
220 lines
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# Copyright 2021 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Functions that work with binary package repos. See also:
- pmb/helpers/ (work with pmaports)
- pmb/helpers/ (work with both)
import os
import hashlib
import logging
import pmb.config.pmaports
import pmb.helpers.http
def hash(url, length=8):
Generate the hash that APK adds to the APKINDEX and apk packages
in its apk cache folder. It is the "12345678" part in this example:
:param length: The length of the hash in the output file.
See also: official implementation in apk-tools:
blob.c: apk_blob_push_hexdump(), "const char *xd"
apk_defines.h: APK_CACHE_CSUM_BYTES
database.c: apk_repo_format_cache_index()
binary = hashlib.sha1(url.encode("utf-8")).digest()
xd = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
csum_bytes = int(length / 2)
ret = ""
for i in range(csum_bytes):
ret += xd[(binary[i] >> 4) & 0xf]
ret += xd[binary[i] & 0xf]
return ret
def urls(args, user_repository=True, postmarketos_mirror=True, alpine=True):
Get a list of repository URLs, as they are in /etc/apk/repositories.
:param user_repository: add /mnt/pmbootstrap-packages
:param postmarketos_mirror: add postmarketos mirror URLs
:param alpine: add alpine mirror URLs
:returns: list of mirror strings, like ["/mnt/pmbootstrap-packages",
"http://...", ...]
ret = []
# Get mirrordirs from channels.cfg (postmarketOS mirrordir is the same as
# the pmaports branch of the channel, no need to make it more complicated)
channel_cfg = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config_channel(args)
mirrordir_pmos = channel_cfg["branch_pmaports"]
mirrordir_alpine = channel_cfg["mirrordir_alpine"]
# Local user repository (for packages compiled with pmbootstrap)
if user_repository:
# Upstream postmarketOS binary repository
if postmarketos_mirror:
for mirror in args.mirrors_postmarketos:
# Remove "master" mirrordir to avoid breakage until bpo is adjusted
# ( and to give potential other users of
# this flag a heads up.
if mirror.endswith("/master"):
logging.warning("WARNING: 'master' at the end of"
" --mirror-pmOS is deprecated, the branch gets"
" added automatically now!")
mirror = mirror[:-1 * len("master")]
# Upstream Alpine Linux repositories
if alpine:
directories = ["main", "community"]
if mirrordir_alpine == "edge":
for dir in directories:
return ret
def apkindex_files(args, arch=None, user_repository=True, pmos=True,
Get a list of outside paths to all resolved APKINDEX.tar.gz files for a
specific arch.
:param arch: defaults to native
:param user_repository: add path to index of locally built packages
:param pmos: add paths to indexes of postmarketos mirrors
:param alpine: add paths to indexes of alpine mirrors
:returns: list of absolute APKINDEX.tar.gz file paths
if not arch:
arch = args.arch_native
ret = []
# Local user repository (for packages compiled with pmbootstrap)
if user_repository:
channel = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config(args)["channel"]
ret = [f"{}/packages/{channel}/{arch}/APKINDEX.tar.gz"]
# Resolve the APKINDEX.$HASH.tar.gz files
for url in urls(args, False, pmos, alpine):
ret.append( + "/cache_apk_" + arch + "/APKINDEX." +
hash(url) + ".tar.gz")
return ret
def update(args, arch=None, force=False, existing_only=False):
Download the APKINDEX files for all URLs depending on the architectures.
:param arch: * one Alpine architecture name ("x86_64", "armhf", ...)
* None for all architectures
:param force: even update when the APKINDEX file is fairly recent
:param existing_only: only update the APKINDEX files that already exist,
this is used by "pmbootstrap update"
:returns: True when files have been downloaded, False otherwise
# Skip in offline mode, only show once
cache_key = "pmb.helpers.repo.update"
if args.offline:
if not args.cache[cache_key]["offline_msg_shown"]:"NOTE: skipping package index update (offline mode)")
args.cache[cache_key]["offline_msg_shown"] = True
return False
# Architectures and retention time
architectures = [arch] if arch else pmb.config.build_device_architectures
retention_hours = pmb.config.apkindex_retention_time
retention_seconds = retention_hours * 3600
# Find outdated APKINDEX files. Formats:
# outdated: {URL: apkindex_path, ... }
# outdated_arches: ["armhf", "x86_64", ... ]
outdated = {}
outdated_arches = []
for url in urls(args, False):
for arch in architectures:
# APKINDEX file name from the URL
url_full = url + "/" + arch + "/APKINDEX.tar.gz"
cache_apk_outside = + "/cache_apk_" + arch
apkindex = cache_apk_outside + "/APKINDEX." + hash(url) + ".tar.gz"
# Find update reason, possibly skip non-existing or known 404 files
reason = None
if url_full in args.cache[cache_key]["404"]:
# We already attempted to download this file once in this
# session
elif not os.path.exists(apkindex):
if existing_only:
reason = "file does not exist yet"
elif force:
reason = "forced update"
elif pmb.helpers.file.is_older_than(apkindex, retention_seconds):
reason = "older than " + str(retention_hours) + "h"
if not reason:
# Update outdated and outdated_arches
logging.debug("APKINDEX outdated (" + reason + "): " + url_full)
outdated[url_full] = apkindex
if arch not in outdated_arches:
# Bail out or show log message
if not len(outdated):
return False"Update package index for " + ", ".join(outdated_arches) +
" (" + str(len(outdated)) + " file(s))")
# Download and move to right location
for (i, (url, target)) in enumerate(outdated.items()):
pmb.helpers.cli.progress_print(args, i / len(outdated))
temp =, url, "APKINDEX", False,
logging.DEBUG, True)
if not temp:
target_folder = os.path.dirname(target)
if not os.path.exists(target_folder):, ["mkdir", "-p", target_folder]), ["cp", temp, target])
return True
def alpine_apkindex_path(args, repo="main", arch=None):
Get the path to a specific Alpine APKINDEX file on disk and download it if
:param repo: Alpine repository name (e.g. "main")
:param arch: Alpine architecture (e.g. "armhf"), defaults to native arch.
:returns: full path to the APKINDEX file
# Repo sanity check
if repo not in ["main", "community", "testing", "non-free"]:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid Alpine repository: " + repo)
# Download the file
arch = arch or args.arch_native
update(args, arch)
# Find it on disk
channel_cfg = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config_channel(args)
repo_link = f"{args.mirror_alpine}{channel_cfg['mirrordir_alpine']}/{repo}"
cache_folder = + "/cache_apk_" + arch
return cache_folder + "/APKINDEX." + hash(repo_link) + ".tar.gz"