
188 lines
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# Copyright 2021 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
This file runs various installations and boots into them with QEMU, then checks
via SSH if expected processes are running.
We use an extra config file (based on ~/.config/pmbootstrap.cfg), because we
need to change it a lot (e.g. UI, username, ...).
import pytest
import sys
import shutil
import shlex
import time
import pmb_test # noqa
import pmb.chroot.apk_static
import pmb.parse.apkindex
import pmb.helpers.logging
import pmb.parse.bootimg
def args(request):
import pmb.parse
sys.argv = ["", "chroot"]
args = pmb.parse.arguments()
args.log = + "/log_testsuite.txt"
return args
def ssh_create_askpass_script(args):
"""Create /tmp/, which we need to automatically login via SSH."""
with open( + "/chroot_native/tmp/", "w") as handle:
handle.write("#!/bin/sh\necho y\n")
pmb.chroot.root(args, ["chmod", "+x", "/tmp/"])
def pmbootstrap_run(args, config, parameters, output="log"):
"""Execute with a test pmbootstrap.conf."""
return, ["./", "-c", config] +
parameters, working_dir=pmb.config.pmb_src,
def pmbootstrap_yes(args, config, parameters):
Execute with a test pmbootstrap.conf, and pipe "yes" into it
(so we can do a fully automated installation, using "y" as password
everywhere). Use --details-to-stdout to avoid the pmbootstrap process from
looking like it is hanging, when downloading packages with apk (otherwise
it would write no output, and get killed by the timeout).
command = ("yes | ./ --details-to-stdout -c " +
for parameter in parameters:
command += " " + shlex.quote(parameter)
return, ["/bin/sh", "-c", command],
class QEMU(object):
def __init__(self, request):
self.process = None
def terminate(self):
if self.process:
print("WARNING: The QEMU process wasn't set, so it could not be"
" terminated.")
def run(self, args, tmpdir, ui="none"):
# Copy and adjust user's pmbootstrap.cfg
config = str(tmpdir) + "/pmbootstrap.cfg"
shutil.copyfile(args.config, config)
pmbootstrap_run(args, config, ["config", "device", "qemu-amd64"])
pmbootstrap_run(args, config, ["config", "kernel", "virt"])
pmbootstrap_run(args, config, ["config", "extra_packages", "none"])
pmbootstrap_run(args, config, ["config", "user", "testuser"])
pmbootstrap_run(args, config, ["config", "ui", ui])
# Prepare native chroot
pmbootstrap_run(args, config, ["-y", "zap"])
pmb.chroot.apk.install(args, ["openssh-client"])
# Create and run rootfs
pmbootstrap_yes(args, config, ["install"])
self.process = pmbootstrap_run(args, config, ["qemu", "--display",
"none"], "background")
def qemu(request):
return QEMU(request)
def ssh_run(args, command):
Run a command in the QEMU VM on localhost via SSH.
:param command: flat string of the command to execute, e.g. "ps au"
:returns: the result from the SSH server
ret = pmb.chroot.user(args, ["SSH_ASKPASS=/tmp/", "DISPLAY=", "ssh",
"-o", "ConnectTimeout=10",
"-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null",
"-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
"-p", "2222", "testuser@localhost", "--",
command], output_return=True, check=False)
return ret
def is_running(args, programs, timeout=300, sleep_before_retry=1):
Simple check that looks for program names in the output of "ps ax".
This is error-prone, only use it with programs that have a unique name.
With defaults timeout and sleep_before_retry values, it will try keep trying
for 5 minutes, but not more than once per second.
:param programs: list of programs to check for, e.g. ["xfce4-desktop"]
:param timeout: approximate time in seconds until timeout
:param sleep_before_retry: time in seconds to sleep before trying again
print("Looking for programs to appear in the VM (timeout: " + str(timeout) +
"): " + ", ".join(programs))
ssh_works = False
end = time.monotonic() + timeout
last_try = 0
while last_try < end:
# Sleep only when last try exited immediately
sleep = last_try - time.monotonic() + sleep_before_retry
if sleep > 0:
last_try = time.monotonic()
# Get running programs via SSH
all = ssh_run(args, "ps ax")
if not all:
ssh_works = True
# Missing programs
missing = []
for program in programs:
if program not in all:
if not missing:
return True
# Not found
print("ERROR: Timeout reached!")
if ssh_works:
print("Programs not running: " + ", ".join(missing))
print("Could not connect to the VM via SSH")
return False
def test_none(args, tmpdir, qemu):, tmpdir)
# Check that at least SSH works (no special process running)
assert is_running(args, [])
# self-test of is_running() - invalid-process should not be detected as running
assert is_running(args, ["invalid-process"], 1) is False
def test_xfce4(args, tmpdir, qemu):, tmpdir, "xfce4")
assert is_running(args, ["xfce4-session", "xfdesktop", "xfce4-panel",
"Thunar", "dbus-daemon", "xfwm4"])
def test_plasma_mobile(args, tmpdir, qemu):
# NOTE: Once we have plasma mobile running properly without GL, we can check
# for more processes, tmpdir, "plasma-mobile")
assert is_running(args, ["polkitd"])