
368 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright 2021 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
""" Test pmb.parse.apkindex """
import collections
import os
import pytest
import sys
import pmb_test # noqa
import pmb.parse.apkindex
import pmb.helpers.logging
import pmb.helpers.repo
def args(tmpdir, request):
import pmb.parse
sys.argv = ["pmbootstrap", "init"]
args = pmb.parse.arguments()
args.log = + "/log_testsuite.txt"
return args
def test_parse_next_block_exceptions():
# Mapping of input files (inside the /test/testdata/apkindex) to
# error message substrings
mapping = {"key_twice": "specified twice",
"key_missing": "Missing required key",
"new_line_missing": "does not end with a new line!"}
# Parse the files
for file, error_substr in mapping.items():
path = pmb.config.pmb_src + "/test/testdata/apkindex/" + file
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as handle:
lines = handle.readlines()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
pmb.parse.apkindex.parse_next_block(path, lines, [0])
assert error_substr in str(e.value)
def test_parse_next_block_no_error():
# Read the file
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.parse_next_block
path = pmb.config.pmb_src + "/test/testdata/apkindex/no_error"
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as handle:
lines = handle.readlines()
# First block
start = [0]
block = {'arch': 'x86_64',
'depends': [],
'origin': 'musl',
'pkgname': 'musl',
'provides': [''],
'timestamp': '1515217616',
'version': '1.1.18-r5'}
assert func(path, lines, start) == block
assert start == [24]
# Second block
block = {'arch': 'x86_64',
'depends': ['ca-certificates',
'origin': 'curl',
'pkgname': 'curl',
'provides': ['cmd:curl'],
'timestamp': '1512030418',
'version': '7.57.0-r0'}
assert func(path, lines, start) == block
assert start == [45]
# No more blocks
assert func(path, lines, start) is None
assert start == [45]
def test_parse_next_block_virtual():
Test parsing a virtual package from an APKINDEX.
# Read the file
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.parse_next_block
path = pmb.config.pmb_src + "/test/testdata/apkindex/virtual_package"
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as handle:
lines = handle.readlines()
# First block
start = [0]
block = {'arch': 'x86_64',
'depends': [''],
'origin': 'hello-world',
'pkgname': 'hello-world',
'provides': ['cmd:hello-world'],
'timestamp': '1500000000',
'version': '2-r0'}
assert func(path, lines, start) == block
assert start == [20]
# Second block: virtual package
block = {'arch': 'noarch',
'depends': ['hello-world'],
'pkgname': '.pmbootstrap',
'provides': [],
'version': '0'}
assert func(path, lines, start) == block
assert start == [31]
# No more blocks
assert func(path, lines, start) is None
assert start == [31]
def test_parse_add_block(args):
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.parse_add_block
multiple_providers = False
# One package without alias
ret = {}
block = {"pkgname": "test", "version": "2"}
alias = None
func(ret, block, alias, multiple_providers)
assert ret == {"test": block}
# Older packages must not overwrite newer ones
block_old = {"pkgname": "test", "version": "1"}
func(ret, block_old, alias, multiple_providers)
assert ret == {"test": block}
# Newer packages must overwrite older ones
block_new = {"pkgname": "test", "version": "3"}
func(ret, block_new, alias, multiple_providers)
assert ret == {"test": block_new}
# Add package with alias
alias = "test_alias"
func(ret, block_new, alias, multiple_providers)
assert ret == {"test": block_new, "test_alias": block_new}
def test_parse_add_block_multiple_providers(args):
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.parse_add_block
# One package without alias
ret = {}
block = {"pkgname": "test", "version": "2"}
alias = None
func(ret, block, alias)
assert ret == {"test": {"test": block}}
# Older packages must not overwrite newer ones
block_old = {"pkgname": "test", "version": "1"}
func(ret, block_old, alias)
assert ret == {"test": {"test": block}}
# Newer packages must overwrite older ones
block_new = {"pkgname": "test", "version": "3"}
func(ret, block_new, alias)
assert ret == {"test": {"test": block_new}}
# Add package with alias
alias = "test_alias"
func(ret, block_new, alias)
assert ret == {"test": {"test": block_new},
"test_alias": {"test": block_new}}
# Add another package with the same alias
alias = "test_alias"
block_test2 = {"pkgname": "test2", "version": "1"}
func(ret, block_test2, alias)
assert ret == {"test": {"test": block_new},
"test_alias": {"test": block_new, "test2": block_test2}}
def test_parse_invalid_path():
assert pmb.parse.apkindex.parse("/invalid/path/APKINDEX") == {}
def test_parse_cached(args, tmpdir):
# Create a real file (cache looks at the last modified date)
path = str(tmpdir) + "/APKINDEX", ["touch", path])
lastmod = os.path.getmtime(path)
# Fill the cache
pmb.helpers.other.cache["apkindex"][path] = {
"lastmod": lastmod,
"multiple": "cached_result_multiple",
"single": "cached_result_single",
# Verify cache usage
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.parse
assert func(path, True) == "cached_result_multiple"
assert func(path, False) == "cached_result_single"
# Make cache invalid
pmb.helpers.other.cache["apkindex"][path]["lastmod"] -= 10
assert func(path, True) == {}
# Delete the cache (run twice for both code paths)
assert pmb.parse.apkindex.clear_cache(path) is True
assert pmb.helpers.other.cache["apkindex"] == {}
assert pmb.parse.apkindex.clear_cache(path) is False
def test_parse():
path = pmb.config.pmb_src + "/test/testdata/apkindex/no_error"
block_musl = {'arch': 'x86_64',
'depends': [],
'origin': 'musl',
'pkgname': 'musl',
'provides': [''],
'timestamp': '1515217616',
'version': '1.1.18-r5'}
block_curl = {'arch': 'x86_64',
'depends': ['ca-certificates',
'origin': 'curl',
'pkgname': 'curl',
'provides': ['cmd:curl'],
'timestamp': '1512030418',
'version': '7.57.0-r0'}
# Test without multiple_providers
ret_single = {'cmd:curl': block_curl,
'curl': block_curl,
'musl': block_musl,
'': block_musl}
assert pmb.parse.apkindex.parse(path, False) == ret_single
assert pmb.helpers.other.cache["apkindex"][path]["single"] == ret_single
# Test with multiple_providers
ret_multiple = {'cmd:curl': {"curl": block_curl},
'curl': {"curl": block_curl},
'musl': {"musl": block_musl},
'': {"musl": block_musl}}
assert pmb.parse.apkindex.parse(path, True) == ret_multiple
assert (
pmb.helpers.other.cache["apkindex"][path]["multiple"] == ret_multiple
def test_parse_virtual():
This APKINDEX contains a virtual package .pbmootstrap. It must not be part
of the output.
