in one"
" folder.")
elif len(paths) == 1:
ret = paths[0]
# Search in subpackages and provides
if not ret:
for path_current in glob.glob(args.aports + "/*/*/APKBUILD"):
apkbuild = pmb.parse.apkbuild(args, path_current)
found = False
# Subpackages
if package in apkbuild["subpackages"]:
found = True
# Provides (cut off before equals sign for entries like
# "mkbootimg=0.0.1")
if not found:
for provides_i in apkbuild["provides"]:
# Ignore provides without version, they shall never be
# automatically selected
if "=" not in provides_i:
if package == provides_i.split("=", 1)[0]:
found = True
if found:
ret = os.path.dirname(path_current)
# Guess a main package
if not ret:
ret = guess_main(args, package)
# Crash when necessary
if ret is None and must_exist:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find aport for package: " +
# Save result in cache
args.cache["find_aport"][package] = ret
return ret
def get(args, pkgname, must_exist=True):
""" Find and parse an APKBUILD file.
Run 'pmbootstrap apkbuild_parse hello-world' for a full output example.
Relevant variables are defined in pmb.config.apkbuild_attributes.
:param pkgname: the package name to find
:param must_exist: raise an exception when it can't be found
:returns: relevant variables from the APKBUILD as dictionary, e.g.:
{ "pkgname": "hello-world",
"arch": ["all"],
"pkgrel": "4",
"pkgrel": "1",
"options": [],
... }
aport = find(args, pkgname, must_exist)
if aport:
return pmb.parse.apkbuild(args, aport + "/APKBUILD")
return None
def get_repo(args, pkgname, must_exist=True):
""" Get the repository folder of an aport.
:pkgname: package name
:must_exist: raise an exception when it can't be found
:returns: a string like "main", "device", "cross", ...
or None when the aport could not be found """
aport = find(args, pkgname, must_exist)
if not aport:
return None
return os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(aport))
def check_arches(arches, arch):
""" Check if building for a certain arch is allowed.
:param arches: list of all supported arches, as it can be found in the
arch="" line of APKBUILDS (including all, noarch,
!arch, ...). For example: ["x86_64", "x86", "!armhf"]
:param arch: the architecture to check for
:returns: True when building is allowed, False otherwise
if "!" + arch in arches:
return False
for value in [arch, "all", "noarch"]:
if value in arches:
return True
return False