
76 lines
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# Copyright 2021 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import os
import glob
import logging
import pmb.chroot.apk
import pmb.install
def kernel_flavor_installed(args, suffix, autoinstall=True):
Get installed kernel flavor. Optionally install the device's kernel
:param suffix: the chroot suffix, e.g. "native" or "rootfs_qemu-amd64"
:param autoinstall: install the device's kernel if it is not installed
:returns: * string with the installed kernel flavor,
e.g. ["postmarketos-qcom-sdm845"]
* None if no kernel is installed
# Automatically install the selected kernel
if autoinstall:
packages = ([f"device-{args.device}"] +
pmb.install.get_kernel_package(args, args.device))
pmb.chroot.apk.install(args, packages, suffix)
pattern = f"{}/chroot_{suffix}/usr/share/kernel/*"
glob_result = glob.glob(pattern)
# There should be only one directory here
return os.path.basename(glob_result[0]) if glob_result else None
def tempfolder(args, path, suffix="native"):
Create a temporary folder inside the chroot that belongs to "user".
The folder gets deleted, if it already exists.
:param path: of the temporary folder inside the chroot
:returns: the path
if os.path.exists( + "/chroot_" + suffix + path):
pmb.chroot.root(args, ["rm", "-r", path])
pmb.chroot.user(args, ["mkdir", "-p", path])
return path
def copy_xauthority(args):
Copy the host system's Xauthority file to the pmos user inside the chroot,
so we can start X11 applications from there.
# Check $DISPLAY"(native) copy host Xauthority")
if not os.environ.get("DISPLAY"):
raise RuntimeError("Your $DISPLAY variable is not set. If you have an"
" X11 server running as your current user, try"
" 'export DISPLAY=:0' and run your last"
" pmbootstrap command again.")
original = os.environ.get("XAUTHORITY")
if not original:
original = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.Xauthority')
if not os.path.exists(original):
raise RuntimeError("Could not find your Xauthority file, try to export"
" your $XAUTHORITY correctly. Looked here: " +
# Copy to chroot and chown
copy = + "/chroot_native/home/pmos/.Xauthority"
if os.path.exists(copy):, ["rm", copy]), ["cp", original, copy])
pmb.chroot.root(args, ["chown", "pmos:pmos", "/home/pmos/.Xauthority"])