path = pmb.config.pmb_src + "/test/testdata/apkindex/virtual_package"
block = {'arch': 'x86_64',
'depends': [''],
'origin': 'hello-world',
'pkgname': 'hello-world',
'provides': ['cmd:hello-world'],
'timestamp': '1500000000',
'version': '2-r0'}
ret = {"hello-world": block, "cmd:hello-world": block}
assert pmb.parse.apkindex.parse(path, False) == ret
assert pmb.helpers.other.cache["apkindex"][path]["single"] == ret
def test_providers_invalid_package(args, tmpdir):
# Create empty APKINDEX
path = str(tmpdir) + "/APKINDEX", ["touch", path])
# Test with must_exist=False
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.providers
package = "test"
indexes = [path]
assert func(args, package, None, False, indexes) == {}
# Test with must_exist=True
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
func(args, package, None, True, indexes)
assert str(e.value).startswith("Could not find package")
def test_providers_highest_version(args, monkeypatch):
In this test, we simulate 3 APKINDEX files ("i0", "i1", "i2" instead of
full paths to real APKINDEX.tar.gz files), and each of them has a different
version of the same package. The highest version must win, no matter in
which order the APKINDEX files are processed.
# Fake parse function
def return_fake_parse(path):
version_mapping = {"i0": "2", "i1": "3", "i2": "1"}
package_block = {"pkgname": "test", "version": version_mapping[path]}
return {"test": {"test": package_block}}
monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.parse.apkindex, "parse", return_fake_parse)
# Verify that it picks the highest version
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.providers
providers = func(args, "test", indexes=["i0", "i1", "i2"])
assert providers["test"]["version"] == "3"
def test_provider_highest_priority(args, monkeypatch):
# Verify that it picks the provider with highest priority
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.provider_highest_priority
provider_none_a = {"pkgname": "a", "provides": ["test"]}
provider_none_b = {"pkgname": "b", "provides": ["test"]}
provider_low_c = {"pkgname": "c", "provides": ["test"],
"provider_priority": 42}
provider_low_d = {"pkgname": "d", "provides": ["test"],
"provider_priority": 42}
provider_high = {"pkgname": "e", "provides": ["test"],
"provider_priority": 1337}
# No provider has a priority
providers = {"a": provider_none_a}
assert func(providers, "test") == providers
providers = {"a": provider_none_a, "b": provider_none_b}
assert func(providers, "test") == providers
# One provider has a priority, another one does not
providers = {"a": provider_none_a, "e": provider_high}
assert func(providers, "test") == {"e": provider_high}
# One provider has a priority, another one has a higher priority
providers = {"c": provider_low_c, "e": provider_high}
assert func(providers, "test") == {"e": provider_high}
# One provider has a priority, another one has the same priority
providers = {"c": provider_low_c, "d": provider_low_d}
assert func(providers, "test") == providers
# + some package without priority at all should be filtered out
providers2 = providers.copy()
providers2["a"] = provider_none_a
assert func(providers2, "test") == providers
def test_package(args, monkeypatch):
# Override pmb.parse.apkindex.providers()
providers = collections.OrderedDict()
def return_providers(*args, **kwargs):
return providers
monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.parse.apkindex, "providers", return_providers)
# Provider with the same pkgname
func = pmb.parse.apkindex.package
pkgname = "test"
providers = {"test2": {"pkgname": "test2"}, "test": {"pkgname": "test"}}
assert func(args, pkgname) == {"pkgname": "test"}
# First provider
providers = {"test2": {"pkgname": "test2"}, "test3": {"pkgname": "test3"}}
assert func(args, pkgname) == {"pkgname": "test2"}
# No provider (with must_exist)
providers = {}
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
func(args, pkgname)
assert "not found in any APKINDEX" in str(e.value)
# No provider (without must_exist)
assert func(args, pkgname, must_exist=False) is None