
173 lines
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# Copyright 2021 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import os
import logging
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
import stat
import pmb.helpers.apk
import pmb.config
import pmb.config.load
import pmb.parse.apkindex
import pmb.helpers.http
import pmb.parse.version
def read_signature_info(tar):
Find various information about the signature, that was used to sign
/sbin/apk.static inside the archive (not to be confused with the normal apk
archive signature!)
:returns: (sigfilename, sigkey_path)
# Get signature filename and key
prefix = "sbin/apk.static.SIGN.RSA."
sigfilename = None
for filename in tar.getnames():
if filename.startswith(prefix):
sigfilename = filename
if not sigfilename:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find signature filename in apk."
" This means, that your apk file is damaged."
" Delete it and try again."
" If the problem persists, fill out a bug report.")
sigkey = sigfilename[len(prefix):]
logging.debug(f"sigfilename: {sigfilename}")
logging.debug(f"sigkey: {sigkey}")
# Get path to keyfile on disk
sigkey_path = f"{pmb.config.apk_keys_path}/{sigkey}"
if "/" in sigkey or not os.path.exists(sigkey_path):
logging.debug(f"sigkey_path: {sigkey_path}")
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid signature key: {sigkey}")
return (sigfilename, sigkey_path)
def extract_temp(tar, sigfilename):
Extract apk.static and signature as temporary files.
ret = {
"apk": {
"filename": "sbin/apk.static",
"temp_path": None
"sig": {
"filename": sigfilename,
"temp_path": None
for ftype in ret.keys():
member = tar.getmember(ret[ftype]["filename"])
handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp(ftype, "pmbootstrap")
handle = open(handle, "wb")
ret[ftype]["temp_path"] = path
shutil.copyfileobj(tar.extractfile(member), handle)
logging.debug(f"extracted: {path}")
return ret
def verify_signature(args, files, sigkey_path):
Verify the signature with openssl.
:param files: return value from extract_temp()
:raises RuntimeError: when verification failed and removes temp files
logging.debug(f"Verify apk.static signature with {sigkey_path}")
try:, ["openssl", "dgst", "-sha1", "-verify",
sigkey_path, "-signature", files[
except BaseException:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to validate signature of apk.static."
" Either openssl is not installed, or the"
" download failed. Run 'pmbootstrap zap -hc' to"
" delete the download and try again.")
def extract(args, version, apk_path):
Extract everything to temporary locations, verify signatures and reported
versions. When everything is right, move the extracted apk.static to the
final location.
# Extract to a temporary path
with, "r:gz") as tar:
sigfilename, sigkey_path = read_signature_info(tar)
files = extract_temp(tar, sigfilename)
# Verify signature
verify_signature(args, files, sigkey_path)
temp_path = files["apk"]["temp_path"]
# Verify the version, that the extracted binary reports
logging.debug("Verify the version reported by the apk.static binary"
f" (must match the package version {version})")
os.chmod(temp_path, os.stat(temp_path).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
version_bin =, [temp_path, "--version"],
version_bin = version_bin.split(" ")[1].split(",")[0]
if not version.startswith(f"{version_bin}-r"):
raise RuntimeError(f"Downloaded apk-tools-static-{version}.apk,"
" but the apk binary inside that package reports"
f" to be version: {version_bin}!"
" Looks like a downgrade attack"
" from a malicious server! Switch the server (-m)"
" and try again.")
# Move it to the right path
target_path = f"{}/apk.static"
shutil.move(temp_path, target_path)
def download(args, file):
Download a single file from an Alpine mirror.
channel_cfg = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config_channel(args)
mirrordir = channel_cfg["mirrordir_alpine"]
base_url = f"{args.mirror_alpine}{mirrordir}/main/{args.arch_native}"
return, f"{base_url}/{file}", file)
def init(args):
Download, verify, extract $WORK/apk.static.
# Get and parse the APKINDEX
apkindex = pmb.helpers.repo.alpine_apkindex_path(args, "main")
index_data = pmb.parse.apkindex.package(args, "apk-tools-static",
version = index_data["version"]
# Verify the apk-tools-static version
args, version, "Run 'pmbootstrap update', then try again.")
# Download, extract, verify apk-tools-static
apk_name = f"apk-tools-static-{version}.apk"
apk_static = download(args, apk_name)
extract(args, version, apk_static)
def run(args, parameters):
if args.offline:
parameters = ["--no-network"] + parameters
args, [f"{}/apk.static"] + parameters, chroot=False)